Инфоурок География Другие методич. материалыСценарий внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку для 2-4 классов

Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку для 2-4 классов

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 внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку
Once upon a time…”.

Good morning, dear children!

Good morning, dear parents!

Today we’d like to show you how we can learn, rest and play. Our English holiday is called “Once upon a time…”.

Здравствуйте, дорогие дети!

Здравствуйте, дорогие родители!

Сегодня мы хотим показать вам как мы умеем учиться, отдыхать и играть. Наш праздник английского языка называется «Жили – были…»

Ребята 3 и 4 классов покажут хорошо известные вам сказки. Поддержите их, ребята очень старались!

Let’s begin our performance!

Once upon a time there lived…”Three bears”.

The pupils of the 3-d grade will play for you.

Мы предлагаем вашему вниманию постановку  «Три медведя» в исполнении ребят 3 класса.

THREE BEARS (A fairy-tale)







Three Bears are sitting at the table, drinking milk.

MOTHER BEAR: Take your cup, Father!

 FATHER BEAR: Thank you!

 MOTHER BEAR: Take your little cup, Baby.

BABY BEAR: Thank you, Mummy dear... . Mother, it is too hot!

FATHER BEAR: Then let us go for a walk.

The Bears go out of the room.


A Little Girl comes in and looks round.

LITTLE GIRL: Whose room can it be? (Looking at the table I am hungry.3 (Sits down at the table and tastes the milk Oh, this milk is too hot for me! ... Oh, this milk is t cold for me! ... This milk is just right for me.

The noise of the Bears' steps is heard. The Girl hides under the tab


The Bears enter the room and take their places at the table.

FATHER BEAR: My cup is not full.

MOTHER BEAR: And my cup is not full.

BABY BEAR: And my cup is empty.They look round

Oh, and who is this? A little girl!


Let us eat her up!

 LITTLE GIRL: No, you won't!

Runs away. The Bears try to catch her, but fall down.

MOTHER BEAR: It is your fault, Father! You fell' and fell, too!

BABY BEAR: And I fell because you fell. (All together, shaking their heads): And the Little Girl ha run away. Oh! Oh! Oh!

Once upon a time there lived…”Three Little Kittens”-«Три маленьких котенка».

Ребята, вы помните стихотворение «Перчатки»? Это перевод английской песенки, сделанный  известным детским поэтом С. Маршаком:

Английская песенка

Потеряли котятки
На дороге перчатки
И в слезах прибежали домой:
- Мама, мама, прости,
Мы не можем найти,
Мы не можем найти

- Потеряли перчатки?
Вот дурные котятки!
Я вам нынче не дам пирога.
Мяу-мяу, не дам,
Мяу-мяу, не дам,
Я вам нынче не дам пирога!

Побежали котятки, 
Отыскали перчатки
И, смеясь, прибежали домой.
- Мама, мама, не злись, 
Потому что нашлись, 
Потому что нашлись

- Отыскали перчатки?
Вот спасибо, котятки!
Я за это вам дам пирога.
Мур-мур-мур, пирога, 
Мур-мур-мур, пирога, 
Я за это вам дам пирога!









AUTHOR: The three little kittens

Lost their mittens,

And they began to cry.

1st KITTEN: Oh, Mother dear,

 2nd KITTEN: We very much fear

3rd KITTEN (crying): That we have lost our mittens!

CAT: Lost your mittens,

You naughty kittens!

Then you will have no pie

 The  Kittens go away,

AUTHOR: The three little kittens

Found their mittens,

And they began to cry.

The Kittens run in.


Oh, Mother dear,

1st KITTEN (showing the mittens):See here,

2nd KITTEN (showing the mittens):See here,

3rd KITTEN (showing the mittens):See, we have found our mittens.

CAT: Oh, you're good kittens!

 Put on your mittens,

And you will have some pie.

Gives them pies.

But I smell a mouse close by

 (All together): We smell a mouse close by.


The Cat and Kittens leave the stage.

Once upon a time there lived… “The Wolf and Three Little Kittens”.







her children



A room in the Cat's house. The Cat and her three Kittens are sitting at the table. She is reading a book to them.

CAT (rising): Children, I am going to buy something for supper. You must be good and sit still, or the Wolf will hear you.

She puts on her hat and coat, takes a basket and goes away. And the three Kittens sit still and try to be very good.

BLACK KITTEN: I shall read and sit very still.

GREY KITTEN: I shall write and sit very still.

WHITE KITTEN: I shall look out of the window and sit very still.

The  Wolf comes up   to the door and looks through the key-hole.

WOLF (to himself): Big Cat is not at home. I shall go into the house and eat up all her kittens. What a good supper I shall have!

He knocks at the door.

KITTENS (all together): Who is that?

WOLF: It's me, your mother. Open the door.

WHITE KITTEN: Show me your paw? through the window.

The Wolf shows his paw through the window.

WHITE KITTEN: This is not Mother's paw. Mother's paw is white, and your paw is black. I shall not open the door to you.

In a minute the Wolf comes to the door again and knocks.

KITTENS (together): Who is that?

WOLF: It's me, your mother. Open the door.

KITTENS: Show us your paw.

The Wolf shows them his paw through the window; it is wrapped in a white handkerchief and it is white this time.

KITTENS: Your paw looks very white, but your voice

is not sweet. You are not our mother.

 WOLF (to himself): What can I do to make my voice sweet?

Oh, I know, I shall eat sugar5 and my voice will be sweet.

He takes out of his pocket some pieces of sugar, eats them up and knocks at the door again.

KITTENS: Who is that?

WOLF (in a sweet voice): It's me, your mother. Open the door.

 KITTENS: That is Mother! That is Mother! Let's open the door.

They open the door.

WOLF: Ha, ha! It's not your mother. It's me, the Wolf. I shall eat you up, dear kittens!

Three little Kittens, screaming, run about the room to hide. Black Kitten hides behind a chair. White Kitten hides in the wardrobe. Grey Kitten hides under the table. The Wolf rushes in. He is very angry because he does not see the Kittens. He begins to look for them.

WHITE KITTEN: Ha, ha, Big Wolf, you don't see us.

GREY KITTEN: Hay, Big Wolf, you cannot eat us up.

BLACK KITTEN: Go home, Bad Wolf; you will have no supper.

The Cat's voice is heard from the street. CAT: My little kittens, open the door to your mother. The Wolf runs away. Then the Cat comes in.

CAT: Children, where are you?

The Kittens come out and speak all at once.

BLACK KITTEN: Oh, Mother, the Wolf is here.

 WHITE KITTEN: The Wolf wanted to eat us up.

GREY KITTEN: But he didn't see us.

CAT: Don't let anyone  in when your mother is out.

Ребята,  вы поняли, что сказала мама – кошка своим котятам?

- «Дети, никому не открывайте двери нашего дома, когда меня дома нет».

И вы, ребята, должны всегда помнить об этом: если родителей нет дома, то к детям не может быть никаких вопросов, никаких дел.

Let’s go further. Once upon a time there lived…”The Ant and the Dragonfly”.

– Ребята, вы  знаете басню Крылова «Стрекоза и муравей»? Чем закончилась басня? Муравей проучил стрекозу, сказав ей «Лето целое все пела, ты все пела, это дело, так пойди же, попляши!»

В нашей сказке конец более счастливый: муравей пожалел стрекозу , великодушно простил ее, впустил к себе в дом холодной зимой и стрекоза пообещала ему, что теперь всегда будет работать.

THE ANT  AND  THE Dragon – fly (A fable)




Dragon - fly


STORY-TELLER: It is summer now. The day is hot and sunny.

 An Ant is working near its little house.

ANT: Oh, how hot it is! I am very tired.  But I must work.

Winter will come soon.

STORY-TELLER: And who is coming here? It is a DRAGON - FLY

DRAGON - FLY: How do you do, Ant? What are you doing?

ANT: How do you do, Dragon - fly? I am working.

 DRAGON - FLY: Why are you working? The day is hot. Stop working. Let's lie in the sun.

ANТ: No, по. Winter will come soon. Where shall I get food then?

DRAGON - FLY: Winter will not come soon. It is summer now. It is so nice in the fields. Let's go to the river.

ANT: No, I can't. And what do you do all the time?

DRAGON - FLY: I dance and sing all day long. Let's dance and sing together.

ANT: No, no. I have no time to dance and sing. The winter is long and cold. I must be ready for it.

DRAGON - FLY:: I don't like winter. I like summer. Look how I can dance. (Dancing.) I don't like to work in summer.

ANT: But you must! What will you eat in winter?

 DRAGON - FLY: I don't want to think of winter. Good-bye, Ant !  I shall sing and dance.

Goes away, dancing.

ANT: Good-bye, Dragon - fly. You don't want to work now. You will have nothing to eat in winter.



STORY-TELLER: It is winter now. It is very cold. The sun doesn't shine. The Dragon - fly is cold and hungry.

DRAGON - FLY: Oh, how cold it is! I am cold and hungry. What can I do? Oh, here is Ant's house.

He knocks at the door.

ANT (comes out): Who is there?

DRAGON - FLY: It's your friend, the Dragon - fly.

ANT; What do you want?

DRAGON - FLY: Let me in, please. I am cold and hungry.

Give me something to eat. ANT: You danced and sang all summer, Dragon - fly. Now

dance and sing all winter. Good-bye!

He closes the door. The Dragon - fly drops his head and goes away shivering and crying  bitterly.

STORY-TELLER: You see, children, what happens, when

you do not want to work in time.

ANT (out of the window): All right! Come in! That will be

a lesson for you. Will you work in summer?

DRAGON - FLY: Oh, I am ready to work even in winter!

Thank you, my dear friend!

Вы должны помнить, ребята, что трудолюбие вознаграждается, а трудность, леность наказывается: - “Industry (diligence) is rewarded, giddiness (idleness) is punished”. Этот духовный закон никто не отменял.

Once upon a time there lived…”Tom Sawyer and Aunt Polly”. (After «The Adventures of Tom Sawyer» by Mark Twain).

А сейчас мы представляем вашему вниманию отрывок из повести «Приключения Тома Сойера» американского писателя Марка Твена, Том Сойер – сирота, его воспитывает родная тетя, добродушная тетя Полли, которая великодушно прощает все его выходки и которая его очень любит. Итак, смотрим сценку в исполнении ребят 4 класса.

TOM SAWYER AND AUNT POLLY (After The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain)







AUNT POLLY: Tom!... Tom!... (No answer.) Where is the

boy? Tom!

TOM (appearing): Here I am.

AUNT POLLY: Oh, you've been to that closet. What were

you doing there?

TOM: Nothing.

AUNT POLLY: Nothing! Look at your hands. (Tom looks at his hands.) And look at your mouth. What is that?

TOM: I don't know, Aunt.

AUNT POLLY: Well, I know. It's jam, that's what it is.

(Pointing to a switch on the floor.) Hand me that switch!

TOM: Oh, look behind you, Aunt!

Aunt Polly looks behind her. Tom runs away. Aunt Polly stands surprised for a moment, then she breaks into a laugh.


AUNT POLLY: Tom, go and whitewash the fence.

ГОМ: Oh, Auntie, I can't. I'll do it ... tomorrow.

AUNT POLLY: Whitewash the fence, I say! (Goes away.)

Tom begins whitewashing the fence. Ben appears. He has an apple in his hand.

BEN: What are you doing?

TОМ: I am whitewashing the fence.

BEN: Do you want to say you like it?

TOM:Of course, I do. Does a boy whitewash a fence every day?

Tom goes on whitewashing. He does not look at Ben.

BEN: Tom, let me whitewash a little!

ГОМ: No, I can't. Jim wanted to do" it, but Aunt Polly did not let him.

BEN: Tom, do let me. I'll give you my apple.

TОМ: All right.

He takes the apple, sits down and begins to eat it. Ben  is whitewashing the fence.   Billy  appears.

BILLY: Hello! What are you doing here?

BEN: Tom and I are whitewashing the fence.

BILLY: You don't think it is interesting, do you?

BEN: We do. Jim wanted to do it, but Aunt Polly did let him.

BILLY: Let me whitewash a little!

BEN: No, I won't!

They begin fighting.

TOM: Stop thatl Now it's your turn' to whitewash, Bill

Now Billy is working.

TOM: Now it's your turn to whitewash, Ben.

Now Ben is working.

AUNT POLLY (appearing): Oh, it's all done! You are a g boy, Tom. You can work when you want to. Now you m go and play.

TOM: Hurrah! Let's run to the river! They run away.

На этом наше представление окончилось. Благодарим вас за внимание!

Thank you for your attention. Good – bye!

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Краткое описание документа:

Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку "Once upon a time..." ( "Жили-были..." ) составлен на основе материала сборника " Poems and plays for children" ( "Стихи и пьесы для детей" ), составленного и адаптированного К.А. Родкиным и Т.А. Соловьевой и выпущенного в 1989 году издательством "Просвещение". Данный материал предназначен для обучающихся 2-4 (5) классов и представлен в виде пьес и стихов. Это внеклассное мероприятие станет настоящим праздником английского языка для обучающихся.

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