Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыТест по английскому языку для учащихся 8 класса

Тест по английскому языку для учащихся 8 класса

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December Test - 8 / Variant 1                                                                          ________________________

1. Read the text. Match the titles to the tips. One title is extra.


                Nine Tips to Building Self-Esteem








    In order to build your self-esteem, you must establish yourself as the master of your own life. Every single minute of your life is a moment you can change for the better. Start with the smallest or the most im­portant task. The following are tips to help build higher self-esteem.

A Start with something you can do immediately and easily. When we start with small successes, we build momentum (импульс, толчок) to get more confidence in our abilities. What are some small actions you can take immediately to demonstrate that you can achieve goals you’ve set for yourself? For example, clean your desk, organise your papers, or wash the dishes as you promised your Mum. Become your own personal cheerleader. Don’t be afraid to celebrate even your smallest successes.

В Use the power of your imagination. Create an image of yourself as the confident and self-assured person you want to become. When you are this person, how will you feel? How will others perceive you? What will your body language look like? How will you talk? See these clearly in your mind’s eye, with your eyes closed. Practise doing this for 10 minutes every morning. After that write a description of this person and all the attributes you’ve observed.

C Get out of the house or set up a hangover with a friend. Socialising with others will give us opportunities to connect with other people, and practise our communication and interpersonal skills. Try to find oppor­tunities to demonstrate your skills and abilities. Try to spend more time with those you hold near and dear. At the same time, try to enlarge your social circle by making an effort to meet people.

D Beginning the inner dialogue about who you are and what you have to offer the world is an important process in building self-esteem. Ac­cording to some research, 80% of people say they don’t have goals. And the people who regularly write down their goals earn nine times more over their lifetime as people who don’t. By setting clear goals, you have a clear target of where you want to be. When you take action towards that goal, you’ll build more confidence and self-esteem in your abilities to follow through.



2. Choose the right variant.


1. By the time her guests arrived, Anna ____ for hours.    a/ had been cooking  b/ had cooked     c/ cooked

2. He ___ in a cafe, when I ___ him.   a/ sat, saw   b/ sat ,was seeing   c/ was sitting , saw   d/ had sat, saw

3. I _____ my best friend ____ 1998.  1/ knew , since    b/ had known, for   c/ have known, since

4. When the war ____, we ___ in Lion.   a/ began, lived   b/ was beginning, was living   c/ began, were living

5. My sister ___ in a bank ten years ago.   a/ has worked   b/ worked   c/ has worked   d/ was working

6. George ____ in London from 2001 to 2015.    a/ have lived    b/ lived   c/ has lived

7. When I ___ , the sun ___ brightly.  a/ went out, shone   d/ was going out, shone   c/ went out, was shining

8. By the time her father got home, Sonia ___ cleaning the rooms.   a/finished   b/ had been finishing   c/ had finished

9. The children ___ that game many times! They just love it. a/ has played   b/ played   c/ have played  were playing

10.  ___ your room last night?   a/ have you cleaned   b/ do you clean  c/ did you clean   d/ has you clean 


3. Fill in the gaps with a suitable time word: ago   before    since      for     already     yet      still


1. A: How is your leg? Are you able to walk without crutches?

     B: Yes, it’s much better. But I _____________ can't run on it.

2. A: Are you coming out with us this evening?

     B: I’m afraid I haven't finished my homework __________ , so I can't.

3. A: It has been raining non-stop ______________ this morning, so the game has been cancelled.

    B: That's unlucky. It hadn't rained ____________ a few weeks up until today.

4. A: Jenny, could you check what time the flight arrives, please?

     В: I have _______________  done that. It gets in at 10:15.

5. A: Did you know that it’s Bill and Mary’s anniversary today?

     B: Yes. They got married 25 years ___________.

6. A: Remember to turn off the computer screen  _________ you leave the office.

     B: Thanks for reminding me.







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