Инфоурок Английский язык Другие методич. материалыТЕХНИЧЕСКАЯ ДОКУМЕНТАЦИЯ – КАК ПИСАТЬ ТЕХНИЧЕСКИ И ЧЕТКО


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Колледж информатики и программирования










Методическая разработка


Техническая документация – как писать технически и четко


Автор: Записной Д. В.

















Введение                                                                                                  3

Список литературы и интернет ресурсов                                                9

Приложение 1 (How to Create a User Manual)                                          10

Приложение 2 (Resource pack)                                                                19



В этой разработке мы познакомимся со способами технического письма для студентов технических колледжей, и сразу, я хочу привести, в качестве примера, краткий сценарий, подчеркивающий важность владения техническим письмом.

Допустим, к вам поступила задача познакомить англо-говорящего пользователя с языком C#. Вы, как исполнитель, решаете начать знакомство со следующего кода:

using System;

   class Hello


   static void Main() {

                   Console.WriteLine(“Technical writing is an important skill”);



Следовательно, вам потребуется, четко формулируя функции переменных, объясняя их роль в коде на доступном, но технически аргументированном языке, на простом примере познакомить заказчика с языком C#.

Хочу отметить, что у каждой профессии и области обучения есть свой собственный язык, который включен в специализированные отчеты и другие письменные работы. Это тоже считается техническим письмом. Техническое письмо – это тип письма, которое помогает кому-то решить проблему или получить необходимую информацию по конкретному предмету. Примеры технического написания включают инструкции по эксплуатации, рецепты, практические руководства, учебники, мультимедийные презентации и руководства пользователя. Давайте, разберем примеры того, как писать технически:

Имейте представление о своей аудитории – это верно для всех типов письма. Вы должны знать, кому пишете; используйте язык ваших читателей. Если вы пишете, например, инструкцию по программированию мобильного телефона для широкой публики, вы будете использовать слова, которые поймет большинство людей. Если вы пишете то же руководство для группы разработчиков программного обеспечения для China Mobile Limited, вы будете использовать более технические термины и более сложные функции.

Примеры инструкций для целевых аудиторий.

1. Стандартное руководство пользователя

Share Your Mobile Network with Other Devices.

You can use Wi-Fi hotspot or Bluetooth to share your mobile data with other devices.

Use Wi-Fi hotspot to share mobile data: Open Settings and go to Wireless & networks >Tethering & portable hotspot > Portable Wi-Fi hotspot > Configure hotspot. Set the hotspot name, encryption type, and password for the Wi-Fi hotspot, then touch Save and enable the hotspot to use it.


2. Инструкция для любимого дяди Пети J

My dear Uncle Peter! It's pretty simple to use your mobile phone's data allowance for other devices using your phone as a Personal Hotspot. The process is referred to as creating a mobile wireless hotspot, though no heat or fire is involved.

To set up a mobile hotspot with your phone Uncle, heed these steps:

1. Turn off the Wi-Fi radio.

There’s no point in creating a Wi-Fi hotspot when one is already available.


2. Plug the phone into a power source.

The mobile hotspot feature can draw a lot of power.


3. Open the Settings app.

It’s found on the apps screen. Some phones may feature a Mobile Hotspot or 4G Hotspot app. If so, open it instead.


4. Touch the More item in the Wireless & Networks section, and then choose Tethering & Portable Hotspot.

The Tethering & Mobile Hotspot item might be found on the main settings app screen. You may see text describing the process. If so, dismiss the text.


5. Touch the box to place a check mark by the Portable Wi-Fi Hotspot or Mobile Hotspot item.

The hotspot is on, but you may want to confirm some of the settings. If the hotspot doesn’t come on or the item is disabled, your phone is incapable of creating a Wi-Fi hotspot or that feature is unavailable under your data subscription plan.


6. Choose the Set Up Wi-Fi Hotspot item to give the hotspot a name, or SSID, and then review, change, or assign a password.

Touch the fields on the Set Up Wi-Fi Hotspot screen to assign a name and password. Touch the Save or OK button to set your changes.


When the mobile hotspot is active, you see the Hotspot Active notification icon, similar to the one shown. You can then access the hotspot by using any computer or mobile device that has Wi-Fi capabilities.


Прежде чем начать писать:

1.     Спланируйте, какую информацию вы хотите включить в свой технический документ. Чем больше вы планируете его содержание и структуру, тем быстрее вы добьетесь прогресса.

2.     Проведите свое исследование – чтобы написать убедительный документ, вам нужно подкрепить свои выводы приведенной статистикой, мнением экспертов и тематическими исследованиями.

3.     Определитесь с вашей структурой. Постарайтесь структурировать ваш документ так, чтобы он хорошо отображал и располагал информацию в логическом порядке.

4.     Составьте примерный план того, насколько объемный будет ваш документ, включая количество слов. От 2000 до 4000 слов в документе, который содержит достаточно деталей, чтобы быть полезным предполагаемому пользователю, но при этом его можно будет изучить за один присест.

Напишите вступление – сделайте его максимально коротким. Дайте читателю понять, Кто должен это читать и Почему они должны читать это. Если читатель принадлежит к группе «кто», а ваше «почему» решает его проблему, то вы только что привлекли его внимание.

Congratulations! You are now ready to begin using Space Explorers’ innovative programs in your classroom. Universal program access is a subscription service designed to stimulate your students' interest in space and science. Your class can participate in a mission to space, perform International Space Station experiments, and explore the basics of our solar system from your classroom or computer lab. Universal access provides school-wide usage of all the pages on our website for every teacher on your campus, using their own unique usernames and passwords. One teacher on a Universal campus is designated as the administrator. This individual may sign up other teachers on their campus and receives this manual, e-mail notifications of special events and contests, and any additional purchased materials such as kits.

The Universal subscription includes the following components:

Будьте прямолинейны – читатели технического письма не ищут изменяющего их жизнь литературного опыта. У них есть проблема. Они хотят, чтобы вы решили ее. Если это инструкция или практическое руководство, используйте императивный тон письма. Если это технический анализ или отчет для начальника, пропустите ненужные слова.


Thank you for selecting the HP Personal Media Drive. This drive is an external hard disk drive with a large capacity designed to quickly and easily store and transfer media files such as digital photos, music, video, and other important files.

The HP Personal Media Drive connects and disconnects easily from a USB 2.0 connector on the front or back of most PCs.

For some HP PCs, the HP Personal Media Drive is designed to fit inside a horizontal or vertical drive bay.

Your HP Personal Media Drive comes with backup software (select models only) that is compatible with most Microsoft® Windows® Operating systems.


Грамотно используйте пространство в письме. Если бы я расположил данные рекомендации, вместо списка с абзацами, в один длинный текст, вы бы сразу же его пропустили. Разбивайте содержание как можно чаще. Используйте заголовки, подзаголовки и вставки, чтобы объединить ваше руководство в простые для восприятия фрагменты. Полезно включить содержание (оглавление), чтобы при необходимости люди могли перейти к интересующему их разделу. Мозги любят порядок и пространство. Небольшие абзацы хороши. Нумерованные или маркированные списки великолепны. Если требуется, при маркировке абзацев, используйте цифры; в противном случае используйте маркеры.

Beer Pizza


This is a very filling pizza that my husband loves. My mom and dad use to make it when I was young, and it was always a treat.



·        1 tablespoon olive oil

·        ½ pound pepperoni sausage, diced

·        1 pound bacon, diced

·        1 (4 ounce) can sliced mushrooms, drained

·        1 onion, chopped

·        1 green bell pepper, chopped

·        1 (28 ounce) can tomato sauce

·        1 cup beer

·        1 clove garlic, minced

·        1 teaspoon dried oregano

·        ½ teaspoon dried thyme

·        ½ teaspoon salt

·        2 unbaked pizza crusts

·        1 (8 ounce) package shredded mozzarella cheese



1.     Preheat oven to 450 degrees F (230 degrees C).

2.     Heat the oil in a skillet over medium heat, and sauté the pepperoni and bacon until evenly browned. Mix in the mushrooms, onion, and green pepper. Cook and stir about 5 minutes, until tender.

3.     In a medium saucepan over medium heat, mix the ingredients from the skillet with the tomato sauce and beer. Season with garlic, oregano, thyme, and salt. Allow the mixture to simmer for about 15 minutes, until slightly thickened. Spread over the 2 pizza crusts, and top with cheese.

4.     Bake 20 to 25 minutes in the preheated oven, until the cheese is melted and the crust is golden brown.



Прежде чем отправить вашу работу заказчику, опробуйте ее на ком-либо. Это хорошая идея, чтобы проверить ваши технические документы, особенно если это касается инструкций. Попросите своего однокурсника.  Указания должны быть достаточно ясными, чтобы потенциальный пользователь мог им следовать. И ваш однокурсник, в качестве редактора, может указать на неоднозначные инструкции или неясные объяснения, которые вы, возможно, не обнаружили.

Далее, я рад предложить вашему вниманию работу со статьей, состоящей из нескольких текстов “How to Create a User Manual” (Приложение 1), где вы вместе со студентами тщательно разберете тему создания качественного руководства пользователя; и сборник дидактических материалов (Приложение 2) содержащий размножаемый раздаточный материал. Выбор методических приемов по выполнению заданий по карточкам остается за преподавателями, в зависимости от ситуации в их группах.


Список литературы и интернет ресурсов:

1.     HP Personal Media Drive User’s Guide

2.     Dan Gooking. Android Phones & Tablets For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech)) 1st Edition.

3.     http://files.customersaas.com/files/Huawei_P_Smart_(2019)_(Single_SIM)_User_manual.pdf

4.     https://www.dummies.com/consumer-electronics/smartphones/droid/how-to-create-a-mobile-hotspot-with-an-android-phone/

5.     https://jerz.setonhill.edu/writing/technical-writing/instructions-how-to-write-for-busy-grouchy-people/

6.     https://www.wikihow.com/Create-a-User-Manual#tips

7.     https://www.dummies.com/


Приложение 1

1. Read and translate the article

How to Create a User Manual

A. Planning Your User Manual

Software, computers, games, and devices require user manuals, guides that  explain how to use the product (and how not to). A user manual is a formal writing piece with a specific structure, and should be written by someone who is intimately familiar with the product such as a technical writer or the product designer. Writing an effective user manual requires knowing who is going to be using the product, then writing it with these users in mind. Keep your writing clear, precise, and simple in order to ensure a problem-free user experience.

1. Do an audience analysis. The user manual should be written for the audience – those who will be purchasing your product or service and reading the user manual. An audience analysis will tell you who your main or target audience will be and will guide your writing.

·        Talk to people who will use your device. Offer test users prototypes of the device and a draft of the user manual under controlled conditions. Solicit these test users’ feedback about things that are not obvious or confusing in the user directions and incorporate changes into your user manual based on this feedback.

·        You can never please your entire audience; write the manual to suit the target or largest audience.

·        Think about the audience’s age, health (do they have illnesses, learning impairments, or disabilities?), and educational level to determine the best approach to writing the user guide.

2. Coordinate the design of the user manual. If you were part of the team that helped design and develop the device or product, it might be hard to look at the product objectively in order to explain its operation. You might, therefore, want to solicit the advice of a writer (preferably one with experience in writing instructions) and graphic designer in order to help you draft the user manual. You could choose these individuals from an outside consultancy or from your own company or organization.

3. Do a task analysis. A task analysis is the process of identifying and organizing the steps needed to use the device. A thorough task analysis will identify the materials and equipment (such as batteries, medications, or other user-provided products) needed for each step, as well as the actions, errors, and troubleshooting advice that each step might require.

If you have a product that can perform many different tasks or sub-tasks, you will need to perform a task analysis on each task. For instance, in a car, you can honk the horn, strap yourself in, and turn your headlights on or off. Create a task analysis for each of these as needed.

4. Ensure your product complies with labeling and marketing clearance requirements. These requirements ensure that products are produced with user safety in mind, and will limit user exposure to dangerous conditions such as radiation and electrocution. Advertisements must demonstrate clearly what the purpose and basic operational guidelines of a product are, and you should use these sources when writing your user manual.

·        For the user manual of a product to be effective, it needs to be written in concert with labels affixed directly to the product.

·        Ensure your device is legally licensed for sale before writing instruction manual.

5. Decide on your manual’s layout. There are several important ways you can streamline your manual. You should place a bold heading at the start of each section with each word capitalized. For instance, “Setting Up Your Device,” “Operating Your Device,” and “Troubleshooting” could all be bold section headings.

·        Another way to streamline your manual is to use two columns, one on the right with text and the other just to the left of the text with bullet points, numbers, or small icons like warning signs or red exclamation marks.

·        Your manual might be mostly images with some text beneath each image to explain the device, or it could be primarily text with only a few accompanying images. You could also use a flow chart to provide the user with directions. Think about your product and how each method might be of use when writing your user manual. However, avoid mixing different layouts within a manual. Choose one and stick with it.

2. Find in the text English equivalents for these words and word combinations:

Программное обеспечение, технический писатель, точный, руководить, целевая аудитория, согласовывать, предпочтительно, внешняя консультация, идентифицировать, подзадачи, реклама, план, поиск проблемы.

3. Write an abstract in Russian to the article above (200 – 250 words). Write down about 5 important words or phrases key to the research in your abstract


4. Read and translate the article

B. Including Essential Information

1. Organize the manual logically. The user manual should proceed in a way that the user will find most beneficial. Split the manual into chapters or sections that make sense for the product's use, and include a table of contents toward the front of the manual so each section can be found quickly.

·        A table of contents is especially necessary for longer manuals.

·        A glossary or index is needed when there are many terms to explain that your audience may not be familiar with. However, glossaries are not recommended; the best choice is to explain confusing terms in the text of the manual itself. If you choose to include a glossary, place it in front of the manual, just after the table of contents.

·        A list of tables or figures is only necessary if there are more than a few tables or figures in the manual.

·        An appendix is needed for things that should be explained but cannot be explained at another point in the manual because it would disturb the flow and focus.

2. Include necessary warnings. The general warnings or cautionary information should provide information about potential threats improper use of the product could incur, including death or serious injury. These warnings should be placed in the very front of the manual after the cover page so that the user sees them first. Specific warnings should also be included in the text of the user manual just after or just before a potentially hazardous step is suggested.

·        For instance, a general warning for an electric device might be to avoid using it during rain.

·        A specific direction might be to ensure that your hands and the device are both dry before plugging the device in.

·        Include graphics (such as a skull and crossbones) or different-colored text (like red text) to differentiate the warning from the rest of the directions in the user manual and draw users’ attention to it.

3. Describe the device. Your description should include both a written explanation as to the device’s purpose and a small graphic depicting what the device looks like. The graphic should properly label and name all the switches, knobs, and attachable parts that the device includes.

4. Include setup instructions. The setup section should include basic information about how to prepare to use the product or device. If the device cannot be constructed or set up by a home user, state this fact plainly in a bold header at the top of the setup section. You should also include:

1.     A parts list

2.     Unpacking instructions

3.     Warnings related to setup

4.     Results of an improper setup

5.     Who to call in case they encounter difficulty in setting up

5. Provide information about operation. This section is the main portion of the user manual and should provide concrete, detailed information on how to use the device. Begin with basic preparation for using the device, such as plugging it in or washing your hands. Move on to logical, numbered steps that describe how the device should be used, as well as feedback (for instance, “You’ll hear a click...”) the user can expect when using the device appropriately.

·        At the end of this section, users should be referred to the troubleshooting section in order to solve problems that can’t be quickly explained.

·        Include graphics where necessary. Some steps are best explained with images as well as words. Think about using photographs or illustrations in your user manual.

·        In this section, as in every section, be sure to include relevant safety warnings about improper use or operation. For instance, you might warn users of a chainsaw not to drink alcohol or use the chainsaw while on certain medications.

·        If you think users would benefit, consider including links to online videos that demonstrate proper use and operation of the device. You could include these videos either at the beginning of this section, or (in the case of videos that illustrate only one step) at the end of each step.

6. Include a product summary at the end. The summary should go at the end of the manual, just before the index, in order to provide basic steps of operation. This should be a simplified, stripped-down version of the operational information section, and should be no more than one page. Summarize how to use the device or product. Include basic warnings, numbered step explaining how to use the product, and phone numbers or email addresses that direct users to help.

·        If you expect the user will remove the summary sheet or need to consult it frequently, you could print it on a removal laminated card, or thick card stock to make it easier for the user to carry with them and reference.

·        Alternatively, include a summary sheet directly on the product so that users can reference it quickly and easily.

5. Match the words in A with their definitions in B



1. warning

a. the management or guidance of someone or something

2. index

b. a thing made or adapted for a particular purpose, especially a piece of mechanical or electronic equipment

3. direction

c. a brief statement or account of the main points of something

4. medication

d. a section or table of additional matter at the end of a book or document

5. summary

e. a statement or event that indicates a possible or impending danger, problem, or other unpleasant situation

6. appendix

f. a substance used for medical treatment, especially a medicine or drug

7. device

g. an alphabetical list of names, subjects, etc., with references to the places where they occur, typically found at the end of a book


6. Write an abstract in English to the article above (200 – 250 words). Write down about 5 important words or phrases key to the research in your abstract


7. Read the text and translate it in writing using a dictionary

C. Describing Product Care

1. Explain how to clean the device. If your device or product requires cleaning, explain how to do so. Be sure to enumerate the cleaning supplies needed. Inform the reader of how often they should clean. Then, just as you would in any other section of the user manual, include numbered step-by-step instructions as to how cleaning should proceed.

·        If cleaning requires some disassembly of the product, or removal of a certain part or parts, be sure to include details on how to disassemble.

·        Include a warning about the results of failing to clean the device will be. For instance, you might say, “Failure to clean will result in a below optimal performance.”

2. Tell the user how to perform basic maintenance. If the product or device can be serviced by the user to correct performance issues, include numbered directions as to how the user can do so. For instance, if the batteries need to be changed after every 300 hours of use, include directions on how to check whether the batteries need to be changed, how to remove the dead batteries, and how to insert the new batteries.

·        If there are some maintenance tasks that can only be performed by a certified technician, divide the maintenance portion of the manual into two sections.

3. Discuss storage options. The user manual should, if necessary, explain how to store the product or device properly. You should also include information about why storage is necessary, and what the results of improper storage are. For instance, you might write:

·        “Store the product in a cool, dry place. Improper storage could shorten the life of your product due to the buildup of moisture.”

·        "Do not expose product to heat or store at temperatures above 120 °F (49 °C). Doing so may lead to combustion."

4. Include troubleshooting information. You might organize this section as a list of common problems and their solutions. Group similar problems together under a logical heading. This way, users can find specific problems quickly.

·        For instance, if there are several problems with the computer displaying a blue screen, list them together under a sub-heading like “Common Screen Problems.”

·        You should also include a phone number and/or email for customer service in this section.

8. Based on the information in the text above, which statements are True or False?

a.      The user manual should obligatory explain how to store the product or device properly.

b.     Explain how to clean your device in case if it requires to be cleaned.

c.      Improper storage could destroy your device due to the buildup of moisture.

d.     Inform the user about basic maintenance.

e.      Similar problems could be grouped together under a logical heading.


9. Read and give a summary of the article

D. Writing a Readable Manual

1. Read other user manuals. Before writing a manual for your own product, look at other effective user manuals. Pay attention to the structure, word choice, and sentence style. Major brands like Apple, Google, and Microsoft produce strong, effective user manuals that can help you produce a more thoughtfully written user manual.

·        Don't just read any user manuals. Read the manuals for similar products that you are selling. For example, if you're selling baby products, read baby manuals, not tech.

2. Select your standards. Standardizing spelling, word choice, and phrasing will make the user manual more user-friendly. The Chicago Manual of Style and the Microsoft Manual of Style might also be useful style guides when writing your user manual; consult both to see if one will work for your manual.

·        For instance, instead of using both “on/off switch” and “power switch” in your user manual, choose one or the other term and stick with it.

3. Use active voice. Active voice is a perspective in writing that explains things from the user’s perspective. It is easier to understand than its alternative, passive voice, in which the subject is undefined.

·        Try the Hemingway App (www.hemingwayapp.com) to identify passive passages in your writing.

·        Examine these two sentences, the first active and the other passive, for examples of each:

·     You should open the package slowly and carefully.

·     The package should be opened slowly and carefully.

4. Write numbered instructions. Numerically ordered instructions will help the reader stay more focused on the process of using, connecting, or building the product in question. Instead of writing a long, rambling paragraph, or a series of un-numbered paragraphs, write your user manual with simple, explicit steps, each numbered clearly.

5. Start each step with an imperative. An imperative is an action-oriented verb. By starting each step with a verb, you will clue the reader in to the action required to complete the step. For instance, depending on the product you’re writing about, you might begin your steps with imperatives like “Connect,” “Attach,” or “Slide.” Do not begin your steps with a system response, however.

·        For example, if the screen will turn blue and blink, don't start the step with: “The screen will blink and turn blue.” Try: "Press and hold the home key. The screen will blink and turn blue."

6. Decide what kind of vocabulary you’ll use. If you’re writing a yo-yo user manual, your audience will be mostly young children. Use simple words and vocabulary in order to explain how the yo-yo works. If you’re writing a user manual for a scanning electron microscope, your audience will be highly trained scientists who can understand highly detailed information, so don’t shrink from using specialized vocabulary or nuanced explanations.

·        In general, try to avoid jargon and technical language.

·        To be effective to the broadest array of users, try to write at a sixth to seventh grade reading level.

7. Ensure your translations are accurate if you are shipping a product overseas. Hire a translator to translate your user manual into the native language of the country that you are shipping your product to. Alternatively, use an online translating app, but ask a native speaker read over and edit the translation for errors.

·        If there are multiple language groups represented in your audience, include translations of the user manual in each relevant language.

·        The translator should be familiar with the product, as there may be different words for specific terms in the target language that not are word-for-word translations.

8. Keep your writing brief. Instead of a few long paragraphs, use many short paragraphs. Look for logical breaks in each section and put useful information into one or two-sentence chunks. The same applies at the sentence level. Keep your sentences short and simple, rather than long and rambling.

·        If a step is starting to get too long, break it up into smaller steps. This won't cause the word-count to go down, but the line breaks will make it easier to read.

9. Proofread the manual. A manual can lose credibility due to grammar and spelling mistakes. Have a coworker or technical writer edit and proofread the manual as well. In addition to spelling and grammar, a proofreader should look for:

1.     Passive voice

2.     Ambiguous or confusing language

3.     Complicated sentence structure

4.     Overly long paragraphs

Finally the last tip: people learn in different ways; if possible and appropriate include visual aids or links to online videos in the manual to assist visual learners.

10. Write an abstract in English to the article above (200 – 250 words). Write down about 5 important words or phrases key to the research in your abstract



Приложение 2

Resource pack – Сборник дидактических материалов



Write two instruction manuals on how to use VK, Facebook, or any of those other social media things college students are so good at.

1.     Write the first manual for people like your Uncle Peter who goes to his mailbox to check his e-mail.

2.     Write the second manual for your peers.




Take a multi-step plan of one of your English classes in Russian and rewrite the instructions in English. Make the instructions step-by-step. Show the newly written instructions to your teacher and make sure you captured the essence of the plan. He or she may want a copy of them. Ask for money in return. J




Write a contract regarding chores around your house. Be sure to define all terms. Be specific in what you will do and what is required of the head of household. If you can get your parents to sign the contract, watch out. They probably found a loophole. J





1.     Using your class schedule, write a course catalog with the detailed descriptions.

2.     Another option is to write a survival guide for a class you are taking. Use humor, if you’ve got it.

3.     Rewrite a school policy.




Write a recipe. This is harder than it seems. The directions must be specific enough for someone to make the food properly.






When you type search terms (also called queries or keywords) into the Google search box, save some time by crafting simple, specific search queries. Remember these basic search rules when you use Google in its simplest form:

1. Punctuation doesn’t count. In fact, it is stripped out of the query automatically.








You probably have lots of files you want to copy from a computer to your Android phone: pictures, videos, and audio files. You can also copy vCards exported from your e-mail program, which helps to build the phone’s address book. Likewise, you may want to copy files from the phone to the computer. Either way it works the same. Follow these steps:





Write specific instructions on how to complete an ordinary task.







Virus Protection.

Viruses are one of the most misunderstood computer phenomena around these days. What is a virus? How does it work? How does it spread from computer to computer? What is the best way to protect your network from virus infection? What other additional precautions can you take to ensure virus-free computing?






How to Make a Conference Call on an Android Phone.

Unlike someone interrupting a conversation by making an incoming call, a conference call is one you set out to make intentionally: You make one call and then add a second call. Touch an icon on the phone’s touchscreen and then everyone is talking. Here’s how it works:






Most people want a camera for their drone. It’s part of the fun! Camera technology has come a long way in the past 25 years. With so many digital cameras available, you have many features to choose from. Aside from price, here are the primary features that require consideration when selecting your new camera:






Getting Started with Skype in Windows 10.

Skype can be a handy tool to use with Windows 10. It’s a good way to keep in touch with family, friends, or even business contacts. Keep reading for some tips on getting started with Skype...


How to Introduce Your Business in a Letter.

An introductory business letter is supposed to make a good impression with a potential customer (called a prospect). Writing a letter to introduce your business to someone involves shifting the focus to your correspondent, engaging his or her interest, and launching a conversation, rather than a lecture:

1. Start with a bang. Open with a sentence that grabs interest and establishes a reason to keep reading.




Everything worth doing benefits from proper planning, and taking a test is no exception. The last chance a student has to influence the outcome of a test is the night before they take it. Here are ten must-dos to positively affect the outcome of a test:

1. Eat a well-balanced meal. It’s a proven fact that what you eat will have an effect on your physical and mental performance...

10. Reward yourself. Treat yourself right...




Write an annual report on your accomplishments during the current school year. Be sure to provide data.




Photocopiable  _____________________________________________________

1. The main screen on an Android phone is called the Home screen. It’s where all the action takes place: where you start the apps, work the widgets, and check out what’s going on via notification and status icons.

Each phone may sport a different skin, or appearance. The stock Android phone Home screen is shown in the figure. You can find the items in the figure on your own phone’s Home screen, although they may not look exactly the same.

Describe how to use this product. Use as much information as possible.

Photocopiable  _____________________________________________________

2. The Windows Vista-era parlor trick commonly called “God Mode” is alive and well in Windows 10, as shown in this figure. It’s surprising to see that it made the transition to Win10, because it’s based on hooks into the Control Panel — and the Control Panel is being disassembled rapidly in Windows 10.

“God Mode” is a massive collection of 262 shortcuts into all sorts

of Windows settings, many of which are quite obscure.


The parts of God Mode that appear in Windows 10 are slightly different from the elements in Windows 8.1 (which, in turn, is slightly different from Windows 7). But the overall effect is the same.

Follow these steps to access God Mode on your Windows 10 desktop:


Photocopiable  _____________________________________________________

3. If you are looking for a change of employment or just starting out in the workforce, in most cases, you will need to know how to create a resume. A resume is a document that lists your degrees, accolades, skills, employment history, and work experience. This document is important because it’s a first impression to the person considering you for hire.

Photocopiable  _____________________________________________________

The following questions will give you a hand:

What skills should you list in your resume?

How crucial is the education section in your resume?

What should you list in the employment history section in your resume?

What is listed in the awards section of your resume?


Photocopiable  _____________________________________________________

4. How to Jump Start a Car.

If your battery has died, you may be able to use jumper cables to jump start it from some good Samaritan’s (GS) vehicle. If you can safely use jumper cables on your vehicle, make sure that the battery on the good Samaritan’s vehicle has at least as much voltage as your own. As long as you hook up the cables properly, it doesn’t matter whether your vehicle has negative ground and the GS’s vehicle has positive ground, or your vehicle has an alternator and the GS’s vehicle has a generator.

To safely jump a start, follow these steps:

1. Take out your jumper cables. It’s a good idea to buy a set of jumper cables and keep them in the trunk compartment. If you don’t have jumper cables, you have to find a good Samaritan who not only is willing to assist you but who has jumper cables as well.



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