Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыТест по английскому языку "Относительные местоимения" (8 классс)

Тест по английскому языку "Относительные местоимения" (8 классс)

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1. Fill in which or who.

1. My wallet,...      was in my handbag, has disappeared.

2. Brian, ...       is still at school, is the captain of our local team.

3. London, ...is the capital of England, attracts many foreign

4. This parrot, ...          comes from Africa, is a clever mimic.

5. The children ...          play with my son are coming round for tea.

6. English weather, ...        is often bad, is the subject of many conversations.

2. Fill in which, whose  or who.

1.  Kate's job, ...      involves working long hours, makes her very tired.

2.  George, ...      is American, is the best student in our class.

3.  The soldier ...       fought the most bravely is being awarded a medal.

4.  Their argument,...      continued throughout the night, was finally resolved.

5.  The Sussex coast,...    is in the south of England, is very beauti­ful.

6.  Not everybody ...        is coming to my party is bringing me a present.

3. Fill in which, who, whose or where.

1. California,... is on the west coast of America, attracts actresses
and musicians.

2. This cake, ....     I bought yesterday tastes delicious.

3. The man ...     wife is seriously ill is very sad.

4. Brighton, ...    my boyfriend lives has a famous pier.

5. The woman ...    car was stolen last night has called the police.

6. My sister, ...     works as a scientist, lives in America.

1. Fill in which or who.

1. My wallet,...      was in my handbag, has disappeared.

2. Brian, ...       is still at school, is the captain of our local team.

3. This parrot, ...          comes from Africa, is a clever mimic.

4. London, ...is the capital of England, attracts many foreign

5.The children ...          play with my son are coming round for tea.

6.English weather, ...        is often bad, is the subject of many conversations.

2. Fill in which, whose or who.

1.   Kate's job, ...      involves working long hours, makes her very tired.

2.   The soldier ...       fought the most bravely is being awarded a medal.

3.   George, ...      is American, is the best student in our class.

4.      I don't know …        paper it is.

5.   The Sussex coast,...    is in the south of England, is very beauti­ful.

6.   Not everybody ...        is coming to my party is bringing me a present.

3. Fill in which, who, whose or where.

1. California,... is on the west coast of America, attracts actresses
and musicians.

2.This cake, ....     I bought yesterday tastes delicious.

3.The man ...     wife is seriously ill is very sad.

4.The woman ...    car was stolen last night has called the police.

5. Brighton, ...    my boyfriend lives has a famous pier.

6.My sister, ...     works as a scientist, lives in America.


4. Fill in which, whom, or who.

1.      The man …     is sitting there is my friend.

2.      I don't know …     he sent there.

3.      He went with the multitude, …..    tried to break through the gates.

4.      Please, give me back the tool,…     I lent you some days ago.

5.      Their argument,...      continued throughout the night, was finally resolved

6.      The wall,….    was build centuries ago, was almost destroyed.

1. Fill in which or who.

1. My wallet,...      was in my handbag, has disappeared.

2. Brian, ...       is still at school, is the captain of our local team.

3. London, ...is the capital of England, attracts many foreign

4.This parrot, ...          comes from Africa, is a clever mimic.

5.English weather, ...        is often bad, is the subject of many conversations.

6.The children ...          play with my son are coming round for tea.

2. Fill in which, whose  or who.

1.George, ...      is American, is the best student in our class.

2.Kate's job, ...      involves working long hours, makes her very tired.

3.The soldier ...       fought the most bravely is being awarded a medal.

4.Their argument,...      continued throughout the night, was finally resolved.

5.The Sussex coast,...    is in the south of England, is very beauti­ful.

6.Not everybody ...        is coming to my party is bringing me a present.

3. Fill in which, who, whose or where.

1.This cake, ....     I bought yesterday tastes delicious.

2.The man ...     wife is seriously ill is very sad.

3.Brighton, ...    my boyfriend lives has a famous pier.

4.The woman ...    car was stolen last night has called the police.

5.My sister, ...     works as a scientist, lives in America

6.California,... is on the west coast of America, attracts actresses
and musicians.

4. Fill in which, whom, or who.

1.Please, give me back the tool,…     I lent you some days ago.

2.The wall,….    was build centuries ago, was almost destroyed.

3.      Their argument,...      continued throughout the night, was finally resolved

4.      The man …     is sitting there is my friend.

5.      I don't know …     he sent there.

6.      He went with the multitude, …..    tried to break through the gates.

5. Fill in which or who.

7. My wallet,...      was in my handbag, has disappeared.

8. Brian, ...       is still at school, is the captain of our local team.

3. London, ...is the capital of England, attracts many foreign

4.This parrot, ...          comes from Africa, is a clever mimic.

5.English weather, ...        is often bad, is the subject of many conversations.

6.The children ...          play with my son are coming round for tea.


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