Инфоурок Иностранные языки СтатьиСтатья по английскому языку "Learning English through the songs"

Статья по английскому языку "Learning English through the songs"

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English is the most important international language , which is explained by the colonial policy of the British Empire in the XIX century and the world influence of the USA in the XX-XXI centuries. There is a wide variety of dialects and dialects of English.

English originated in the early Middle Ages as the language of part of the German tribes invading Britain. He became native to the majority of the British population, and with the territorial growth of the British Empire, spread to Asia, Africa, North America and Australia. After gaining independence by the British colonies, English remained either the native language of the majority of the population (USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand), or one of the official languages ​​(India, Nigeria) Personally, I study English in many ways. For example: in films, music, poems and so on. Listening to music, I simultaneously read the translation of words by subtitles. Understanding English music, films, poems, you understand the whole language. I listen to songs For exEnglish is native to about 335 million (2003), the third mother tongue in the world after Chinese and Spanish , and in general speaking (including the second language) - over 1.3 billion people (2007). for example: shape Of you-I like your figure, Summer-summer and so on. English is native to about 335 million (2003), the third mother tongue in the world after Chinese and Spanish , and in general speaking (including the second language) - over 1.3 billion people (2007). One of the six official and working languages ​​of the United Nations.

English is the official language in 54  countries - the United Kingdom , the United States (the official language of thirty-one states), Australia, one of the official languages ​​of Ireland (along with Irish), Canada (along with French) and Malta (along with Maltese ), New Zealand (along with Maori and gestures). Used as official in some Asian states (India, Pakistan and others) and Africa (mostly former colonies of the British Empire, members of the Commonwealth of Nations), with the majority of the population of these countries being carriers of other languages. Speakers in English in linguistics are called anglophones; Especially this term is common in Canada (including in the political context, where anglophones are in some respects opposed to francophones)

The ancestor of modern English - Old English language - stood out in the pre-literary period of its history from the Germanic languages, preserving with them much in common both in vocabulary and in grammatical structure. In an earlier era, the ancient Germans themselves were separated from the Indo-European cultural and linguistic community, which included the ancestors of modern peoples who spoke Indo-Iranian - (Indian, Iranian) and European (Celtic, Romance, German, Baltic and Slavic) languages. And the Germanic languages ​​preserved the ancient layers of common Indo-European vocabulary, which underwent historical changes (the laws of Grimm and Werner), and continued in English after gaining independence. So, to the common Indo-European vocabulary traditionally include terms of kinship and quantitative numerals.

In 2020, Kazakhstan will begin to learn English, as Kazakhstan is on its way to the world community and this is also for improving the skills of citizens of Kazakhstan. I myself did not immediately begin to learn English. Years passed and gradually I began to learn English. I realized that by studying this language I Getting better.

Learning English consists of several steps. Step 1: Learn English songs with subtitles. Step 2: Find the translation of the song on the Internet. Step 3: Work with the dictionary. Step 4: Delicately and correctly read English words. Step 5: Teach them how to At least an hour and a half.6 step: make a conclusion. 7. Step: listen to English dialogues, songs, poems and so on. If you follow these 7 steps then you quickly and accurately learn to speak.

For example: the song shape of you from the translation I like your figure.

The club isn't the best place to find a lover

So the bar is where I go

Me and my friends at the table doing shots

Drinking faster and then we talk slow

Come over and start up a conversation with just me

And trust me I'll give it a chance now

Take my hand, stop

Put Van The Man 1 on the jukebox

And then we start to dance

And now I'm singing like

Translation from Russian:

Клуб — не самое лучшее место, чтобы найти любовь,

Поэтому я отправляюсь именно в бар.

С друзьями за столом опрокидываем рюмки,

Пьем быстрее, после чего речь становится медленной.

Подойди и начни разговор лишь со мной,

И поверь, я сейчас дам этому шанс.

Возьми меня за руку, остановись,

Включи песню Вана Моррисона.

И тогда мы начнем танцевать,

А сейчас я спою.

Open the dictionary that correctly and expressively pronounce the words.

Learn English words for at least an hour and a half.

Let's draw a conclusion: we found the translation of the song, we worked on the dictionary, we tried to pronounce the words correctly, we learned the words for one and a half hours by these steps, you can quickly and efficiently learn how to speak English.





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