Инфоурок Английский язык СтатьиСтатья "Повышение мотивации подростков к изучению английского языка"

Статья "Повышение мотивации подростков к изучению английского языка"

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Motivating Teenagers



There are three attitudinal qualities that a teacher, or in his words, a facilitator, should have to assist the learning process.


·        Empathy (seeing things from the students view point)

·        Authenticity (being yourself)

·        Acceptance (of students ideas and opinions)





Ensure students have a separate notebook for this.  Keep notebooks with you.

Set aside class time 5-10mins a week for students to write journals.

Begin by asking them to write about themselves and their reasons for studying English.

Collect in their notebooks.  Reply individually to the students and ask 1 or two questions, which will be the basis for the next class writing journal.

Don’t use it as direct error correction.  Don’t show it to the other students.


Channel their energies as opposed to squashing them:

If students are keen to discuss something, why stop them?

If they are laughing let them share it with the whole group (in English) or let them continue but any discussion in English.

Do they need a 2-5 minute break to relax them?

Can you add a 5 minute activity which doesn’t involve brain-work?  i.e cutting, putting something away?

Let the students try to solve problems, ie missing homework, when to do homework, low test results etc. 

Identify the negative leader and keep them busy.


NB:  Still make sure you are the one in control.  Teenagers need somebody 

         stronger than they are.


Body Language:

Sit with the students when explaining activites/grammar standing only to use the board or if distraction was on the increase.




How do you students feel about learning English?  Design a questionnaire about students attitudes towards English to provoke a discuss.



Try to design and plan materials according to your students real lives.  For example;

Do you think students will ever need to use English in the future?  Remind them of the benefits by basing a lesson around local job advertisements where English is required, or exploiting opportunities around the world for travel / vacations.


Progress Markers:

Teenagers are drifting along doing what they have to get by.  Give them small goals to aim for and some record of progress.


The 10 day trip:

A group of British teenagers are coming to stay in the country.  They have 10 days to find out about life for a teenager in Ukraine.  Plan the itinerary.  A variation could be for the students to plan the trip for you to understand their life here in Ukraine.





Using photos, real people, and real experiences appeals to teenagers as they are naturally curious and inquisitive. 


Think how you can personalize, with grammar presentations or skills lessons throughout the course, rather than just in the first intro lesson.




Let the punishment fit the crime:

Prepare a short description on cards of all the possible punishments in a UK school.  Eg writing lines, detention, exclusion and ask students to add more from their country.

Give a list of wrong doings and ask them to order each act according to how bad they think it is, e.g speaking Russian, not completing homework.

Students discuss which type of punishment might suit the crime!  Which can be adopted into the lessons.


Speaking activities:

Spin the bottle is a good way to encourage students to ask/answer questions.  Especially if you join in yourself.  Sit the group in a circle to encourage maximum focus on activity.


Let students student’s design the discussion questions, at least then they can’t say it is boring as they thought them up.



Bring the course-book to life:

Adapt the material or supplement it with things that relate to teenagers life.  Be interested yourself in the material and their opinions.  If you are not interested, how can you expect the students to be.



Find out what students like listening to with surveys or class votes and use this in class.  (within reason).

Have music on in the background as a reward/motivater.


Project work:

Common projects include, class magazines, group wall displays, designing a CD cover, reviews of the graded readers, reviews of films.


Readers: - crosswords/wordsearches, reviews, filmed scene from book, presentation of book, biographies of characters/actors.


Music Project – make a CD cover, invent the band and biographies of band members, an interview with the band, record a song, write gig reviews, photo shoot of the band, design a poster advertising the band.


To get the maximum benefit, set it up properly, give enough time and decide on some sort of evaluation.  Maybe a report commenting on aspects of project.


After explaining the idea of a project ask students to propose a scheme of work.


-         What they want to include

-         What form it will take

-         Who will be responsible for what

-         Timings for each part of the project

-         Any material/resources they might need.


Mobile phones:

Exploit text messaging.


Fast Texting:

Give a text which students need to summarise and text it to you as quickly as you can.   “Scrivener” suggests giving out your phone number, though I personally would be reluctant to do so, so perhaps a variation of this could be used with pen and paper.


Mini Sagas:

The standard text has a limit of 160 characters (letters and spaces).  Students have to write a complete story with a beginning, middle and end within the limit.  Others ideas could be “letter of complaint, poem.



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