Инфоурок Иностранные языки Другие методич. материалыСценарий открытого урока по английскому языку в 5 классе "5 o'clock tea"

Сценарий открытого урока по английскому языку в 5 классе "5 o'clock tea"

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Сценарий открытого урока в 5 классе

“5 oclock tea



Цель урока: Умение использовать лексический и грамматический материал в устной речи. Совершенствование навыков диалогической речи.


Задачи урока :
: - Развитие языковой компетентности учащихся.

развивающие: - развивать умения во всех видах речевой деятельности;
воспитательные:- воспитывать интерес к культуре Великобритании; воспитывать чувство товарищества, сотрудничества и взаимопонимания.


Класс – импровизированное кафе: столики накрыты скатертями. На столиках стоят вазочки с цветами.

Звучит английская музыка «Зеленые рукава».


Вступительное слово: - Have you ever been to London?

                                             Would you like to be in London?


Up and down, up and down

Which is the way to London town?

Where, where?

It’s in the air

Close your eyes

And you are there.


Ребята оказываются в Лондоне Звучит английская народная музыка

На экране – Биг Бен


1-й ученик: Oh, look! This is Big Ben.

Big Ben is the national symbol of Great Britain. It was built in 1858 by the English architect August Pugin. Every year many people visit London to see Big Ben. Big Ben is a high tower with a very big clock.

2-й ученик: But that’s not really true. Big Ben is the huge bell inside the building. Its weight is about 13 tons and its height is 318 feet. It rings every hour daily: once at one o’clock, twice at two o’clock and so on. Big Ben is one of the famous buildings of the United Kingdom.

Звучит английская народная музыка

На экране – Тауэр

3-й ученик: And this is the Tower. The Tower of London is one of the most  popular of London's historical sites. It consists of 20 towers. The oldest of them is the White Tower. It dates back to the 11th century. Various kings used the Tower of London  for many purposes. The Tower was a royal palace, an arsenal, a state prison, a zoo. Now it is a museum. The Tower is famous as home of the Crown Jewels. You can see the Crown of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother with the famous Indian diamond.


4-й ученик: The ravens are one of the most famous sights at the Tower. They have lived in the Tower from its very beginning. The legend says that only so long as they are in the Tower will the Tower stand. If the ravens leave the Tower, the Crown and England will fall. Each raven has got its name. The Raven Master gives them raw meat every day.  They can’t fly away, because their wings are clipped. The Beefeaters protect the Tower. They still wear their Tudor uniform.


Звучит английская народная музыка

На экране – Букингемский дворец

5-й ученик:  Look! That is Buckingham Palace. The history of Buckingham Palace began in 1702 when the Duke of Buckingham had it built as his London home. Buckingham Palace is the official residence and London home of the British Royal family. Outside Buckingham Palace you can watch a colorful ceremony of the Changing the Guard. It happens every day at 11.30 a.m. There are 755 rooms in Buckingham Palace . When the flag is flying on the top of the palace the Queen is at home.


6-й  ученик: Hello! My name is Romana. I am from radio a programme called Desert Island Discs. Can I interview you?

 What record would you like to take with you to a desert island?

What book would you like to take with you to a desert island?

You can take one special thing. What would you like to take? Why?

Thank you for your interview. Have a nice day!

Все: Have a nice day!

2-й ученик: What time is it?

5-й ученик: It’s 5 o’clock.

1-й ученик: It’s time for 5 o’clock tea.

3-й ученик: But where can we have a cup of tea? Do you know the nearest café?

2-й ученик: I know. We should go straight ahead, cross the street at the traffic lights, past the supermarket and turn right and the café will be there. It is calledAlice”.

5-й ученик: Lets go


Звучит музыка. Ребята идут в кафе.

Входят в кафе. Занимают столик. К ним подходит официантка

3-й ученик: Can we have the menu, please?

Официантка: Here it is.

Ребята читают меню. Учитель рассказывает о традиции


Учитель: England is a special country. English people respect their traditions very much. It’s true and one of the well-known English traditions is 5 o’clock tea. This tradition was introduced in England by Anna, the seventh Duchess of Bedford, in 1840.

       The Duchess would become hungry around four o'clock in the afternoon. The evening meal in her household was served fashionably late at eight o'clock, thus leaving a long period of time between lunch and dinner. The Duchess asked a cup of tea, bread and butter and a cake. That became a habit of hers and she began inviting her friends to join her.

      Soon this pause for tea became a fashionable social event. During the 1880's upper-class and society women would change into long dresses, gloves and hats for their afternoon tea which was usually served in the living room between four and five o'clock. It was a chance for ladies and gentlemen to exchange gossip, plan future parties and be introduced to new acquaintances. Cakes, bread and butter,  biscuits, ice-cream, fruits and sandwiches comprised the food.

     So, if you want to feel English invite your friends for a cup of tea. Don’t forget that English people drink tea with milk. Enjoy your afternoon tea and practice your English.

And now we have something for our guests. It’s Queen Elizabeth’s favourite recipe.


Маша вручает гостям  рецепт королевы Елизаветы


3-й ученик: Waitress!

Официантка: Yes, can I take your order?

3-й ученик: Yes, we are ready. I would like a cup of tea and a piece of chocolate cake.

Официантка: Sorry, but the chocolate cake is finished. Why don’t you try the chocolate muffin?

3-й ученик: Thank you for the recommendation!

Официантка: And what would you like?

1-й ученик: I would like a cup of tea and a muffin too.


4-й ученик: The same for me


2-й ученик: I would like a cup of tea and a piece of apple pie.


5-й ученик: And I would like a cup of tea and a piece of fruit cake.

Официантка: I will be right back with your order.


Сценка «Безумное чаепитие»

В центре стоит стол, сервированный на большое количество людей.

Звучит музыка. Входят и усаживаются за стол Болванщик, Мартовский заяц и Соня. За ними входит Алиса


Alice: Very uncomfortable for the Dormouse, only as it’s asleep, I suppose it doesn’t mind. (Подходит к столу и хочет сесть за него.)

Hatter: No, no! No room!

March Hare: There isn’t a place for you!

Alice: There are a lot of places. (Садится в большое кресло.)

March Hare: Have some wine.

Alice: I don’t see any lemonade.

March Hare: There isn’t any.

Alice: Then it wasn’t very polite of you to offer it.

March Hare: It wasn’t very polite of you to sit down without being invited.

Alice: I didn’t know it was your table. It is laid for a great many than three.

Hatter: Your hair wants cutting.

Alice: You should learn not to make personal remarks. It is very rude.

(Болванщик достает из кармана часы, озабоченно смотрит на них, встряхивает, подносит к уху, и опять встряхивает.)

Hatter: What day is it today?

Alice: Wednesday, I think.

Hatter: Two days wrong! I told you that butter wasn’t good for a watch.

March Hare: It was the best butter.

Hatter: Yes, but you put it with the bread knife. Some bread got in, perhaps.

(Мартовский заяц берет часы, смотрит на них печально и окунает в свою чашку, затем вытаскивает и внимательно осматривает их.)

March Hare: It was the best butter.

Alice: It tells the day, but it doesn’t tell you the time of the day.

Hatter: Why should it? Does your watch tell you what year it is?

Alice: No, but that’s because it’s the same year for a very long time.

March Hare: The Dormouse is asleep again! (Выплескивает чай на Соню.)

Dormouse: Of course, of course. Just what I was going to remark myself.

March Hare: Take some more tea.

Alice: Thank you. But I haven’t had any yet, so I can’t take more than nothing.

Hatter: Yes, you can. Anybody can take more than nothing. I want a clean cup. Lets all move one place on.


Все пересаживаются: Соня на место Болванщика, Мартовский заяц – на место Сони, а Алиса – без особого желания – на стул Зайца. Пересаживаясь, Мартовский заяц опрокидывает сахар и разливает чай


Alice: I dont think...

Hatter: Then you shouldn’t speak.

Alice(вставая из-за стола, сердито): Perhaps you’ll call me back. And then you’ll be nice to me and give me some tea and bread-and-butter. (Уходит.)


Официантка приносит заказ.


3-й ученик: We would like to pay now. Can we have a bill, please?

Официантка: Are you paying together?

3-й ученик: I am paying for everyone.

Официантка: Are you paying with a card?

3-й ученик: Yes.  Thank you, it was delicious.

Официантка: You are welcome!

2-й ученик: I really enjoyed it.

1-й ученик: I will come again.

5-й ученик: Everything was great.


Соревнование между командой ребят и командой гостей.

Учитель: It’s time for a competition. We have two teams: the team of our guests and the  

     team of our kids. Kids, what is the name of your team? And what is the name  

     of our guests team?


 Учитель пишет на доске названия команд. Магнитики – очки за правильные ответы.


1.     London Quiz

2.     Парочки

3.     What do you know about London?

Команды отвечают по очереди.

Подведение итогов. Вручение призов.

Ученик: Let’s sing the song about London bridge.

Ученик: Is that about London Bridge which was bought by Americans,

              shipped stone by stone to the USA and rebuilt in Arizona?

Все:   Yes it is!

Все поют песню “London bridge is fallen down”

Под музыку выходят из класса







1.     Меню

2.     Скатерти

3.     Вазочки с цветами

4.     Салфетки

5.     Чашки

6.     Тарелки

7.     Маффины

8.     Кусочек пирога с яблоками

9.     Кусочек фруктового торта



12.Карточка для оплаты заказа



15.Рецепт королевы Елизаветы


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