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Творческий проект на тему “Space travel: myth or reality?”

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                      Конкурс творческих проектов “Travel Life

                                  Творческий проект  на тему:


                         “Space travel: myth or reality?”





                                             Выполнил: Прочухан Денис Константинович,

                                                                                              обучающийся 10 класса

                                                                                        МОБУ СОШ с. Большой Куганак

                                                                                          МР Стерлитамакский район, РБ


                                                                                                     Научный руководитель:

                                                                                                 Козлова Ольга Николаевна,

                                                                                                 учитель английского языка

                                                                                                        высшей категории

                                                               2021 год



1.     Introduction………………………………………………3

     2. The dreams of flying in ancient timеs…………………….3 - 5

     3. What is Space tourism? .......................................................5

     4. Companies for space tourism……………………………..6 - 7

     5. The advantages and disadvantages of space tourism …… ..7 – 9

     6.  Conclusion ………………………………………………..9

     7. Literature ………………………………………………….10














                                              1. Introduction

My name is Denis, I’m the 10 – grader of Bolshoy Kuganak secondary school. The topic of my report isSpace travel: myth or reality?” The aim of my report is to investigate the development of space tourism in the world, introduce the companies engaged in the development of space tourism, and find out the advantages and disadvantages of this exotic type of tourism.

 The object of our research is the development of space tourism in the world. The actuality of our work is defined by the growing popularity of space tourism all over the world. The practical value of the report consists in the application of the results of our research.

Why is this topic actual? In my opinion, the development of space tourism will bring huge profits to the state. Every year there are fewer and fewer places where a person has not set foot. Rich people are willing to invest their millions in exotic hobbies and exotic travels to become famous and arouse the envy and admiration of other people. Besides that, great research hopes are pinned on orbital flights into space. Their popularization may contribute to the appearance of "space hotels" for scientific experiments in the future. Today, the only "stop" in space for tourists is the ISS, and space hotels or bases will allow better and more detailed exploration of other celestial bodies.

                              2. The dreams of flying in ancient times

 Since time immemorial, people have looked at the starry sky, admired the twinkling of countless Worlds. The greatness of the Cosmos has amazed a man from the very beginning of his presence on Earth. The human mind was amazed by this boundlessness. Thus arose the oldest of the ancient questions: was there ever the beginning of the universe? Will it be the end? Or does all this exist from Eternity? And will it remain the same forever? A person painfully wanted to find


 out about it to reveal the Secret of the origin of the Worlds, the Secret of Cosmic Eternity. And people went to the deserts, retreated to the mountains, became hermits, so that no one would interfere with them to concentrate on thinking about the fundamental issues of Existence. And they thought, thought, thought… The Unknown attracts and interests people since the beginning of time. Such, for example, as the infinity of the universe. People imagined, looking at the starry sky, fantastic monsters living in space.

Dreams of flying to the sky, the Sun, the Moon and stars have been reflected in the folk epic for thousands of years.There are a lot of fairy tales and myths about this. Greek myths carried from the depths of centuries existing ideas about outer space and the ways of movement in it. In the legend, it is striking that a hero, having risen above the Earth, sees it not such as she was once pictured in the imagination of ignorant people. In ancient times, before the beginning of the space age, people had a dream to climb into the sky. The essay "Journey to the Moon" by Cyrano de Bergerac - among the various fantastic ways of flight, human flight is described with the help of sequentially burned powder rockets.

In Peter's time, an unnamed peasant "made wings for himself, crossed himself and began to inflate the bellows, and began to fly, but did not get up, and said that he made those wings heavy. And the boyar twisted on him, and that man beat his forehead so that he could make other wings. But he didn 't fly on them…And for that he was punished: he was beaten, taking off his shirt, and that money was ordered to be collected from him."

In 1729, in the village of Klyuch, near Ryazhsk, the blacksmith Black Thunder made wings out of wire…But the priest burned his wings, and cursed him.

Already in the enlightened XIX century, newsreels captured a Parisian tailor who sewed himself a parachute suit and jumped from the top of the Eiffel Tower. The


parachute didn't open… The dream of flight turned out to be stronger than the tragic reality ... And only in the twentieth century a man realized his cherished dream - he overcame gravity and looked at his native planet from space!

                                   3. What is Space tourism?

Space tourism is a separate segment of the aviation industry, the main purpose of which is to provide an opportunity to travel beyond the atmosphere: to become an astronaut for a while, and use space travel for their personal (as entertainment) or research missions. Experts consider four types of space tourism:

1) jet fighter flights at high altitude;

2) zero gravity flights in the atmosphere;

 3) short-term suborbital flights;

4) long-term orbital flights. Due to the fact that the ticket price is high (from $250 thousand to $120 million, depending on the duration of the flight), only a small

number of people will be able to join the space travelers club. But according to the assurances of entrepreneurs, the higher is the competition in the industry, the lower is the cost of the service.

In which countries is space tourism developed? Today, Russia, China and the USA are considered leaders in developments in the space industry. Moreover, despite all the interest and power of America, in order to carry out all their missions in space, they need to interact with Russia. Over the past 10 years, not a single ship has been launched from the territory of the United States; the launch of Crew Dragon should change the situation.



                            4. Companies for space tourism

There are some companies organizing tourist flights outside our planet.

1. Space Adventures

2. Virgin Galactic

 3. Blue Origin

4. SpaceX

5. Boeing

6. Roscosmos

7. Zero2Infinity

              5. The advantages and disadvantages of space tourism

In our opinion, there are many advantages and disadvantages of space tourism. The advantages of space tourism  are : the opportunity to see the Earth from space; experience weightlessness; getting  a unique travel experience. And this is, of course, incredible and fascinating, but, unfortunately, all this is limited to the story of one person. What are the advantages of space tourism as an industry? We agree with the opinion of scientists that the development of this exotic tourism will reduce the costs of states to create research missions (part of the costs is borne by the "tourist"). This will allow launching spaceships more often and getting more information, as well as conducting experiments more accurately. In addition, the absence of a Russian monopoly, which currently exists in the space market, will allow other countries to develop the space industry more freely, therebystrengthening their economies, attracting investors and specialists.(9).We consider that the main disadvantage of space tourism is its price. Despite the fact that the flight of the first space tourist took place back in 2001 (Denis Tito became it, the price of the trip is $ 20 million), this exotic type of travel is still at the dawn of its development.

For the entire existence of space flights, as a service, for people far from this sphere, there were only 7 such tourists. But the difficulty is not only in finances (there are over 600 people in America alone, whose capital is more than a billion, so there will be those who want to), but also in the time it takes to prepare, to conduct a lot of tests, checks, physical exertion. In addition, space tourism is still more related to extreme types of recreation than to comfortable tours, so not everyone is in a hurry to Orbit. The flight program is also quite limited – a flight around the Earth, the International Space Station (visiting it allows you to extend your stay in space up to several days), and perhaps in 2022 there will be a chance to fly to the Moon: preparations are being conducted by SpaceX, and entrepreneur Yusaku Maezawa should become a participant.Prospects for the development of space tourism Space flights themselves, as well as the term "space tourist" still causes a lot of controversy, in particular, should suborbital flights (without entering orbit) be considered space or just extreme? But no matter how they are treated, suborbital flights will become the main driving force for the development of space tourism: the design of the ship is much easier, which means it will be easier to build, physical training is minimal, and profits are high.

                                                   6. Conclusion

In conclusion I would say that cosmonautics is the widest field of human activity, combining the achievements of both science and technology.

People have always dreamed of climbing to the sky. Often flights to the sky and "above the sky", to planets and stars seemed to a man accessible to winged terrestrial beings, and in his fantasies he used them for travel.

Only a few decades have passed since humanity entered the space age. Yuri Gagarin flew into space in the "East" more than 50 years ago. This event changed the consciousness of mankind — the stars became closer, and we had to think about what to do with this fact. The ideas of the past collided with reality, and the collective mind gave birth to a new mythology, things immediately went faster — and now our ships are plowing through outer space!

On the one hand, there are many advantages of space tourism: the opportunity to see the Earth from space; experience weightlessness; getting  a unique travel experience. On the other hand, the main disadvantages of space tourism are its price and the time it takes to prepare.

But I’m sure, space tourism should be developed for scientific purposes, and I’m concerned scientists from all over the world will manage to make a lot of useful and necessary discoveries in the space sphere.





                                                  7. Literature

1. http://petrycy-students.blogspot.com/


3. https://www.academia.edu/29939594/Myth_or_reality

4. http://babjlib.ru.  http://skazki - narodov.ru.

























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