Инфоурок Английский язык СтатьиСтатья "Языковые приемы комического на примере рассказа О. Генри "Пимиенские блинчики""

Статья "Языковые приемы комического на примере рассказа О. Генри "Пимиенские блинчики""

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Сарычева Татьяна Викторовна,

учитель английского языка





The relevance of this work and the chosen theme is determined by the following main factors:

- The increase of the researchers' interest to the issues related to the facts of language which define and regulate the emotional sphere of human activity,

-  The present study broadens and deepens the already known views about the specifics of functioning language units in artistic text and its impact on the reader.

The object of my study is the phenomenon of comic. Subject of the present work is the language means of comic in the short story "The Pimienta pancakes" by O.Henry.

According to the aforesaid, the following objectives were set :

- Selection of the material for further description and analysis;

- Determination of the characteristic features of the language of O. Henry;

- Identification of language and stylistic techniques to achieve comic effect in the work of O. Henry for the subsequent analysis.

The linguistic and comparative analysis have been used.



I chose this theme due to several reasons and one of them is that O. Henry is one of my favorite writers.  It's obvious that O. Henry's prose is a favorable material for researches in the field of implementation of comic effect. He is the recognized master of the short story. His works are characterized by inimitable individual style, subtle flashing humor, puns and indispensable attention to details.

The other reason is that the research of the linguistic nature of comic phenomenon in the artistic text is one of current problems of modern linguistics. Mechanism of realization of this phenomenon in the text is one of the most interesting subjects of studying in stylistics of artistic speech, which is on the crossing of several areas of  research (linguistics, psychology, sociology, semiotics, cultural science).

So what is the comic? The sphere of comic is extremely diverse, many  various parties and shades are allocated in it: from soft humor to frightening grotesque. Comic in all its modifications possesses huge influence. The elements of comic are known to be components of works of art creativity from the most primitive to the most developed.

The history of theoretical comprehension of category of comic begins in Greece with Platon and Aristotle. In the Middle Ages comic has been disappeared from the official art. During Renaissance people again turned to the comedy as a genre, and since then its development has generated interest in the theory of comic.

Comic, along with fine, sublime, tragic and heroic, represents one of the most considerable and at the same time very difficult categories of an esthetics. But I should say that not all funny is comical though comic is always funny. Besides what is ridiculous to one, to another can be sad. And here we come to the main point - the real essence of comic is in a contradiction. For example, ugly - beautiful, weak - strong, true - false , etc.

But what is the indicator of  comic? A laughter -  It goes without saying, that the most  considerable indicator is laughter which can vary from mild and good-natured bantering to ruthless castigation.

The techniques and forms of the comic are expressed in the special nature of comic phenomena. In other words, what makes one laugh must obviously have a special nature in order for it to be intelligently processed and played up by a man. The most common feature of comic is the availability of contradictions, duality.

So we come up to the next point. How are these comic techniques embodied?




Language means of comic cover all expressive means of language. Phonetic, lexical, phraseological and grammatical means of language are the material for any work and these means are used by all writers. But the real master should use them in the comic plans, should be able to give the means satirical or humorous color.

The main means of comic, which will be considered in the present work are as follows:

1)  comic metaphors;

2)  allusions;

3)  periphrases;

4)  occasional new words;

5)  metathesis;

6) satire.

Comic metaphor - the word or phrase is used in the figurative sense of language employed by a picture or figure of speech;

Allusion - when we speak about allusions we understand that it is a very convenient term that indicates that the reader has a certain, namely, historical and philological background knowledge. Allusions can be divided into 3 big groups: biblical and mythological allusions, allusions to the literary texts and allusions to the famous personalities, historical events.

Periphrases is syntactic and semantic figure, consisting in the replacement of single-word names of an object or action in a descriptive wordy expression. It is known to be one of the most popular means of comic.

Occasional new words are used quite often though such expressions complicate adequate translation into Russian.

Metathesis  is – shift of syllables in nearby words. It also creates comic affect.

Satire  is merciless ridiculous act.





 For this work the short story "The Pimienta pancakes" by O. Henry has been analyzed. The purpose of the  research is the description of the mechanism of creation of comic effect with use of the revealed language material.

One of the means of comic used in the novel  is the metaphor. For example: "I crawled to the van with groceries and sprawled helplessly under the conversational fire of Judson" -  "fire with words". Besides even in the title of the story there is a very interesting idea: "pimienta" means "pepper" in Spanish, so the author gives us  another title- "The peppered pancakes".

The comic effect is also realized when  O. Henry uses the following comparison with an ironic allusion to the Biblical legend that the first people - Adam and Eve - ate the forbidden fruit, for which they were expelled from paradise, and knew suffering: "I was feeling like Adam before the apple stampede" - "I felt like Adam before the scandal with an apple". Here we see an allusion to Eve in  the same Biblical legend: "How a certain lady named Eve started the fruit trouble" - "as a kind lady named Eve, make a scene because of the fruits".

The next stylistic method of creating the comic is paraphrase. It is widely used by O. Henry, we can find a lot of examples in the text:

a) "my style of encouraging the fruit canning industry" - literally: my style is to encourage fruit and canning industry, namely: eating canned fruit;

b) "sheep person" - literally: sheep person, meaning a shepherd;

c) "his seeing arrangement" - its visual device, that is the eye;

d) "I was thinking some of making orphans of your sheep" - "I had in mind was to make your sheep orphaned", that is to kill the shepherd.

e) "there'll be singing at your ranch, and you will not hear it" - "you will be singing at the ranch, and you do not hear", the protagonist clearly alludes to the fact that for his insolence shepherd lost his life.

 O. Henry uses occasional new words as well, for example "obmutescence" - keeping silent or mute ("Therefore, I was manna in the dessert of Jud’s obmutescence").

In "The Pimienta Pancakes" of O. Henry the comic effect is evident at all levels of language. For instance, it is found at the morphological level with a rare technique – metathesis: A friend of the main character tells about his niece "She’s gone riding with Jackson Bird, the sheep man from over at Mired Mule Canada" . The main hero is shocked and repeats: "She’s gone riding with Birdstone



Jack, the hired mule from Sheep Man’s Canada". Here the use of a metathesis  tells extreme bewilderment and confusion of the hero and thus forms comic effect.

The last language means of comic I'd like to mention is satire: "You are scoff or serious?"




The aim of my study was to identify and describe the language means of comic in O. Henry's novel "The Pimienta pancakes". To achieve this goal, the following tasks have been performed: literary material has been selected for subsequent description and analysis, then formal techniques have been identified and analyzed. The results of the analysis of the language material showed that  O. Henry used a variety of expressive means to create comic effect in his stories, among them there are allusions, comic metaphors. paraphrase, occasionalism (occasional new words).

The ability to see a subject, the phenomenon, the person from an unexpected side  gives absolutely special color to works of this writer. O. Henry loved playing with words, using dialects, and coining new words. In fact, it was him who coined the term "banana republic," which refers to a small country that is economically dependent on a single export commodity, such as bananas.

To sum up, I can conclude that there is a currently increasing interest in studying of humor and  comic in literature. Speaking about  O.Henry, I 'd like to add that the language of his stories, rich vocabulary  make his works relevant today. Unsurpassed master of various methods of comic, O. Henry remains the most widely read writer in the world.

I suppose that the use of the examples from my work in the process of learning English will help students to master their skills and it will certainly increase the interest to the country of the studied language.




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9. Oxford Idioms Dictionnary: Oxford University press, 2017. - 470p.


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В данной статье рассматривается вопрос о языковых приемах комического в художественном тексте. Подчеркивается необходимость изучения приемов комического в связи с тем, что эти факты языка определяют и регулируют эмоциональную сферу деятельности человека. Анализ комического способствует глубокому пониманию традиций и культуры страны изучаемого языка.

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