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Сочинение "The great banner of victory"

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Описание: C:\Users\user\Desktop\альманах\911638_ramki-na-9-maya.jpgМуниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение

«Орлинская средняя общеобразовательная школа»







The Flame of the Great Victory


The Great Banner of Victory


Описание: C:\Users\user\Desktop\альманах\911638_ramki-na-9-maya.jpg








                                                                                          ученица 8 класса 

                                                                                  Орлова Дарья               

Руководитель Бушкина З.А.





Victory day is a great holiday! This is the most important day in our country. It has been 77 years ago but we know and remember those who died for us, who gave us life and hope for the peace and happiness. We live in the 21st century. We enjoy life and get an education. But thanks to whom are we able to do all this? Thanks to whom did our country maintain its independence? There are fewer and fewer of these people now. There is not a single participant of the war left in our village.

Every year the problem of preserving the Memory of the Great Patriotic War of the people whose work and life won the Victory becomes more acute.  The actions "Immortal Regiment" and "Immortal Rear" stirred up the whole country. Our class also placed their grandfathers in the immortal regiment forever. It is very important for us to preserve information about the heroic past of the Motherland, about veterans and war heroes for future generations.

         I would like to tell you about the great symbol of victory, the banner which was washed with the blood of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers. Our teacher Leshenok E.T. told us about it in history lessons. Her stories made a huge impression on me and I wanted to know even more.

Banners occupy a special place among the monuments of the world history. Since ancient times, they have existed as a sign of military unification and have a deep symbolic meaning: the banner is a military shrine, a sign of unity, courage and honor of fighters, patriotism and readiness for a feat.  It is a symbol of honor and military valor. 

         I read that the victory banner is kept in the Museum of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the Victory Hall. The banner is placed in a glass cube, which is supported by a structure made in the form of guides for projectiles to the Katyusha rocket launcher. At the base there is a defeated eagle and glass showcases in the form of a destroyed swastika in which 20 thousand iron crosses are placed.

https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/i?id=25327d6a806b8737337c4ac69cbbe28d-5475357-images-thumbs&ref=rim&n=33&w=248&h=165         The Banner of Victory - the banner of the 150th Order of Kutuzov II degree of the Idritsky Rifle Division, raised on May 1, 1945 on the roof of the Reichstag building in Berlin by Red Army servicemen Alexei Berest, Mikhail Egorov and Meliton Kantaria, is one of the main symbols of the triumph of the Soviet people in the war against fascism.

          On October 6, 1944, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the USSR, Joseph Stalin, made the following speech at a solemn meeting of the Moscow City Council, which was dedicated to the 27th anniversary of the October Revolution: "The Soviet people and the Red Army are successfully carrying out the tasks that we faced during the Patriotic War. From now on and forever our land is free from Hitler's evil spirits, and now the Red Army has its last, final mission: to complete together with the armies of our allies the task of defeating the German fascist army, finish off the fascist beast in its own lair and raise the Victory Banner over Berlin."

On the night of April 22, assault flags were handed over to representatives of the rifle divisions of the 3d Shock Army. And a week later, fierce fighting began in the Reichstag area. The third attempt to storm the building was successful.

https://xn--80ady2a0c.xn--p1ai/uploads/posts/2018-05/1525777616_004828_9____.jpgThe Victory banner was installed on the roof of the Reichstag at about three o'clock in the morning on May 1. The soldiers of the battalion that stormed the Reichstag remembered that after midnight the regiment commander, Colonel Zinchenko ordered Mikhail Egorov and MelitonKantaria to climb to the roof of the Reichstag and set up an assault flag on a high place. Lieutenant Alexey Berest was ordered to lead the execution of the combat mission to install the flag. First, the Banner was placed on the pediment of the main entrance to the Reichstag on the east side, next to the sculpture of Wilhelm I.

On June 19, Marshal Zhukov ordered to deliver the banner from Berlin to Moscow.

On July 10, 1945 the Victory Banner was transferred to the Central Museum of the Armed Forces in Moscow for eternal storage.

In the banner fund of the Museum of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the Victory flag is cherished as the apple of the eye.

For the first 20 years it was only an exhibit for public viewing, no one ever took it out of the museum. It was taken out of the museum in 1965 on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Victory. Then the flag bearers of the May 9 Parade were Colonel K. Samsonov, Sergeant M. Egorov and Junior Sergeant M. Kantaria.

Until the same year, the museum exhibited a genuine Victory Banner. But later it was replaced with an exact copy to ensure the safety of the relic. The original was transferred to the storehouse of the znamenny fund. It is forbidden to keep it in an upright position because of the fragility of the fabric. In this regard, the Banner was stored horizontally and until 2011, it was covered with special paper. Nine nails were pulled out of the flagpole, with which a panel was nailed to it in 1945, their heads began to rust and began to injure the material.

A duplicate of the Banner is currently available for public viewing, displayed in a glass showcase of the museum and exactly repeating the original.

https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/i?id=2a0000017a1a9bd21778663e335495e379eb-4120709-images-thumbs&ref=rim&n=33&w=248&h=165  The Victory Banner is a symbol of the Victory of the Soviet people over fascist Germany in the Great Patriotic War in 1941-1945.It is recognized as a state relic of Russia.

Every year thousands of copies of the Victory Banner lead processions during the celebration of the most important holiday in all corners of our Motherland. It is the banner of national memory, unity and national pride.

          77 years have passed since the end of the Great Patriotic War. Hundreds and thousands of Soviet soldiers carried their flags to the Reichstag, but not everyone managed to reach it, to live to Victory. We, great-grandchildren of the winners, must remember their heroic contribution to the end of one of the longest and bloodiest wars of the twentieth century.  

         We, the younger generation, must learn to appreciate peaceful life, the feat of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers. The eternal flame of Victory must not go out in our hearts!

         I believe that if we study and preserve the history of the Great Patriotic War,   we will be able to create conditions for patriotic education of our students.  Then students with an active life position, real patriots of our Motherland will graduate from our school.

  Knowledge of the history of the Fatherland preserves the continuity of generations and strengthens the unity of the people. After all, as the wisdom says, only the present, which remembers the past, is worthy of the future.

https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/i?id=de646244db73a0aa0e246b98ab8e7d17_l-5579113-images-thumbs&n=13         To my mind the idea of the Ministry of Education to raise the national flag in schools from September 1 is a good one. Raising the national flag    is one of the elements of patriotic education of our children. Patriotic education is a purposeful activity aimed at the formation   value orientations, qualities, norms of behavior of a citizen and patriot of Russia.


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