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Тест по английскому языку

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Установите соответствие между текстами А — G и заголовками 1-8.

Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только

один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.


1. High school preparation

2. The newest studies

3. Green activism

4. Looking for new resources

5. More jobs in the future

6. What botany is

7. Useful in so many ways

8. Finding a suitable career


A. Plants are chemical factories. Many of the chemicals that they produce are

useful to humans. Besides food, plants provide raw materials for paper, building

materials, solvents and adhesives, fabrics, medicines, and many other products.

Botanists study the chemicals produced by different plants to find new uses for

them. For example, we use some plant chemicals to treat certain types of cancer.


B. As humans change the environment for their own purposes, plants and animals

living in these areas become endangered. Plant taxonomists and plant ecologists

work to identify and understand new plant species, especially in such biologically

rich areas as tropical rain forests. Plants of the rain forests are important in their

own right, but they could be new sources for people as well. Perhaps a plant that

is not discovered yet will become an important food crop.


C. The major employers of plant biologists are educational institutions, federal and

state agencies, and industries. Job opportunities usually depend on educational

training and experience. New positions in botany are expected to increase in the

near future. Growing world population continues to increase the need for better

food supplies. Environmental concerns, such as air, water and soil pollution, will

create openings for ecologists in government and industry.


D. One of the best things about plant science is the number of different specialties

and career opportunities from which you can choose. This variety allows people

with different backgrounds, talents, and interests to find satisfying careers in

plant biology. More than many other scientific fields, botany continues to provide

opportunities for women as well as men. There are few things more fulfilling

than to work in a job that is both fun and a benefit to others.


E. To get yourself ready for a career in botany, you should take a college curriculum

that includes English, foreign language, mathematics, chemistry, physics, and

biology. Other valuable experiences include taking part in science fairs and

science clubs. It also helps to have summer jobs related to biology, such as

working in parks, farms, experiment stations, laboratories, camps, or fur florist':

or landscape architects.


F. One of the most exciting fields in botany today is biotechnology Because of

very recent advances in genetics, plant scientists have tools to add genes from

one plant to another. The potential usefulness of this is amazing. For example,

several amino acids required in the human diet are not produced very well by

plants. It may be possible to make food crops more nutritious by adding genes

to produce these amino acids.


G. Botany, also known as plant biology, is the study of plants. It is a scientific

discipline based on observation, experimentation, recording, classification, and

the testing of hypotheses. This process is called the scientific method. There are

many sub-disciplines of botany, such as plant taxonomy, genetics, plant ecology,

economic botany, and plant anatomy. Botanists work all over the world both

indoors and outdoors in many different jobs.




Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 12-18. В каждом задании

запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному

вами варианту ответа.


Follow your dreams

I was once told, “You’re wasting your time on a career that will give you

no money or comfort.”

Worrying, isn’t it? But before I continue, let me give you some background

on the career in question. I want to be a journalist and work for a newspaper

or magazine. I explored my interests for years and finally decided on this. But

I’m still influenced by what others say, and that leads me to considering their


Technology continues to advance with unbelievable speed, and print

publications are more and more often replaced by web versions where content is

updated nearly every time you refresh the browser. Even on my own campus, not

many people seem to care about newspapers anymore; pages from the campus

newspaper lie in puddles, and there are shoe prints on the pages that took the

editors weeks to complete.

More disturbingly, the economic situation is becoming worse, which makes

people feel very uncertain about their future. And by the time my generation

graduates from college, we will be part of a workforce that is highly competitive

and incredibly unstable.

But I hold on to my decision to be a writer. Why? For the idealistic, simple,

yet powerful reason that it makes me happy in a way that no amount of money

ever could.

Rarely have I found others who think like this, and I find it very upsetting

when I hear students trying to design their lives on the basis of factors other

than pursuing their passions

Factor number one is parents. They certainly have a right to be involved

in their childrens lives, but sometimes their words create more stress than

encouragement. Instead of trying to make their children happy, as their original

intention may have been, parents can end up squeezing their childrens hopes

and desires until nothing remains but the hard seeds of a cruel reality. Of course,

being realistic is important, but everyone needs the chance to dream in order to

find happiness, and parents should understand this.

The second factor is money. I had a conversation with my college friend

one afternoon, which illustrates this point.

“What happened?” I asked after I heard that he had changed his major

subjects. “I thought you wanted to be a photographer.”

“I do,” he said. “But there’s no money in it. Don’t worry,” he added, probably

seeing my concern. “I’m happy where I am.”

I was ready to believe that, but as we kept on talking, he constantly

interrupted me to point out the beauty of this view and that view, saying he

wished he had his camera with him. I didn’t know what to think anymore.

Naturally, we cannot predict where we will end up with our choices. In

fact, our ideas and plans could very well change as we progress. However, at

this stage in our lives when so many voices are telling us who we should be, we

need to nurture our individual dreams, not abandon them, because they may

be the only things left that define us.

Of course, you should listen to your parents and seriously think about the

financial implications of your choices. But also bear in mind, that you, and no

one else, will eventually have to live with the results of your decisions.

And who knows — maybe that person is right, and I will be hungry and

very short of money because of my choice to study journalism. But after seeing

the unhappiness of those who didn’t follow their dream, I am convinced that the

worst suffering of all is to not allow yourself to do what you truly love.


12. Why did the author choose to be a journalist?

1) She was influenced by her friends’ opinions.

2) Journalism is what she’s truly interested in.

3) Being a journalist is a fashionable career choice.

4) She has been studying journalism for years.


13. Among the reasons the author gives against becoming a journalist is the fact


1) webpages have been gradually taking place of newspapers.

2) writing articles has become more time-consuming than before.

3) it is a badly paid job with very few career prospects,

4) there will be too many journalists and writers in the future.


14 What is the author’s opinion about the role of parents when their children choose

a career?

1) They shouldn’t try to influence their children in any way.

2) They help their children to make the right choice of a career.

3) They may destroy their children’s dreams of a certain career.

4) They know better what career their children should choose.


15. It can be assumed that the author’s friend, who she had a conversation with,

1) had completely lost his interest in photography.

2) was doubtful about his new choice of the major subject.

3) only cared about the money his job would earn him.

4) was still sincerely interested in photography.



16. The word “nurture” in paragraph 12 means to...

1) ignore.

2) notice.

3) help to develop.

4) make known.



17. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

1) Our choices have a considerable influence on our future.

2) Journalism might be a bad career choice for young people.

3) Choosing the career you love is not always a good decision.

4) Not doing something you love may lead to unhappiness.



18. What is the main idea of the article?

1) Our desires and interests should be a priority when choosing a career.

2) It is difficult to decide on a career when there are so many choices.

3) We should take into account what our parents think about our career choice.

4) There are a lot of factors to consider when you are choosing a career.


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