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Слова к озвучиванию мультфильма "Зима в Простоквашино"

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Озвучивание мультфильма на английском языке «Зима в Простоквашино»


Сцена 1( дом в Простоквашино): Печкин, Матроскин, Шарик,Птица

M: My, oh my.

B: Right!

M: What’s the matter?

B: Right!

M: The end of the20th century is outside…

B: Right!

M: But we’ve gota single pair of valenki for two. Like in day of  yore.

B: Right!

P: What happened? Don’tyou have the money? I mean don’t  you have enough money?

M: We have some money what we don’t have  is brains. I told  this hunter:

“Get yourself valenki. And you know what?”

P:  What?

M: He went and bought a pair of sneakers. “They are smarter, – he said.

P: Well, he hadn’t thought.

What is a traditional outfit in Russia in winter?

Valenki, warm coat and fur hat.

Nobody wears sneakers  in the cold.

M: He is a real goof,  isn’t he?

P: Go and  tell him that! Open his eyes to the reality!

M:I can`t do. We haven`t talked  to each other for two days.

Sh: Already for three days. I don’t  worry.

P: It’s no problem, you can send him a letter.

What you can’t say to the face, you writer in a letter.

What form? A simple one or greetings?

M: A simple one of course. Why spoil him?

Sh: Hah…Why spoil me indeed? I don’t need anything from you!

P: I haven’t simple ones just greetings.

M: Fine, give me the greeting one. Sharik, you are a goof.

P: Oh, it doesn’t sound  right. It’s a greeting form.

You start with  happy wishes.

M: Okay, okay, fine. Happy Wishes  to you, Sharik. You are a goof!

What do I write next?

P: You write about the weather …

M: The weather ... The weather is nice here.

Sh: Hah, hah! Very nice indeed! The snowstorm is terrible for two days. I don’t feel like shooting because of the snow.

P: Stop talking,  Mr Dog. In your letteryou will write about your weather.

Sh: I am not goting to answer his letter! I will throw a poker at him instead,

so he’ll stop calling me names.

P:Why throw anything when there’s  a post? Now we’ll  pock it and hand  it the cat. It comes out as a small parcel.They mailed you a poker, he wanted to hit it by it.

M: Whatdid he say!I’ll throw him aniron for that. Let it hit him.

P: Just a minute! It has more than a kilo! It comes out as a big parcel.We will now deliver it.


Сцена 2 (дома у ДФ): Мама, Папа, ДФ

Mum: I`m sick and tired of it!  Our flat is like a TV show called “What? Where? When?”

Dad:  Why?

Mum: Nobody knows what staff  is where and when it will all be over. And besides, my flowers are dropping because of your gasoline.

Dad: It’s not the gasoline doing that. Flowers droop where the climate is too serious.

Mum: But you have too much fun. You and Uncle Fyodor play table tennis and chess too all day long. You bought a very old car and repaired. I wonder if you want for anything else?

Dad: We had a short talk and decided something.

UF: Right.

D: We are absolutely sure to get another baby.

UF: Right!

D: To help away with all problems .

M: No! Never!

UF: And …We want to go to Prostokvashino for New Year !

Mum: You can go to Prostokvashino  if you wish but without me! I can’t I take part in New YearTV show.

UF: Why don’t you take  the late-night train and  join us.

Mum: Yes, of course, I love nature… But not so much to travel in a concert dress by train.

Dad: That’s true. They have frosting weather in to Prostokvashino now.You’d better to wear a concert warm coat and a concert valenki.

UF: I wonder how my friends Matroskin and Sharik are going on there?

(Приносят посылку)

Dad (читаетадрес): Ministry of Communications, the Prostokvashino  branch, a talking letter. I wonder, what`s inside?

(Открывает - вылетает птица.)

B: It`s me, Pechkin the Postman, I brought you Murzilka magazine!

(Отец читает письмо): Sharik and Matroskin are dividend the property.

B: Dot!

D: Going to saw up the stove.

B: Comma!

Dad: And then a house.

B: Dot!

Dad: The Postman Pechkin.

B: Dot!


Сцена 3 (Простоквашино): входит Печкин, Шарик, Матроскин:

M: Oh, that’s so good that you have come! I need to send an express  telegram to Sharik.

P: Please, start filling in the form.

M: Felt pen (пишет): Uncle Fyodor will come soon. Dot. Take my valenki and  go to the forest and get a New Year tree.

P: 20 words including delivery 50 copecksplease.

P: Mr Sharik!  A telegram for you! Are you going to write an answer?

Sh:Heh-heh. No, I don’t have  any money.

P: You should check in your pockets.

Sh:Heh-heh. I don’t have pockets. I`ll draw my answer for him(рисует).

M: So, what is this? What sort of folk art?

Sh: It is called Fig Vam   or – For Shame! It is a Native American Cabin.

M: Here we are! We have found him on the rubbish heap, washed him, clеaned him! And he draws «figvam» to us.

Oh, I wish Uncle Fyodor  got a turtle in a box instead.

Sh: Do you? And I don’t want to out down Christmas trees! If we start cutting down trees for New Year, only stumps will be in the forestIt’s only good for old ladies, you know, stumps for trees.

M: Why so? Why so?

Sh: You are stupid. They could sit on them!

And do you think about birds and hares?

Who would care about them?

M: Thinks about hares? And who would think about us? Admiral Ivan Fyodorovich Kruzenshtern?

P: Excuse me, may I ask for the purpose of education who was Ivan Kruzenshtern?

M: I’m not sure, but it was the name of ship on which my grandmother used to sail.

Sh:Heh-heh!  Unlike you he was a good man who didn’tout trees down!















Сцена 4 ( Простоквашино,те же)

P: The New Year is coming! I can hear the clock strike.

M: It’snot the clock. Somebody knocking at the door.

Sh: Yes? Come in!

(Входит отец, переодетый в деда Mороза)

D:  Hello! Guess, who I am?

P: You are Ivan Fyodorovitch Kuzenshtern, the man and the ship at the same time!

F: Are you crazy? (Снимает бороду): Holiday greetings!

 B: Who’s there? Who’s there?

 It`s me, the Postman Pechkin, I brought you Murzilka magazine!

Все: Hooray!

Sh: Happy New Year! But where is Uncle Fyodor?

Dad: He is in the car. We can`t drive .The road is blocked with snow.



Сцена на улице (толкают машину).

M: Well, I heard that there are sled dogs, but as for sled cats… That’s too much.

P: Have you ever heard about sled postmen?

Dad: Our winter roads  are so bad that it’s possible to meet sled professors.

UF: Hey! Stop!Stop! The car is out!Now I can drive  it myself.



(Сцена дома.)

M: I can’t but feel of late,

I haven’t  really been myself.

I dream no more of seas,

TV is now life itself.

What’s in the past.

I should no forget,

But not yet, but not yet.

Nor a neighbor, nor a friend

Feel like.

We have ever met,

Have ever met..

Dad:What a strange test pattern you have here.  It’s  allcircles.

P: This is notest pattern. They haveit all covered  with spider web. As they haven’t spoken to each other.

M: We’ve already made peace while pulling out Uncle Fyodor out of snow. Because team work unites.

Sharik: Matroskin! (целует)

P: I’m glad that it’s all right for you.  Have a Happy New Year!

Dad: Won’t you celebrate  with us?

P: No,  I won’t! What is the main decoration of the holiday table  now?

Dad: Flowers?

Sharik: Bones?

P: A television!  Yours shows only spider webs. I’ll go home.

UF: Don’t go! We’ll fix the TV set. No problem! We can’t miss out on Mum performing in the New YearTV show.

Dad: We’llfix the TV set! And  there’s a beautiful fur in the yard. Let’s decorate it!

M: Hurrah! Let’s do it! But we don’t have toys  to decorate it!

UF:Why do you say so? We have plenty of antique things. Let’s decorate the tree with them.

(Украшают елкуФотографируются.)

Sharik: Attention please! Make faces smart. I’m starting to take photo!

M: What’s  up in Moscow?

UF: My Dad and I decided to buy one more child!

M: Well, well! People used to buy fur coats, bikes and now they want to buy babies.Andthis is so great!

P: This mister with the big moustachein the TV just gave your motherflowers.

Dad: This mister had better watch  I don’t twist his big ears right off.

P: Here, I’ll show you him. There, there he is.

Dad:  Ah, hahaha! That’s the director ofour  mother’s musical group.

UF: Look! Our mother is going to sing!

P: It’s a waste of time. Your TV set has no sound .

UF: It’s a pity that we can’t hear mum. She has beenpreparing for the showfor half a year.

(Мама поет.)

P: Holy! Moly! Your mother is both here and there. It’s because of modern technologies.

M: Not that is some technology. That’s  justme. I’ve skied over here. And that is recorded show.

All: Hooray! Hooray! Welcome! Welcome  everybody!

Mum: I’ve told you I just can’t live without Prostokvashino.



What is winters never came

Into towns and cities,

Never would we get to have days

As fun as this is.


Nor we’d have the kiddies small

Going round the snowman.

Nor would tracks lay in the snow,

Were the winters over.


Nor would tracks lay in the snow,

Were the winters over.

What is winters never came,

And if lasted summers,

All New Year’s fuss and buzz

Would just go around us.


Father Frost would here come

Driving over potholes

Not would rivers freeze with ice,

Were the winters over,

Were the winters over.


What is winters never came

Into towns and cities,

Never would we get to have days

As fun as this is




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