Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыTopical Test on Module 3 “Profiles” (7th form)

Topical Test on Module 3 “Profiles” (7th form)

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Topical Test on Module 3 “Profiles” (7th form)

I variant

1.      Fill in: afraid of ,awards, cute, uniform ,give up, ravens

1.      Eight black ______________ live in a tower.

2.      A lot of people are ___________________snakes.

3.      This sportsman won  many__________________.

4.      Tom  wants to___________________smoking.

5.      The ___________fitted her perfectly.  

2.      Put the words in the correct order:

1.      A, British, middle-aged, kind, lady.

2.      An , tall, excellent, Australian, volley-ball player.

3.      A, clever, Russian, young student.

3.  Choose the correct word.

                    1. A vet is someone where/ who treats sick animals.

                    2. I met a girl that/ whose mother is a famous actress.

                    3. This is a house where/which she was born.

                    4. That city, where/which is mostly famous for its fountains, is Rome.

4. Complete the words using –ed or –ing.

1. The football was very_______(interest).

2. I’m really______(excite) about going to New York next week.

3. I ran ten kilometers this morning. I'm _____(exhaust) now.

4. That horror film was really_______(frighten).


II variant

1.      Fill in : give back, orphans, freckles, uniform, guides, take care of.

1.      Street children and ________ cleaned chimneys in Victorian times.

2.      Did you ________ the book? It belongs to the teacher.

3.      The Yeoman Warders act as __________________ for tourists nowadays.

4.      Good mothers always __________________ their children.

5.      She has light skin, splashed with  ____________________. 

2.Put the words in the correct order.

        1. a, Greek, beautiful, old, vase.

        2. a, professor, clever, tall, British.

        3. French, handsome, a, middle-aged, lawyer.

3.  Choose the correct word.

          1. That’s the clinic where/ when Christina works.

          2. My mum wanted to know when/ why I didn’t finish my homework.

          3. Do you know the girl, who/which is talking to Tom?

          4. The people which/whose horse won the race come from England.

4. Complete the words using –ed or –ing.

1. I’m _______(interest) in football.

2. This film was really______(bore).

3. The holiday in London was really_______(excite).

4. I'm_______(bore) . There's nothing to do here.









I variant

1.      Fill in

1.      Eight black ravens live in a tower.

2.      A lot of people are afraid of snakes.

3.      This sportsman won  many awards.

4.      Tom  wants to give up smoking.

5.      The uniform fitted her perfectly.  

3.      Put the words in the correct order:

4.      A kind middle-aged British lady.

5.      An excellent tall Australian volley-ball player.

6.      A clever young Russian student.

3.  Choose the correct word.

                    1. A vet is someone who treats sick animals.

                    2. I met a girl whose mother is a famous actress.

                    3. This is a house where she was born.

                    4. That city, which is mostly famous for its fountains, is Rome.

4. Complete the words using –ed or –ing.

1. The football was very_______(interesting).

2. I’m really______(excited) about going to New York next week.

3. I ran ten kilometers this morning. I'm _____(exhausted) now.

4. That horror film was really_______(frightening).


II variant

2.      Fill in

6.      Street children and orphans cleaned chimneys in Victorian times.

7.      Did you give back the book? It belongs to the teacher.

8.      The Yeoman Warders act as guides for tourists nowadays.

9.      Good mothers always take care of their children.

10.  She has light skin, splashed with  freckles

2.Put the words in the correct order.

        1. A beautiful old Greek vase.

        2. A clever tall British professor.

        3. A handsome middle-aged French lawyer.

3.  Choose the correct word.

          1. That’s the clinic where Christina works.

          2. My mum wanted to know why I didn’t finish my homework.

          3. Do you know the girl, who is talking to Tom?

          4. The people whose horse won the race come from England.

4. Complete the words using –ed or –ing.

1. I’m _______(interested) in football.

2. This film was really______(boring).

3. The holiday in London was really_______(exciting).

4. I'm_______(bored). There's nothing to do here.


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