Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыТекст для чтения и/или аудирования Honore de Balzac and his Handwriting. Контроль чтения/аудирования

Текст для чтения и/или аудирования. Контроль чтения/аудирования

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Text for reading and/or listening with tasks

Balzac and his Handwriting


adventure -приключение

to tell a character - отгадывать характер

ability - способность

to boast of smth.-хвастаться чем-либо

to play a joke on smb. - подшутить над кем-либо

to add - добавить

to come to the conclusion - приходить к выводу


The name of Balzac, the famous French writer, is well known all over the world. He is the author of many novels that are translated into almost all European languages. His novels are translated into Russian, too. They enjoy great popularity.

There are many stories about Balzac, his life and his adventures. But very few people know that Balzac was fond of telling a person's character by his or her handwriting. He was very fond of this ability and often boasted of it among his friends.

Among his friends there was an old lady who wanted to play a joke on the famous writer. One day she brought him an exercise book of a boy. She asked him to tell her what he thought of the boy's character. She also added that the boy was not her son so Balzac should not be afraid to tell the truth.

Balzac was glad to show his ability again and began to study the handwriting. He worked very hard and at last he came to the conclusion that the boy was bad and lazy. He told it to the lady.

The lady smiled and said: "My dear friend, this is a page from your own exercise book which you used when you were a boy".

Balzac was not surprised…


1. Retell the story using the plan

1) Balzac as a French writer.

2) His special ability.

3) A visit of an old lady.

4) Balzac did his best to explain the boy’s character. 5) The reason Balzac was not surprised.

2. Oral practice. Discuss in small groups

1. What is Balzac?

2. How many novels did he write?

3. What language are his novels translated into?

4. What special ability did Balzac have?

5. With what purpose did an old lady bring an exercise to Balzac?

6. Why wasn’t the writer surprised?

3. Give short key points of the story in a written form

4. Say if the statements TRUE or FALSE

Honore de  Balzac is a  famous French conducter.

His novels are translated only into Russian.

Many people know that Balzac was fond of telling a person's character by his or her handwriting.

His friends wanted to play a joke on the famous writer.

The lady said the boy was her son.

Balzac was glad to see the lady and her son.

It was Balzac’s exercise book which you used when he was a boy.






















1. Oral practice. Answer the questions

1. What is Balzac?

2. How many novels did he write?

3. What language are his novels translated into?

4. What special ability did Balzac have?

5. With what purpose did an old lady bring an exercise to Balzac?

6. Why wasn’t the writer surprised?

2. Refer the sentences into indirect speech

 Balzac said; “That boy is lazy”

Balzac said; “That boy was lazy”

1. Oral practice. Answer the questions

1. What is Balzac?

2. How many novels did he write?

3. What language are his novels translated into?

4. What special ability did Balzac have?

5. With what purpose did an old lady bring an exercise to Balzac?

6. Why wasn’t the writer surprised?

2. Refer the sentences into indirect speech

 Balzac said; “That boy is lazy”

Balzac said; “That boy was lazy”

1. Oral practice. Answer the questions

1. What is Balzac?

2. How many novels did he write?

3. What language are his novels translated into?

4. What special ability did Balzac have?

5. With what purpose did an old lady bring an exercise to Balzac?

6. Why wasn’t the writer surprised?

2. Refer the sentences into indirect speech

 Balzac said; “That boy is lazy”

Balzac said; “That boy was lazy”

1. Oral practice. Answer the questions

1. What is Balzac?

2. How many novels did he write?

3. What language are his novels translated into?

4. What special ability did Balzac have?

5. With what purpose did an old lady bring an exercise to Balzac?

6. Why wasn’t the writer surprised?

2. Refer the sentences into indirect speech

 Balzac said; “That boy is lazy”

Balzac said; “That boy was lazy”

1. Oral practice. Answer the questions

1. What is Balzac?

2. How many novels did he write?

3. What language are his novels translated into?

4. What special ability did Balzac have?

5. With what purpose did an old lady bring an exercise to Balzac?

6. Why wasn’t the writer surprised?

2. Refer the sentences into indirect speech

 Balzac said; “That boy is lazy”

Balzac said; “That boy was lazy”

3.Write a letter to your friend about Honore de Balzac  and his ability


1. Oral practice. Answer the questions

1. What is Balzac?

2. How many novels did he write?

3. What language are his novels translated into?

4. What special ability did Balzac have?

5. With what purpose did an old lady bring an exercise to Balzac?

6. Why wasn’t the writer surprised?

2. Refer the sentences into indirect speech

 Balzac said; “That boy is lazy”

Balzac said; “That boy was lazy”

3.Write a letter to your friend about Honore de Balzac  and his ability


Write a letter to your friend about Honore de Balzac  and his ability

Write a letter to your friend about Honore de Balzac  and his ability










Balzac and his handwriting

1. Retell the story using the plan

1) Balzac as a French writer.

2) His special ability.

3) A visit of an old lady.

4) Balzac did his best to explain the boy’s character.

5) The reason Balzac was not surprised.

1. Retell the story using the plan

1) Balzac as a French writer.

2) His special ability.

3) A visit of an old lady.

4) Balzac did his best to explain the boy’s character.

5) The reason Balzac was not surprised.

1. Retell the story using the plan

1) Balzac as a French writer.

2) His special ability.

3) A visit of an old lady.

4) Balzac did his best to explain the boy’s character.

5) The reason Balzac was not surprised.

1. Retell the story using the plan

1) Balzac as a French writer.

2) His special ability.

3) A visit of an old lady.

4) Balzac did his best to explain the boy’s character.

5) The reason Balzac was not surprised.

1. Retell the story using the plan

1) Balzac as a French writer.

2) His special ability.

3) A visit of an old lady.

4) Balzac did his best to explain the boy’s character.

5) The reason Balzac was not surprised.

1. Retell the story using the plan

1) Balzac as a French writer.

2) His special ability.

3) A visit of an old lady.

4) Balzac did his best to explain the boy’s character.

5) The reason Balzac was not surprised.

1. Retell the story using the plan

1) Balzac as a French writer.

2) His special ability.

3) A visit of an old lady.

4) Balzac did his best to explain the boy’s character.

5) The reason Balzac was not surprised.

1. Retell the story using the plan

1) Balzac as a French writer.

2) His special ability.

3) A visit of an old lady.

4) Balzac did his best to explain the boy’s character.

5) The reason Balzac was not surprised.

1. Retell the story using the plan

1) Balzac as a French writer.

2) His special ability.

3) A visit of an old lady.

4) Balzac did his best to explain the boy’s character.

5) The reason Balzac was not surprised.

1. Retell the story using the plan

1) Balzac as a French writer.

2) His special ability.

3) A visit of an old lady.

4) Balzac did his best to explain the boy’s character.

5) The reason Balzac was not surprised.

1. Retell the story using the plan

1) Balzac as a French writer.

2) His special ability.

3) A visit of an old lady.

4) Balzac did his best to explain the boy’s character.

5) The reason Balzac was not surprised.

1. Retell the story using the plan

1) Balzac as a French writer.

2) His special ability.

3) A visit of an old lady.

4) Balzac did his best to explain the boy’s character.

5) The reason Balzac was not surprised.

1. Retell the story using the plan

1) Balzac as a French writer.

2) His special ability.

3) A visit of an old lady.

4) Balzac did his best to explain the boy’s character.

5) The reason Balzac was not surprised.

1. Retell the story using the plan

1) Balzac as a French writer.

2) His special ability.

3) A visit of an old lady.

4) Balzac did his best to explain the boy’s character.

5) The reason Balzac was not surprised.


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