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Тексты для чтения по английскому языку

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The Fox and the cock

One day in summer a fox saw a cock near a village. It was time for dinner and the fox decided to eat the cock. He went up to the cock and said to him: “Your father could sing very well. Can you sing well too?” the cock shut his eyes and began to sing. The fox caught the cock in its mouth and ran away.

A farmer saw the fox and cried out to the other farmers: “Look! A fox has caught our cock! Look! Look! That is our cock.” The cock heard the farmer and said to the fox: “Do you hear what that farmer is saying? He says that I’m their cock. Tell them that I’m your cock now.” When the fox opened its mouth to say it, the cock jumped up into a tree. He cried out to the fox: “I’m not your cock, I’m their cock.” The poor fox beat his head on the tree and said: “Mouth, you talk too much and we have no dinner today.”


I.     Put the sentences in the correct order:

1.      The cock ran away from the fox.

2.      A fox saw a cock near a village.

3.      A farmer saw the fox and cried out to the other farmers.

4.      The fox asked the cock to sing

5.       The cock  asked the fox to say ‘This is my cock’

6.      The fox opened his mouth and the cock jumped up into a tree.

7.      The fox caught the cock in his mouth.


II.   Answer the questions:

1.      What did the fox say to catch the cock?

2.      Why didn’t the fox have dinner?


III. Retell the story.










Mark Twain.

Mark Twain was a famous American writer. His name was Samuel Clemens. “Mark Twain” was his pen-name. Samuel Clemens was born in a small town on the Missouri – river in the USA. The boy had many friends at school and when he became a writer, he wrote about them in his stories. When Samuel was twelve, his father died and the boy began to work. He learned the profession of a printer. But Samuel wanted to be a sailor and when he was twenty, he found work on a ship. After some time he left the ship and went to live in California. Here he began to write short stories under the pen-name of “Mark Twain”. He sent them to newspapers. The readers liked his stories. The many professions, which he knew, helped him to show life and people. In 1876 he published his best novel “The Adventure of Tom Sawyer”, which boys and girls in many countries know and like very much.


I.                    Finish the sentences:

1.      M. Twain was born……….

2.      His real name was ……….

3.      He began to work  ……….

4.      His first profession was…..

5.      The readers liked………….

6.      ………he published his best novel.

7.      Many children like  ……….


II.                  Answer the questions:


1.      What was the real name of Mark Twain?

2.      When and where was he born?

3.      Why did he begin to work very early at 12?

4.      Where did he begin to write short stories?

5.      What is his best novel?


III.                Retell the text.







Two Friends and the Bear.

Once two friends were in a thick forest, when they met a bear. One of the men was afraid of the bear. He ran to a high tree and got up into it. The other man understood that he couldn’t stand up against a big bear. He lay down on the grass. “The bear will think that I’m dead,” he said to himself. The man thought that bears do not attack dead people. The bear came up to the man on the grass, sniffed at his nose and ears and went away.

The other man got down from the tree. “What did the bear say in your ear?” he asked him.

“He told me,” was the answer, “not to go into the forest with a bad friend who will not help you when there is a danger”.


I.     Find the right answer

1.   Once two friends were in the forest and they met….              А)a fox             b) a tiger                 c) a bear       

2.   One of the friends got up …           а)into a high tree    b) on a house    c) on a bush

3.    The other man …             а)ran away     b) began to jump       c)  lay down

4.   The man thought that bears don’t …       а)look at dead people                     b)eat dead people        c) attack dead people         

5.   The bear … the man and went away.           А)came up to                  b) looked at               c) called

6.   What did the bear say to the man?              А)not to go to the forest  b) nothing      c) not to stand up

7.   Was the man a good friend?               А)yes                  b) no               c) they loved each other


II.   Answer the questions

1.   Where did the friends go once?

2.   Whom did they meet in the forest?

3.   Were they afraid of the bear?

4.   Who got up into a high tree?

5.   What did the other man do?

6.   Did the bear eat the man?

7.   Were those men good friends?


III.                What is the main idea of the story?



An Englishman in Spain.


An Englishman was in Spain. He went to a little café for breakfast. He only spoke English and the waiter did not know any English at all. The man wanted some milk. He said to the waiter: “Please, bring me a glass of milk.” But the waiter did not understand him. Then the Englishman took out a piece of paper and wrote on it “Milk”. The waiter did not understand it either. Then the man drew a cow on a piece of paper. The waiter looked at the picture and went away. Soon he came back and brought a ticket for a bullfight.


I.          Put the sentences in the correct order:


1.      He came back and brought a ticket for a bullfight.

2.      The waiter didn’t understand him.

3.      He only spoke English.

4.      The man drew a cow on a piece of paper.

5.      He went to a little café for breakfast.

6.      The man wanted some milk.


II. Answer the questions


1.   Where was an Englishman?

2.   Did he speak English?

3.   What did he want to order?

4.   Did the waiter understand him?

5.   What did the Englishman draw on a piece of paper?

6.   What did the waiter bring to the Englishman?


III. Why did the waiter bring the Englishman a ticket for a bullfight?








  Jonathan Swift and his Servant.

Jonathan Swift, the famous English writer, once went into the country with his servant. In the morning when he wanted to put on his boots, he saw that they were not clean.

“How is this, Tom?” said Swift when he saw them. “Why haven’t you cleaned my boots?”

“You see,” said Tom “It’s very dirty out today. If you go out, your boots again will be dirty, so I didn’t clean them.”

Swift thought a little and said, “All right, Tom. Go and get ready, we’ll go out in a minute or two.”

“But,” cried Tom, “I haven’t had my breakfast. I am hungry.”

“I know,” said Swift, “but if you have your breakfast you will again be hungry in a few hours, so today you will have no breakfast.”

 I. Right and wrong statements.

1. Once J. S. went to London with his servant.        

2. In the morning when he looked at his boots he saw they were not clean.

3. He asked the servant why he hadn’t cleaned his boots.

4. The servant said that the boots were clean.

5. They didn’t have breakfast in the morning.

6. J. S. was very hungry.

7. J. S. had breakfast with the servant.

8. J. S. gave a lesson to his servant.

II. Answer the questions

1.   What are the characters of the story?

2.   What did J. S. see in the morning?

3.   Did J. S. ask the servant why his boots were not clean?

4.   What did the servant answer?

5.   They wanted to go to their trip, didn’t they?

6.   Who asked for breakfast?

7.   Did the servant have breakfast?

II.            Was J. S. right in this situation?



  A Small Picture.

A rich man once asked a great painter to paint a small picture for him. Next day the painter came and brought him the small picture.“In is a beautiful picture”, said the rich man. “How much do you want for it?”

“One thousand dollars,” answered the painter.

“One thousand dollars for such a small picture?” cried the rich man. “You painted it in one day and you want one thousand dollars for one day’s work?”

“Yes, I painted it in one day, but I worked thirty years in order to learn how to paint it in one day,” answered the painter.

I. Find the correct word:

1. A rich man asked a great painter to paint ….    a) a small picture          b) a dog                c) his friend

2. Next day the painter brought him …         a) money                                b) the picture           c) many nice pictures

3. The price of the picture was … thousand dollars.           a) 10                 b) 5           c) 1       

4. The rich man cried that the picture was …   a) expensive                      b) cheap                     c) bad

5. The painter worked … years in order to learn how to paint in one day.             a) 50           b) 30       c) 10

II. right  and wrong statements:

       1. A rich man asked his friend to paint a small picture.

2. In a year the painter brought him the picture.                  

3. The rich man liked the picture.                                           

4. The painter said that he wanted 1 thousand dollars for the picture.      

5. The painter painted the picture in one day.                      

6. The rich man gave the painter 1 thousand dollars.

7. The painter worked 30 years in order to learn how to paint a picture in one day.

III.                What is the main idea of the story?


A Dog in the Bus.

One very rainy day a woman with a dog got on the bus. It was a big dog and its feet were very dirty. The woman sat down and the dog stood near her. When the bus conductor came up to her, she said:

“Oh, conductor, if I pay for my dog, can he have a seat like the other passengers?”

The conductor looked at the dog and its dirty feet and then he said:

 “Of course, madam. He can have a seat like all the other passengers, but like all the other passengers, he must not put his feet on it”.

I. Find the correct word:

1. One … day a woman with a dog got on the bus.        a) rainy           b) sunny          c) windy

2. The dog’s legs were …         a) long               b) dirty              c) clean

3. The woman sat down and the dog …         a) sat down        b) stood near her       c) lay down   

4. The woman wanted to … the dog.         a) pay for       b) feed            c) clean

5. The conductor said that like the other passengers the dog mustn’t …        a) sleep       b) bark       c) put his feet on the bench.   

II. Answer the questions:


1.   Was the day rainy or sunny?

2.   Who did the woman get on the bus with?     

3.   Did the dog stand near the woman?

4.   Did the woman want her dog to have a seat like the other passengers?

5.   Did she want to pay for her dog?

6.   Did the conductor let her dog to have a seat?

7.   Must the dog put his feet on the seat?


III. Did the woman like her dog as a human being?




  Which is better – to be ill or to be well?


A friend came one day to a house where there were three children: a boy and two girls. Two of them – the boy and one of the girls – were ill. They were in bed. Friends and all the members of the family were sorry for them. They brought toys and nice things to eat and gave them to the children who were ill in bed.

The other little girl sat in a corner and cried. One of the friends, who liked children, went up to her and asked, “Why are you crying? You are not ill.”

 “No,” said the little girl, “I am not ill, so they don’t bring me any presents.”


I. Right and wrong statements:

1. A friend came to a house where there were 3 children: 3 boys.

2.  The boy and one girl were ill.         

3. They played in the room with toys.

4. The family was sorry for the ill children.    

5. The friends brought toys and nice things to eat for the ill children.       

6. The little girl sat in a corner and cried.      

7. She wanted to be ill to get presents.

II. Answer the questions:

1.      Who came to a house?

2.      How many children were there?

3.      Were all the children ill?

4.      Were the family and a friend sorry for the ill children?

5.      What did the friends bring to ill children?

6.      Who didn’t get presents?

7.      Why did the little girl cry? Was she right?


III. Were the friends right when they didn’t give the little girl any presents?


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