Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыТест по английскому языку "Spotlight 9 Module 1"

Тест по английскому языку "Spotlight 9 Module 1"

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Spotlight 9 Test 1

1. Fill in the missing words: Make, Life, Strong, Transformed, Street, Display, Raised, Bright, Spare, Contest

1.         Throwing Mum and Dad a surprise party for their anniversary this year is really a ….. idea. 

2.         Take a …. change of warm clothes with you on your camping trip; I’ve heard it gets quite cold in the mountains at night.

3.         Why don’t you take part in the cooking …. ? I’m sure you’ll be winner!

4.         Over the years, this organization has …. a lot of money for different local charities.

5.         The night sky burst with colour when the magnificent fireworks …. began.

6.         The children were thrilled to see Disney floats at this year’s colourful …..parade

7.         It’s amazing how the town residents have ….. the local square into an open-air theatre for next week/s music festival.

8.         We always sing Christmas carols during the holidays, as it is a …. tradition in my family

9.         Henry really enjoyed the opportunity to experience …. as a knight at England’s Medieval Festival last month.

10.     If you see a spider, ….. sure you don’t kill it ; I’ve heard it’s bad luck.


2. Put the verb in brackets in Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous:

1) Jane (write) a letter to a magazine for 2 hours. She (not finish) it yet.

2) “-What you (do).” – “I (look) for my pen-knife.”

3) Nick (play) a computer game for two hours and he is still playing.

4) I already (do) the housework. I can go for a walk now.

5) The concert (start) at 7 p.m.  So we (meet) at 6.30 p.m.  You (come) with us?

6) Sara (think) of moving a new house.

7) Jack (wait) for Jenny since afternoon. She (not arrive) yet.

8) -” Why you (smell) this cheese?” – “ It (smell) strange”

9) I (not/understand) what he is speaking about.

10) I (not/like) Jane. She never (know) what she (want).

3. Complete the sentences using which, who, whose, when, where, why:

1. What is the name of the writer ______ most famous novel is ‘War and Peace’?

2. The girl _____ lives next door is called Natalie.

3. The boy ______ won the first prize is only fifteen years old.

4. The movie ______ you advised me to watch is very boring.

5. That is the girl ______brother came to see us the other day.

6. That is the reason _______ he did it.

7. That's the restaurant _______ we met for the first time.

8. That was the year _______ she graduated 

4. Fill in off, back, up, down, into:

1. There was a traffic jam on the road so we decided to turn ______. 

2. She was offered a new job but she turned ______ the offer.

3. He managed to turn their words _______ joke. 
4. Turn______ the radio. It disturbs me. 

5. My brother turned ______ unexpectedly early in the morning. 

6. Turn _____ the TV. I can't hear what they're saying.


5. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition for, of, with and in.

1.        Are you interested ___ going to a fancy dress party tonight?

2.        Bill’s tired ___ doing the same thing for his birthday every year.

3.        Don’t tell me you still believe ___ Santa Clause!

4.        Are you pleased ___ the decorations we have chosen?

5.        The reason ___ this meeting is to talk about the school festival.

6.        My little brother is afraid ___ the load noise that fireworks make when they go off.



1.       Bright

2.       Spare

3.       Contest

4.       Raised

5.       Display

6.       Street

7.       Transformed

8.       Strong

9.       Life

10.   Make



1.       In

2.       Of

3.       In

4.       With

5.       For

6.       Of





1) Jane has been writing a letter to a magazine for 2 hours. She has not finished it yet.

2) “-What are you doing.” – “I am looking for my pen-knife.”

3) Nick has been playing a computer game for two hours and he is still playing.

4) I have already done the housework. I can go for a walk now.

5) The concert starts at 7 p.m.  So we meet at 6.30 p.m. Are you coming with us?

6) Sara is thinking of moving a new house.

7) Jack has been waiting for Jenny since afternoon. She has not arrived yet.

8) -” Why are you smelling this cheese?” – “ It smells strange”

9) I do not understand what he is speaking about.

10) I do not like Jane. She never knows what she wants.


1. What is the name of the writer whose most famous novel is ‘War and Peace’?
2. The girl who lives next door is called Natalie.

3. The boy who won the first prize is only fifteen years old.

4. The movie which you advised me to watch is very boring.

5. That is the girl whose brother came to see us the other day.

6. That is the reason why he did it.

7. That's the restaurant where we met for the first time.

8. That was the year when she graduated.


1. There was a traffic jam on the road so we decided to turn back

2. She was offered a new job but she turned down the offer.

3. He managed to turn their words into joke. 
4. Turn off the radio. It disturbs me. 

5. My brother turned up unexpectedly early in the morning. 

6. Turn up the TV. I can't hear what they're saying.



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