Инфоурок Иностранные языки Другие методич. материалыThe Future Indefinite Passive

The Future Indefinite Passive

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Name of the subject:   Professional English

Teacher: Izatova F

Theme of the lesson: The Future Indefinite Passive

The type of the lesson: combined

The aims of the lesson:

Educational: to form students’ knowledge about formation of Future Indefinite Passive

Developing: to develop students’ speaking, listening, writing, reading skills and abilities

Bringing up: to bring up the students to love and respect foreign languages.

Visual aids: dictionaries, pictures, PP presentation, cards, books


The procedure of the lesson:

I. The organization moment:

1. Greeting;

2. Checking up the attendance;

3. Asking the day and date;


II. Checking up the homework:

What is a dream?

How do you understand this word?















To write an essay about dream


My Dream

     We all love to dream. In our childhood we had a lot of dreams and goals. They have changed much since then and have become more complicated and serious because our priorities have changed too. Now we realize that to make our dreams come true we have to be smart and successful and to work hard as well.

My father always taught me to explore the world with inquisitive eyes and a curious mind, constantly seeking to learn more and more, to understand more. That’s why my ultimate dream is to travel around the world, learn foreign languages and hopefully move to a sunny and warm place someday. I’d like to explore new cultures, traditions, business and cuisine. Travelling can be an invaluable experience for me, it can broaden my knowledge and help me to make friends with people from other countries. I think that my dreams are not just dreams, they are quite real if I don’t give up and move towards their fulfillment. Our dreams are in our hands, I’m sure.

III. Presentation

The Future Indefinite Passive (келер шақ)

Іс-әрекеттің келер шаққа жоспарланғанын білдіреді ----- will V1

The two kings lived in one magic country.  The first king’s name was Active voice. The second king’s name was Passive voice.    

     Active Voice                                                  Passive Voice




Active Voice was formed by subject+ will+ V1+ object + adverbial modifier

Passive Voice was formed by object+ will be+ V3 or/-ed + ……..

1. I will clean the room tomorrow

2.The room will be cleaned tomorrow


1.I will cook dinner

2.Dinner will be cooked


1.Students will translate the text

2.The text will be translated


1.We will translate the text next lesson

2.The text will be translated next lesson


1.My parents will take us to the park

2. We will be taken to the park

Students have to make up sentences in active and change them into passive




IV.  Practice

Working with cards

Change Active voice into Passive

1.I will make a cake


2.My cousin will plant the tree


3.She buy will а car  


4.He will play football with you if you want


5.I will take the text next week


6. She will write beautiful poems


7.He will have done homework


8.I will plant roses tomorrow


9.Rakha will buy a novel


10.They will film the monster


11.They will feed the chickens


12.They will eat lunch at 12 o’clock


13.She will put the homework on the table


14.Jane will buy a new computer


15.Our boss will sing the contract


16 She will cook breakfast


17.I will buy a camera next month


18. She will clean the room later


19. Mr. Wilson will teach you French


20.They will call the doctor



Working with pictures








 Warm up



The House of my dream



 Game “Tornado”


V. Production   Giving homework 

Use Simple Future Active or Passive of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences.

Another test in English 1 __________ (to write) tomorrow.

It 2 __________ (to contain) five or more exercises.

When all the pupils finish writing, the exercise-books 3__________ (to collect) by me.

Our exercise-books 4 __________ (to hand in) to the teacher.

She 5 __________ (to take) them home and 6 __________ (to check) them up.

7__________ (to return) to us at the next English lesson.

We 8 __________ (to get) our tests back and our mistakes 9__________ (to correct).

 All pupils 10 __________ (to give) marks for the tests.

They 11__________ (to put) into our school record-books and into the class register-book.

I hope I 12__________ (to give) a good mark. Anyway, I 13__________ (to see).





1 will be written,

2 will contain,

 3 will be collected,

 4 will be handed in,

5 will take,

 6 will check,

7 will return,

8 will get,

 9 will be corrected,

10 will be given,

11 will be put,

12 will be given,

13 will see






ПБ төрайымы: 
















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