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Творческая работа« Экологический тур по Мальте»

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Творческая работа



Дисциплина: иностранный язык

Тема: « Экологический тур по Мальте»





                                                                 Выполнила: студентка

                                                                       группы Тур -31-20


                                                                                      Артамонова Ж.И.


Обнинск 2023



   The Republic of Malta is located on three islands (Malta, Gozo and Comino) with a total area of ​​316 square kilometers. The population of the country is about 350 thousand people.

   Many people call Malta a little country. Indeed, there are no rivers or mountains here, and only two or three streets with several houses are called the city. However, every year more than a million tourists come to Malta, mainly from European countries.

   Malta is graceful, miniature and, at the same time, surprisingly rich in the mysterious events of the past, majestic architecture and hospitable people.

   There are excellent geographical position, warm climate, sun, clear sea, rich history, ancient culture, safe environment. All this gives Malta a great attraction.

   All Maltese houses have "named". Near the front door there is a sign with the female name or surname of the owners in the plural.

   The flag of Malta is red and white, the coat of arms is also red and white, but much more fancy than the flag. It depicts a flag in the form of a shield, a fortification sketch representing the City Gate, the inscription "Republic of Malta" and a pair of branches - one olive and the other palm.





Eco tour in Malta.


   This relatively young type of tourism has been actively developing in Malta since 2002, which was declared the International Year of Ecotourism. That year, the University of Malta received a grant to preserve the marine ecosystem of the archipelago. Subsequently, the Ministry of Tourism joined this work, which began to invest in the development of special environmental programs.




   Today, many hotels and travel agencies have an environmental safety certificate. Eco-tourism in Malta is represented by the following areas: eco-driving, rental of sailboats and bicycles, participation in the life of various farms and households, observation of the environment. Malta, along with Cyprus, has been recognized more than once as the most environmentally friendly and safe place for swimming in Europe. And it really is. The sea here is clean and transparent, beautiful and already at the end of June comfortable for swimming (it feels about 23-24 degrees at the end of June, at the beginning of July - probably 25 degrees), which is especially important for holidays in Europe.e flora and fauna of the region.

   In the area of the Maltese archipelago there are practically no tides, tides and undercurrents, there are no dangerous fish.





How to get there?

   Almost all European airlines fly to Valletta (with a transfer) - Air France, Finnair, Lufthansa, Iberia, Swiss, Alitalia, Austrian Airlines, Aeroflot, Turkish Airlines and others. Travel time, taking into account docking, is from 6.5 hours. The cost of a round-trip ticket is from 20 thousand rubles. To visit Malta, you need to apply for a Schengen visa.


   The local base for ecotourism has many picturesque villages, rugged coastline, hills, valleys, chapels and ancient megalithic monuments found almost all over the islands of Gozo and Malta.



   The climate here is Mediterranean with hot, sunny summers and mild winters. The average summer temperature is +26 or +28 °C. The water temperature ranges from +21 °C in June to +24 or +26 °C in July-August. In May it is cool to swim (the water temperature is +19 ° C), but in September-October there is a real hot season.

   Precipitation falls about 530-570 mm per year. Most of it falls in winter. But even at this time , the weather is clear and sunny . Humidity is high most of the year. There are no rivers or mountains in Malta.





How to get to Malta




   Malta's only international airport is located 5 km from Valletta. The airport is quite small, but fully complies with all accepted standards in the world. Only Air Malta has direct flights from Moscow. Departure from Sheremetyevo on Wednesdays and Saturdays, the flight duration is about 4 hours.


   The rest of the time, you can only get there with transfers. airBaltic offers routes from Sheremetyevo with a connection in Riga.These routes last 17 hours and 35 minutes. Turkish Airlines offers routes from Vnukovo via Istanbul, which last 14 hours and 20 minutes, Es Seven and Air Malta provide routes from Domodedovo via Munich, which last 6.5 hours. The ticket price starts from 100 euros.






Visa and customs


Malta is one of the countries participating in the Schengen Agreement; citizens of Russia and the CIS will need a visa and insurance to visit it.

Import and export of foreign currency is not limited. When entering from the territory of countries outside the EU, amounts over 10,000 EUR must be declared. Persons over the age of 18 are allowed to import 200 cigarettes, or 100 cigarillos, or 50 cigars, or 250 grams of tobacco; 1 liter of spirits and 2 liters of wine; perfumes.






   Ammunition, explosives and firearms, drugs and pornographic materials will not pass through customs. Plants, soil, wild birds and animals, meat and milk products (including canned food, chocolate, sausage, etc.) can be brought to the island. Weapons, ammunition and pornography, as well as historical artifacts, jewelry and antiques are prohibited for export.









Tax free


   The Tax free system allows you to return about 15% of the cost of goods purchased in Malta. To do this, you have to follow several rules: at least make purchases in the amount of 55 EUR or more (VAT must be included in the price), keep all sales receipts and not use things until your departure.


   Arriving at the airport in advance, you will have to write an application for a VAT refund at the Vat Refund counter at the exit from the departure area. The amount due will not be issued immediately: the receipt will be sent to the address specified by the applicant within three months. In practice , sometimes you have to wait a whole year .You can cash a check in Russian banks no later than six months from the date of receipt.












   The most convenient way to get around Malta is by bus. Previously, the buses belonged to the British company Arriva, but now the reins have passed to the national carrier Malta Public Transport. Almost all routes go through Valletta, and to get to your destination, sometimes you have to make a solid detour.




   The salons are equipped with comfortable seats, air conditioners and electronic displays. Tickets are sold from drivers, the cost of one trip in winter is 1.50 euros, in summer it is a trip of 2 euros, night flights are 3 euros. Special passes are available for tourists: Explorer for 21 years with an unlimited number of trips for 7 days and Explorer Plus for 39 euros with included sightseeing tours and audio guides.



Separate waste treatment in Malta.

      When a garbage bag is full, Maltese residents cannot simply throw it into the garbage chute or into garbage cans. The janitors take out the garbage on the street before the arrival of the garbage truck (that is, everyone needs to know when the garbage truck arrives and at what time the car departs), and residents put garbage near the door.

   A garbage truck is passing through the city. Behind her, as in American films, two men are holding on. When the cleaners see the garbage at the door, they run up, pick it up and throw it into the car.

   This machine picks up black garbage bags. Residents of the city carefully sort garbage into bags and even wash it before putting it in a bag. Not all residents carry out such a program, but Malta actively fights pollution and disposes of garbage correctly. There are practically no garbage cans on the streets. Special services are engaged in the disposal and collection of garbage.









In conclusion,

I would like to say something about ecological tourism in Malta.
The ecological worldview of the population of recreational territories is formed by their involvement in the process of servicing tourist routes, where local residents act as guides and instructors, animators, participants of folklore ensembles, territory cleaners, etc. Only when local residents are convinced of the recreational attractiveness of their natural landscape, realize that it has ecological and aesthetic value and it can bring material benefits, they come to the idea of protecting it. The understanding that the economically predatory use of natural resources can take their territory out of the sphere of recreational use is an incentive and an incentive reason for its protection and rational use.

Malta is an ecological place that I recommend to visit.

The climate in Malta is comfortable for tourism.



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This relatively young type of tourism has been actively developing in Malta since 2002, which was declared the International Year of Ecotourism. That year, the University of Malta received a grant to preserve the marine ecosystem of the archipelago. Subsequently, the Ministry of Tourism joined this work, which began to invest in the development of special environmental programs.Today, many hotels and travel agencies have an environmental safety certificate. Eco-tourism in Malta is represented by the following areas: eco-driving, rental of sailboats and bicycles, participation in the life of various farms and households, observation of the environment. Malta, along with Cyprus, has been recognized more than once as the most environmentally friendly and safe place for swimming in Europe. And it really is. The sea here is clean and transparent, beautiful and already at the end of June comfortable for swimming (it feels about 23-24 degrees at the end of June, at the beginning of July - probably 25 degrees), which is especially important for holidays in Europe.e flora and fauna of the region.

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