Инфоурок Английский язык СтатьиСтатья на английском языке на тему "The importance of English language in life of Kazakhstan society English language for the future of Kazakhstan."

Статья на английском языке на тему "The importance of English language in life of Kazakhstan society English language for the future of Kazakhstan."

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The importance of English language in life of Kazakhstan society English language  for the future of Kazakhstan.



      English is the international language all over the world. And there are several result  of it. The first is that English is the language of international air traffic control, and is  currently developing its role in international maritime,  policing, and emergency services. The second is that English is the chief language of international business and  academic conferences, and the leading language of international tourism. And finally  is that it is the main language of popular music, advertising, satellite broadcasting, home computers, and video games.

      Nowadays ,  in the modern era of globalization, the role of a person ,who knows multi-language, is very big in society. It  is clear to all of us that  to learn other language  and  good knowledge of it  plays an important role in international relations. Language will develop living  with people. President Nursultan Nazarbayev said : "Every citizen of  Kazakhstan   must know three language. By 2020, the number of English-speaking population should increase significantly " Teaching English, from the threshold of the school  and in higher education institutions, has a special status. Increase  the role of the English language in  Kazakhstan  made more important  the issue of the implementation status of the Kazakh language. There is no harm to learn the language, on the contrary it is the vast benefit. You  should not know the native language, but you have to.  You must know more than seven languages for recognition  of  other country the high  level of your country.

      I think English plays an important role in our life not only because that it helps to

communicate with people from other countries but also because it helps to know more

about other cultures, traditions and habits .As Kazakhstan is on a way of active integration to the world community a special value is given to English language, the language of the international cooperation. President of Republic of Kazakhstan pays a great attention to education and especially to vital importance for the acquisition of English language in his annual messages to the people of Kazakhstan. A new project called ”Trinity of Languages”, with an  ultimate view to making the country trilingual in the state language of  Kazakh, in  Russian, "the language of inter-ethnic communication," and in English, "the language of successful integration into the global economy" was proposed by the President.

      English  is the key to young people's knowledge of the world. Fluency in English opens up unlimited opportunities for our young people. He is the guarantor of globalization. The task of the head of state the creation of the state more competitive has made a huge impact on the younger generation.

Today, institutions of higher education in a foreign language and professional training is more important. In the first years after collapse of the USSR in the Post-Soviet countries interest to foreign languages led by English has naturally raised. English became some kind of «a window on the West», and the desire of many young people to master it as soon as possible, likely, was in many respects similar to aspiration of their grandmothers and grandfathers in youth to seize Russian that meant some kind of «an exit in the big world. The next years this new relation to English became stronger and stronger. Kazakhstan is developing  foreign relations which are primarily based on economic and political security. Kazakhstan is a member of the United Nations, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (which it chaired in 2010), North Atlantic Cooperation Council,  Commonwealth of Independent States, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and NATO's Partnership for Peace program. Kazakhstan established a customs union with Russia and Belarus. It will be transformed into the Common Economic Space in 2012. Kazakhstan established the Eurasian Economic Community with Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.

  Knowledge of English, in fact, opens a window to a large global world with the

huge flow of information and innovation. Mastering a foreign language makes it

possible to study abroad in the best universities of the world and creates

the opportunity for practical experience in the leading countries of the

world. Knowledge of English is a requirement for networking and doing business.

Every year a number of foreign firms and companies are opening in

Kazakhstan. Accordingly, we need employees who speak English competently, who is

able not only to read a business letter, but for conversation and negotiations.

The requirements in terms of knowledge of the English are tightening. Now the basic

knowledge and skills are not enough. It is preferred for people to master a "strong

language” in a specific area of industry, business or science.

In order to develop our specialists’ English we should take into consideration that it is

necessary to improve the quality of textbooks and teaching materials in English for

primary schools, secondary general education and higher education. It is necessary for

teachers to use up to date methods of teaching the languages and attract foreign

scholars who are successful in this sphere.

And also it’s important to ensure equitable access to a full education in English to

different categories of students and thus contribute to the preparation of highly

qualified individuals who are ready to actively participate in social, economic and

political life.

Teaching English in Kazakhstan requires high-quality instruction, culturally

appropriate lessons, a creative imagination and an adventuresome and flexible spirit.

          On the development strategy for the period up to 2050 there is  a special emphasis on development of the Kazakh language and  the teaching of foreign language.To know foreign language  ​​is not fashion, it is the demand of time. Know the  native language fluently and honour  it. But you must not  limit to only one language, you must be versatile.This isn't  only your future it is a guarantee of a bright future of a whole nation.




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Nowadays , in the modern era of globalization, the role of a person ,who knows multi-language, is very big in society. It is clear to all of us that to learn other language and good knowledge of it plays an important role in international relations. Language will develop living with people. President Nursultan Nazarbayev said : "Every citizen of Kazakhstan must know three language. By 2020, the number of English-speaking population should increase significantly " Teaching English, from the threshold of the school and in higher education institutions, has a special status. Increase the role of the English language in Kazakhstan made more important the issue of the implementation status of the Kazakh language. There is no harm to learn the language, on the contrary it is the vast benefit. You should not know the native language, but you have to. You must know more than seven languages for recognition of other country the high level of your country.

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