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Сценарий гражданского форума на английском языке

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Бирюкова О.П.

учитель английского языка высшей категории

г. Брянск

МБОУ «Гимназия №7имени Героя России С.В. Василёва»


Гражданский Форум

как одна из форм обучения иностранному языку:

сценарий внеклассного мероприятия


В новом образовательном стандарте введена новая рубрика: «опыт познавательной и практической деятельности», что должно усилить практическую направленность преподавания. Применение новых форм содержания требует введения новых форм занятий и внеурочной деятельности.  Занятие теперь это не только передача знаний, а прежде всего обучение жизни в демократическом обществе и правовом государстве, то, что называется социализацией личности.

Гражданский форум - нетрадиционная форма занятия, это дискуссия, ведущаяся по особым правилам, на основе дискуссионной брошюры или дискуссионного материала, составленными учениками под руководством учителя в подготовительный период.

При подготовке к форуму ученики собирают статистический материал по проблеме, оформляя его в презентацию, составляют дискуссионную карту. Они также готовят видео подборку по проблеме дальнейшего обсуждения.

Дискуссию ведёт модератор, который отвечает за координацию всего процесса диалога. Из ряда учащихся отбираются ведущие, которые представляют подготовленный материал, как отправную точку дискуссии.

В дальнейшем модератор предлагает взгляд на проблему с трёх различных точек зрения в плане её решения, объективных сложностей на пути к этому, их существенных преимуществ и рисков.

В ходе обсуждения за круглым столом, учащиеся рассматривают три подхода, в это время секретари из числа ведущих кратко фиксируют на доске все высказанные мнения.

В итоге все могут наблюдать тенденцию мнений по данному вопросу, все за и против и возможные пути решения проблемы. В конце дискуссии проводится рефлексия и подведение итогов.

Гражданский форум – это новый метод интерактивного обучения иностранному языку, который стимулирует речевую деятельность.

Во-первых, в решение учебных проблем вовлекаются все, так что пассивных молчунов становится все меньше и со временем вовсе не остается.

Во-вторых, учащиеся быстро приучаются к самостоятельности, отучаются от подсказок, так как учитель никогда не сообщит готового ответа, и привыкают к мыслительному и практическому поиску новых знаний для решения учебной задачи.

В-третьих, обогащается опыт речемыслительного общения, когда учащийся незаметно для самого себя приобретает начальные ораторские качества, учится быстро находить аргументы и контраргументы в споре, стараясь использовать активный и пассивный словарный запас по языку.

Проведение подобного занятия требует серьезной предварительной подготовки, привлечение дополнительных источников информации, методика затратная по времени. Но безусловно, гражданский форум на иностранном языке – это не только метод, это - новая линия поведения преподавателя, новая форма его взаимоотношения со учениками.

Вашему вниманию предлагается примерный сценарий гражданского форума «Подростковая преступность в Брянской области: пути решения проблемы».


The Civil Forum





to increase knowledge of students of such concepts as “disorderly conduct”, “crime”, “an administrative offense”;

to acquaint students with different aspects of the consequences of offences, from the standpoint of law and from the point of view of morality;

to foster law-abiding behavior;

to develop civil and patriotic consciousness of students.



Presenter 1

             Hello! We are pleased to welcome all of you here. You are participants of the civil forum “JUVENILE CRIME IN THE BRYANSK REGION: THE SOLUTIONS TO THE PROBLEM». The task of the participants of the forum is the search for some common positions and views on the problem.

Presenter 2

            During our discussion we will search the way out through understanding how this problem affects people, through understanding some key factors of it, through the analysis of all "FOR" and "AGAINST", as well as the price of implications of each possible solution to the problem…

Presenter 1

           …through accepting others’ points of view, through expressing your own ideas, through overcoming a conflict of values. In the forum you will be able to learn about the interconnectedness of freedom, responsibility and choice and discuss the value of active involvement of every person in public life.

Presenter 2                                                                                                                                       We hope that as a result of this forum, you will understand the difference between freedom and responsibility. Now we are going to say a few words about what a civic forum is.

Presenter 3

How to solve problems faced by our country, our city or village? Some rely on politicians in the position of authority; others don’t, hoping only on themselves. However, the effectiveness of these efforts is negligible, since it is impossible to achieve success by the efforts of individuals without mutual support and understanding. How do we learn to understand each other? How to learn to negotiate?

Presenter 4                                                                                                                           `          Civic forum is a new form of a discussion of socially significant problems for Russian citizens which offers more than a normal conversation. After all, the question is not whether to speak or not to speak and how to speak. Civic forum is a school of co-decision, a choice of some common position in the open public dialogue.

Presenter 3

Any real choice is only possible when the surface conventional wisdom turns into a deep social judgment. The view is like a snapshot of the mood of people. The truth is born in the attempt to understand the positions of citizens, to find a compromise, to foresee the consequences of decisions. It's not easy and requires certain skills. The aim of civic forums is to give us such skills.


Presenter 4

Civic forum suggests:

-          the analysis of different approaches to solving problems;

-          the discussion of all the pros and cons, costs and possible consequences of decisions;

-          the definition of a common platform for joint actions to tackle the problem.


Presenter 3

Each person is provided with the opportunity to express his own opinion of solving the problem through the dialogue with their fellow citizens and, thus, to influence the political decision-making authorities.



Presenters 1,2,3,4 (in turn)

The moderator will guide the discussion yet remaining neutral.

The moderator will make sure that:


  • everyone is encouraged to participate;
  • everyone understands that this is not a debate;
  • no one or two individuals dominate;
  • the discussion will focus on the choices;
  • all the major choices or positions on the issue are considered;
  • the atmosphere for discussion and analysis of alternatives is maintained;
  • and we listen to each other.



Moderator presents some video snippets about teenagers’ misbehavior, offences and crimes all over the world, some piece of news on the problem from the local TV, the opinion of psychologists.



Presenter 5

During the last few years in the Bryansk region the increase of juvenile delinquency is stated. Statistics shows that an increasing number of minors commit thefts, robberies, crimes in the sphere of illegal drug trafficking, murders. A special concern is serial crimes and crimes committed by groups of young people, a growing number of especially serious crimes, the trend of feminization of juvenile delinquency, the lowering age of offenders. More and more teenagers commit crimes while intoxicated. Moreover, offenses are committed by both guys from poor, single-parent families, and prosperous ones.




Presenter 6

In recent years, our region faces a particularly urgent problem of juvenile crime. Experts from various fields have expressed their concern about the degradation of the younger generation, which has not yet started to live, but has already deprived themselves of the prospects to find a worthy place in the society.

Presenter 5

In 2015 Bryansk teenagers committed 354 crimes, according to the regional Prosecutor’s Office data. All in all, teenagers committed 242 thefts, 21 robberies, 15 crimes related to drug trafficking, nine robberies and two murders. Minor offenders committed 144 crimes in groups, 64 crimes in interaction with adults.

Presenter 6

There is a tendency to the criminal activity of younger and younger children. In 2016 the number of adolescents in conflict with the law increased again. Nearly every fifth crime is committed by minors under the influence of alcohol or drugs. One of the burning problems was the increase in juvenile female crime. The characteristic of crimes of minors is that they are getting more violent, unmotivated, and aggressive.

Presenter 5

In 2016, the number of teenagers registered in the government system of prevention increased from 418 to 490. 6443 parents were brought to the administrative responsibility (+49,7%) and 384 adults (+14,3%) were punished for the involvement of minors in the consumption of beer and alcoholic beverages.

Presenter 6

Today there are five hundred children in the rehabilitation regional center. In Bryansk 106 adolescents were being treated for drug addiction at the moment.

What measures should be taken to reduce and prevent the growth of juvenile crime in our area? The problem requires public discussion and collaborative decisions.



The following discussion is conducted by the moderator of the forum. The presenters can take part in the discussion at the round table.



Why are teens on the path of delinquency and crime? Do you personally see the problem in our region? Maybe, you have already come across the cases of teenagers’ crimes, or were even involved in some acts of misbehavior.


The participants of the forum discuss the possible reasons for teenagers’ misconduct. They also tell about their own experience of coming across juvenile crime. The flowing materials from the Internet can be used as the examples during the discussion.


Russian Teenager Accused of Gay Propaganda      

          A schoolgirl in Russia's Bryansk region has been accused of breaking the country's anti-gay propaganda law to become the first minor to fall foul of the legislation.

An investigation was launched after the girl "openly declared herself to be a person of non-traditional sexual orientation", according to the online news portal Znak.com.  The exact location and name of the girl, who is believed to be aged between 14 and 15, has not been revealed.                                                                                                                                        She was found guilty of "systematically disseminating information directed at the formation of distorted ideas about social equality among traditional and non-traditional sexual relations", according to the website.                                                                                                            Authorities reportedly dropped the criminal case against the teenager as she did not sexually assault anyone. She will be placed under the supervision of the local juvenile commission.                                                                                                                                            The Bryansk regional prosecutor's office said it was investigating the case.

Mode of access: wwwibtimes.co.uk


In the Bryansk region of the polling station was stolen webcam                                                 In the village Sachkovichi Klimovsk district of the Bryansk region disclosed the theft web cameras installed in the precinct. On February 14 this website reported the Interior Ministry.           Two Logitech webcam and a laptop Lenovo were installed in the rural culture of the House to broadcast presidential elections March 4, 2012. House of Culture was not guarded, so the thief was able to February 12 easily break the glass, to get inside, squeeze the metal box door and steal equipment.                                                                                                                             To investigate the theft of the signal "levy" lifted the entire staff of the Municipal Department of the Interior Ministry "Novozybkov" (and the jurisdiction for this department Klimovsky district). In Sachkovichi left a team of investigators led by Deputy Chief of Police Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Bryansk region, Alexander Pozdnyakov.                                 Soon, the suspect in the theft was arrested. This young man previously convicted in 1990 of birth. During the search he found a camera and a laptop.

Mode of access: www.newspapers.ru 





We invite you to consider and analyze three approaches to solving the problem.

The first approach assumes that in order to influence minors we need to undertake strict measures with the principle of tightening punishments and its inevitability. The proponents of the second approach believe that for the prevention of delinquency and crime new approaches to forms and methods of upbringing and education of the young generation in the direction of building respect for human values: morals, morality, the culture of behavior should be created. The third point of view implies that, for the prevention of crime among adolescents it is necessary to expand the network of local agencies offering employment and psychological assistance, as well as the organization of leisure time of adolescents.



The participants of the forum discuss all the pros and cons of each approach. They try to find out what special actions can be taken here and what risks are possible. The ideas below can be used in the discussion.


Specific actions:  

·         to reduce the age of bringing to the administrative and criminal responsibility, from 14 to 12 years old;

·         to use such measures of punishment even for minor offences as restriction and deprivation of freedom;  

·         to strengthen parental responsibility for upbringing and education of a child;

·         to strengthen responsibility for parents who neglect their own children;  

·         to toughen punishment for selling alcoholic products to teenagers;  

·         to apply wider temporary isolation of adolescents who have committed offences;  

·         to strengthen control over the children who miss classes at school;  

·         to make adolescents in conflict with the law for the first time take part in public works;  

·         to increase patrolling of the streets by police in the evening and at night;  

·         to promote and support the revival of social forms for crime prevention (voluntary militia, civic patrols for the protection of public order, etc.).  


What supporters say:  

·         there must be the inevitability of punishment, as a measure of influence on minors. In case of impunity teenagers commit another crime;  

·         there is a positive foreign experience of tougher relations in regard to juvenile offenders;  

·         the fear of being punished can stop people from committing crimes;  

·         a public reprimand and a suspended prison sentence are not taken seriously by teens;  

·         all young murderers and rapists should be isolated from society as they are dangerous for people.  


Arguments of opponents:  

·         the level of cruelty of adolescents has increased significantly, crime has become much younger, and the level of responsibility has remained the same in spite of all the strict measures;  

·         the young should not be responsible for minor crimes as adults;

·         the introduction of juvenile courts should seriously reduce juvenile crime;  

·         we don't give a chance to children and teenagers to improve;

·         very strong measures don’t guarantee law-abiding behavior;  

·         the children of wealthy parents can escape the punishment;  

·         forbidden fruit is sweet; teenagers think problems will not affect them. 


What we risk:  

It’s very difficult for adolescents after the sentence to return to normal life in the society and there is a high probability of re-offending. 




Specific actions:  

·         to introduce the subject “Law” to schools;  

·         to promote law-abiding behavior in the media;  

·         to create school councils for prevention of offenses among teenagers;  

·         to promote the formation of public associations working with juveniles:

·         to strengthen the participation of parents in the preventive work with teens;  

·         to involve the representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church, and other faiths in the enlightening work;  

·         to teach parents constructive interaction with adolescents;  

·         to activate preventive work among teenagers on the Internet. 


What supporters say:  

·         we need to return to a serious system of education in schools, forming a system of human values among young people;  

·         we really need improvement of the quality of educational work with authorities, organizations, citizens;  

·         through these activities we can cover a large number of people, including adolescents;  

·         to develop and apply effective programs, methods, training will have a very serious preventive effect;  

·         skills and habits of behavior developed in the childhood are an important aspect of the nature and seriously affect human behavior in the future;  

·         different violations of the law by a persons of a young age indicate the existing shortcomings of education and the need to eliminate them. 


 Arguments of opponents:  

·         we do not enough trained professionals who know how to effectively conduct education among adolescents;  

·         education is often given, as a rule, formally, the main criterion is only the overall coverage of students;  

·         the responsibility for prevention lies within the power structures, and their work includes only informing about problems not real help for the children who found themselves in a difficult situation;  

·         schools are not always willing to cooperate with public organizations;  

·         the crime rate has increased, despite extensive prevention efforts, the existing laws, programs and projects;  

·         children and adolescents are so busy and overloaded with information in and out of school already.  


What we risk:  

To change human consciousness is a long and complicated way; we will not be able to change the situation quickly. 




 Specific actions:  

·       to expand the network of free clubs and sections for teens;  

·       to encourage the development of youth organizations;  

·       to revive the school psychological support service;  

·       to arrange special summer labor camps for teenagers;  

·       to develop neighborhood and family sports and recreation;  

·       to stimulate business to create workplaces for teenagers;  

·       to organize centers for the prevention of family conflicts, in which any family or teenager can get help and support. 


What supporters say:  

·            it is important to create as many sports clubs and sections where adolescents will be engaged in something useful;  

·            we need to help teenagers in difficult life situations, to provide timely psychological assistance and support;  

·            it is important to create conditions so that once those young people released from places of imprisonment, would have the opportunity to integrate into the society and to find employment;  

·            being busy a teenager can develop his full potential, feel valued by other members of the society;  

·            there is a demand and need for meaningful and interesting leisure activities in all children and adolescents;  

·            in those regions where programs of prevention work properly, various ways of leisure activities are funded, the juvenile crime indicators are lower than in other regions. 


Arguments of opponents:  

·       it is a very costly approach; the state support is not sufficient for its realization;  

·       many families can’t afford to pay for sports clubs, sections because of their high prices;  

·       today's children are very difficult to be distracted from gadgets and be pulled out of the house;  

·       despite the fact that most young people, have a working profession, they are still reluctant to take a job;  

·       many existing youth organizations have failed to win broad recognition of the youth

·       there are too few youth organizations which have become a notable assistant in addressing youth problems and education of the young generation;  

·       we do not have enough professionals able to work with teenagers based on their own social-psychological characteristics.  


What we risk:  

It is very difficult to involve everyone; especially homeless adolescents or those who have problems with the law into socially meaningful activities. 




To draw the line, we can see that we have made a complete review of the problem. Now we can come to some conclusions. So, the most relevant problems of our modern society include the rise in crime among the young, the spread of violence in youth environment. The rise in teenage crime today is one of the urgent problems in our region. There is a very negative trend here nowadays: crime is getting younger, we have re-increased juvenile delinquency, more girls commit offences, and the level of violence of crimes committed by young people has significantly increased. 


We offered you to discuss this all in the Civil Forum. As far as you remember, the first approach said that we needed strict prohibitive and repressive measures in relation to any criminal conduct.  Let us see how many minuses and pluses we have in this approach. The second approach was aimed at raising law-abiding and caring attitude to the young citizens who have problems with the law.  Let’s compare it with the first approach and see whether the participants were more or less positive about it. The third approach was aimed at the creation of conditions for employment, leisure of the younger generation and the provision of social support and assistance to young people who have already committed crimes. If we look at the pros and cons of this approach we can define which approach is seen as the most efficient by our participants at the moment.



At the end of the forum all the participants fill in the questionnaire on the results of the discussions to see what common conclusion is possible to come to after the all-side view of the problem.



1. Below there are THREE REASONS why we can consider this topic relevant. Which would you define as the 1st on the relevance of, the 2nd, the 3rd? (Enter “1”,”2*’3” in the squares)

·         The lack of proper attention and supervision from parents and responsible services, too soft responsibility for committing a crime lead to the confidence in their impunity and unlawful behavior.

·         The growth of adolescent delinquency is the consequence of inadequate education at home and school, ignorance of minors of their rights and responsibilities, non-compliance with the basic norms of ethics, morality, culture of behavior in the society.

·         The problem of teenage crime is aggravated by unsatisfactory organization of leisure and employment of the younger generation, weak social system of support and assistance to young people with some problems with the law.

2) Below there are THREE strategies that we, as a society, can choose. Which would you define as the best, less successful, the worst (respectively: 1-I 2-I, 3-I)?

·         for you personally

·         for your family

·         for our country

What is the degree of importance of this issue in your opinion? (very important, important, unimportant, important at all, I don`t know) Enter “1” 2”3" into the squares (respectively: 1-I 2-I, 3-I)?

·         Strict control over "difficult" teenagers, tougher penalties for offences and crimes, strengthening of responsibility of parents for default of duties on education of their children will help to change the situation for the better.

·         The prevention of delinquency and crime of adolescents must be associated care and education of young people, formation of legal awareness, respect for universal values: ethics, morals, behavior in society.

·         It is necessary to create conditions for employment, leisure of the younger generation and provision of social support and assistance to adolescents who have problems with the law

Thank you for your active participation!


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