Инфоурок Иностранные языки Другие методич. материалыУчебное пособие по английскому языку для 1 курса тех.профиля

Учебное пособие по английскому языку для 1 курса тех.профиля

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для студентов 1-х курсов технического профиля























г. Славянск-на-Кубани





КузнецоваЕ.П. – к.ф.н., доцент кафедры иностранных языков Куб ГУ,  Славянский филиал;




Учебное пособие составлено с учетом современных тенденций  и особенностей использования английского языка в профессиональной деятельности, содержит практически ориентированный дидактический материал.

Учебное пособие предназначено для обучающихся средних специальных учебных заведений по профессии 13.01.05 «Электромонтер по техническому обслуживанию электростанций и сетей», 35.01.13 «Тракторист-машинист сельскохозяйственного производства», 23.01.08 «Слесарь по ремонту строительных машин», 35.01.15 «Электромонетр по ремонту и обслуживанию электрооборудования в сельскохозяйственном производстве», 13.01.10 «Электромонтер по ремонту и обслуживанию электрооборудования (по отрослям),  как в качестве самостоятельного источника изучения английского языка, так и в качестве  дополнения к любому традиционному учебнику.

Автор-составитель: С.А.Девятова – преподаватель английского языка ГБПОУ КК СЭТ, 2017. – 177с.


























Lesson 1………………………………………………………………………..8Lesson 2……………………………………………………………………….10

          Lesson 3……………………………………………………………………….13

          Test Yourself………………………………………………………………….15


          Lesson 4……………………………………………………………………….16

          Lesson 5……………………………………………………………………….17

Test Yourself………………………………………………………………….19


Lesson 6……………………………………………………………………….20

Lesson 7……………………………………………………………………….22

Test Yourself………………………………………………………………….25


 Lesson 8……………………………………………………………………….26

 Lesson 9……………………………………………………………………….28

Test Yourself………………………………………………………………….30


Lesson 10……………………………………………………………………...31

Lesson 11……………………………………………………………………...33

Test Yourself………………………………………………………………….35


Lesson 12……………………………………………………………………...36

Lesson 13……………………………………………………………………...38

Test Yourself………………………………………………………………….40


Lesson 14……………………………………………………………………...41

Lesson 15……………………………………………………………………...44

Test Yourself………………………………………………………………….46


Lesson 16……………………………………………………………………...47

Lesson 17……………………………………………………………………...48

Test Yourself………………………………………………………………….50


          Lesson 18……………………………………………………………………...51

Lesson 19……………………………………………………………………...53

Test Yourself………………………………………………………………….55


Lesson 20……………………………………………………………………...56

Lesson 21……………………………………………………………………...60

Test Yourself………………………………………………………………….65



          Lesson 22……………………………………………………………………..66

Lesson 23……………………………………………………………………..68

Test Yourself………………………………………………………………….71


Lesson 24……………………………………………………………………...72

Lesson 25……………………………………………………………………...74

Test Yourself………………………………………………………………….75


Lesson 26……………………………………………………………………..76

Lesson 27……………………………………………………………………..78

Test Yourself………………………………………………………………….82


Lesson 28……………………………………………………………………...83

Lesson 29……………………………………………………………………...86

Lesson 30……………………………………………………………………...88

Lesson 31……………………………………………………………………...90

Test Yourself………………………………………………………………….92

Unit 15. : Industry and agriculture of the UK


Lesson 32……………………………………………………………………...93

Lesson 33……………………………………………………………………...96

Test Yourself………………………………………………………………….98

Unit 16. Future profession

Lesson 34……………………………………………………………………..99

Lesson 35…………………………………………………………………….101

Lesson 36…………………………………………………………………….103

Test Yourself………………………………………………………..……….105


Lesson 37…………………………………………………………………….106

Lesson 38…………………………………………………………………….108

Lesson 39…………………………………………………………………….111

Test Yourself………………………………………………………………...113


Useful conversational  phrases……………………………………………..………114

Grammar tests………………………………………………………….…………...116

Supplementary reading material……………………………………….…………...132

Grammar Guide…………………………………………………………...……..…150

Lexical Minimum………………………………………………………………..…168








Настоящее учебное пособие предназначено для обучающихся средних специальных учебных заведений и содержит материалы, соответствующие требованиям базисного учебного плана и государственным требованиям к минимуму содержания и уровню подготовки выпускников по дисциплине «Иностранный язык».

Целью изучения иностранного языка является овладение навыками чтения, говорения, письма и перевода литературы по профессиям.  Иностранный язык рассматривается и как средство формирования общечеловеческих культурных ценностей и приобщения к опыту других стран.

Данное пособие рассчитано на 80 часов обучения по учебному плану для студентов 1 курса технического профиля.

Пособие состоит из 17 разделов, охватывающих наиболее важные лексические темы и грамматические явления английского языка, грамматического справочника, где в компактной и доступной форме излагаются необходимые сведения по грамматике, дополнительных текстов для чтения и словаря. Структура каждого раздела одинакова.  Открывается каждый раздел грамматической или лексической темой. Упражнения закрепляют лекисический, фонетический и грамматический материал.  Также содержатся вопросы на понимание прочитанного. Каждый раздел завершается итоговым тестом «Проверь себя», включающим лексический и грамматический материал, изученных разделов.

Текстовые материалы сокращены и адаптированы в той мере, в какой это возможно без нарушения языковых норм и особенностей авторского стиля.  Тексты для чтения прорабатываютя подробно, к ним имеются предтекстовые и послетекстовые упражнения.   Дополнительный материал для чтения тематически дополняет базовый курс, но преподаватель может использовать предлагаемые тексты в качестве альтернативных. Тексты содержат задания на английском языке.

Грамматический материал – это преимущественно «активная» грамматика, знание которой необходимо для развития навыков устной речи и навыков чтения. Задания для выполнения располагаются  от простого к сложному. Для облегчения выполнения заданий даны образцы работы с ними.

Учебное пособие содержит также  творческие задания, для выполнения проектов студентами.

Данное пособие может быть использовано как самостоятельный источник изучения английского языка, так и в качестве дополнения к любому традиционному учебнику.








Rules of reading

Its interesting to know

«Туманный Альбион», название Британских островов, известное много лет назад. Англия получила его благодаря белоснежным меловым скалам и утесам Дувра, расположенным на южном побережье.


Чтение гласных

В английском языке существует четыре типа слога:

·       I тип («открытый). Сочетание согласной с гласной или немой «е» в конце слова. Произносим как в алфавите.

·         II тип («закрытый»). Сочетание гласной с согласной.

·         III тип. Сочетание гласной с «r».

·         IV тип. Сочетание гласной с «re».

В таблице представлено несколько примеров, но нужно учитывать, что распространяются данные правила чтения только на ударные слоги.


Буква/Тип слога






[ei] fame

[æ] tag

[a:] park

[eə] mare


[i:] be

[e] ten

[з:] nerd

[iə] mere


[ai] pine

[i] sin

[з:] bird

[aiə] fire


[ou] rose (роза)

[o] top (верхушка)

[o:] sort (вид)

[o:] core


[ju:] duke

[ʌ] nut

[з:] curt

[juə] pure


[ai] thyme

[i] myth


[aiə] tyre


Чтение согласных в английском

Большая  часть  согласных произносится по правилам, однако есть и некоторые исключения. Общие особенности произношения, касающиеся всех согласных звуков в английском:

·         В некоторых словах согласные «w», «r», и другие не произносятся (when, pair).

·         Если конечный согласный стоит в конце слова, то он не оглушается (bed, good).

·         Удвоенные согласные дают один звук (matter, giggle).




Особенности прочтения некоторых согласных



Случаи употребления





Перед буквами “e”, “i”, “y”

Во всех остальных случаях

cent, citrus, cycle

cat, code, clutch





Перед буквами “e”, “i”, “y”

В словах, заимствованных из французского

Во всех остальных случаях

gentle, giggle, gybe


great, game







Когда стоит между двумя согласными

В суффиксе -ism

После звонких согласных

Перед буквосочетанием –ure

Во всех остальных случаях





speak, safe





Перед гласным в начале слов

Если стоит между двумя гласными

В конце слова и перед согласными



expose, box









В словах, произошедших от греческого










В местоимениях и артиклях

В существительных и глаголах






Если стоит в середине слова






Не произносится перед «t» и в конце слова

night, high





Если стоит перед «o»

Если не стоит перед «o»








Еще несколько полезных фактов:

·         Перед буквой «n» в начале и в конце слова не читаются буквы «g» и «k» (foreign, knot).

·         После буквы «m» в конце слова не читаются буквы «n» и «b» (autumn, bomb).

·         В буквосочетаниях «ps» и «pn» не произносится буква «p» (psychology, pneumonia).

·         Перед «r» не читается буква «w» (write).




Task 1. Read the following words, define what is common between them.

Tape, cake, plate, plane, gate, make, save, name, same, face, ray, play, race, place.

We, she, he, me, be.

Five, nine, life, like, tidy, time, nice, kite, wife, line, bike, fine, pipe, smile, hide.

Go, so, rose, no, home, bone, grove, rode, code, stone, tone, close.

My, try, by, type, bye, sky, fly, cry, dry, fry.

Pupil, duty, music, tube, use, tube.


Task 2. Read the following words, define what is common between them.

Map, cat, flag, can, apple, cap, back, man, mad, bad, bag, fat, rat, land, glad, gap, sad.

Text, help, tell, well, spend, them, best, fresh, pen, pencil, better, ten, bed, pet, test.

His, did, big, kitchen, fill, little, it, fit, pit, link, spin, slip, kiss, win, mix, sing, sip, six.

Hot, long, dog, ox, clock, fog, not, rock, doll, cold, stop, smog, shop, old, got, pot.

Physics, symbol, system, crystal, gymnastic.

Bus, but, sun, ugly, hug, cut, rub, fun, hunt, bus, summer, rugby, uncle.


Task 3. Read the following words, define what is common between them.

Car, dark, shark, alarm, far, hard, art, farther, arm, hart, card, march, park, party.

Verb, nerd, herb, serve, her, perfect, verse, serf, term, prefer, personal, service.

Bird, sir, birch, first, circle, girl, dirt, birth, firm.

Sport, world, born, work, word, sort, torn, form, fork, corner, port, storm, corn, force.

Turn, fur, curl, church, burn, hurt, burst, purse, purpose, curb.


Task 4. Read the following words, define what is common between them.

Care, hare, dare, prepare, ware, pare, square, bare, fare, rare, stare, mare.

Here, mere, interfere, ampere, sere.

Hire, dire, tire, wire, fire, mire, admire, desire, retire.

More, core, adore, core, score, shore, store, before, ignore, tore, wore, restore.

Sure, pure, cure, mature, secure, caricature.




Text: About Myself

Grammar point: Pronouns

Its interesting to know

Самое короткое предложение в английском языке может состоять из трех букв (I am/I do), а если I am сократить до I’m, то вообще из двух!


Read and remember: Аа [ ei ], A a   [ æ ], A a [ a: ].

Take, late, Jane, fame, plate, mate, same, name, gate, cake, came ,make                

Cat, stand, land, sad, map, fact, can     

Bar, farm, star, farmer, car, jar, far            

Tongue-twister:A black cat sat on a mat and rapidly ate a fat rat.


Task 1. Translate in to English.

Моя ручка,  ее ручка,  наша комната, его собака, ваш  портфель, их комната, твоя  машина, ее карандаш, его комната, ее дом, наша собака.


Task 2 . Change bold-words to pronous.

1. Peter helped the pupils to translate the text. 2. Mother asked Mary to wash the plates. 3. My friend writes a letter to his sister. 4. Jane took 3 books from the library. 5. His cousins live in Moscow. 6. Our grandfather  will come tomorrow 7. Mary works in a shop. 


Task 3. Fill in the gaps with pronouns (you, it, her, us, me)

1. Jane is a nice girl. Do you   know …? 2.  Where is my book?  I can’t find …. 3.   My  mother  writes  to me  every  week,  but  I don’t  write  to … . 4. We want to help you. Tell … about your problems.  5. I asked … a question, but you didn’t answer ….


Task 4. Write the pronouns. 

1. girl - …

2. schoolchildren - …

3. brother - …

4. grandmother and I - …

5. lion - …

6. dogs - ….

7. ball - …

8. man - …

9. Mary - …

10. Nick and you - …


Task 5. Read and translate the text.

About myself

My name is Marina Suvorova. I was born on the 5th of March, 1996 in Rostov-on-Don. Now I live in Rostov with my parents and my grandmother. My family is not very large. We have five people in our family. My father is a doctor and he works at hospital. My mother is a housewife and she doesn’t work. My younger sister is a pupil. She is in the seventh form. My grandmother lives with us. I love my family. We all friends and we love each other. I have one aunt and two uncles. Their children are my cousins.


We live in a big flat in a new house. There are four rooms in our flat: a living room, a study, a kitchen, a bathroom and two bedrooms. We have all modern conveniences: gas, hot and running water, electricity and telephone. I have duties about the house. I must go shopping. I help my mother to clean the rooms. It’s not difficult for me. I like our home to be clean and tidy.


I am a student of the college. We have many good teachers at our college.  I try to be a good student and I do well in all sudjects. But my favourite subject is English. I spend much time on it. I like reading. I like detective stories. I have many friends. Many of them are my classmates. We spend much time together, go for a walk, talk about lessons, music and discuss our problems.  I like to listen to modern music. I haven’t much time to watch TV but sometimes I spend an hour or two watching and interesting film or a news programme. In the evening I often read newspapers or an interesting book. I like fresh air and exercises, but I have not much time to go in for sports.


Task 6. Find equivalents from the text.

1. Я родилась 5 марта. 2.   Я живу с родителями. 3. У меня много друзей. 4. Я люблю слушать музыку. 5.  Она домохозяйка. 6. Мы все друзья и любим друг друга. 7. Наша семья небольшая. 8. Мы живем в большой квартире. 9. У нас есть все современные удобства. 10. У меня есть обязанности по дому.


Task 7. Say true or false.

1.     My family is not  very large.

2.     We live in a small flat in a old  house.

3.     We have all modern conveniences.

4.     I like our home to be clean and tidy.

5.     But my favourite subject is History.

6.     We spend much time together.

7.     I have much time to watch TV.

8.      I like fresh air and exercises.


Task 8. Translate the sentenses into Russian.

1. I like reading. 2. Now I live with my parents. 3. I have duties about the house. 4. I like to listen to modern music.  5. In the evening  I often read newspapers. 6. I have not much time to go I for sports.7. He is a doctor and he works at a hospital. 8.We live in a big flat. 9. We have many good teachers at our college. 10. I must go shopping. 11. My favourite subject is English. 12. I prefer to read historical novels or modern writers.


Task 9. Translate into English.

1. В нашей семье 5 человек. 2. Мой любимый композитор Чайковский. 3. Она домохозяйка. 4. Мы все друзья и  любим друг друга. 5. Я помогаю моей маме убирать в доме. 6. Я люблю читать. 7. Мы проводим много времени вместе. 8.Наша семья не очень большая. 9. Унасестьвсесовременныеудобства.


Task 10. Answerthequestions.

1.     What  is your name?

2.     How old are you?

3.     When were you born?

4.     How large is your family?

5.     How many rooms are there in your flat/house?

6.     What modern conveniences have you got?

7.     What are your duties about the house?

8.     What is your favorite subject at thr college?

9.     What are your hobbies?


It’s  interesting to know

 Английский язык — единственный, в котором принято писать местоимение «я» с заглавной буквы. Однако это не связано с каким-то особым эгоцентризмом англичан, а объясняется, судя по всему, чистой случайностью. В древне- и среднеанглийском языках местоимение первого лица писалось как «ic», но со временем согласный звук редуцировался. А так как одинокая буква «i» была слишком малозаметной в текстах, её начали увеличивать и постепенно пришли к её постоянной капитализации.


Read and remember: ar + гласная.

bare,chair, care, hair, mare, fair, square, pair

Tongue twister:I scream, you scream, all we scream for ice cream.


Task 1. Open the brackets (my, me, mine, his, her, hers, it, its,).

1. Give (мне) (ее) book to read. (моя) – is not interesting. 2. Are these (его)text-book? No, they are  (ее). 3. Show (мне) (его)magazine, please. 4. (его) sister is here, and where is  (моя)? 5. Give (ему) (его) pen. 6.Please, help (мне) to write a report for (него). 7. (это) is not (его)key. 8. Give (мне) (ее) photo and I’ll give (тебе) (мое). 9. I asked (ее) to help (ему) to do (его) hometask. 10. Is (это) (ее) map? (я) am not sure. (я) think, (она) is (его).


Task 2. Open the brackets  (we, us, our, ours, you, your, yours, they, them, their, theirs)

1. (Мы) are (их) relatives, not (ваши). 2. Show (нам) (нашего) new teacher. 3. Whose girl is this? The girl is (наша). 4. Are the boys (ваши) friends? No, (они) are (их) friends. 5. All (ваши) suitcases are in (их) car. Take (их). 6. What is (ваш) address? (их) is the same. (они) live not far from (вас). 7. How long are (вы) waiting for (нас)? 8. (мы) asked (их) to live with (нами) at (нашей) summer cottage. 9. Where are (их) glasses? Show (их) to (нам). 10. We know (их) very well. (они) are the friends of (наши).


Task  3. Fill in the gaps with possessive pronouns.

Example: I come from Russia – My language is Russian.

1.   We all come from the Ukraine

…language is Ukrainian.

2.   My sister comes from Latvia.         

…language  is Latvian.

3.   My friend comes from England.      

…language  is English.

4.   That woman comes from Ireland.    

… language is   Irish.

5.   They come from Wales.                    

… language is Welsh.

6.   He comes from Scotland.                  

… language is Scottish.

7.   We come from Germany.                    

… language is German.

8.   Those people come from Japan.         

… language is Japanese.

9.   This actress comes from Italy.            

… language is Italian.

10. You come from Spain.                        

… language is Spanish.

11. The girl comes from China.                

… language  is Chinese.

12. You come from Sweden.                    

… language is Swedish.

13. He comes from Finland.                    

… language is Finnish.

14. They come from Holland.                  

… language is Dutch.


Task 4.  Fill in the gaps (friends, clean, flat, newspapers, duties, prefer difficult, try, tidy, parents, sister).

1.          Now I live with my….

2.          My younger … is a pupil.

3.          We are all … and we love each other.

4.          We live in … a big in a new house.

5.          I have my… about the house.

6.          I …to be a good student and I do well in all subjects.

7.          It’s not … for me.

8.          I … to read historical novels or modern writes.

9.          In the evening read … or an interesting book.

10.      I like our home to be … and … .


Task 5. Match the words and the definitions






















Task 6. Find the words



Task 7.  Form the nouns and translate.

1.       a school, a girl

2.       a week, an end,

3.       a birth, a day

4.       news, paper

5.       a class, a room

6.       a house, a wife

7.       rain, a coat

8.       a post, a man

9.       a sea, a man,

10.   a rail, way

Task 8. Find the words in the table (9)




















































Task 9. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Я студет колледжа. 2. У меня есть обязанности по дому. 3. Я учусь хорошо. 4.Вечером я читаю газету. 5. Я люблю слушать современную музыку. 6. Я живу с родителями. 7. Это для меня не сложно. 8. Многиеизних - моиодноклассники.




1. My father is a(n) ________

a. housewife

b. engineer

c. hospital

d. Moscow

2. My sister is a ________. She studies at the University

a. student

b. pupil

c. engineer

d. classmate

3. I was born on the _______ of September.

a. five

b. fiveth

c. fifth

d. fife

4. I like ________. I like detective stories.

a. listening to music

b. walking

c. reading


5. This book is Sarah’s. It is ____ book.

a. her

b. hers

c. my

d. his

6. This is a bike of my mother. This bike is _____.

a. his

b. her

c. my

d. hers

7. My younger _______ is a pupil.

a. brother

b. mother

c. aunt

d. father

8. They come from Japan. _____ car is Japanese.

a. They

b. My

c. Their

d. Mine

9. Is this your house? Yes, it is ____.

a. my

b. her

c. hers

d. mine

10. These are Mike, Sarah, Kate and Peter. _____ are my cousins.

a. They

b. Them

c. Their

d. Theirs

11. I study at the college. My favorite ______ is English.

a. film

b. lecture

c. subject

d. newspaper

12. I have my ______ about the house. I must clean the rooms, wash the dishes, go shopping.

a. stories

b. help

c. lessons

d. duties

13. We have all modern ___________: gas, hot and cold water, electricity.

a. subjects

b. conveniences

c. duties

d. house

14. My mother asked my sister to wash the dishes. _____ agreed.

a. Her

b. He

c. She

d. Me

15. Where is my book? I can’t find ____.

a. its

b. she

c. that

d. it







Text: My friends

Grammar point: The verb “to be”


На любой марке латинскими буквами указывается название страны, выпустившей ее. Только Великобритания освобождена от этой обязанности, ведь она первой начала использовать марки.


Read and remember: O o [əu], O o [ɔ],  O o [ɔ:] 
nose, phone, bone, rope, rose

smog, stop, lot, frog, dog    

for, more, shore, short, bore, lord, nor 


Tongue twister:If you stick a stock of liquor in your locker it is slick to stick a lock upon your stock 


Task 1. Fill in the gaps with to be.

1. He … a doctor. 2. We … little. 3. Our mother … а teacher. 4. Sarah & Kate …. classmates. 5. I … 15 years old. 6. We … at school. 7. Ann …  a student.  8. It … a lamp. 9. He … an engineer. 10. I … glad to see you. 11. I … a student. 12. You …. workers.  13. It … a dog. 14. Our cat … little. 15. Ben… your best friend. 16. They… sisters. 17. My family… large. 18. My name… Kate. 19.You… at school. 20. They … hungry.


Task  2. Form the interrogative and give answers in the written form.

1. My father is a worker. 2. He is  an engineer now. 3.These children are little. 4. You are my best friend. 5. Your daughter is a pupil. 6. I am a student. 7. They are good boys. 8.Our mother is a teacher.


Task 3. Read and translate the text.

My friend

I have many friends. Most of them are my former classmates but my best friend is Peter. He is fifteen. Now he is a student of a college. He is a good student because he studies hard and is very dilligent. He wants to become a good specialists and he is especially interested in computers. He often helps me with my English lessons and I’m gratefull to him for that.


Now I want to tell you about his appearance. He is rather tall and strong. He has an oval face, straight nose, dark-brown hair, blue eyes and a nice smile. People find him good-looking.Peter goes in for sports. He plays football and basketball well. His basketball team is very popular at the college. We made friends with Peter when he and his family moved to our house. We have very much in common: we like the same music, we both like reading. In general my friend is a very interesting person: he is intelligent and well – read. But the most important thing is that Peter is honest and kind. Peter has a great sense of humour and I like to spend my free time with him.  I think he is my faithfull friend.


Task 4. Find the equivalents from the text.

1. Его баскетбольная  команда очень популярна в колледже. 2. Он хочет стать хорошим специалистом. 3. Он часто помогает мне с английским. 4. У меня много друзей. 5. Питер честный и добрый. 6. Мой друг очень интересный  человек. 7.  Мне нравится проводить свое свободное время с ним. 8. У нас много общего. 9. Он умный и начитанный. 10. Я думаю он верный друг.


Task 5. Answer the questions in the written form.

1.Who is your best friend?

2. Where does your friend study?

3. How does your friend look like?

4. What kind of sport does your friend like?

5. What do you have in common?

6. Do you like to spend your free time with your friend?

7.  Can you call all your friends faithful?

8. What are the hobbies of your friends?




Its interesting to know

В Шотландии мужчина, который отказался жениться на женщине, которая сделала ему предложение, был обязан заплатить штраф.


Read and remember: U u [ Λ ], U u [ juə ]                           

study, summer, sun, fun, cup, butter, nut, but

cure, pure, mure, lure

Tongue twister: Mrs Hunt had a country cut front in the front of her country cut.





Task 1. Match the words and the definitions

to study hard






to find                            


to want                           






усердно учиться 








Task 2.  Translate from English into Russian.

1. I have many friends. 2. I want to tell you about his appearance. 3. People find him good looking. 4. Peter goes in for sports. 5. We have very much in common. 6. He is intelligent and well read. 7.  I think they are all my faithful friends. 8. He is a good student because he studies hard.


Task 3. Translate from Russian into English.

1.Она мне очень нравится.  2. Он добрый и честный. 3. Мой лучший друг - Питер. 4. Я занимаюсь спортом. 5. Я играю в футбол и баскетбол. 6. Мой друг хороший студент. 7. Люди находят его привлекательным. 8. У нас много общего. 9. Мой друг очень интересная личность. 10. Яблагодаренемузаэто.


Task 4. Fill in the gaps with given words (good, nice, college, both, appearance, strong,  popular, same, common, tall, face, sports, friends).

1. I have many ......

2. He has an oval ....

3.Peter goes in for .....

4. He wants to become a .... specialist.

5. I want to tell you about his ....

6. He is   rather .....  and ....              

7. His basketball .... is very ..... at the ...

8. We have very much in .....: we like the .... music, we .... like reading.


Task 5. Fill in the gaps with am/is/are. Write the negative and interrogative.

1. The boy … at the swimming pool. 2. Ann …  from St. Petersburg . 3. I … from  Moscow. 4. Alice and Diana … pupils. 5. What … your  name? 6. My father …  not a teacher, he … an office worker . 7. Where … you? I … in the garage. 8. They … at school. 9. My grandmother  … really wonderful.  10.  He … my best friend.




Task 6. Fill in the gaps with to be. Write the negative and interrogative.

1. My father  … a worker. 2. He … an engineer now. 3. These children  … little. 4.  You  … my best  friend. 5. Your daughter  .. a pupil. 6. I …  a student.  7. They …  good  boys. 8. My mother ..  a teacher.  9. What …  he?  10. These … my pencils.


Task 7. Translate into Russian.

Large, favorite, discuss, spend, sometimes, important, fresh, uncle, aunt, nice, become, diligent, popular, often, appearance, parents, duties,  


Task 8. Translate into English.

Бывший друг, современные удобства, горячая вода, большая семья, быть благодарным, жить с родителями, усердно учиться, приятная внешность.



1. My best friend is a student of the _______.

a. school

b. college

c. class

d. sport

2. My friend has oval ______.

a. hair

b. fingers

c. face

d. neck

3. Mike goes in for ______.

a. sports

b. computers

c. common

d. friends

4. I want to tell you about his _______. He has fair hair.

a. experience

b. friends

c. appearance

d. intelligent

5. My brother ____ at school.

a. am

b. is

c. are

d. be

6. These ____ my bananas.

a. am

b. is

c. are

d. be

7. Where ___ you?

a. am

b. is

c. are

d. be

8. This ___ my favorite game.

a. am

b. is

c. are

d. be

9. I ___ from Moscow.

a. am

b. is

c. are

d. be

10. He wants to become a ____ specialist.

a. bad

b. good

c. favorite

d. very much

11. We have very much in ________.

a. same

b. college

c. common

d. former

12. We ____ best friends.

  a. am

b. is

c. are

d. be

13. His name ____ James.

a. am

b. is

c. are

d. be

14. I _____ basketball.

a. have

b. am

c. play

d. think

15. He is ______. He reads very much.

a. well-played

b. well-read

c. well-helped

d. well-finished




Text: Sports

Grammar point: Plural

It’s interesting to know

Плащ от дождя был изобретен в 1824 году в Шотландии химиком, архитектором, художником и дизайнером Чарльзом Макинтошем (Charles Macintosh), уроженцем Глазго. В Великобритании этот предмет одежды до сих пор называют “Mac”.


Read and remember: oo  [u],  oo [u:]

look, book, cook, good, foot               

pool, soon, too, spoon, Zoo

Tongue twister:How much wood would a wood-chuck if a wood-chuck could chuck wood?


Task 1. Form the plural.

Boy, girl, mouse, glasses,  library, foot, book,  country, bus, fox, street, goose, child, wife, pen, potato, trousers, fish, life, watch, tooth, ox, woman, party, plate, tiger, man, policeman, car, tomato, day, floor, town, city, deer, stadium, thief.


Task 2. Form the plural. Study the example.

            Example:  this pen – these pens

                              that boy – those boys     

This star, this man, that woman, this child, that goose, this mouse, this woman, that girl, this boy, that table, this room, that pen, this flower, that vase.


Task 3. Rewrite in plural.

1. This room is very large. 2. There is a match in the box. 3. Has this lady a knife? 4. There is a man and a woman in the street. 5. This lady is that gen­tleman’s wife. 6. This shoe is too large for my foot. 7. The child is sitting on a bench. 8. My tooth is white. 9. This key is made of steel. 10. A potato is a vegetable and a cherry is a fruit.


Task 4. Read and translate the following text.


Sport is very popular among people in all countries of the world. Sport makes people healthy, more organised, better disciplined and keeps them fit. It unites people of different classes and nationalities. Many people do sports on their personal initiative. They go in for skiing, skating, table-tennis, swimming, volleyball, football, basketball, body-building etc.All necessary facilities are provided for them: stadiums, sport swimming-pools, skating-rinks, football fields. But, of course, one have to pay for these services.


Sports is paid much attention to in our schools and colleges. Physical training is a compulsory subject. Different sports and games are popular with my classmates. All my friends go in for different kinds of sports:  swimming,  sailing, rowing,  gymnastics, horse-racing, wrestling, fencing, weightlifting, boxing  etc.


Physical training lessons at our college are held out of doors in summer. When it is cold  outside the lessons are held indoors in our college gymnasium. Professional sport is also paid much attention to in our country. In the city where I live, there are different sport societies, clubs and sport schools. Practically all kinds of sprots are popular in our country. The most popular kinds of sports in the USA are baseball, basketball and American football. In England popular kinds of sports are golf and rugby. Englishmen like football too. It is their national kind of sport.


Task 5. Find the equivalents from the text.

1. Спорт делает  людей здоровыми. 2. Спорт поддерживает форму. 3. Спорт объединяет людей различных классов и национальностей. 4. В городе где я живу, существуют различные спортивные общества. 5. Все виды спорта популярны в нашей стране. 6. Это их национальный вид спорта. 7. В Англии популярные виды спорта -  гольф и регби.


Task 6. Match the words and the definitions.   

























Task  7.  Find the words in the table  (11)


















































































Task 8. Fill in the gaps with words (summer, different, organised, popular, disciplined, attention, country, compulsory, sports, people, like, healthy, fit)

1. Sport is very .... among people.

2. Sport makes people .... , keeps .... , more ... , better ... .

3. Sport is paid much .... to in our schools and colleges.

4. All my friends go in for .... kinds of sports.

5. English men ... football too.

6. It unites .... of different classes and nationalities.

7. Physical training is .... subject.

8. All kinds of sports are popular  in our ... .

9. Many people do ... on their personal initiative.

10. Physical training lessons are held out of doors in .... .


Task 9. Answer the questions.

1.Why do people all over the world are fond of sports?

2. What are summer sports?

3. What are winter sports?

4. What kinds of sports are popular in our country?

5. What are the most popular kind of sports in America?


Task 10. Find and correct the mistakes.

1.Peter  and  Boris is in the room. 2. They are in the house.3. I is a  student.4. My friends is the college. 5.You am my best friend.6. We am glad to see you.7. Your mother is housewife.8. Their friend are at home.9. My brother am a student .10. Your sister is a engineer.


Task 11. Make the sentences.

1. my, a teacher, not, is, mother.

2. fifteen, years old, his sister, is,

3. at school,  am, not, I.

4. a student, are, you?

5. best friend,  my, he, not, is.            


Task 12.Translate the following into English.

1. Она учитель. 2. Вы студенты? 3. Он не доктор. 4. Я студент. 5. Мой брат студент. 6. Твоясестрастудентка. 7. Оннемойлучшийдруг.


Task 13. Which words in the list below have mistakes? Correct the mistakes.

boxes, boots, places, horse, dishs,  citys,  keys, chairs, mounthes,  lifes,  mans, armys, wifes.






Its interesting to know

В XVII-XVIII веках всех, кто откупоривал океанские бутылки с письмами королевы, казнили. Ведь в те времена существовала должность королевского откупорщика океанских бутылок с письмами.


Read and remember: ee [i:], ea [i:]                           

see, tea, bee, clean, meet, speak, tree, read, three, eat, tea.

Tongue twister: A sailor went to sea to see what he could see was sea, sea, sea.


Task 1. Read and translate the text.

Sports in Great Britain

The Brithish are known to be great sports-lovers, so when they are neither playing, nor watching games, they like to talk about them. Many of the games we play now have come from Britain. One of the most British games is cricket. It is often played in schools, colleges, universities and by clubs teams all over the country. Summer isn’t summer without cricket. To many englishmen cricket is both a game and a standard of behaviour. When they consider anything unfair, they sometimes say “That isnt’t cricket ”.


But as almost everywhere else in the world, the game which  attracts the  greatest attention is football, or soccer. Every Saturday from late august till the beginning of May, large crowds of  people support their favourite teams in football grounds. True fans  will travel from one end of the country to the other to see their team play. Internatinal footbal matches take place at Wembley.


Rugby is also very popular, but it is played mainly by amateurs. Next to football, the chief spectator sport in british life is horse-racing. A lot of people are interested in races and risk money on the horse which they think will win. The Derby is perhaps the most famous single event in the whole world.


Britain is also famous for motor-car racing, dog-racing, boat-racing, and even races for donkeys. The famous boat-race between the teams of  Oxford and Cambridge attacts large crowds of people.


A great number of people play and watch tennis. Tennis tournaments at Wimbledon are known  all over the world. The British also like to play golf, baseball, hockey, grass-hockey. Of course the English weather is not  cold enough to ski, skate or toboggan  but winter is a good season for hunting and fishing.


Task 2. Write down the sentences with tobe.




Task 3. Say true or false.

1.The British are not known to be great sport-lovers. 2. One of the most British games is cricket. 3. Summer is summer without cricket. 4. International football matches take place at Wembley. 5. A lot of people are not interested in the races. 6. A great number of people play and watch tennis. 7. The British don’t like to play golf, baseball, hockey, grass-hockey. 8. The famous boat-race between the teams of Oxford and Cambridge doesn’t attract crowds of people.


Task 4. Answer the following questions.

1.   Are the British fond of watching sport games?

2.   What kind of sport is especially associated with Britain?

3.   What is cricket for an Englishman?

4.   What is the most popular in the world?

5.   Where do the Cup finals take place?

6.   What kinds of racing are popular in Britain?

7.   Is rugby played by professionals?


Task  5. Fill in the gaps.

1. What … your name? – My name … Shirley. 2. What …. your address? – My address .. 175 Grand Street. 3. Where … you from? – I … from New York. 4. I … a pupil. 5. My father … not a teacher, he … a scientist. 6. … your aunt a doctor? – Yes, she … . 7…. they at home? – No, they … not at home, they … at work. 8. My brother …. a worker. He … at work. 9. …you an engineer? – Yes, I … 10. …. your brother at school? – Yes, he …   11. My sister … at home. 12. …this your watch? Yes, it … 13. She …an actress. 14. This … my bag. 15.My uncle …an office worker.


Task 6. Fill in the gaps with to be and translate.

Helen … a painter. She has some fine pictures. They … on the walls. She has much paper. It …on the shelf. The shelf … brown. It …. on the wall. Helen has a brother. He… a student. He has a family. His family … not in St. Petersburg, it … in Moscow.


Task 7. Fill in the gaps with am/is/are.

1.          Where ____ you? – I ___ in the kitchen.

2.          Where ____ Fred? – He ____ in the garage.

3.          Where ___ Lisa and John? – They ___ at college.

4.          ____ you busy? – No, I ___ not.

5.          It ___ ten o’clock. She _____late again

6.          How ____ you? – I___ not very well.

7.          We ____ interested in classical music.

8.          Vera ___ afraid of snakes.

9.          My grandmother ____ not nervous and she ___ rarely upset.

10.      I ___ sorry. They ___ not at the office at the moment.

11.       Where __ the keys? – In your jacket.

12.      What ___ the time, please? – Two o’clock.

13.      It ___ the biggest meal I’ve ever had.

14.      Which sport do you think ___ the most dangerous?

15.      Chess and aerobics ____ not as exciting as sky diving and figure skating.

16.      The game ___ not worth the candle.

17.      Do you have any idea where he ___ ?

18.      What __ the weather forecast for tomorrow?

19.      You ___ the best friend  ever had.

20.      I don’t remember what his telephone number ___.


Task 8. Which words have mistakes?

knives            shelfs             roofs              hives

tomatos          pianos            carrots           potatoes

videos            loafs               thiefs             handkerchieves

leafs               deers              postmans      woman-doctors

heroes            safes               oxes               mothers-in-law 


Task 9. Translate into Russian.

An uncle, an aunt, favorite, running water, because, diligent, appearance, team, honest, kind, attention, health, necessary, different.


Task 10. Translate in to English.

Популярный,  честный, красивый, умный, среди, объединять, вид, тоже, обязательный, особенно, усердно учиться, обсуждать, иногда,  обязанность.





1. There are three _____ in the cage.                    

a. mouses

b. mouse

c. mice

d. mices

2. There are some _____ in our class.

a. girl

b. girls

c. girls

d. girlies

3. Sport makes people more _______.

a. device

b. stadium

c. healthy

d. horse-racing

4. The most popular ______ of sport in the USA are baseball, basketball, football.

a. clubs

b. kinds

c. sports

d. words

5. There are four _____ on our planet.

a. oceans

b. oceans

c. ocean

d. oceanies

6. My brother wants to buy some ______.

a. goose

b. gooses

c. geese

d. geeses

7. I met three _____ yesterday.

a. policeman

b. policemans

c. policemen

d. policemens

8. Sport unites ____ of different classes and nationalities.

a. people

b. kinds

c. Englishmen

d. many

9. Skiing is a _____ kind of sport.

a. summer

b. winter

c. spring

d. autumn

10. Cricket for Englishmen is a game and a _____ of behavior.

a. theme

b. car

c. most

d. standard

11. They ____ not here.

a. am

b. is

c. are

d. be

12. His sister is ___ years old.

a. fifteen

b. fiveteen

c. fiveteenth

d. fifteenth

13. Mother asked me to wash the _____.

a. dishs

b. dishies

c. dishes

d. dishyes

14. He had three _____.

a. wifes

b. wives

c. wifs

d. wivies

15. They ______ friends.


b. are

c. am

d. be








Text: Washington D.C.

Grammar point: Possessive case of nouns

Its interesting to know

Эдинбург был домом для скай-терьера Грея Фрайерза Бобби (Grey Friar's Bobby), который покорил сердца нации тем, что сидел на могиле своего покойного владельца на протяжении 14лет.


Read and remember: ay[ ei ], ey [ ei ].           
away, they, play, grey, say, may, today.


Tongue twister: Rain, rain, go away, come again another day. Little Mary wants to play.


Task 1. Write the sentences according to the example.

Example:     The watch of Mr. Smith            1) Mr. Smith’s watch

                                                                   2) The watches of Mr. Smiths           

  3)  Mr. Smiths’ watches

1. The room of my brother. 2. The money of my father. 3. The dress of the woman. 4.The book of my aunt. 5. The family of the officer. 6. The pencil of my sister. 7. The ball of the boy. 8. The photo of his friend. 9. The office of my uncle. 10. The car of our neighbor. 11. The toy of the child. 12. The son of that man. 13. The hat of my cousin. 14. The daughter of this woman. 15. The ball of the dog. 16. The umbrella of my grandmother. 17. The voice of the girl. 18.  The letter of Pete.  19. The flat of my sister. 20. The room of the boys. 21. The wife of my brother. 22. The table of the teacher. 23. The name of the girl. 24. The computer of his friend.


Task  2. Use the possessive case.

1. The toy of their children. 2. The questions of my son. 3. The wife of my brother. 4.The table of the teacher. 5. The life of  animals. 6. The voice of this girl. 7. The new book of the pupils. 8.The letter of Peter.  9. The car of my parents. 10. The flat of my sister.


Task 3. Translate the folowing into English.

1. Это семья моего друга.  2. Отец много друга инженер. 3. Мать моего друга учитель. 4. Это словари студентов. 5. Машинамоегоотца.


Task 4. Read and translate the text.

Washington D.C.

Washington, the capital of the United States is situated on the Potomac River in the district of Columbia. The district is a piece of land which does not belong to any one state but to all the States. The district is named in honour of Christopher Columbus, the discoverer of America. It is very interesting that Americans never say simply “Washington”. They always add “D.C.” as the indication of the location. It is important because there are many towns with the same name all over the country and even one large state in far north-west.


Washington was founded in 1791 as the capital of the USA. Washington is quite a new city. The population of the city is nearly one million people. It is not a very large city, but it is very important as the capital of the USA. There is a law in Washington against building structures higher than the Capitol.


Washington has many historical places. The largest and tallest is the Capitol, where the Congress meets. It is a very beautiful building with white marble columns. Not far from the Capitol is the Library of Congress. It holds five million books.


The White House, the residence of the president is the oldest structure in the capital and one of the most beautiful. It was built in 1799. It is a two storied white building. Not far from the Capitol is the Washington monument, which looks like a very big pencil. It rises 160 meters and it is empty inside. A special lift brings visitors to the top in 70 seconds, from where they can enjoy the view of the city.


The Jefferson Memorial was built in memory of the third president of the USA Thomas Jefferson, who was also the author of the Declaration of Independence. The memorial is surrounded by cherry trees.


The Lincoln Memorial is devoted to the memory of the sixteenth president of the USA, the author of the Emancipation Proclamation, which gave freedom to Negro slave in America.


Task  5. Match the words and the definitions

to discover                

to enjoy                    

to belong                  



to  meet                       

















Task  6. Find the words in the table  (8)










































Task  6. Contunie the sentences

1.     Washington is situated …

2.     Washington was founded…

3.     The population of the city…

4.     Washington  has…

5.     The White house …




Its interesting to know

В Великобритании нет единого документа конституции.


Read and remember: sh [ ∫ ].    

shook, shame, fish, shelf, dish, British, she, shop

Tongue-twister: She sells sea-shells on the sea- shore. The shells that she sells are sea-shells.



Task 1. Read and translate the text.

English Houses

The climate of a country is one of the factors that influence the style of its architecture. It can be best illustrated by British buildings. The weather in England is often cloudy and there are few sunny days in the winter season, therefore, as a rule, the windows in an English house are of a large size to catch as much light and sunshine as possible. In the houses build in the past century the windows, besides being large, opened upwards, which is very convenient on windy days. Since there is much rain in England, typical British houses have high, steep roofs where rain water and melting snow can easily flow down. Most of the houses have a fireplace which forms the most characteristic feature of an English home and is seldom seen in other European countries.


The plan of an English house also differs from that of the houses where we live. English architects plan some apartments vertically instead of planning them horizontally, so that an English family having a separate apartment lives on two or sometimes three floors with rooms connected with a narrow staircase. They find it the most convenient style of apartment. There are usually three rooms in each apartment besides a kitchen and a bathroom: a living room, a bedroom and a dining room.


Task 2. Write down from the text noun in plural.


Task 3. Write down from the text the sentences with to be.


Task 4. Fill in the gaps.

A)    he               B) she          C) it            D) they

F) him              G) her          H) them

1.   Children like to invent things and test __1__ . Once my cousins made a simple telephone. __2__ made __3__ from cups and wire. Francis found two good paper cups. __4__ tied __5_ to a long wire. Caroline, his sister, talked softly into one cup. __6_ heard  __7__ through the other cup. Then Francis answered Caroline.  __8__ hears __9__ very clearly.

2.   The United States has three main television networks. __1__ show different programs. Many viewers like new programs. __2__ watch __3_ every day. As for Jack, he watches nature programs. __4__ give  __5__ facts about plant and animal life. 

3. One nature program described how bees live. _1__ told how __2___ build hives.

4. Kate came from Russia to visit Jack. _1__ liked American television. _2__ found  __3__ very different from Russian television. Kate watched a lot of television with Jack. __4_ helped __5__ with some of the language. Kate saw a program about tigers. __6__ described how __7__ teach their cubs to hunt. In America Kate learned a lot of English. __8__ remembered __9__ for many years.




1. The room of my mother. My _______ room.

a. mother’s

b. mothers

c. mothers’

d. mother

2. Moscow is the _____ of Russia.

a. main city

b. capital

c. Capitol

d. important town

3. The _____ of the city is nearly 1.000.000 people.

a. visitors

b. popularity

c. residence

d. population

4. Washington was ______ in 1791.

a. named

b. built

c. founded

d. discovered

5. The telephone of my cousin. My _______ telephone.

a. cousins’

b. cousin



6. The wife of my uncle. My ______ wife.

a. uncle’s

b. uncles’

c. his

d. uncle

7. The cat of my parents. My ________ cat.

a. parent’s

b. parents’

c. parent

d. their

8. Christopher Columbus _______ America.

a. discovered

b. built

c. wrote

d. drank

9. British people live in ______ houses.

a. old

b. different

c. wet

d. flat

10. _______ is a place with fire in the house.

a. bedroom

b. attic

c. fireplace

d. firestairs

11. There are a lot of ______ days in England.

a. sunny

b. windy

c. light

d. rainy

12. English houses have _____ windows.

a. little

b. dark

c. large

d. light

13. The daughter of that woman. That ______ daughter.

a. woman’s

b. womens’

c. women’s

d. womans’

14. The pride of lions. The ______ pride.

a. lion’s

b. liones’

c. lions’

d. lions

15. My _______ father is a doctor.

a. friend’s

b. friends’

c. friend

d. friends

















Text: Protection of nature

Grammar Point: There is/ there are

Its interesting to know

Среди богатых англичан 18 века было модно устраивать в своём поместье ветхую хижину или пещеру и нанимать туда человека для работы отшельником. Контракт заключался на долголетний срок, и работа довольно хорошо оплачивалась. К отшельнику предъявлялись требования не стричь волосы, бороду и ногти, а иногда и вовсе не мыться. Затворник должен был носить какие-нибудь лохмотья или, например, одежду друида. Главным предназначением таких отшельников было подчеркнуть бренность бытия и выразить популярную среди аристократов георгианской эпохи склонность к грусти и меланхолии.


Read and remember: ch [tʃ].

cheese, catch, chocolate, switch, rich, child, choose, change

Tongue twister: If two witches would watch two watches, which witch would watch which watch? 


Task 1. Read and translate the text.

The protection of Nature

Since ancient times nature was the source of people’s life. For thousands of years people lived in harmony with environment and they thought that natural riches were unlimited. The development of civilization increased man’s harmful interference in nature.


Large cities with thousands of smoky industrial enterprises pollute the air we breathe and the water we drink. Every year world industry pollutes the atmosphere with about 1000 million tons of dust and other harmful substances. Many cities suffer from smog. Beautiful old forests disappear forever. Their disappearance upsets the oxygen balance. As a result some rare species of animals, birds, fish and plants disappear forever, a number of lakes and rivers dry up.


The pollution of air and destruction of the ozone layer are the results of man’s attitude towards Nature. The protection of the environment is a universal concern. We must be very active to create a serious system of ecological security.


Task 2. Find the words.


Task 3. Make the words.

























Task 4. Fill in the gaps with words (pollution, ancient, disappear, suffer, protection, air)

1.   Since … times Nature was the source of live.

2.    Large cities pollute the …   we breathe.

3.   Many cities …. from smog.

4.   Beautiful old forests …. forever.

5.   The ….. of environment is a universal concern.


Task 5. Say true or false.

1.   For thousand of years people lived in harmony with environment.

2.   Every year world industry pollutes the atmosphere.

3.   As a result some rare species  of animals don’t dry up.

4.   The development of civilisation don’t increase man’s harmful interference in nature.

5.    Beautifull old forests don’t disappear forever.


Task 6. Answer the questions.

1.   What is the main reason of ecological problems?

2.   What are the main ecological problems?

3.   Why should the ecological problems be a universal concern?

4.   What steps are taken to fight ecological problems?


Task 7. Fill in the gaps with is/are.

1.There .... a telegram on the table.2. There .... a lamp on the table.3. There ... telegrams  on the table. 4. there ... a lot of stars  and planets in the space.5. There ... interesting books on the shelf.6. There .... a chair in the room.7. There .... many flowers in our garden.8. There .... a lift in our house.9. There ... four rooms in our flat.10. There ... a map on  the wall.


Task 8. Form the questions to the following sentences.

1. There are some new pupils in our group. 2. There is book on the table.3. There are many books on the shelf.4.There are 4 seasons in a year.5.There are many large cities in the country.6.There are 7 days in a week.7.There are many places of interests inBritain.8. There are many beautifull flowers in our garden.


Task 9. Rewrite the following in the plural, negative and interrogative:                     

Example: There is a cinema near our house. Is there cinema near our house?

 There are cinemas near our house.

                                                                            There are no cinemas near our house.    

1. There is a girl on the picture. 2. There is a child on the street. 3. There is a boy near the table. 4. There is a mistake in the test. 5.  There is a book on the shelf.


Task 10. Find  and correct the mistakes.

1.   There are a picture on the wall.

2.   Is there a picture on the wall?

3.   There are a telegram on the table.

4.   There is  books on the shelf.

5.   There no is a table in the classroom.

6.   Is there pupils in the classroom?

7.   There are many houses in our street.

8.   There are some pupils no in the classroom.

9.   There is a pencil on the desk?

10.There are a lot of star and planet in space.




Text: English weather

It’s interesting to know

Эдинбург стал первым городом в мире, где появилась своя собственная пожарная служба.


Read and remember: ck  [k]

black, cock, sick, quick, brick .


Tongue twister: Blake’s black bike’s back brake bracket block broke

Task 1. Read and translate the text.

English weather

The weather in England is very changeable. A fine morning can change into a wet afternoon and evening. That is why it is natural for the English to use the comparison “as changeable as weather” of a person who often changes his mood or opinion. The English also say that they have three variants of weather: when it rains in the morning, when it rains in the evening and when it rains all day long.


The weather is favorite conversational topic in England. The English often surprise people of other nationalities by the tendency to talk about the weather, a topic of conversation that other people do not find so interesting.


The best time of the year in England is spring. The two worst months in Britain are January and February. They are cold, damp and unpleasant. The best place in the world then is at home by the big fire in the fireplace. Summer months are rather cold and there can be a lot of rainy days.


The most unpleasant aspect of English weather is fog and smog.  This is extremely bad in big cities especially in London. The fog spreads everywhere, it is in the streets and it creeps into the house. Cars move along slowly, but still streets accidents are frequent in the fog. People cannot see each other. They creep along the houses touching them with their hands not to lose their way or not to be run over by a car.


Task 2. Translate into Russian.

very changeable, to use the comparison, three variants of weather, favorite conversational topic, to talk about the weather, the best time, the fog spreads everywhere, not to lose their way


Task 3. Find the equivalents from the text.

Когда идет дождь утром,  удивлять людей других национальностей, два худших месяца, лучшее впемя года, тема разговора, несчастные случаи часто случаются в тумане, люди не видят друг друга.


Task 4.  Match the parts of the sentences.

1) The weather in England

2)People cannot

3)The weather is favorite

4)The English also say that

5) The best time of the

a) conversational topic in England

b)year in England is spring.    

c)is very changeable.

d) see each other

e) they have three variants of weather.


Task 5. Continue the sentences.

1.   Cars move along slowly…

2.   They creep along the houses touching…

3.   The best place in the world…..

4.   The English often surprise people of other nationalities….

5.   A fine morning can change…..


Task 6. Fill in the gaps with is / are.

1. There … a lamp on the desk. 2. There … many flowers on the window. 3. There … a magazine and some newspapers on the little table. 4. …there any garage near the house? 5. There… some apple-trees and one plum-tree in the garden. 6. There … one girl and four boys in the classroom. 7. There … many pictures on the walls. 8. There … a cow, a pig  in the field. 9. There … no sheep there. 10. …there much snow in the yard?


Task 5. Which words in the list below have mistakes (including spelling mistakes)?

boxes                         places                  horses              dishs

chairs                        citys                     keys                 gooses

boots                         mouths                classes              lives

armies                       shoos                   childrens          sheeps

watchs                       men                     womans           wolfs

months                      toothes                 mouses            wifes


Task 6. Form the plural.

1.       The wood cutters used their ____ (axe) to chop down the trees.

2.       They need two more ____(chair) to sit on.

3.       Why have you bought only two _____ (kilo) of _____ (potato)?

4.       In the fall, the _____(leaf) begin to change colour.

5.       All of the _____ (bus) left at the same time.

6.       The mayors of all neighboring _____ (city) are coming to greet guests.

7.       For Christmas my parents gave my sisters ____ (dress).

8.       ____ (Library) are always open on _______ (Tuesday).

9.       The words “____” (monkey) and “_____” (donkey) have the same ending.

10.   We send our best _____ (wish) and many _____(kiss) to everybody.


Task 7.  Translate into Russian.

Large, to work, sometimes, faithful, in general, tall, strong, to pay attention, winter, outside, to be situated, honour, law, state, capital, ancient,  to suffer, attitude, harmful.


Task 8. Translate into English.

Загрязнять, исчезать, редкий, строить, память, независимость, район, одноклассники, обеспечивать, делать, добрый, бывший, команда.




1. Large enterprises _______ the air.

a. clean

b. pollute

c. kill

d. dry

2. The _______ of environment is a universal concern.

a. pollution

b. creating

c. protection

d. dissapearing

3. Since ______ times Nature was the source of life.

a. New Time

b. not ancient

c. ancient

d. Greek

4. There ____ a table in the room.

a. am

b. is

c. are

d. be

5. There _____ some flowers on the table.

a. am

b. is

c. are

d. be

6. There _____ new students un our group

a. am

b. is

c. are

d. be

7. _______ there a picture on the wall?

a. am

b. is

c. are

d. be

8. _____ there many stars in the sky?

a. am

b. is

c. are

d. be

9. The weather in England is very _______.

a. permanent

b. sunny

c. changeable

d. snowy

10. _______is the best time of the year in England.

a. winter

b. spring

c. summer

d. autumn

11. England is very ______ country.

a. foggy

b. sunny

c. light

d. snowy

12. There ____ one flower and three palms in the room.

a. am

b. is

c. are

d. be

13. There ____ two glasses and one bottle of wine on the table.

a. am

b. is

c. are

d. be

14. There ____ no deer there.

a. am

b. is

c. are

d. be

15. ________ are very funny animals.

a. monkeys

b. monkies

c. monkeyis

d. monkis








Text: Introduction to the www and the Internet

Grammar point: Numerals

It’s interesting to know

Шотландия может похвастаться самым коротким авиарейсом в мире. Он длится 1 минуту 14 секунд с острова Вестра (Westray) на остров Papa Westray.


Read and remember: tion [ ʃn]

information, situation, recreation, civilasation, transaction, pollution,

connection, conversation, protection, colonisation, destruction, nation


Tongue twister:   Betty bought some butter, but the butter Betty bought was bitter, so Betty bought some better butter. 

Task 1. Write he cardinal numerals.

8, 18, 80, 4, 14, 40, 2, 12, 20, 7, 17, 70, 56, 23, 87, 91, 67, 100, 200, 134,


Task 2. Form the ordinal numerals .

22, 33, 44, 56,110, 50,40, 78, 11, 24, 41,



Task 3. Read and translate the text.

Introduction to theWWW and the Internet

Millions of people around the world use the Internet to search for and retrieve information on all sorts of topics in a wide variety of areas including the arts, business, government, humanities, news, politics and recreation. People communicate through electronic mail (e-mail), discussion  groups, chat channels and other means of informational   exchange. They share information and make commercial and business transactions.  All this activity is possible because tens of thousands of networks are connected to the Internet  and exchange information in same basic way.


All sorts of things are available on the WWW. One can use Internet for recreational purposes. Many TV and radio stations broadcast live on the WWW.  Essentially, if something can be put into digital format and stored in a computer, then it’s availible on the WWW. You can even visit museums, gardens, cities throughout the world, learn foreign languages and meet new friends. And of course you can play computer games through WWW, competing with partners from other countries and continents. Just a little bit of exploring WWW will show you what  a much of use and fun it is.


Task 4.  Match the words.





















Task 5. Fill in the gaps (communicate, search, available, transaction, share)

1.   All sorts of thing are…on the WWW.

2.   Millions of people use the Internet to … for information.

3.   People … through e-mail.

4.   They … information.

5.   People make commercial and  business ... .


Task 6. Say true or false.

1.   There are still not so many users of the Internet.

2.   There is information on all sorts of topics on the Internet.

3.   People can not communicate through e-mail and chat programs.

4.   Films and pictures are not available on the Internet.



Task 7. Find the equivalents from the text.

1.     Они делятся информацией и заключают деловые сделки.

2.     Все вещи возможны в интернете.

3.     Люди общаются по электронной почте.

4.     Ты можешь через интернет даже посещать музеи,города по всему миру.


Task 8. Translate into Russian.

Discuss, favorite, live, spend, faithful, important, intelligent, same, compulsory, kind, neсessary, discover, belong, ancient,  polute, security


Task 9. TranslateintoEnglish.

Квартира, обязанности, большой, иногда, особенно, оба, много, популярный, команда, внимание, здоровье, поле, тоже, объединять, открывать, далеко, против, говорить, государство, отношение, загрязнять, слой, исчезать




Text: What is a computer?

Its interesting to know

Отличительной особенностью британской подземки можно назвать то, что не только линии на схемах, но и вагоны разных линий окрашены в соответствующие цвета.


Read and remember: wh  [w], wh [h]

where, which, white, when, why, what 

whome, who, whose, whole


Tongue twister: How many cans can a canner can if a canner can can cans? 

Task 1. Read  and translte the text.

What is a computer?

Computer is a device for processing  of information. Computer has no intelligence by itself and is called hardware. A computer system is a combination of four elements: hardware, software, prosedures and data (information). Software are the programmes that tell the hardware how to perform a task. Without software instructions, the hardware doesn’t know what to do.


The basic job of the computer is the processing of information. Computers  take information in the form of instructions called programs and symbols called data. After that they perform various mathematical and logical operations, and then give the results (information). Computer is used to convert data into information. Computer is also used to store information in the digital form.



Task 2.Find the words (8)








































































Task 3.Translate the following.

1.   Компьютерная система. 2. Не имеет разума. 3. Как выполнять задание.

4.Выполнять различные математические и логические операции. 5. Программные инструкции. 6. Превращать данные в информацию.7. Хранить в цифровом виде .8. Основная работа. 9. Обработка информации. 10. Давать результат


Task 4. Continue the following.

1.   Сomputer  is ….

2.   A computer system is….

3.   The basic job of the computer is …

4.   Software are…

5.   Computer is used ….


Task 5. Say true or false.

1.   Without software instructions, the hardware doesn’t know what to do.

2.   Computer is used to store information in the digital form.

3.   Computer isn’t used to convert data into information.

4.   The job of the computer is the processing of information.


Task 6. Answer the questions.

1.          What does the term “computer” describe?

2.          Is computer intelligent?

3.          What are four components of computer system?

4.          What is software?

5.          What is the basic job of the computer?

6.          Does the computer convert data into information?


Task 7.The 2 words are written after each sentence sound alike, but have different meanings (they are called homophones). Fill in the blanks with the correct words to complete each sentence.        

1.   The ______ spent the _______ in the castle.

               a) knight            b) night

2. Be sure to ______ your surname on the ________ line

               a) write              b) right

3. Have you heard the fairy _____ about the cat with no _____?

               a) tale                b) tail

4. Didn’t you ______ Ann ask you to put the plate ____.

               a) here               b) hear.

5. The _____ on a ____ is called fur.

               a) hare               b) hair.

6. Yesterday the sky was clear _____ and the wind ____ from the north.

               a) blue              b) blew

7. He decided to____ his new belt, but he doesn’t know___ he put it.

               a) where           b) wear.

8. From ____ hundred flowers the prince had to find the fake flower it was ___ late

               a) too                b) two.

9. It is not ____ if some people do not pay their bus ____.

               a) fair               b) fare

10. The coach announced which ____ of the teams ___ the game.

               a) won              b) one

11. We bought a ___ of cool water to the ____ traveler.

                 a) pail             b) pale

12. Do you always ___ the skin off a ____ before you eat it?

                 a) pare            b) pear

13. The Indians wrote the ___ treaty on a ___ of bark.

                 a) piece           b) peace

14. After his illness John felt ___ for a ____.

                 a) week           b) weak

15. The boat sailed ____ through the ____.

                 a) straight        b) strait




1. All sorts of things are ________ in the Internet.

a. not available

b. available

c. competing

d. digital

2. Many TV and radiostations broadcast ____ in the Internet.

a. live

b. life

c. leaf

d. dead

3. She is ________ years old.

a. threety seven

b. three seven

c. thirty seven

d. thirty seventh

4. You can _______ information in the computer.

a. chat

b. catch

c. available

d. store

5. Today is the ______ of December.

a. twenty one

b. twenty first

c. twentieth first

d. twooty oneth

6. There are ______ students in the group.

a. twenty five

b. twenty fife

c. twooty five

c. twooty fife

7. She will be _______ in our list.

a. sixty three

b. sixtieth three

c. sixty threeth

d. sixty third

8. People make commercial and business _________.

a. programms

b. Internet

c. transactions

d. users

9. People ______ information in the Internet.

a. share

b. delete

c. compete

d. transaction

10. Computer is a device for _______ information.

a. find

b. share

c. lost

d. processing

11. Computer _____ data into information.

a. called

b. convert

c. stored

d. used

12. The intelligence of the computer is called ______.

a. software

b. procedures

c. data

d. hardware

13. There are _____ pages in this book.

a. three hundredth and ninety four

b. three hundred and ninety four

c. three hundred and ninety fourth

d. third hundred and ninety four

14. Open the ______ page of the book.

a. one hundred and fifty fourth

b. first hundred and fivety four

c. one hundred and fiftieth fourth

d. firs hundredth and fiftieth fourth

15. She has ______ rings.

a. twooty two

b. twenty second

c. twenty two

d. twenty twoth








Text: My working Day

Grammar Point: Degrees of comparison

Its interesting to know

Английский и ирландский парламенты по сей день печатают принятые ими акты на велене - бумаге из телячьей кожи.


Read and remember: wr  [r].

write, wrong, wrist, wrinkle.


Tongue twister: Whenever the weather is cold.  Whenever the weather is hot. We’ll weather the weather, whatever the weather, whether we like it or not. 

Task 1. Form degrees of comparison.

Hot, long, short, clever, silly, great, red, black, white, thin, thick, fat, nice, warm, cold, merry, small, tall, high, weak, strong, heavy, light, green, dry, clean, dirty, wide, deep, brave.



Task 2. Form degrees of comparison.

Comfortable, famous, handsome, beautiful, convenient, interesting, popular, wonderful, difficult, polite.


Task 3. Open the brackets. Use degrees of comparison.

1. – How do you like Smith’s marmalade, Mrs. Jones? – I think it’s (delicious). It’s (delicious) than the marmalade I usually buy. – We agree with you, Mrs. Jones. We think Smith’s marmalade is (delicious) in the world. 2. The rivers in America are much (big) than those in England. 3. The island of Great Britain is (small) than Greenland. 4. What is the mane of the (high) mountain in Asia? 5. The English Channel is (wide) than the Straits of Gibraltar. 6. Russia is a very (large) country. 7. Which is (large): the United States or Canada?  8. What is the name of the (big) port in the United States? 9. Moscow is the (large) city in Russia. 10. The London underground is the (old) in the world.


Task 4. Translate the sentences.

1. English is as difficult as German. 2. My composition is not as long as yours. 3. It isn’t as warm today as it was yesterday. 4. The house his aunt lives in is as old as the one his uncle lives in. 5. His apartment isn’t as elegant as her apartment, but it’s much bigger. 6. Johnny isn’t as rich as Don but he is younger and much happier. 7. My dog isn’t as friendly as your dog. 8. You can eat as much as you like. 9. A football match isn’t as exciting as a hockey match. 10. The hotel isn’t as cheap as we expected.


Task 5. Fill in the gaps with as… as or soas:

1.  Mike is … tall…Pete. 2. Kate is not … nice… Ann. 3. My room is … light … this one. 4. This book is not… thin … that one. 5. She is … young …. Tom’s brother. 6. This woman is …. good … that one. 7. Nick’s English is not … good… his friend’s. 8. I am not …. tall … Pete. 9. This woman is … young … that one. 10. I am … thin … you. 11. Kate is … lazy …. her brother. 12. The child is not … small … that one.


Task 6. Fill in the gaps.

1.   The three musicians play on ____ stage.

         a) a new         b)  newer           c) the newest

2. She speaks in _____ voice than the last time.

         a) a loud         b) louder          c) the loudest

3. They leave ____ way they can.

         a) a quick        b)  quicker        c) the quickest

4. A whale is  _____ than a dolphin.

         a) long           b) longer              c) the longest

5. Is it  ____ to go there by car or by train?

           a) cheap        b) cheaper           c) the cheapest

6. Do you know that the Dead Sea is _____ sea.

            a) a salty       b) saltier           c) the saltiest

7. This is _____ problem she has ever had.

            a)  a great       b)  greater     c) the greatest

8. My case isn’t very_____. Yours is  _____.

           a) heavy           b) heavier        c)  the heaviest.

9. The weather was not very  _____ yesterday, but it’s  _____ today.

            a) good            b) better           c) the best

10. These trousers are too small. I need ____ size.

            a) a large           b)  larger         c) the largest

11. I’m not so ____ as a horse.

            a) strong            b) stronger          c) the strongest

12. China has got ______ population in the world.

            a) a large           b)  larger         c) the largest

13. Of the three girls, this one is the _____.

            a) pretty             b) prettier        c) the prettiest.

14. Which is ______ : five, fifteen or fifty?

             a) little           b) less               c) the least


Task 7. Read and translate the text.

My working day

Usually I get up at 7 o’clock on week-days. I do my bed and open the window. Sometimes I do my morning exercises, but not always. Then I go to the bathroom. There I wash myself and clean my teeth. Sometimes I take a shower. After that I go back to my bedroom, dress myself and brush my hair. In five minutes I am ready for breakfast. I usually have a cup of coffee or tea and a sandwich. After breakfast I take my bag, put on my coat and go to the college.


I live not far from my college and it takes me only ten minutes to walk there. I am never late for the first lesson because I come to the college a few minutes before the bell. I leave my coat in the cloakroom and go to the classroom. The lessons begin at eight o’clock and at half past one they are over. Sometimes after the lessons I go to the library to take some books. I usually do my hometask at home. As a rule, I have no free time on my week-days.


Sometimes I have dinner at my college canteen. Twice a week I go to the swimmimg pool. I play volleyball in the college team and we have our trainig at our big gymnasium.


In the evening all the members of our family get together. We have supper together, watch TV or read books. Reading is my hobby. I like to read detective stories or books of modern writers. At about 11 o’clock I go to bed.


Task 8. Find the words.

wwashrulelibrarycclean neverne takeputoncloakroomhometaskdinnersupper


Task 9. Find the equivalents from the text.

1. Я возвращаюсь в спальню. 2. Я живу недалеко от колледжа. 3. Я готов к завтраку. 4.  У меня уходит 10 минут , чтобы добраться туда. 5. Иногда после уроков я иду в библиотеку. 6. Как правило, у меня нет свободного времени на выходных. 


Task 10. Fill in the gaps(put, college, go,  take, never, usually, sometimes,   swimming, take,  like, about, have,   live)

1. .... I get up at 7 on week days. 2 . I  ... not far from  ... 3. ...  I do my morning exercises.  4. Sometimes I ... a shower. 5. I am ... late. 6. I ... my bag, ... on my coat and ... to the college. 7. Sometimes I .... dinner at my college canteen. 8. Twice a week I go to the ... pool. 9. At ... 11  I go to bed. 10. I ... to read detective stories.


Task 11. Find  the sentences with  to be.


Task 12. Find the noun in the plural.


Task 13. Answer the questions.

 1. When do you usually get up? 2. What do you do in the morning? 3. What do you have for breakfast? 4. How much time does it take you to get to the college? 5. Do you have dinner at home or at school canteen? 6. Do you often go to library?  7. W hen do you usually go to bed?




Its interesting to know

В Лондоне расположена самая длинная торговая улица в мире - Оксфорд-стрит.


Read and remember: gh обычно не произносится

night, light, weight, thought, flight, bought, might, bright, brought, fought

Tongue twister: I thought a thought. But the thought I thought wasn’t the thought I thought I thought. 


Task 1. Rewrite the sentences in plural.

1. A new house is in our street. 2. This story is very interesting. 3. A woman, a man, a boy and a girl are the room. 4. In the farm-yard we see an ox, a sheep, a cow and a goose. 5. Put this knife on the table. 6. Is this worker an Englishman or a German? -  He is a Frenchman 7. What is your name? 8. He keeps his toy in a box.


Task 2. Fill in the gaps.

1.      Susan is ____ person in the whole band.

a)                              a wonderful    b)  more wonderful   c) the most wonderful

2.      He is also _____ person than Paul.

a)                              a polite           b)  more polite      c) the most polite

3.      She has ____ job of all.

a)                              a difficult     b)  more difficult      c) the most difficult

4.      I think dogs  are ____than cats.

a)                              intelligent       b) more intelligent    c)the most intelligent

5.      Don’t talk about them. Let’s talk about something ______.

a)                              an interesting      b) more interesting      c) the most interesting

6.      Money is ____, but isn’t _____ thing in life.

a)                              important            b) more important      c) the most important

7.      Which instrument makes ____ music in the world?

a)                              a beautiful     b) more beautiful       c) the most beautiful

8.      This room is not so ____ as that one on the first floor.

a)                              comfortable         b) more comfortable     c) the most comfortable

9.      Happiness is ____ than money.

a)                              important          b) more important               c) the most important

10. This coat is _____ of all.

a)                              an expensive       b) less expensive            c) the least expensive

11. That painting is ____than the one in your living room

a)                              impressive          b) less impressive       c) the least impressive

12. Betty is ____than Jake, but Kate is _____ of all.

a)                              a hard-working       b)less hard-working        c)the least hard-working


Task 3. Use the correct form.

        a) positive     b) comparative    c) superlative

The Americans are very ___1___ (proud) of their country. They say that in the USA the buildings are ____2__ (tall), the cigars are __3__ (long), the cars are __4__ (big), and the girls are __5__ (pretty) than anywhere in the world. The English don’t always agree. Some say the Americans are __6__ (loud), __7__ (rich) and __8__ (noisy) than any other nationality. Other British people think there are lots of __9__ (good) things about the USA like Hollywood, jazz and Superman.

It is true that most American skyscrapers are __10_ (tall) than buildings in the UK, but the British think their stately homes are __11___ (old) and __12__ (beautiful) than anything in the USA. The Americans love coke and hamburgers – people in the UK think British food is much ___13__ (healthy). Clothes are __14__ (cheap) in the USA, but fashion design in the UK is ___15__ (good) than design in the USA.


Task 4. Translate into Russian.

To wash myself, to go to the library, to do the homework, to pollute  the environment, the development of civilization, the destruction of the ozone layer, serious system of ecological security, to unite people from different classes and nationalities, to pay attention, to become a good specialists.



Task 5. Translate into English.

Жить с родителями, современные удобства, обязанности по дому, любимый предмет, бывший друг, быть благодарным, обязательный предмет, я люблю зиму, различные виды спорта,   день независимости, защита окружающей среды, встречаться с друзьями, покупать булочки.




1.                                                                                                                           Peter is _____ student of our group.

a. good

b. better

c. best

d. the best

2.                                                                                                                           Russia is _____ country in the world.

a. big

b. bigest

c.  the biggest

d. the bigest

3.                                                                                                                           This poem is ________than that one.

a.  wonderfulest

b. more wonderful

c. woderfuler

d. wonderful

4.                                                                                                                           Do you know that dinosaurs were _____than houses

a. bigger

b. smaller

c. the biggest

d. the smallest

5.                                                                                                                           English is _____ of all subjects.

a. more difficult

b. difficulter

c. the difficultiest

d. the most dificult

6.                                                                                                                           The weather is ______ today

a. more bad

b. bad

c. badder

d. the baddest

7.                                                                                                                           Alexander Pushkin is ______ Russian poet.

a. famousest

b. the famousest

c. more famous

d. the most famous

8.                                                                                                                           Sarah is as _____ as Liza.

a. the prettiest

b. more prettier

c. pretty

d. prettier

9.                                                                                                                           He is as _____ as Paul.

a. tall

b. taller

c. the tallest

d. more tall

10.                                                                                                                        I go the ____ to take some books.

a. canteen

b. cloakroom

c. library

d. shop

11.                                                                                                                        We _____at seven o’clock on week-days.

a) get on

b. take off

c. put on

d. get up

12.                                                                                                                       In the bathroom I _____

a. do my exercises

b. clean my teeth

c. have breakfast

d. wash myself

13.                                                                                                                        I am _____ late for the first lesson

a. never

b. always

c. usually

d. sometimes

14.                                                                                                                       Sometimes I have dinner at my college ______.

a. library

b. cloakroom

c. canteen

d. gymnasium

15.                                                                                                                        _____ a week I go to the swimming pool.

a. two

b. second

c. three

d. twice








Text: My day off

Grammar Point: Article

It’s interesting to know

Первым в мире программистом была женщина - англичанка Ада Лавлейс.

Read and remember: sure [ʒə]

measure, pleasure, treasure, leisure


Tongue twister:  To begin to toboggan first, buy a toboggan. But do not buy too big a toboggan! 

Task 1. Read and translate the text.

My day off

The last two days of the week are Saturday and Sunday. They are called the weekends. People don’t work on weekends. But students and pupils have only one day off. It’s Sunday.Weekend is my favourite time of the week because I don’t go to the college. I think Sunday is the best day of the week. On this day I wake up later than usual. And sometimes I don’t get up till nine or ten o’clock. As soon as I get up I air the room, do my bed and do morning exercises. Then I have breakfast and help  my mother to clear away the dishes and wash them.

After breakfast I get ready with my homework and then I am free. I meet my friends and we discuss our plans together. Last Sunday we went to the Zoo. There were many funny animals there. It was very interesting  to spend time there.On Sundays I usually do shopping. My mother tells me what to buy, I take a bag and go shopping. As a rule I go to the shop near my house. There are many departments in this shop and I can buy different  goods there. Then I go to the baker’s and buy bread and rolls. I also buy milk at the dairy department.

In the evening our family gets together. We have supper, watch TV or read books. Reading is my hobby. I like to read detective stories or books of modern writers. At about eleven o’clock I go to bed.


Task  2. Match the words and the definitions.

to air                 


to work              

to buy              


to spend           

to wake up        

to meet               












как  только

Task 3. Answer the questions.

1.What days of the week do you like and why?

2.What time do you get up on Sunday?

3.What do you do in the morning?

4.How do you usually spend your days off?





Один из самых известных шотландских напитков, виски, на самом деле изобрели в Китае.


Read and remember: ture [tʃə]

picture, feature, lecture, architecture, mixture, literature, culture, nature


Tongue twister: One black beetle bled only black blood, the other black beetle bled blue. 


Task 1. Use article if necessary.

1. This is … clock. 2. This is … Kiev. 3. … Kiev is … big city. 4. Mary is … girl. 5. She is … my sister. 6. This is … room. 7. Is … newspaper in … bag? 8. She is in … room. 9. Is … teacher in … classroom? 10. Is … your room large? 11. Is … pen in … bag? 12. Are you … students? 13. My friend has … children. 14. … sportsmen are always in good form. 15. … children we saw in … street are schoolboys. 16. She lives in … 1st street.


Task 2. Read the following and translate.
A man’s bag, a girl’s doll, the women’s right, the actress’s voice, James’ room, fox’s tricks, boy’s games, students’ songs, Engels’ works, Marx’ letters


Task 3. Use the article if necessary.  

1.This is ... book. It is my ... book. 2. Is this your ... pencil? — No, it isn't my ... pencil, it is ray sister's ... pencil. 3. I have ... sister. My ... sister is ... engineer. My sister's ... husband is ... doctor. 4. I have no ... handbag. 5. Is this ... watch? — No, it isn't ... watch, it's ... pen. 6. This ... pen is good, and that ... pen is bad. 7. I can see ... pencil on your ... table, but I can see no ... paper. 8. Give me ... chair, please. 9. They have ... dog and two ... cats. 10. I have ... spoon in my ... plate, but I have no ... soup in it. 


Task 4. Use the article if necessary.  
     1. This is ... tree. ... tree is green. 2. I can see three ... boys. ... boys are playing. 3. I have ... bicycle. ... bicycle is black. My ... friend has no ... bicycle. 4. Our ... room is large. 5. We wrote ... dictation yesterday. ... dictation was long. 6. She has two ... daughters and one ... son. Her ... son is ... pupil. 7. My ... brother's ... friend has no ... dog. 8. This ... pencil is broken. Give me that ... pencil, please. 9. She has ... ball. ... ball is ... big. 10. I got ... letter from my ... friend yesterday. ... letter was interesting. 


Task 5. Use the article if necessary. 

1. This is ... pen. ... pen is red. 2. These are pencils. ... pencils are black. 3. This is ... soup. ... soup is tasty. 4. In the morning I eat ... sandwich and drink ... tea. 5. She gave me ... coffee and ... cake. ... coffee was hot. ... cake was tasty. 6. Do you like ... ice-cream? 7. I see ... book in your ... hand. Is ... book interesting? 8. She bought... meat, ... butter and ... potatoes yesterday. She also bought ... cake. ... cake was very ... tasty. We ate ... cake with ... tea. 9. This is my ... table. On ... table I have ... book, two ... pencils, ... pen and ... paper. 10. This is ... bag. ... bag is brown. It is my sis­ter's ... bag. And this is my ... bag. It is ... yellow. 


Task 6. Use the article if necessary.  

1. I have two ... sisters. My ... sisters are ... students. 2. We are at ... home. 3. My ... brother is not at ... home, he is at ... school. 4. My ... mother is at ... work. She is ... doctor. 5. I am not ... doctor. 6. I have no'... sister. 7. He is not ... pilot. 8. I have thirty-two ... teeth. 9. He has ... child. 10. She has two ... children. Her children are at ... school. 11. Is your father at ... home? — No, he is at ... work. 12. Where is your ... broth­er? — He is at ... home. 


Task 7. Use the article if necessary. 

1. We have ... large ... family. 2. My granny often tells us ... long ... interesting .. stories. 3. My ... father is ... engineer. He works at ... factory. ... factory is large. 4. My ... mother is ... doctor. She works at ... large ... hospital. She is at ... work now. 5. My ... aunt is ... teacher. She works at ... school. ... school is good. My ... aunt is not at ... school now. She is at ... home. She is drinking ... tea and eating ... jam. ... jam is sweet. I am at ... home, too. I am drinking ... tea and eating ... sandwich. ... sandwich is tasty. 6. My sister is at ... school. She is ... pupil. 7. My cousin has ... big ... black ... cat. My cousin's ... cat has two ... kittens. ... milk, too. cat likes ... milk. ... kittens like 


Task 8. Use the article if necessary. 

1. I am ... engineer. 2. My ... son is ... pupil. 3. He is ... good ... pupil. 4. This is ... house. 5. This is my ... pencil. 6. You have some ... pen­cils, but I have no ... pencil. Give me ... pencil, please. 7. I like your ... beautiful ... flower. Give me ... flower, please. 8. My ... mother is at ... home. She is reading ... interesting ... book. 9. My ... father is not at ... home. He is at ... work. He is ... doctor. He is ... good ... doctor. He works at ... hospital. ... hospital is large. 


Task 9. Use the article if necessary.  

1. What’s ... weather like today? — ... weather is fine. 2. ... sun is yellow. 3. ... sky is grey today. 4. ... earth is ... planet. 5. We had ... English lesson yesterday. ... teacher asked me many ... questions. ... questions were difficult. 4. Where is your ... brother? — He is at ... home. He is in his ... room. He is sitting at ... table. He is doing his ... homework. ... homework is difficult. 5. Our ... cat is sitting on ... sofa. 6. It is very dark in ... room. Turn on ... light, please. 7. Nick went into ... bathroom, turned on ... water and washed his ... hands. 




1.     Put these _____ on the table

a. knife

b. knifes

c. knives

d. knives

2.     These people are _________.

a. Frenchmans

b. Frenchmen

c. Frenchmens     

d. Frenchman

3.     Today is ______ of April.

a.  the seventeenth

b. seventeenth

c. seventeen

d. seventy

4.     There are only ______ pupils in our group.

a. twelfth

b. twenty five

c. one hundred

d. tenth

5.     My _________ room is big.

a. brothers’

b. brother

c. brothers

d. brother’s

6.     We can read about  ________ in the books.

a. animals’ life

b. animal’s life

c. animals’ live

d. animal’s live

7.     Lermontov is ______ Russian poet.

a. the famousest

b. the more famous

c. famous

d. famouser

8.     The weather is ______ today.

a. gooder

b. the worst

c. more better

d. better

9.     Tell ______ to buy rools.

a. he

b. him

c. hers

d. they

10.  ____ glad to see you.

a. we

b. our

c. ours

d. ourselves

11.  I can buy different _______ there.

a. departments

b. department

c. good

d. goods

12. Sunday is the best day of the ____.

a. year

b. week

c. month

d. century

13.  There are many _____ animals in the Zoo.

a. famous

b. comfortable

c. funny

d. popular

14. I go to the baker’s and buy _______

a. bread and rolls

b. milk and butter

c. meat

d. vegetables

15. I also buy_____ at the dairy department.

a. meat

b. vegetables

c. milk and butter

d. bread and rolls











Text: Mass Media

Grammar Point: Prepositions

It’s interesting to know.

18 апреля 1930 года диктор BBC объявил, что сегодня совершенно нет новостей, о которых можно рассказать. Вместо новостей в эфире радио играла фортепианная музыка.

Readandremember: all [ɔ

call, fall, small, all

Tongue twister: If a white  chalk chalks on a black blackboard, will a black chalk  on a white blackboard?


Task 1. Read and translate the text.

                                                          Mass media

Mass media (that is the press, the radio and television) play an important role in the life of society. They inform, educate and entertain people. They also influence the way people look at the events and sometimes make them change their views.


Millions of people watch TV and read newspapers in their spare time. People listen to the radio while driving a car. On the radio one can hear music, plays, news and variuos discussions of current events. Lots of radio or TV games and films attract large audience.


Newspapers give more detailed reviews of political life, culture and sports.  Basically they are read by people who are subscribers and those who are interested in politics.


There is a lot of advertising in mass media. Many TV channels, radio stations and newspapers are owned by different corporations.  The owners can advertise whatever they choose.


But we cannot say that mass media do not try to raise the cultural level of people or to develop their tastes. Mass media bring to millions of homes not only entertainment and news  but also cultural and educational programs.


There is a great number of TV channels, cable TV, satellite TV and lots of radio stations and newspapers now.


Task 2. Make the sentences.

1. educate, mass media, and, entertain, people, inform.

2. newspapers, people ,spare, read, in their, time.

3. make, mass media, change, people ,their views.

4.  there, advertising, is, a lot of, in mass media.

5. attracts, mass media, audience, large


Task 3. Find the words (7)




















Task 4. Answer the questions.

1.   What is mass media?

2.   How does mass media influence people?

3.   What is the difference between radio and TV programms?

4.   Does the audience of TV and radio differ?

5.   Do you think that advertising is usefull?


Task 5. Fill in the gaps with prepositions.

1. The book is ... the table. 2. The lamp is ... the table. 3. The girl is ... the table. 4. The man is … the chair. 5. The book is ... the bag, 6. The pensil is ... the desk. 7. My house is … the Red Street.  8. The blackboard is ... the classroom. 9. The chair is ... the table. 10. We sit ... the table. 11. There is a lamp ... the desk. 12. Please, sit down ... the table. 13. A sport ground is ... our school. 14. We have lunch ... 11 o’clock . 15. The bridge is ... the Don River. 


Task 6. Fill in the gaps with prepositions. Do the task.

Go … the table. Take the book … the table. Open it … page six. Look … the book. Put it … the bag. Take the pen and the pensil … the table. Put them … the bag. Take the bag.. the table and go .. your desk.


Task 7. Translate into Russian.

Flat, convenience, favorite, large, modern, work, appearance, diligent, especially, friend, kind, intelligent, same, among, classmates, country, health, like, neсessary, winter, summer, belong, build, cherry, district , enjoy, independence, location , memory, quite, with, increase, polute,suffer, activity, channels, connect, exchange, include, retrieve, share, through, transaction, always, canteen, cloakroom, wash, library, sometimes, department, favorite, meet, funny


Task 8. TranslateintoEnglish.

Домохозяйка, обсуждать, жить, предпочитать, пытаться, опрятный, стать, оба, верный, общего, много, популярный, сильный, внимание, обязательный, поле, вид, делать, платить, приносить, столица, открывать, честь, важный, встречать, государство, древний, создавать, разрушение, охрана, исчезать, вещание, соревноваться, иностранный, средство, искать, хранить, множество, чистить, одеваться, никогда, домашнее задание, думать, вместе.





В Великобритании все наоборот, точнее автомобильное движение. Именно в этой стране зародилось левостороннее движение.


Read and remember: J[dʒ], G [dʒ]

Jill, cage, danger, Jane, gym, ledge, June, page, village

Tongue twister:  The great Greek grape growers grow great Greek grapes.


Task 1. Match the words with the definitions.






















Task 2. Fill in the gaps with words. (advertising, educate, owners , entertainment,

educational,  large )

1.   They inform, …and entertain people.

2.   Lots of radio or TV games and films attract …audience

3.   There is a lot of…… in mass media

4.   The ….can advertise whatever they choose.

5.   Mass media bring to millions of  homes not only …..and news  but also cultural and ……programs.


Task 3. Say true or false.

1.   Mass media don’t play an important role in the life of society

2.   They also influence the way people look at the events and sometimes make them change their views

3.   People listen to the radio while driving a car

4.   Newspapers give not  detailed reviews of political life, culture and sports. 

5.   There is not a lot of advertising in mass media.

6.   There is a great number of TV channels, cable TV, satellite TV and lots of radio stations and newspapers now




Task 4. Fill in the gaps  (above, across, around, at, behind, from, in front of, in, into, on, out of , over, through, to under)

1. There is a garden .. our house. 2. The bridge  is.. the river. 3. All students are… the lesson now. 4. Where are the boys? They are.. the park. 5. Our flat is .. the centre. 6. There was a lamp … the table. 7. He will sit .. you. 8.Usually we go.. the college together. 9. He came .. the house. 10. I come home… school very late. 11. Come .. the room. 11 Children, take your books … your bags and put them .. the tables. 15. The box was .. the bed. 16. He looks .. the window.


Task 5. Fill in the gaps with to be or to have.

1. I …a pupil. 2. You … a student. 3. She … a teacher. 4. Who ..you? I… Alex Smith. 5.What … Mr. Brown? 6. Mr. Brown … a businessman. 7. Mrs. Brown … a housewife. 8. Where … Mrs. Brown? She … not at home. She .. out. 9. Their children … at school now. 10. … you a student? No, I.. not a student, I .. a pupil. 11. … Max a pupil? No, he … a student. 12. I.. afraid, I … not ready for the lesson. 13. We.. sorry for being late. 14. The flowers … in the vase. 15. I .. not from the Ukraine. I … Russia. 16. He … in the classroom. May be he .. in the library. 17. The Browns … a son and a daughter. 18. … you a computer? No, I .. not. But my brother …  . 19. My uncle… a nice car. It ..  red. 20. .. you any English books?   No, I … not. My aunt … some. She .. an English teacher. The books … in her bookcases. 21. I .. fond of reading and … many detective books. 22. My friend … a dog. 23. I.. not afraid of dogs.    


Task 6. Choose the right variant.

a)                 am        b) is           c) are 

1.It .. a fine morning today. 2. You .. very well dressed. 3. … Pete at school now? No, he and his friends … at the library. 4. How .. you? I .. fine, thank you, and how … yoyr mother? 5. What … your parents? My father… officer, my mother .. housewife. 6. … you hungry? No, I … not,  but Kate … . 7. …. your children at home? 8. … boys busy now? No, they .. quite free.


Task 7. Fill in the gaps and translate.

a)        have   b) has

1. I … a nice dog, and my friend … a dog too. 2. How many kittens … your cat? 3. How many books … your father? 4. … Den any disks with computer games? – No, he …not, but I … some. 5. … Ann a new coat? Yes, she .. a very nice modern coat. 6.  My grandparents … a large summer-cottage near the river. 7. They … many flowers round the cottage. 8. How many lessons … Peter today? He … six lessons every day.


Task 8. Make  the sentences.

1.   they,  at, now, are, home,

2.   games, I, fond of, am, computer.

3.   mother, very, is, your, tired?

4.   today, your, not, sister,  ill, is

5.   hometask, busy, are, with,we, our.

6.   has, a headache, she, bad,

7.   you, your, breakfast, eight, at, o’clock.

8.   not, I, ready, am, the lesson, today, English, for.


Task 9. Form the numerals.                               

a) teen                b) ty                      c) th

1. (40) four … 2. (14) four… 3. (16-й) six… 4. (27-й)twenty seven… 5. (80) eight…  6.(119) one hundred nine …. 7. (19-й) nine….. 8. (60-й) six …. 9. (70) seven… 10.(2070) two thousand seven….


Task 10. Fill in the gaps.

1.   Jimmy is _____ boy in his class.

a)   shorter   b) shortest       c) the shortest

2.   Her eyes are  ____ as the sky.

a)   so blue     b) as blue      c) bluer

3.   Polly is two years ____ than her brother.

a)   as old      b) oldest         c) older 

4.   This task is ______ than that one.

a)   as difficult   b) more difficult    c) the most difficult

5.   Where is  ______ post-office?

a)   nearer       b) more near        c) the nearest




1.     The book  is ____ the table.

a. near

b. across

c. on

d. at

2.     The books are ___ the bag.

a. in

b. on

c. at        

d. under

3.     I live _____ the street.

a. at

b. in

c. on

d. across

4.     I am sitting ____ the table.

a. under

b. at

c. in

d. across

5.     There is a bridge _____ the river.

a. over

b. near

c. on

d. in

6.     Take the phone _____ the table.

a.  to

b. on

c. from

d. through

7.     He is ____ the office.

a. in

b. on

c. from

d. under

8.     I come ______ Russia.

a.  on

b. from

c. at

d. in

9.     Put your book _____ the bag.

a. at

b. into

c. on

d. across

10.  There is a picture ______ the wall.

a. on

b. at

c. behind

d. in front of

11. There is a lot of _____in mass media.

a.  famous

b. advertising

c. popular

d. device

12.  Mass media brings not only intertament but also _______ programms.

a.  cultural

b. interesting

c. famous

d. popular

13. On the radio one can hear ______.

a. noise

b. music

c. nothing

d. anything

14. The­­­­­______can advertise whatever they choose.

a. owner

b. builder

c. customer

d. architecture

15. Mass media  plays an_______ role in the life of society.

a.  beautiful

b. important

c. popular

d. interesting







Text: Table Manners

Grammar Point: Pronouns some/ any

It’s interesting to know.

Рестораны Великобритании обычно требуют от посетителей рассчитываться наличными.

Read and remember:  th θ ],th ð ]

thick, they, thin, them, myth, then, tenth, this

Tongue twister:  Three those thousand thinkers were thinking how did the other three thieves go through.


Task 1. Fill in the gaps (some, any, no).

1.       There are  _____ pictures in the book.

2.       Are there  ___ new students in your group?

3.       There are ___ old houses in our street.

4.       Are there ____ English textbooks on the desk?

5.       Are there______ maps on the walls?

6.       There are ______ beautiful pictures in the magazine.

7.       There is ____ ink in my pen: I cannot write.

8.        Is there ____ paper on your table?

9.       I haven’t got ____ exercise books.

10.   It is winter. There are _____ leaves on the trees.


 Task 2. Fill in the gaps

              a) some                b) any             c) no

1.       We haven’t got ___ milk. We can’t  make an omelet.

2.       Bob always likes ____ sugar in his coffee.

3.       Poor Oliver was hungry. He wanted ____ bread.

4.       They haven’t got ____ stamps. I can’t post my letter.

5.       He has got _____ money. Ha can’t spend his holidays in England.

6.       There are _____ schools in this street.

7.       Are there ______ pictures in your book?

8.       There are ____ flowers here in winter.

9.       I can see ____ children in the yard. They are playing.

10.   Are there ____ new buildings in your street?

11.   There are ____ people in the park because it is cold.

12.   I saw _____  boys in the garden, but Mike was not among them.

13.   They brought ____ good books from library.

14.   Give me _____ tea, please, I am thirsty.

15.   Dinner was not yet ready, so she gave the children _____ bread and butter because they were hungry.

16.   Do you want _____ milk in your coffee?

17.   Have you got ____ time to spare? I’d like to ask you ____ questions.

18.   Is there _____ cheese on the plate?

19.   There is _____ ham on the plate.

20.   There is _____ tea in the cup: the cup is empty.


Task 3. Fill in the gaps.

                    a) some         b) any           c) no         d) –

1.       There are _____ buses today and I can’t to go shopping.

2.       There is ______ caviar in the can. I love it. Would you like ____ ?

3.       Please don’t offer her _____ chips. She doesn’t want _____ .

4.       Can I have ___ milk in my tea? I don’t like it black.

5.       There is ____ ink in my pen.

6.       Is there _____ snow in the street this morning?

7.       My mother likes _____ music.

8.       Are there ____chess players here?

9.       There are _____ diagrams in the new book.

10.   Are there _____ newspapers on the table?

11.   Was there ______ water in the glass or _____ milk?

12.   There was ____ soap in the box; he used it to wash his hands.

13.    Do you like _____ apples?

14.   People need _____ oxygen for breathing.

15.   My brother doesn’t like _____ carrots.


Task 4. Fill in the gaps.

             a) something                  b) anything

             c)nothing                       d)everything

1.       Her patient has a bad memory. She can’t remember ____ .

2.       I think there is _____ wrong with my watch.

3.       We’ve  got _____ to eat. We’ve got only ____ to drink.

4.       The student didn’t understand ______because she heard ______ .

5.       Does he know ______ about computers?

6.       He felt terrible. He couldn’t do_______ else.

7.       _____ is all right, the patient is much better today.

8.       Is there _____ interesting in the programme of the concert?

9.       I could see ____: it was quite dark.

10.   Give me _____ to drink.

11.    I didn’t take any money with me, so I couldn’t buy ______.


Task 5. Fill in the gaps.

             a) something                  b) anything

             c)nothing                       d)everything

1.       She has to go to the supermarket. There isn’t  ____ in the fridge.

2.       I’ve had a terrible day _____ went wrong.

3.       The young  man  is very upset. There is ____ wrong with his car.

4.       His grandparents like doing ______: cooking, playing boar games.

5.       She never says ____ nice about her neighbours.

6.       What do you want to drink? - ______. I’m not thirsty.

7.       Nobody told me ____ about his lung cancer. I could do ____ to save his life.

8.       Give me _____to read, please.

9.       I don’t know _____ about your town. Tell me ____about it.

10.   Please give me ___ warm: it is cold here.

11.   I understand _____ now. Thank you for your help.

12.   There is ___ white in the box. What is it?

13.   Is there ____ that you want to tell me?

14.   Where is the book? – It is on the table. – No, there is ____there.


Task 6. Fill in the gaps.

                           a) much              b) many      

1.   He eats ___ fish.

2.   She ate so ___ dessert that she is in bed today with a stomachache.

3.   That man drank so ___ wine, and he smoked so ___ cigarettes that he has a terrible headache today.

4.   Mary must not eat too ___ salt because she had problems with her blood pressure.

5.   My mother says I eat too ___ French fries and drink too ____beer.

6.   There is not too ___ space in my flat.

7.   There are ___ new in the room.

8.    There are ___ teachers at our school, and ____of them are women.

9.   ____ of these plays are quite new.

10.   Thanks awfully for the____ books you sent me yesterday.

11.   ___ of her advice was useful.

12.   He had ___ pairs of socks.

13.   Please, don’t put ___ pepper on the meat.

14.   There were ___ plates on the table.


Task 7. Read and translate the text.

Good table manners avoid ugliness. All rules of table manners are made to avoid it. To let anyone see what you have in your mouth is offensive. So is to make a noise. To make a mess in the plate is disgusting. So there are some rules how to behave yourself at the table:


Do not attract undue attention to yourself in public. When eating take as much as you want, but eat as much as you take. Never stretch over the table for something you want, ask your neighbour to pass it. Take a slice of bread from the bread-plate by hand, don’t harpoon your bread with a fork. Never read while eating (at least in company). When a dish is placed before you do not eye it suspiciously as though it were the first time you had seen it, and do not give the impression that you are about to sniff it. Chicken requires special handling. First cut as much as you can, and when you can’t use knife or fork any longer, use your fingers. The customary way to refuse a dish is by saying, “No, thank you” (or to accept, “Yes, please:). Don’t say “I don't eat that stuff, don’t make faces or noises to show that you don’t like it. In between courses don’t make bread-balls to while the time away and do not play with the silver. Do not leave spoon in your cup when drinking tea or coffee. Do not empty your glass too quickly — it will be promptly refilled. Don’t put liquid into your mouth if it is already full. Don’t eat off the knife. Vegetables, potatoes, macaroni are placed on your fork with the help of your knife. If your food is too hot don’t blow on it as though you were trying to start a campfire on a damp night. Try to make as little noise as possible when eating. And, finally, don't forget to say “thank you: for every favour or kindness. 


Task  8. Find the words (9)


























































Task  9. Say true or false.

1.   Do not attract undue attention to yourself in public.

2.   Always read while eating.

3.   Do not leave spoon in your cup when drinking tea or coffee.

4.   Eat off the knife.

5.   If you food  is too hot don’t blow on it.

6.   Try to make as much noise as possible when eating.

7.   Take a slice of bread from the bread-place by fork.

8.   Don’t forget to say “thank you”.




It’s interesting to know.

От битвы при Гастингсе в 1066 году до 1362 года официальным языком Англии был французский! По сей день девизом Суверена на Королевском Гербе является "Dieu et mon droit", что в переводе с французского означает "Бог и мое право". Этот девиз указывает на божественность прав монарха на корону.

Readandremember: ng[ ŋ ]

song , king, long, morning, wrong, evening, strong, kingdom

Tongue twister:  Singing Sammy sung songs on sinking sand.

Task 1. Translate into Russian.

Imporatnt, to work, conveniences, duties, faithful, diligent, attention, compulsory, district, to discover, memory, capital, location, environment, to encrease,  to disappear, to brush, to wash, to wake up, goods, department, to influence, spare time, to drive.


Task 2. TranslateintoEnglish.

Правило, впечатление, играть, общество, газета, подготовиться, обсуждать, всегда,  убирать, никогда, развитие, слой, редкий, далеко, закон, независимость, здоровье, поле, объединять, усердно учиться, честный, потому что, заниматься спортом, современный.


Task 3. Fill in the gaps.

             a) somewhere                 b) anywhere

             c) nowhere                     d) everywhere

1.       I can’t find my book_____. I have looked all over the house.

2.       Johnny lives ___ near Chicago.

3.       It so happened that he had _____ to go to.

4.       This book can be found ____. Let’s buy it.

5.       Do you live ____ near them?

6.       Is it ____ in Russian?

7.        Where are you going? – I am not going ____.

8.       I put my dictionary _____ yesterday and now I can’t find it ____ .

9.       You must go _____ next summer.

10.   Did you go ___ on Sunday?

11.   Let’s go ____ . The weather is fine.

12.   I cannot find my glasses ____ I always put them ___ and then look for them for hours.



Task 4. Fill in the gaps.

1.       Are there ___ cinemas or theaters in your town?

2.       She has ____ sisters, she has only brothers.

3.       Do you know ____ about Chinese art?

4.        They have _____ cousins in Minsk.

5.       Have you ___ brothers? – No, I haven’t ____, I have ___ brothers.

6.       I have ___ good friends.

7.       We did not know ____ about his problems: he told us ____.

8.       Have you got ____ interesting books?

9.       Have you    _____ friends in America?

10.   Ha has ____ English books in this bookcase.

11.   Did you meet ____ on your way to school?

12.   How could I know that he was ill? ___ told me ____

13.   She has ___ mistakes in her test.

14.   Have you got ___ pencils in your bag?


Task 5. Fill in the gaps.

             a) somebody                  b) anybody

             c)nobody                       d)everybody

1.       Don’t tell ____ about it. It is a secret.

2.       Life is tough! ____ has problems.

3.       I think, ____ in our class is honest .That’s why we trust _____.

4.       If you look in the yellow pages, I am sure you’ll find ____ who can fix your TV.

5.       Is there _____ in the office?

6.       ____ needs good friends. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

7.       Has ___ in this group got a dictionary?

8.       _____ left a magazine in our classroom yesterday.

9.       The question was so difficult that ___ could answer it.

10.   ____ knows that water is necessary for life.

11.   Is there ____ here who knows French?

12.   You must find ____who can help you.

13.   ____ knew anything about America before Columbus discovered it.

14.    I saw ___ in the train yesterday who looked like you.

15.   There is ___ in the next room. I don’t know him.

16.   Please tell us the story . _____ knows it.

17.   Is there _____ in my group who lives in the dormitory?

18.   Has ____ here got a red pencil?


Task 6. Choose the right variant:

1. Выразите удивление

   1) I’m at a loss                2) My best wishes!

   3) You don’t say so        4) Nice to see you!



2. В конце письма вы напишите:  

1) I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon

2) I’m looking to hearing from you soon

3)  I look forward                             

4) I look forward to hear you






3. Вас представляют незнакомому человеку, что вы скажите ему?

1) How are you?             2) What do you do?

3)  How do you do?        4) How are the things going?


4. Спросите, можно ли позвонить?

1) Can I make a telephone, please?

2) Can I make a ring, please?

3) Can I make a call, please?

4) Can I make a phone, please?


5. Дайте ответ на “Thankyou”

1) That’s quite right               2) Not at all

3) Don’t speak about it          4) It matters not to me


6. Вы опоздали на урок. Что вы скажите?

1) Excuse me, I’m late.            2) Forgive me. I’m late.

3) Sorry, I’m late                      4) Pardon me, I’m late


7. Учитель входит в класс, он скажет ученикам:

1) Sit yourselves                 2) Take a seat

3) Sit                                   4) Sit down


8. Вы просите друга немного подождать:

1) Just a moment              2) One moment

3) A moment                    4) The moment


9. Вы хотите чаю, выскажите:

1) I like some tea             2) I love tea

3) I’d like a cup of tea     4) I may like a cup of tea


10. Примите приглашение друга пойти на концерт:

1) It is so amusing                2) Yes, it looks so

3) With pleasure                   4) I hope not


11. Вы любите маму. Скажите ей об этом:

1) I don’t think so.               2) I’m happy to hear it

3) I love you so mush          4) So much the better.


2. Поздравьте друга с успешной зашитой диплома:

1) Congratulations!         2) With great pleasure

3) Very well!                   4) Fine !


13. Выразите удивление соседу:

1) I’m at a loss                  2) Don’t lose heart

3) It’s very kind of you     4) You don’t say so!


14.Ваш друг оказал Вам  помощь. Поблагодарите его:

1) Can I help you?                  2) Sorry, I can’t help you now

3) Thank you for your help.   4) Im so sorry.


15. Попросите повторить фразу, которую Вы не расслышали:

1) Can you do me a favour?        2) How so?

3) What’s that?                            4) Pardon?


Task 7. Choose the right variant.

1.Предложите помощь другу помощь:

1)  How kind of you to help me

2)  I want you to help me

3)  Can I help you?

4)  Thank you for your help


2. Вы встречаете гостей в аэропорту. Что вы им скажете?

1) Welcome to our city             2) Be welcome to our city

3) Welcome in our city             4) Well come to our city


3. Первого января вы скажете другу:

1) Harry New Year!           2) Good New Year!

3) Merry New Year!          4) Lucky New Year!


4. Вы отказываетесь от чашки чая. Что вы скажете?

1) Please                  2) Thank you

3) No, thanks           4) Thanks


5. Вам позвонили по ошибке. Что вы скажете?

1) Sorry. Error.        2) You’ve made a mistake

3) It is a mistake       4) Sorry. Wrong number


6. Выразите удовлетворение, узнав, что Ваша знакомая переехала в более удобную квартиру:

1) I’m glad for you        2) I’m afraid for you

3) I’m sorry for you       4) I’m angry with you


7. Напомните брату о том, что ему нужно сходить к врачу:

1) That’s time                      2) Don’t forget it

3) The sooner the better      4) Take it easy


8. Скажите продавцу, что вы покупаете эту вещь:

1) Can you give it to me?         2) You are quite right

3) All right. I’ll take it              4) I think it’s not bad.


9. Ответьте согласием на приглашение прийти в гости:

1) Happy birthday to you.         2) I’m quite sure about it

3) I wish you joy                       4) I’d love to.


10. Поздравьте друга с днем рождения:

1) You look wonderful            2) Very nice indeed

3) Happy birthday                    4) See you soon


11. Откажитесь от приглашения пойти на концерт:

1) I’d like, but I can’t this time

2) What a good idea!

3) You don’t say so.

4) Yes, why not?


12.  Вы принимаете приглашение пойти в театр сегодня вечером:

1) I am so glad              2) Is it the truth?

3) I don’t like it             4) A very good idea.


13.  Хозяйка дома предлагает Вам чашку кофе. Ответьте согласием:

1) I’m awfully glad               2) It’s all the same for me

3) Thank you. I’d love one    4) I’m happy to hear it.


14. Выразите удивление и радость, что Вашей знакомой присуждена премия:

1) Exactly            2) Naturally

3) Fantastic!        4) Happy to see you.


15. Выразите удивление другу, услышав его отказ:

1) You are right         2) I don’t care

3) I’m sad                   4) Happy to see you  





1.     I ___ happy to see you.

a.  be

b. am

c. is

d. are

2.     We _____ glad to see you too.

a.  are

b. am

c. is        

d. be

3.     Happy birthday to ____.

a. she

b. you

c. your

d. he

4.      Thank you ____ your ____

a.  for/ read

b. for/ noise

c. for/ day

d. for/ help

5.      I’d like a ____ of tea.

a. vase

b. cup

c. soup

d. glass

6.     There are ___ old houses in our street.

a. much

b. some

c. any

d. something

7.     There is _____ snow in winter.

a. any

b. some

c. many

d. much

8.     Students ask ____ questions.

a. no

b. many

c. much

d. little

9.     He has ____ English books ___ home.

a. no/ in

b. much/ at

c. many/ at

d. many/ in

10.     Take a slice of bread from the bread-place by_____.

a. spoon

b. knife

c. fork

d. hand

11. Don’t eat___ the knife.

a. off

b. on

c. in

d. at

12.  Thank you very _____.

a. many

b. much

c. no

d. some

13.  She has _____ sisters, she has only brothers.

a. little

b. much

c. many

d. no

14.  I’m _____to hear that.

a.  happy

b. bad

c. good

d. better

15.  Your English is _____now.

a. many/ better

b. much/ better

c. much/good

d. many/ good


















Text:Traditions of English speaking  countries

Grammar Point: Types of questions

It’s interesting to know.

В настоящее время в Великобритании три самые распространенные темы для разговора - это спорт, Х-фактор и погода.


Read and remember.

Tongue twister: Little Mike left his bike like Tike at Spike’s.


Task 1. Translate the text.

Traditions of English speaking countries.

Every country has its own holidays. They reflect the history of  the country and it’s cultural and religious traditions.  Some religious holidays are common in different countries.  They are Christmas and Easter.Americans celebrate Christmas on the 25thof December.  They buy a lot of presents for each other,  for their parents,  children and friends.  The New Year’s day, the 1st of January is not so widely celebrated in the USA as we do it in Russia. 


Of course,  the most important holiday in  America is the 4th of July,  The Independence Day. People like to watch colourful fireworks in the evening.  The 4th of July is the day off and people don’t go to  the work.


The Holidays when people don’t go to work are : Martin Luther King’s day on the 20th of  January, Labour Day on the 7th of September and Thanksgiving on the  last Friday of November. On Thanksgiving Americans usually ate turkey. This holiday reminds the time when the first colonists  ( pilgrims) from England came to America in 1620 and could survive in the unknown land. There is still a big white stone on the Shore in Plymouth in Masachucets,  that the pilgrims landed on. It is called “The Plymouth Rock”.


The 31st  of October is the children’s most favourite holiday - Halloween. On this day children, dressed in funny dresses visit their neighbour’s and say “Trick or treat”  and get sweets. The rest of the holidays are usually on weekends. They are: the Flag’s day,  Mother’s day, Armed Forces Day. Americans also celebrate  Linkoln’s birthday,  Washington’s birthday, President’s Day in February.The 14th of February is Valentine’s day or as it is called “All Lovers day” .





Task 2. Match the words and the definitions.

















день рождения


Task 3. Find the words



Task 4. Fill in the gaps (fireworks, buy, important, different, holidays)

1.   Every country has its own ….

2.   Some religious holidays are common in … countries.

3.   They … a lot of presents.

4.   The most … holiday in America is the Enependence Day.

5.   People watch coloful … in the evening.


Task 5. Answer the questions.

1.   What do the holidays reflect?

2.   When do americans celebrate Christmas?

3.   Is 1st of January widely celebrated?

4.   What is the most important holidayss in the USA?

5.   What are the holidays when people stay off work?

6.   What is children most favourite holiday?


Task 6. Fill in the gaps

a) Why           b) What           c) How        d) Where

1.____are you thinking about?

2.____is the nearest phone?

3.____are you doing now?

4.____don’t you wear this sweater?

5.____do they get to school?

6.____does your father go on Monday?

7. ____didn’t you come to school yesterday?

8. ___is she wearing?

9. ___do you think of Mike?

10. ____often does he go running?

11. ___ time do you get back?

12. ___ don’t we go shopping this afternoon?

13.___ much are these trousers?

14. ___ tall is he?

15.____was the party last night?

16. ____ many people live there?

17. ___ are they from?

18.___ far is your school from out house?

19.___ don’t we have a game together some time?

20.___ exams have you passed.


Task 7. Form the questions and retell the text: 

My brother lives in Moscow. He has a comfortable one-room flat in a new block of flats. His flat is on the seventh floor. My brother is single. He was born in 1997. He is an engineer. Now he works at a large factory. There are a lot of workers and engineers at his factory.


My brother learns English. He must know this language to read foreign magazines. His working hours begin at half past seven and he finishes work at half past four.On Tuesday and Thursday after work he has English lessons. He likes learning English and he studies a lot.




Text: Fir-tree


В английском языке есть много интересных слов: например, indivisibility, где буква I повторяется 6 раз. Или, например, Goddessship (божественность) – единственное слово, где согласная буква повторяется 3 раза подряд (почти как у нас в слове «длинношеее» - единственный случай, где буква повторяется 3 раза подряд, хоть и гласная). Илиrhythm – самое длинное слово с 1 гласной.


Tongue twister: How many  sheets could a sheet  sliter slit if a sheet slitter could slit sheets?


Task 1. Read the text and do the tasks.

The tradition of using a fir-tree for winter celebration is very old. We know that before there were trees decorated with toys in Roman times. Later it became part of the celebration of the Christian Christmas. The German Prince Albert, Queen Victoria’s husband, brought this tradition to England. He and the queen had a Christmas tree at Windsor Castle in 1841. A few years after nearly every house in the country had a Christmas tree.


At Christmas a giant fir-tree stands in Trafalgar Square in front of the National Gallery. It is a present from the people of Norway. Every winter they cut down a tree and send it to London. Whole families come to look at it. Here is a Christmas tree bigger than any they have ever seen in their lives.

Traditionally people decorate their tree on Christmas eve- that is December 24th. They hang lights and coloured balls on the Christmas branches and put a star at the top. They lay presents under the Christmas tree. Young children are told that Santa Claus will bring them presents if they are good. Children hang a Christmas stocking at the foot of their beds or near the fireplace. They often borrow one of their father’s socks because they are the biggest. Santa Claus is supposed to come in the night from Lapland. He climbs down the chimney and fills the stockings with presents.


1.               Определите  тему текста и закончите предложение

The text is about…

a)               celebrating Christmas in Roman times

b)              the giant Christmas tree in Trafalgar Square

c)               celebrating Christmas in England

d)              Santa Claus bringing presents for children.


2.               Выберите предложение, соответствующее содержанию текста

a)               The Romans decorated trees with toys.

b)              Prince Albert brought a fir-tree from Rome.

c)               Queen Victoria refused to celebrate Christmas in 1841.

d)              The royal family had a Christmas tree at Buckingham Palace.


3.               Выберите предложение, не соответствующее содержанию текста

a)               The national Gallery is in Trafalgar Square.

b)              Nobody comes to Trafalgar Square at Christmas.

c)               Many families have a Christmas tree in England.

d)              People decorate their tree on 24th of December.


4.               Укажите правильный ответ на вопрос

         Why do people come to Trafalgar Square?

a)               They come to look at the national Gallery.

b)              They want to put presents under the Christmas tree.

c)               They want to look at the Christmas tree.

d)              They come to meet the people of Norway.


5.               В тексте слово present означает

a)               настоящий     b)подарок

c) дарить              d)присутствующий


6.               Закончите предложение словом, соответствующим содержанию текста

Santa Claus brings presents only … to children.

            a) kind                  b) poor

            c) good                 d) clever



7.               Закончите предложение в соответствии с  содержанием текста

Young children believe that Santa Claus…

a)               lays presents under the Christmas tree

b)              comes in the night from Lapland.

c)               hangs decorations on the Christmas tree.

d)              Brings presents for the whole family.


8.               Выберите наиболее удачный заголовок

a)               Celebrating Christmas in England

b)              Christmas at Windsor Castle.

c)               A Giant Christmas Tree.

d)              The Presents of Santa Clause


Task 2.Use there is/are correctly

1. … sixty minutes in an hour. 2. … twelve months in a year. 3. … a lot of snow in Moscow in winter. 4. … not any cheese for breakfast. 5. … a lot of people at the theatre. 6. … any bread for dinner? Yes, … some. 7. .. some magazines on the table.  8. … not many tickets for this performance at the box-office.


Task 3. Rewrite in plural.

1. This is a star. 2. This is a boy. 3. This is a baby. 4. That is a plate. 5. That is a flower. 6. That is a bookshelf. 7. Is this a sofa? 8. Is this a bookcase? 9. Is this a man? 10. Is that a ball? 11. Is that a train? 12. Is that a plane? 13. Is the window open? 14. Is the door closed? 15. Is the boy near the window? 16. That is not a king, 17. That is not a queen. 18. That is not a bus.   19. This isn’t a mountain. 20. That isn’t a goose. 21. This isn’t a mouse. 22. It is a sheep. 23. It is a cigarette. 24. It is a cat. 25. It is not a girl. 26. It isn’t a bag. 27. It isn’t a tree. 28. It is not a bad egg. 29. It is a good egg. 30. Is that a flower?


Task 4. Use the correct degree of comparison.

1. It is autumn; every day the air becomes (cold), the leaves (yellow).

2. This is the (beautiful) view I have ever seen in my life.

3. Your handwriting is now (good) than it was last year; but still it is not so good as Oleg’s handwriting. He has the (good) handwriting.

4. Are there (many) than two rooms in your new flat?

5. The weather got (bad) and (bad) every day.      


Task 5. Write the correct pronoun.

1. Helen - …                            6. pen - …

2. Sam - …                              7. cars - …

3. father - …                            8. Nick and I - …

4. mother - …                          9. you and Jane - …

5. Ann and Tom - …                10. flat - …     



1.     Every country has it’s _____holidays.

a. her

b. own

c. hers

d. together

2.     The tradition of using a _____for winter celebration is very old.

a. apple-tree

b. plump-tree

c. fir-tree

d. oak

3.     Traditionally people ______their tree on Christmas Eve.

a. celebrate

b. decorate

c. dedicate

d. educate

4.          ____ is children most favourite holiday?

a. why

b. when

c. where

d. what

5.          _____ do americans celebrate Christmas?

a. whose

b. when

c. why

d. who

6.          Santa Claus brings presents only____ to children.

a. good

b. bad

c. clever

d. poor

7.     People _____a lot of presents.

a. lend

b. read

c. sell

d. buy

8.     _____are you from?

a. why

b. where

c. when

d. who

9.     _____ do you usually celebrate New Year?

a. where

b. when

c. why

d. whose

10. _____ is your name?

a. who

b. why

c. when

d. what

11.  Children believe that Santa Claus lays _____under th christmas tree.

a.  tree

b. presents

c. firework

d. cake

12. Children hang a Christmas ______at the foot of their beds or near the fireplace.

a. shoes

b. stockings

c. bags

d. hats

13.  ____much is this fir-tree?

a.  how

b. who

c. why

d. what

14.  _____ is your favourite holiday?

a.  why

b. when

c. how

d. what

15.  People like to____colourful fireworks in the evening. 

a. watch

b. see

c. buy

d. say

















Text: Great Britain

Text: Russia

It’s interesting to know

В Великобритании вход в большинство музеев бесплатный – каждый посетитель может по желанию внести свой финансовый вклад в развитие музея в виде пожертвования


Read the tongue twister:Double bubble gum, bubbles double.


Task 1. Read and translate the text.

Great Britain.

The United Kingdom of  Great Britain and Northen Ireland is situated on the British Isles. It consists of four parts: England , Scotland and Northen Ireland.England, Wales and Scotland occupy the territory of Great Britain and Northen Ireland is situated in the Northern part of Ireland. The territory of the United Kingdom varies  greatly.


The Northern and Western parts of the country are mountainous and are called the Highlands.  All the rest is a vast plain which is called the Lowlands. The mountains are not very high. The rivers are not very long. The most important of them are the Severn and the Thames. There are many beautiful lakes in the mountainous part of the country. The mountains,  the Atlantic Ocean and the warm waters of Gulf Stream influence the climate of Great Britain. It is mild the whole year round. Winters are not cold and summers are not hot.


Great Britain is highly developed industrial  country. It is known as one of the world’s lagest producers and exporters of iron and steel products, machinery and electronics, chemicals and textile. One of the industries is shipbuilding. Great Britain is a country with old cultural traditions and customs. The most famous educational centers are Oxford and Cambrig Universities. They are considered to be the intellectual centres of Europe. The education is not  free, it is very expensive.   


The United Kingdom is a monarchy and the Queen is the head of the state. But in practice it is ruled by the government with the Prime Minister at the head.  The British  Parliament consists of two Chambers: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. There are three main political parties in Great Britain: the Labour party, the Conservative party and the Liberal party.


Task 2. Find the equivalents from the text.

1.   Образование не бесплатное.

2.   Великобритания высокоразвитая индустриальная страна.

3.   Великобритания – это страна с древними культурными традициями.

4.   Великобританияэто монархия.

5.   Поверхность меняется сильно.

6.   Реки не длинные.


Task 3. Continue the following.                                             

1.   Great Britain is highly…..

2.   The most famous educational……

3.   The UK is monarchy…

4.   The territory…

5.   The population…

6.   The surface…


Task 4. Find the words (8)



















































Task 5.Answer the questions.

1.   What the official name of Great Britain?

2.   Where is it situated?

3.   What parts does it consist of?

4.   What is the territory and the population?

5.   What city is the capital of Great Britain?

6.   Is Great Britain a constitutionsl monarchy?

7.   Is Great britain highly developed country?


Task 6. Translate  from English into Russian.

Many, former, to spend, tidy, same, both, kind, too, marble, quite, empty, disappear,security, to leave, together, to buy, to hear, spare time, manners, avoid, produce, custom,attention, field, to pollute, rools, to clean, to  dress, compulsory


Task 7. Translate from Russian into English.

Большая квартира, покупать различные товары, проводить свободное время, любимый предмет, современные удобства, стать хорошим специалистом, общая забота, любить зиму, важный закон, промышленное предприятие, обмениваться информацией.


Task 8. Form  the cardinal and ordinal numerals.
1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 11; 12; 14; 15; 21.



В каждом городе есть прачечные почти во всех районах – стирать белье и одежду дома здесь не принято.


Read the tongue twister: I eat eel while you peel eel.


Task 1. Read and translate the text.


I live in Russia. Russia is my native country. The Russian Federation is the largest country in the world. It  occupies one seventh of the Earth’s surface.  It is situated both in Europe and Asia. The total area is about  17 million square kilometers.  The country is washed by 12 seas and 3 oceans. Our neighbors in the South are China, Mongolia, Korea, Kazakhstan, Georgia and Azerbaijan. In the West we have borders with Norway, Finland, Belarus and Ukrain. There is no country in the world like Russia with steppes in the South,  plains and forests in the Midland,  Tundra and Taiga in the North,  Highlands and deserts in the east. There is a great number of rivers in Russia. The Volga, the longest river in Europe, flows into Caspian sea. The main Siberia rivers - the Ob, the Yenisey and the Lena flows  from the South to the North.  The deepest lake is Baikal. The water    in the lake is so clear, that you can see the stones on the bottom.


Because of the vast territory there are various types of climate in the country. The climate varies greatly in different regions.Russia is very rich in oil, coal, iron ore, natural gad, copper, nickel and other mineral resources.


Russia is  a parliamentary Republic with the strong power of the president who is the head of the state. The State Duma and the Council of Federation are the legislative  branch of the government. The capital of Russia is Moscow. It is the largest political, cultural and industrial centre.  It is one of the oldest Russian cities.The national banner of Russia is tricolor with white, blue and red stripes.


Task 2. Fill in the gaps with to be.

1. You …. workers.  2. It … a dog. 3. Our cat … little. 4. Ben… your best friend. 5. They… sisters. 6. My family… large. 7. My name… Kate. 8. You… at school. 9. They … hungry.


Task 3. Rewrite the following using the possessive case.

1. The toy of the child. 2. The son of that man. 3. The hat of my cousin. 4. The daughter of this woman. 5. The ball of the dog


Task 4. Write the  cardinal numerals.

15, 34, 87, 23,99, 75, 123, 564,  321, 567,479, 679, 453, 761,907, 105.


Task 5. Fill in the gaps.

1. I’m not so ____ as a horse.

            a) strong            b) stronger          c) the strongest

2. China has got ______ population in the world.

            a) a large           b) a larger         c) the largest

3. Of the three girls, this one is the _____.

            a) pretty             b) prettier        c) prettiest.

4. Which is ______ : five, fifteen or fifty?

             a) little           b) less               c) the least


Task 6. Find and correct the mistakes.

Knives, shelfs, roofs, loafs, thiefs, handkerchieves, leafs, deers, postmans, heroes, safes, oxes


Task 7. Translate into Russian.

To prefer, sometimes, to try, to want, to be grateful, strong, team, necessary, subject, to like, district, capital, empty, harmful, to pollute, library, home task, to think, till, as soon as, newspaper, impression, to own, review, holiday, widely, birthday, education, government, warm, 


Task 8. Translate into English.

В основном, пытаться, подарок, независимость, государство, умеренный, население, горы, общество, развлекать, обсуждать, товары, покупать, надевать, закон, внимание, лето, здоровье




1.     The United Kingdom is a____.

a. republic

b. federation

c. monarchy

d. state

2.     The ___is mild the whole year round.

a. climate

b. weather

c. sun     

d. rain

3.     The most important  rivers of  UK  are _____ and _____.

a. Potomac

b. the Thames

c. the Severn

d. Moscow river

4.     Great Britain is highly______ industrial  country.

a. educated

b. developed

c. important

d. expensive

5.     The education  is very ______.   

a. popular

b.  important

c. free

d. expensive

6.     The British  Parliament consists of ___ Chambers.

a.  three

b. two

c. four

d. seven

7.     Russia occupies one ____of the Earth’s surface.

a. seventh

b. fifth

c. sixth

d. third

8.     Russia is very____ in mineral resources.

a. poor

b. good

c. rich

d. bad

9.     Russia is  a parliamentary ______.

a. republic

b. monarchy

c. imperia

d. state

10.  Russia is ______ country in the world.

a. larger

b. more largest

c. the largest

d. large

11. Your third poem is better than the ____.

a. second

b.  third

c. two

d. one

12.  Their ____ are very kind and polite.

a. child

b. childs

c. children

d. childes

13. Игрушкидетей

a. children’s toys

b. childrens’ toys

c. child’s toys

d. childes’ toys

14.  There are _____ flowers in the garden.

a.  one

b. many

c. much

d. any

15.  Put your phone ______ my desk.

a. across

b. near

c. at

d. on







Text: Mathematical operations

Grammar Point: Present Simple Tense

Its interesting to know

В крупных городах популярны вело прокаты – во многих районах есть станции проката, где можно недорого арендовать велосипед для удобного перемещения по городу.


Read the tongue twister:I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice-cream.


Task  1.  Make the sentences using the tables.


1.                 I                                        come                 home at 6 o’clock

          Mr. Pavlov                       comes




2.   Mike’s friend                   don’t              work at an office       

      She                                  doesn’t


      Her daughter


3.    Do            your friend          get up at 7 every day?

       Does         this woman

                          his friends


Task 2. Make the questions and negative.

1. His sister studies at school. 2. The students work in this laboratory. 3. We often visit our grandparents.


Task 3. Find the mistakes and correct.

1. The friends studies at the same school. 2. Does he goes to the office every day? 3. We doesn’t go to work on Sundays. 4. Everybody know the writer. 5. My brother like music.


Task 4.Translate the sentences.

1. Он работает в офисе. 2. Моя сестра работает в больнице. 3. Они хорошо знают французский . 4. Нам нравятся гулять с собакой. 5. Секретарь пишет письма каждый день? 6. Наш друг любит читать детективные истории.


Task 5. Form  cardinal and  ordinal numerals.

1, 2, 5, 13, 18, 22, 30, 47, 54, 43, 11, 49, 35, 12, 87, 92, 23, 7, 4, 21.


Task 6. Read the dates. 

1218, 1475, 1956, 1997, 1995, 1970, 2000, 2003, 1998, 2007, 2005.


Task 7. Read according to the example:

              Example : the tenth lesson, lesson ten.

Десятый дом, двадцать второй текст, седьмая книга, третья квартира, семнадцатое упражнение, шестой этаж. 


Task 8. Read and translate the text.

Mathematical Operations 

Remember what each sign signifies: 

 means plus, or and, or added to: 2 + 3 = 5 reads:  2 plus 3 is 5, or 2 and 3 is 5, or 2 plus 3 equals 5, or 3 added to 2 is 5, or 2 plus 3 is 5.


–  means minus, or less, or subtracted from:  6 – 4 = 2 reads: 6 minus 4 is 2, or 6 less 4 is 2, or 4 subtracted from 6 is 2, or 6 minus 4 equals 2.


x  means times, or multiplied by: 2 x 3 = 6 reads: 2 times 3 is 6, or 2 multiplied by 3 is 6, or 2 times 3 equals 6.


÷  means divided by, or goes into:  8 ÷ 2 = 4 reads: 8 divided by 2 is 4, or 2 goes into 8  4 times, or 8 divided by 2 equals 4. 


1.  Addition means to add.  Add 2 and 2 and you get 4.   2 + 2 = 4  (2 PLUS 2  is 4) or (2 AND 2 is 4) 

2.  Subtraction means to subtract.  Subtract 4 from 9 and you get 5.   9 - 4 = 5  (9 MINUS 4 is 5) 

3.  Multiplication means to multiply.   Multiply  3 by 4 and you get 12.   4 X 3 = 12  (4 TIMES 3 is 12) 

4.  Division means to divide.  Divide 18 by 6 and you get 3.   18 ÷ 6 = 3  (18 DIVIDED BY 6 is 3) 

5.  =  is the equals sign (say is or are or equal or equals) 

      +  is the plus sign (say plus or add) 

      -  or  –   is the minus sign (say minus, or subtracted from: 4 subtracted from 9 is 5

          X or x   is the times sign (say times, or multiplied by: 3 multiplied by 4 is 12)

     ÷  is the  division  sign (say divided by, or goes into: 6 goes into 18 three times)

     .  is the decimal point or decimal or point  (say  point: 3.7 = 3 POINT 7,   NOT 3 decimal point 7, NOT 3 decimal 7)

 6.  Fractions (e.g., 1/5)  and Decimals (e.g., 0.2)

            1/5  = one-fifth  =  .2  =  two-tenths

            1/4  =  one-fourth  =  .25  =  25 hundredths

            1/3  =  one-third  =  .33  = 33 hundredths

            1/2  =  one-half  =  .5  =  five-tenths

            2/3  =  two-thirds

            3/4  =  three-fourths




Its interesting to know

После прочтения газеты пассажир оставляет ее на сидении в метро, чтобы другие горожане тоже могли ознакомиться со свежими новостями.


Read the tongue twister:  Nothing is worth thousands of deaths.


Task 1. Choose the right variant.


a) I not usually have lunch at home.

b) I usually have not lunch at home.

c) I doesn’t usually have lunch at home.

d) I usually have lunch at home.



a) My friend don’t goes to the cinema a lot.

b) My friend not goes to the cinema a lot.

c) My friend goes to the cinema a lot.

d) My friend doesn’t goes to the cinema a lot.



a) Do his father drive a car very fast?

 b) Is his father drive a car very fast?

 c) Does his father drives a car very fast?

 d) Does his father drive a car very fast?



a) Do the shops close at 8 o’clock in the evening?

b) Does the shops close at 8 o’clock in the evening?

d) Do the shops closes at 8 o’clock in the evening?

c) Are the shops close at 8 o’clock in the evening?



a) You often play basketball?

b) Do you often play basketball?

c) Is you often play basketball?

d) Are you often play basketball?



a) How you often play basketball?

b) How do you often play basketball?

c) How often do you play basketball?

d) How often you play basketball?



a) She come home early.

b) She not comes home early.

c) She don’t come home early.

d) She doesn’t come home early.



a) Why doesn’t you come to the youth club?

b) Why you not come to the youth club?

c) Why not you come to the youth club?

d) Why don’t you come to the youth club?



a) My brother never  waits for me.

b) My brother doesn’t never wait for me.

c) My brother don’t ever wait for me.

d) My brother does never wait for me.



a) We always go abroad for our holidays.

b) Always we go abroad for our holidays.

c) We go always abroad for our holidays.

d) We go abroad always for our holidays


Task 2. Find and correct the mistakes.

1.       I usually gets up at 7 o’clock.

2.       Dad watch TV in the evening.

3.       Does they spend much time in the laboratory?

4.       My parents often passes the time in the country.

5.       These boys doesn’t study Italian at school.

6.       Does Mike’s father usually works on Saturdays?

7.       My Granny never drink coffee.

8.       Do it often rain in autumn?

9.       We doesn’t go to the cinema very often.

10.   Ben always come home from school at 2 o’clock.


Task 3. Fill in the gaps. Form the questions and the negative.      

1.   He … work at 5 o’clock. (finish)

2.   The director … foreign businessmen. (receive)

3.   The secretary … answers to foreign firms. (send)      

4.   The director .. through the mail every day. (go)

5.   I …  English well. (know)


Task 4.  Choose the right variant.

1.   I always (get )up at 7 o’clock

a)  get                     b) gets

2.   Tom usually (make) his own breakfast

a) make                  b) makes

3.   We (go) to school every day.

a) go                       b) goes                

4.   My mother (work) at the hospital.

a) work                   b) works.

5.   Pupils usually (speak) English at the English lessons.

a) speak                  b) speaks

6.   My brother (know) English very well.

a) know                  b) knows

7.   Den (like) to walk with his dog in the park.

a) like                     b) likes

8.   The boys often (play) football at the stadium.

a) play                    b) plays

9.   Father generally (come) home from his work late in the evening.

a) come                  b) comes

10.   Kate (leave) for the seaside with her parents ever summer.

a) leaves                 b) leave.


Task 5. Translate into English.

Tidy,  to prefer,  to discuss, former, intelligent, to  become, compulsory, to unite, attention, honor, to discover, law, rare, to create, ancient, canteen, to clean, to put on, till, department, funny, goods, to inform, to give, society, to rule, liquid, public, widely, firework, to occupy, custom, expensive, addition, subtraction, flexible


Task 6. Translate into English.

Иногда, с, пытаться, важный, часто, усердно учиться, необходимый, предмет, снаружи, встречать, приносить, радоваться, источник,  слой,  отношение, покидать, раздевалка, думать, вместе, последний,  играть, влиять, праздновать, индейка, напоминать, инструмент, неверный.


Task 7. Open the brackets.

1. This man is (tall) than that one. 2. Asia is (large) than Australia. 3. The Volga is (short) than the Mississippi. 4. Which building is the (high) in Moscow? 5. Mary is a (good) student than Lucy.6. The Alps are (high) than the Urals. 7. This gar­den is the (beautiful) in our town. 8. She speaks Italian (good) than English. 9. Is the word “newspa­per” (long) than the word “book”? 10. The Thamesis (short) than the Volga. 11. The Arctic Ocean is (cold) than the Indian Ocean. 12. Chinese is (diffi­cult) than English. 13. Spanish is (easy) than Ger­man. 14. She is not so (busy) as I am. 15. It is as (cold) today as it was yesterday. 16. She is not so (fond) of sports as my brother is. 17. Today the weather is (cold) than it was yesterday. 18. This book is (interesting) of all I have read this year. 19. January is the (cold) month of the year. 20. My sister speaks English (bad) than I do. 21. Which is the (hot) month of the year? 22. Which is the (beau­tiful) place in this part of the country?


Task 8.Use to or of.

1. Не bought a book ... English poems and gave it... his sister. 2. I wrote ... him asking to send me a box ... chocolates. 3. The roof ... the house is very old. 4. There is a monument ... Pushkin in the Square ... Arts. 5. One wheel ... my car must be changed. 6. He was standing outside the door ... his house and explaining ... the mechanic what was wrong with his car. 7. He gave her a big bunch ... flowers. 8. I sent a letter ... my friend. 9. The streets ... St. Petersburg are straight. 10. Many pages ... this book are torn. 11. The young scien­tist was trying to prove ... the professor the neces­sity ... the experiment. 12. London is the capital ... Great Britain. 13. The embankments ... the Neva are faced with granite. 14. It is clear ... me that you don't know your lesson. 15. He was devoted ... his friend. 16. I explained ... the teacher that by the end ... the lesson I had not finished the trans­lation ... the text and that's why I had not handed it ... him. The surprise ... the teacher was great. My explanation seemed strange ... the teacher.




1.     Sometimes she ____ dinner at the college canteen.

a. takes      

b. take

c. have

d. has

2.     The students_____ to the college every day.

a. goes

b. go

c. doesn’t go        

d. don’t goes

3.     He _____ Engish at the English lessons.

a. don’t speak

b. speak

c. speaks

d. doesn’t speaks

4.     Linda and I ______ for a company, which ______ cars.

a work/produces  

b. works/produce

c. work/produce

d. works/produces

5.     She ______ her job. She ______ to be a secretary.

a.  isn’t like/wants

b. doesn’t like/ wants

c. don’t like/want

d. doesn’t like/ wan

6.     Nelly ______ TV three times a week.

a. likes

b. watch

c. doesn’t like

d. watches

7.     You ____ at school.

a. doesn’t work

b. works

c. work

d. don’t works

8.     Her brother ____ English well.

a. knows

b. know

c. don’t know

d. doesn’t knows

9.     I___ some duties about the house.

a. doesn’t have

b. don’t have

c. has

d. have

10. Subtraction means to ____.

a. divide

b. subtract

c. add

d. multiply 

11. Addition means to______. 

a. add

b. divide

c. subtract

d. multiply

12. Division means to ____.

a. subtract

b. multiply 

c. divide

d. add

13. Multiplication means to_____.

a. add

b. divide

c. subtract

d. multiply

14.  Forty two _____by  seven equals  six.

a. plus

b. divided

c. minus

d. add

15. three _______by four is twelve

a. multiplied

b. divided

c. minus

d. add







Text: Lines and Shapes

Grammar Point: Past Simple Tense

It’s interesting to know

Даже если ваш английский весьма среднего уровня, вам скажут, что вы говорите хорошо. В случае возражений добавят, что их русский в любом случае хуже.


Read the tongue twister: If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is not worth noticing.



Task 1. Write three forms of the verbs.

To meet, to begin, to buy, to go, to get, to forget, to wake up, to have, to give,  to take, to bring, to come, to leave, to fly, to read, to write, to find, to send, to eat, to know, to dream, to break, to fight.


Task 2. Use  the Past Simple Tense.

1. I (see) Pete at the school party the other day. 2. He (meet) Ann yesterday. 3. Yesterday I (be) on duty and (come) home from school later than usual.   4. The weather is nice today, but yesterday it (be) bad. 5. I (walk) quickly because I (feel) cold. 6. It (seem) impossible for him, but he (win). 7. I usually sleep well, but last night I (not/sleep) at all. 8. It (take) me half an hour to get to the station. 


Task 3. Form the negative and interrogative.

1. She went to school to the college at 7 o’clock.  2. We translated this text last lesson. 3. Your father went to Moscow yesterday. 4. He opened the window.   5.  He knew the answer. 6. We usually watched TV in the evening. 7. Nick worked at school last year. 8. My sister finished her work.


Task 4. Read and translate the text. Choose right variant of the question.

Bill was at home last night. He cleaned his clothes. First he put them in the washer. Next he added soap. Later he placed the clothes in the dryer. Then he folded them. Bill was very proud he did it himself.


1. a) Did Bill at home last night?

    b) Did Bill was at home last night?

    c) Did Bill be at home last night?

    d) Was Bill at home last night?


2. a) Who did be at home last night?

    b) Who was at home last night?

    c)  Who did at home last night?

    d) Who did was at home last night?

3. a) When did Bill at home?

    b)  When did Bill was at home?

    c)  When was Bill at home?

    d)  When did Bill be at home?


4 .a) Who cleaned clothes last night?

    b)  Who did cleaned clothes last night?

    c)  Who was cleaned clothes last night?

    d)  Who did clean clothes last night?


5. a)  When Bill cleaned his clothes?

    b)  When did Bill cleaned his clothes?

    c)  When was Bill cleaned his clothes?

    d)  When did Bill clean his clothes?


6. a)  What he did first?

    b)  What was he do first?

    c)  What was he did first?

    d)  What did he do first?


7. a)  Where he put them?

    b) Where was he put them?

    c) Where he was put them?

    d) Where did he put them?


8. a) Why he placed them in the dryer?

    b)  Why did he place them in the dryer?

    c)  Why was he placed them in the dryer?

    d)  Why did he placed them in the dryer?


9. a) Was he folded them after that?

    b) Did he folded them after that?

    c) Did he fold them after that?

    d) Was he fold them after that?


10. a) Was Bill proud?

      b) Did Bill was proud?

      c) Was Bill did proud?

      d)  Did Bill proud?


11. a) Why he was proud?

      b) Why did he proud?

      c) Why was he proud?

      d) Why he proud?


Task 5. Fill in the gaps with was / were.

Last night I had a strange dream. I __1__ in the world where all the colours ___2__ different. The grass ___3__ orange, the trees __4___ white; in the green sky there__5__ a purple sun and a moon the colour of blood. I __6__ a child again, eight years old, and I ___7___ lost. But I ___8__ not frightened. In front of me there __9__ a long street, stretching away as far as I could see.

There __10__ no people, but all around me I heard the noise of big insects. It __11__ neither cold nor hot. I walked until I came to a church. In the church there __12__hundreds of people, all looking at me. Then I woke up.



Task 6. Read and translate the dialogue.

                            Lines and Shapes

Teacher: Look at these simple figures. What is this, Nick?

Nick:       This is a point.

Teacher: That’s right. And what is this, Jenny?

Jenny:      This is a straight line.

Teacher: Correct. And what are these, Ann?

Ann:        I don’t know.

Teacher:  Sue, what kind of lines?

Sue:         They are parallel.

Teacher: Good. Are these two lines parallel, Tom? 

Tom:       No, they are not parallel. They are perpendicular.

Ann:       What is perpendicular?

Teacher:  Perpendicular means “at right angle to another line or to a plane”. Now, what’s No 5? Who can answer my question?

Nick:       I can. This is a curve.

Teacher: Quite correct. It’s a curve. Now, look at these shapes or geometrical figures. What are they   called?

Jenny:     That’s simple. The first shape is a square, the second is a triangle, the third is rectangle and the fourth is a circle.

Teacher: Right. So, what’s about squares, Ann?

Ann:       They have four sides.

Teacher: Correct. And their sides are equal. Is it also true about rectangles, Mary?

Mary:      No, it’s not. Their opposite sides are equal and parallel.

Teacher: Very good, Mary. Triangles, squares and rectangles have straight sides. They are rectilinear shapes. And finally, look at these solid shapes.  Shape 1 is a pyramid, 2 is a cylinder, 3 is a cone. A pyramid, a cylinder, a cube and a cone are solid figures. That’s enough for today. Your home task for tomorrow. Please read about angles in your textbook: obtuse angles, acute angles and right angles.

John:      What page, miss?

Teacher: Page fifteen. The lesson is over. A break.



Task 7. Use am, is, are, have, has

1. These ____ parallel lines. 2. This ___ an acute angle. 3. What ____ these? 4 . That __ right. 5. That _____ simple. 6. Triangles _____ three sides. 7. A square ____ four sides. 8. Their  sides _____ equal. 9. Triangles, squares and rectangles _____ straight sides. 10. That ­­­_____ enough. Thank you. 11. The lesson ____ over. 12. He _____ got two brothers and a sister. 13. I ___got a dog. Its name ___ Sport. 14. ____you got any English books? 15. _____he got any friends here? 16. It ___ late. 17. ___we late? 18. ____ it correct? 19. They ___ quite right. 20. The picture ___ on the page 33.



Task 8. Say in English.

1. Это просто. 2. Урок окончен? 3. Вы правы. 4. Это правильно. 5. Это моя учительница английского языка. 6. Эти линии параллельны.  7. Это тупой угол. 8. Какой это угол? – Острый.  9. Посмотрите на эту картинку. 10. Треугольник имеет три стороны, а квадрат – четыре.  11. Это правда? 12. У прямоугольника противоположные стороны параллельны и равны. 13. Это прямолинейные фигуры. 14.На сегодня достаточно.


Task 9.  Fill in the gaps with words (right, opposite, angles, straight, four, equal, solid, obtuse, curve).

1.   Perpendicular means at ____ angle to another line or plane.

2.   Triangles have three ______.

3.   Squares have _____ sides and their sides are _____.

4.   Triangles, squares and rectangles have ____ sides.

5.   A pyramid, a cylinder, a cube and a cone are called ____ shapes.

6.   Angles can be right, acute and _____.

7.   This is not a straight line, it is a _____.

8.   The ___ sides of a rectangle are equal and parallel.


Task  10. Find and correct mistakes.

1.     What’s fifteen and fifty? – Sixty-six.

2.     A right angle’s ninety degrees.

3.     Square has four right angles.

4.     Squares and rectangles have four right angles.

5.     Triangles sometimes have two right angles.



Its interesting to know

Moment — так называлась средневековая английская мера времени, равная полутора минутам.


Read the tongue twister: Fresh fried fish, fish fresh fried, fried fish fresh, fish fried fresh
Task 1.  Match the words and the definitions.




















Task 2. Find the words (10)


















































































Task 3. Continue the sentences.

1.     Perpendicular means ……

2.     The first shape is …..

3.     Triangles have…

4.     Their opposite sides…

5.     Triangles, square and ……


Task 4. Open the brackets and translate the text.

On the 15th of October, two men __1__   (to try) to get to the top of Everest. They __2__  (to make) their camp at the bottom of the mountain. They __3_  (to feel) very well in it. It __4__  (to be) the highest camp on the mountain. The night before the climb, they _5__ (to drink) tea and had supper. They __6___  (discuss) what to take with them to the top. They __7__ (to decide) to leave their sleeping bags and tents behind because the equipment __8_ (to be) too heavy.

Early in the morning they__9__ (to have)  breakfast  and __10__ (to get) dressed. Then they __11__(to start) to go up the mountain. It __12_(to be) extremely difficult. The snow __13__(to be) very deep. After a long, hard fight they __14__ (to reach) the top together. They __15__ (to laugh), ___16__ (to shout) and __17__ (to take) some photographs.

Then the sun __18__ (to disappear) and the two men __19__ (to realise) they __20__ (to be) on the top of Everest and it __21_ (to be) almost night. Their camp __22__ (to be) too far to reach. They __23__ (to go) a little way down the mountain, but there __24__ (to be) no moon and it __25__ (to be) too dangerous.

They _26__ (to have) to spend the night on the mountain, at about 10,000 meters, with no tent, sleeping bags or food. They __27__ (to believe) it ___28_ (to be) possible. They __29_- (to dig) a hole in the snow, and __30__ (to bury) themselves. They __31__ (not to sleep). It _32___ (to be) -30oC. when the light ___33__ (to come) at last they __34__ (to begin) climbing down, and soon they __35__ (to get)  to their camp. Everybody ___36__ (tobe) happy.







Text: Isaak Newton

Text: Science and  Humanities.

Its interesting to know

В отличие от многих других европейцев, англичане с удовольствием ходят в гости. Хотя для того, чтобы пригласили вас, должно пройти какое-то время.


Read the tongue twister: Big black bugs bleed blue black blood but baby black bugs bleed blue blood.


Task 1. Read and translate the text.

Isaak Newton

The great English scientists Isaak Newton was born in the village of Woolthorpe, not far from the university town Cambrige on December  25,1642.  Little Isaak was left to care of his mother, grandmother and uncle who sent him to school. In his early years young Isaak made various things. He made a clock that worked by water. When he grew older, he took a considerable interest in mathematics. His fisrt physical experiment was carried out when he was sixteen.  On june 5, 1661 Newton entered the Cambridge University where he studied mathematics. Soon he became famous for his contribution to mathematics by the time he was twenty-one. When Newton was twenty-two years old he began studying the theory of gravitation. In 1665, while he was on a visit in his native village, he saw an apple fall from a tree and began wondering what force made the apple fall.


At Cambridge Newton read with great interest the writings of Galileo. Newton performed many experiments with light and found that while light was made up of rays of different colours. In 1669 he was appointed professor and began lectures at gravitation. 1673 Newton gathered together all his earlier calculations and succeeded in completing his whole theory. He examined the attraction of one mass by another. He showed that a massive sphere here attracts another as if the whole mass were in the centre.  This was of great importance it enabled Newton to treat the problems of the sun, the moon and earth like problems of geometry.



Task 2.Translate into Russian.

Problems of geometry, the great scientist, to take care of his mother,  the first physical  experiment, the theiry of gravitation, to perform many experiments with light, rays of different colours, to develop a mathematical method,  to gather  the calculation, the attraction of one mass by another, great importance,


Task 3. Write down the plural from the text.


Task 4. Write down the sentences with possessive case.


Task 5. Write down regular and irregular verbs.


Task 6. Rewrite into Past Simple.

Ben wakes up when it is already quite light.  He looks at his watch. It is a quarter to seven. Quick! Ben jumps out of bed and runs to the bath-room. He has just time to take a cold shower and I drink a glass of tea with bread and butter. He is in a hurry to catch the eight o'clock train. At the railway station he meets three other boys from his group. They all have small backpacks and fishing-rods. In less than an hour they get off the train at a small station near a wood. They walk very quickly and soon find themselves on the shore of a large lake. The boys spend the whole day there fishing, boating and swimming. They return home late at night, tired but happy.


Task 7. Read and translate the dialogue.

Science and Humanities.

Teacher: What is science?

Jane:       Science is… Well, physics is a science, biology and chemistry are sciences too.

Teacher:  What about mathematics?

Jane:        It is a science, isn’t it?

Teacher:  Good. Tom, can you give a definition of what science is?

Tom:       I’m not sure, but I’ll try. Science is systematic knowledge in general and a branch of such knowledge  such as math or chemistry.

Teacher: Well done, Tom. Now open your dictionaries, please. Pete, will you read out the definition of science.

Pete:       I can’t find the word.

Teacher: Who can help Pete? Alice, please spell the word science.

Alice:     S-C-I-E-N-C-E

Teacher: Correct. Only speak louder, please.

Pete:       Science. Any department of knowledge in which the results of investigation have been logically arranged and systemazed in the form of hypotheses and general laws subject to verification. Very complicated, isn’t it?

Teacher: Yes. Do you undestand what it means?

Pete:       I do. Almost.

Teacher: What don’t you undestand?

Pete:       What’s “subject to verification”?

Teacher: It means that all scientific hypotheses and laws should be proved to be true, should be confirmed by experimental data. You understand now, don’t you?

Pete:       I see. Now it’s clear to me.

Teacher: Nigel, what are the names of some natural sciences that you study at your technical school?

Nigel:     Biology, chemistry and physics.

Teacher: What do we call those subjects of study that are not part of science, such as history and languages? Helen, can you answer my question?

Helen:    Yes, I can. They are called the humanities or the art.

Teacher: Can you name humanities?

Helen:    The humanities are philosophy, languages, literature, history.

Teacher: This is my last question. What about engineering? Is it a science or an art? Steve, tell us what you think about it.

Steve.      I think, it is a science.

Tom:   I think it is also an art. I’ve found this definition in a dictionary: “ Engineering-the art and science concerned with the practical application of scientific knowledge, as in the design, construction and operation of roads, briges, buildings, machinery etc.”

Teacher: Thank you, Tom. Dictionaries are worth reading, aren’t they? That’s enough for today. Our lesson is over.


Task 8. Choose the right variant.

1.   Economics ____ (is/are) the scientific study of the way in which welth ____ (is/are) produced and used.

2.   Science _____ (deal/ deals) with the changes and properties of living and non-living things.

3.   Biology, physics and chemistry _____(is/are) natural sciences.

4.   Mathematics ______(include/ includes) algebra and geometry as well as arithmatic.

5.   Physics____ (is/are) an exact science.

6.   Physics _______ (don’t/doesn’t) deal with cahges in composition which chemistry studies.

7.   This course_____(is/are) an intoduction, through theory and experimentation, to motion.

8.   Physics____ (is/are) difficult to learn.

9.   These hypotheses _____ (is/are) subject to verification.

10.   This course ______ (introduce/ introduses) the student to the practice and language of art.




Text: What is physics?

Grammar Point: Future Simple Tense

It’s intrersting to know

Исследователи Стоунхенджа провели различные исследования. Выводы явились для многих шокирующими. Оказывается, этот древний монолит является не только солнечным и лунным календарем, как предполагалось ранее, но и представляет собой точную модель солнечной системы в поперечном разрезе.


Read the tongue twister: Elizabeth has eleven elves in her elm tree.


Task 1. Read and translate.

What is Physics?

Teacher: We have discussed science and its subdivisions. Let’s remember what subjects at school are  called sciences, Helen?

Helen:   Well, physiscs, chemistry, mathematics and biology are called sciences. Phylosophy, history, literature, languages are called humanities.

Teacher:  Let’s talk about physics. What is physics concerned with? Who can say?

Tom:       I can. Physics is concerned with the study of matter and natural forces, such as light, heat, movement, etc.

Teacher: That’s right. And now let’s talk about the word physics. It is derived from the Greek word meaning “nature”. Some time ago physics was called natural philosophy. It is also sometimes called the science of exact measurements.  What do you think is the work of physics?

Jane:   I think, the work of physics is to discover, explain and arrange systematically facts and phenomena relating to non-living things.

Teacher: Very good, Jane.Physics is an exact science and words used in definitions and description must be precise. Several words used in everyday conversation have a more definite meaning in physics. For instance, the words mass and weight, force, energy, speed are used as special terms when applied to physics. Does anyone know how physics is usually divided into sections for study?

Tom:       The sections of physics are mechanisms, heat, light, magnetism, electricity.

Teacher: Right. Very good. What are the units of all quantities based upon?

Tom:       Probably they are based on the units of weight, length and time.

Teacher: You are absolutely right. They are based on the units of weight, length and time. Does Britain use the metric system of weights and measures?

Peter:      Officially, it does, but the imperial system, based on the pound and the mile is still widely used.

Teacher: Are children taught metric units in school?

Jane:      Yes, they are.

Teacher: Where is the imperial system still used?

Tom:      Distances on the roadsigns, for example, are shown in miles.

Helen:    Fruit, vegetables and meat are usually sold by pound.

Peter:     Milk is sold in pints and litres.

Teacher: The imperial system is used in the US for all usual weights and measures and the metric system is used only in scientific context. Our lesson is over.


Task 2. Fill in the gaps (pints, meaning, litres, weights, metric units,measures  words, chemistry, eveyday, biology).

1.     Physics, …. mathematics and …. are called … .

2.      The word “physics” is derived from Greek word … “nature”.

3.     Such … are not used in ….  English.

4.     Children are taught ……. in English shcools.

5.     Milk is sold in … and … .

6.     The metric system of … and …. is used only in …. contexts.


Task 3. Answer the questions.

1.     Physics is a science, isn’t  it?

2.     What other sciences do you know?

3.     What are philosophy, history, literature and languages called?

4.     What is physics concerned with?

5.     What is the word physics derived from?

6.       What are  subdivisions of physics?

7.     What is the imperial system of units based on?

8.     Where is the imperial system of units used?


Task 4. Open the brackets. Use Future Simple Tense.

1.     You (see) him tomorrow.

2.     She (visit) you soon.

3.     We (be) good specialists in some year.

4.     You (take) the book  in the library.

5.     We (go) to the cinema tomorrow.


Task 5. Make interrogative and negative.

1.       We will go to Moscow in summer.

2.       He wll visit you some day.

3.       His sister will go to the sea-side next July.

4.       She will work abroad next year.

5.       I will write to you soon.


Task 6. Translate into Rusian.

Great, to care, contribution, perform, ray, angle, rectilinear, cube, shape, opposite, rectangle, triangle, square,  addition, subtractin, to compare, value, to accept, to occupy, chemicals, government, to rule, education, present,  to survive, to own, to raise.

Task  7. Translate into English.

1.Разделфизики.2.Повседневное общение. 3.Изучение материалов. 4.Точные измерения. 5. Точная наука. 6. Физика – точная наука. 7. Физика – наука точных измерений.




1.     ­­­­_______have three angles.

a. squares

b. triangles

c. cube

d. rectangle

2.     The opposite sides of a rectangle are ______.

a. equal

b. obtuse

c. parallel

d. curve

3.     A _____ angle’s ninety degrees.

a. acute

b. right

c. obtuse

d. curve

4.     ______ has straight sides.

a. squares

b. square

c. angle

d. angles

5.     ____can be right, acute and obtuse.

a. rectilinear

b. curve

c. angles

d. cone

6.     Isaak Newton made a clock that worked by ______.

a. water

b. sun

c. sand

d. rain

7.     Newton ____ many experiments.

a. converted

b. used

c. had

d. performed

8.     ______ is called sciences.

a. chemistry

b. history

c. physics

d. philosophy

9.     _____ are called humanities.

a. literature

b. mathematics

c. languages

d. biology

10.  ________is called the science of exact measurements.

a. mathematics

b. physics

c. biology

d. languages

11.  They _____ to the cinema tomorrow.

a. goes

b. go

c. will goes

d. will go

12.  We ____ good specialist in some years.

a. become

b. will become

c. becomes

d. will becomes

13.  Lasy night I ____ at all.

a. didn’t sleep

b. didn’t slept

c. sleeps

d. sleep

14.  It ____ me 15 minutes to get to the station.

a. take

b. took

c. didn’t took

d. don’t take

15.  ____you  worked at school last year?

a.  do not

b. does

c. do

d. did







Text: Industry and agriculture of the UK

Grammar Point: Present Perfect

It’s interesting to know

В 2005 году в Великобритании по итогам опроса общественного мнения на тему величайшего технического изобретения с 1800 года победителем был признан велосипед. Он не только обошёл такие изобретения, как интернет и двигатель внутреннего сгорания, но и набрал больше голосов, чем все остальные изобретения, вместе взятые.


Read the tongue twister: How much oil boil can a gum boil if a gum boil can boil oil?


Task  1. Open the brackets.Form the interrogative and negative.

1.   I (read) much recently. 2.You (know) him for thre years. 3. We (hear) much about him. 4. I (be) to China. 5. He  (go) just now. 6. Ann (read) two English books. 7. He (be) ill for several days. 8. They (finish) the work . 9. I (study) English since last year. 10. She (cook) the dinner.


Task  2. Find and correct the mistakes.

1.   The train have just arrived. 2. I hasn’t seen Jane this morning. 3. Have you read this book? 4. She hasn’t phoned this afternoon. 5. They has always come to the office on time. 6. My brother have lived here for ten years. 7. Has you ever been to London? 8. I have done my homework. 9. She have done her homework. 10. 10. Has he finished her test?


Task 3. Do according to the example.              

  Example:  You’ve known the man before, haven’t you?

1.   The train from London has just arrived,­­­­___________?

2.   He’s published five novels,  ____________?

3.   You haven’t seen Lane today, ___________?

4.   You haven’t told him the news, _______?

5.   She hasn’t seen this film yet, _________?

6.   I’ve always come to the office on time,_____? This is the first time that I’m late.


Task 4. Use the words  in brackets correctly.

1.   I have heard about this writer before. (never)

2.   Have you tried to discuss the matter with him? (ever)

3.   Mr. Smith has left. (just)

4.   He has gone. (already)

5.   They  have  been to London. (many times)

6.   I’ve trusted him. (always)

7.   Have you seen your friend? (this morning)

8.   I haven’t finished my test. (yet)

9.   She has come back. (just)

10.   Have you seen her? (this morning)


Task 5. Read and translate the text.

Industry and agriculture of the UK

In the past English industrial prosperity rested on a few important products, such as textiles, coal and heavy machinery. Now the UK has a great variety of industries, for example heavy and light industry, chemical, aircraft, electrical, automobile and many other industries. The United Kingdom is considered one of the world’s major manufacturing nations. Now high technology industries are more developed than heavy engineering. Heavy engineering and other traditional industries have experienced a certain decline.


Certain areas are traditionally noted for various types of industries. For instance, Newcastle is famous for coal industry, the county of Lancashire for its textile industry. The Midlands, or the central counties of England, are famous for the production of machinery, coal, motor cars and chemicals. In recent times regional industrial distinctions have become less clear as more and more new factories are built in the different parts of the country.


Speaking about the cities of the United Kingdom the first mention should be made of London, the capital of the UK. It is a big port on the River Thames, a major commercial, industrial centre.Leeds is a centre of clothing industry producing woolen articles. Glasgow is a major port on the River Clyde where shipbuilding industry is developed. Liverpool on the River Mersey is a flour milling and engineering centre. Birmingham is an iron and steel centre. Manchester is famous for textiles manufacturing.


Three-quarters of the United Kingdom’s land is dedicated to agriculture. About two per cent of the population of the United Kingdom are engaged in agriculture, but the yields of English farms and pastures are very high. Wheat, barley, oats and potatoes are the most important crops grown. Sheep, cattle and pigs are the most numerous types of livestock.Sheep is a source of both wool for textile industry and mutton for food industry. Mutton is the best liked English meat.


Task 6. Match the words and the definitions.


heavy industry             

light industry               











продукты хим.промышленности



ясный, понятный

легкая промышленность

тяжелая промышленность



Task 7. Find the words (7).




















Task 8. Continue the sentences.

1.     The United Kingdom is considered……

2.     Certain areas are traditionally….

3.     It is a big port on….

4.     Manchester is….

5.     Birmingham is…

6.     Glasgow is….


Task 9. Write down the sentences with Present Perfect.


Task 10. Write down the plural (10).


Task 11. Write down th sentences with to be.




Text: Means of communication


До 19 века не было никакого деления на часовые пояса, везде определяли время по Солнцу. Необходимости во временных зонах не было, так как не было скоростного транспорта. Унификацию обусловило развитие железных дорог в Англии, потому что из-за различий во времени в каждом городе было очень трудно составить нормальное расписание. Именно железнодорожные компании добились того, чтобы на всей территории страны был один часовой пояс по Гринвичу. А затем постепенно система часовых поясов начала распространяться по миру.


Read the tongue twister: Ripe white wheat reapers reap ripe white wheat right.


Task 1. Read and translate the text.

People use various means of communication to get from one place to another. In the old days people had to travel several days, weeks and months to get to the place they needed. They either went on foot, by coaches driven by horses or on horseback or by boats and ships. Then trains, trams, cars, buses, airplanes, underground and other means appeared. Many people like to travel by air as it is the fastest way of travelling. A lot of people like to travel by train because they can look at passing villages, forests and fields through windows. Some people like to travel by car. There they can go as slowly or as fast as they like. They can stop when and where they want. People who live in big cities use various means of communication to get from one place to another.


Do you know what means of communication Londoners use? Londoners use the underground railway. They call it “the tube”. London’s underground is the oldest in the world. It was opened in 1863. Londoners use buses. The first bus route was opened in London in 1904. Today there are hundreds of routes there. The interesting thing is that some of the routes are the same as many years ago. London’s buses are double-decked buses. Londoners do not use trams, though London was the first city where trams appeared. And now it is one of the biggest cities in the world where there are no trams. The last tram left the streets of London many years ago. Londoners use cars. You can see a lot of cars in London streets.


Task 2. Find the words (6).













































Task 3. Write down from the text the ordinal numerals, nouns in plural and degrees of comparison.


Task 4. Fill in the gaps (world, means, many,  trams, place, use, to travel,).

1.       Londoners … buses.

2.        A lot of people like ….. by train.

3.       …. people like to travel by air.

4.       People use various…. of communication to get from one ….. to another.

5.       And now it is one of the biggest cities in the …. where there are no …..


Task 5. Use the correct form of adjective

1.       _____ (easy) way to travel around London is by bus.

2.       My _____ (old) brother is twenty.

3.       This book is ______ (interesting) than that one.

4.       Tom  is ____ (good) friend I have.

5.       He is _____(tall) in the family.


Task 6. Fill in the gaps with am/is/are.

1.   Where …. you from? 2. How old … you? How old … your brother? 3. I… glad to see you. How …. you? 4. What …. you name? 5. The dog … in the garden. 6. My parents … doctors. 7. The book … on the table. 8. … you students?


Task 7. Open the brackets in Present Simple. Form the questions and the negative. 

1. He (know) several foreign languages. 2. I (learn) English at school. 3. Usually the lesson (begin) at 9 o’clock. 4. He often (visit) them. 5. My brother (like) music.


Task 8. Open the brackets in Past Simple.Form the questions and the negative .

1. She (live) abroad last year. 2. I (write) some letters last week. 3.What  you (do) yesterday? 4. I (go) to school at 7 o’clock. 5. We (translate) this text last week.



Task 9. Form the plural.

Star, tree, swine, story, knife, fly, foot, child, deer, sheep, pen


Task 10. Translate into Russian.

Especially, both, fresh, large, inside, to like, marble, to enjoy, to belong, to suffer,  rare, to influence, to consider, to own, angle, straight, curve, to gather, determine, hear, addition.


Task 11.TranslateintoEnglish.

Маршрут, хотеть, становиться, поезд,опрятный, прямоугольник, острый угол, тупой угол, влиять, свободное время, бывший, быть благодарным,




1.     We _____ several times before.

a. have met

b. has met

c. have meet

d. has meet

2.     I ______ her since we studied at school together.

a. know

b. knew

c. have known     

d. has known

3.     The tree ___ across the road.

a. have fall

b. has fallen

c. fell

d. fall

4.     John ___ his bicycle to his brother.

a.  have given

b. gives

c. gave

d. has given

5.     You ____ a mistake.

a. have made

b. has made

c. made

d. makes

6.     _____ you ____ been to America?

a. has/ever

b. have/ never

c. have/ ever

d. has/never

7.     _____ he _____ been to Italy?

a. has/ ever

b. has/never

c. have/ever

d. have/never

8.     Jack _______ the dog.

a. have washed

b. hasn’t washed

c. haven’t washed

d. not washed

9.     We _______ cleaned the rooms.

a. cleans

b. clean

c. has cleaned

d. haven’t cleaned

10.  There is a great _____ of industries in the UK.

a.  some

b. variety

c. varieties

d. much

11.  London is a _____ port on the river Thames.

a. big

b. bigger

c. the biggest

d. more big

12.  Three-quaters of United Kingdom’s land is dedicated to ____.

a. industry

b. machinery

c. shipbuilding

d. agriculture

13.  I like to ______ very much.

a.  travel

b. write

c. go

d. swim

14.  London’s buses are _____ buses

a.  two floors

b. decked

c. twice-decked

d. double-decked

15.  Londoners  use the____ way

a. bus

b. underground

c. road

d. broad




Text:  Future profession

Grammar Point: Modal verbs


Цветовая слепота была названа дальтонизмом в честь английского учёного Джона Дальтона, впервые описавшего этот дефект. Дальтон сам был дальтоником, но не знал об этом до 26 лет.


Read the tongue twister: Each Easter Eddie eats eighty Easter eggs.


Task 1. Read and translate the following.

1. They must study English. 2. He can play the piano very well. 3. You may read this book. 4. Must we discuss these questions today? 5. Can I speak to Mr. White? 6. Can your son speak English? 7. Must your daughter go to school today? 8. May I sit down? Yes, please. 9. May I open the window? No, you mustn’t.


Task 2. Make the sentences using the given tables.

1.       I                                                   read  French

         He                                   can         speak English

 My friend’s son            can’t       play the piano

         We                                                  answer your questions



2.     Can          you       meet     me          tomorrow morning?





3.  Must     I          answer this question?       

we       do this work?

                             read this book?

                             meet these engineers?


4. May      that student        open the window?

                  Mr. White         take these letters?

                  the secretary     phone the factory?

 translate this letter?


Task 3. Translate into Russian.

1. Her grandmother can knit very well. 2. I can answer the question. 3. This trip is too expensive for me. I can’t afford it.  4. She can type. 5. Can you go to have lunch with me? – I’m sorry. I can’t. 6. Mike can run very fast. 7. They can understand French. 8. Kate can speak English well. 9. My brother can come and help you in  the garden. 10. Can you speak Spanish? 11. Can your brother help me with mathematics? 12. His little sister can walk already.


Task 4. Translate into Russian.

1. You must work hard at your English. 2. You must learn the words. 3. Must we learn the poem today? 4. It must be very difficult to learn Chinese. 5. You must not talk at the lessons. 6. Everybody must come to school in time. 7. Don’t ring him up: he must be very busy. 8. You must not make notes in the books. 9. I must help my mother today. 10. He never comes to work late. He must have overslept today.


Task 5. Translate into Russian.

1. May I invite Nick to your house? 2. You may go now. 3. If you have done your homework, you may go for a walk. 4. Don’t walk to the wood alone: you may lose your way. 5. May I go to the post office with Mike? 6. May I take Pete’s bag? 7. Don’t give the vase to the child: he may break it. 8. May we take notes with pencils? 9. You may not cross the street when the light is red. 10. May I shut the door? 11. May children play with scissors? 12. They may travel by sea.


Task 6. Read and translate the text.

Future profession

There are over 2000 professions in the world. All of them have their own special features. So every person have to choose a profession that will be interesting, and help to get well-paid job. In school children study many different subjects and point out most interesting of them for their further study. Then they usually enter the Institute or to the University to get future profession and professional skills. Some of them go to work. And, of course, it is better in any way, when pupils think about it in school. But it is not always possible in practice, because very often pupils don’t think about their future. Also, their preferences changing greatly during school life. So, all pupils and students must take into consideration all this facts. Each man makes own choice or follows advices of parents, teachers or friends. But making right decision is very difficult. So everybody must think about their future because in my own opinion every man is the maker of his own fortune.


Task 7. Match the words and the definitions.







в течение







Task 8. Fill in the gaps (future, different,think, study, professions, own).

1.   Everybody must …… about their future.

2.   There are over 2000 …… in the world.

3.   Pupils don’t think about their …...

4.   In school children… many ……subjects.

5.   Every person is the maker of his … fortune.




Text: My future carrer   


Самого известного производителя бумаги в Англии звали Ватман.


Task 1. Read and translate the text.

My future career

Centuries ago there were only a few jobs: people were farmers, bakers, butchers or salesmen. Today there are thousands of different kinds of jobs, and new ones are constantly appearing. And the problem of choosing the future profession has always been very important and difficult matter because it determines our future life in many ways. It is one of the most important decisions for every person. As for me, I had decided to be a teacher, so last year I entered Irkutsk State Teacher Training University. Our University is situated in the center of Irkutsk; it is rather small building, but very comfortable. Students say that our building is the best and it is quite easy to find different classes. As for subjects – we have ten. They are: English practice, grammar and phonetics, Russian, Survival Science, Pedagogic science, Medicine, History, Physical Education and others. I find my subjects quite amazing because they help me to understand the way of teaching other people and to learn some more information, I have never known before. As I’ve told before – I chose to be a teacher of English as a second language because it will be a chance to fulfill my dream of helping people to learn the foreign language. I think I possess the qualities necessary for being a good teacher. I am hard-working, kind-hearted, and broadminded. I want to devote myself to teaching different people, especially children. It will be a very challenging work for me – I will need to use all my knowledge, skills and imagination to find the right approach for every single student and make the process of studying as creative and interesting, as possible. So, I think that I have made the right choice.


Task 2. Find the equivalents from the text.

1. Помогать людям изучать иностранные языки. 2. Сегодня существуют тысячи различных видов профессий. 3. Это определяет нашу будущую жизнь. 4.У меня есть необходимые качества, для того, чтобы стать учителем.5. Я думаю, что сделала правильный выбор.


Task3. Say true or false.

1.   I am not hard-working, kind-hearted, and broadminded.

2.   Centuries ago there were only a few jobs: people were farmers, bakers, butchers or salesmen.

3.   It is not one of the most important decisions for every person.

4.   I think that I have made the right choice.

5.   It won’t be a very challenging work for me.


Task 4. Match the words and the definitions.











подход, приближение



выполнять, реализовать


Task5. Find the words.



Task 6. Translate into Russian.

Convenience, discuss, favorite,  appearance, diligent, especially,compulsory, neсessary, discover, build, empty, security, polute, disappear, always, sometimes, usually, also, department, funny, meet, current, drive, give, kindness,  liquid, neighbour, independence, remind, survive, expensive, develop, occupy, compare, computation, determine, plane, cube, enough, rectilinear, rectangle, success, perform, immediately.


Task 7. Translate into English.

Квартира, верный,  предпочитать, пытаться, стать, особенно, умный, сильный, одинаковый, внимание, страна, любить, зима, предмет, платить, против, открывать, район, честь, вполне, находиться, древний, возрастать, загрязнять, страдать, возможный,  общаться, обмениваться, через, использовать, всегда, столовая, обычно, проветривать, называться, любимый, вместе, привлекать, менять, газета, взгляды, праздновать, подарок, индейка, палата, дорогой, равнина, влияние, теплый, угол,  конус, кривая, плоскость, сторона, прямолинейный, возможность, заботиться, открытие, развивать, площадь.











Its interesting to know

С началом промышленной революции во второй половине 18 века многие горожане получили работу на фабриках с жёстким графиком, однако далеко не все могли позволить себе иметь часы, чтобы вовремя просыпаться. В Англии и Ирландии эту проблему решали так называемые «будильщики», или knocker-ups. Это были специальные люди, которые за небольшую плату каждое утро проходили по улицам и будили своих клиентов стуком палок в двери до тех пор, пока не убеждались, что клиент разбужен. Если рабочий жил на втором этаже, его будили стуком длинной палки или плеванием гороха из духовой трубки в окно.


Read the tongue twister: Don’t spring on the inner-spring this spring or there will be an offspring next spring.


Task 1.Write personal pronouns.

1. Helen - …                            6. pen - …

2. Sam - …                              7. cars - …

3. father - …                            8. Nick and I - …

4. mother - …                          9. you and Jane - …

5. Ann and Tom - …                10. flat - …


Task 2. Write the correct pronoun.

1. Jane is a nice girl. Do you   know … ? 2.  Where is my book?  I can’t find … . 3.   My  mother  writes  to me  every  week,  but  I don’t  write  to … . 4. We want to help you. Tell … about your problems.  5. I asked … a question, but you didn’t answer …. .


Task 3. Form the plural.

A table, a plate, a fox, a room, a lady, a knife, a chair, a bus, a match, a way, a house, a family, a flag, a town, a wolf, a country, a lion, a park, a play.


Task 4. Rewrite these sentences in plural.

1. This is a star. 2. This is a boy. 3. This is a baby. 4. That is a plate. 5. That is a flower. 6. That is a bookshelf. 7. Is this a sofa? 8. Is this a bookcase? 9. Is this a man? 10. Is that a ball? 11. Is that a train? 12. Is that a plane? 13. Is the window open? 14. Is the door closed? 15. Is the boy near the window? 16. That is not a king, 17. That is not a queen. 18. That is not a bus.   19. This isn't a mountain. 20. That isn’t a goose. 21. This isn’t a mouse. 22. It is a sheep. 23. It is a cigarette. 24. It is a cat. 25. It is not a girl. 26. It isn’t a bag. 27. It isn’t a tree. 28. It is not a bad egg. 29. It is a good egg. 30. Is that a flower?




Task 5. Form degrees of comparison.

Comfortable,  long, short, clever, famous, silly, great, thin, thick, fat, nice, warm, cold, merry, small, tall, popular, weak, strong, heavy, light, interesting, dry, clean, dirty, wide, useful,  deep, brave.


Task 6. Use the correct form of adjective.

1. My old  house  is large, but my new one   is …. (big).  2. Linda’s  old car   was  fast, but  her  new  car  is … (fast).  3.  Mrs. Williams  is  very  clever.  She is  … (intelligent)  person  I  know.  4. Henry  is tall,   but  his  friend  is (  tall)  boy in  the  group. 5.  My suitcase  is  heavy,  but  my  brother’s  suitcase  is  …  (heavy)  than  mine.


Task 7. Insert to have or to be in the correct form.

1) Smirnova ... on duty today. 2) I ... not ready for the lesson. 3) He ... a picture. 4) She ... a globe. 5) Everybody ... present at the lesson. 6) Who ... in the classroom? 7) ... you got a tape - recorder?


Task 8. Use to be in the correct form.

1. It … a snake.  2.  They …  dolphins. 3. Tony … a student.  4.  Robert and Tom  …   friends.   5.  Susan … twenty five.  6.  You … from London.  7.  My mother …a doctor.  8. His friend …from Russia. 9.  I …. twelve years  old.  10.  The dog.. .black. 11. My father  … a worker. 12. He … an engineer now. 13. These children … little. 14.  You … my best  friend. 15. Your daughter  .. a pupil. 16. I … a student.  17. They … good  boys. 18. His mother …  a teacher.  19. What …  he?  20. These … my pencils.


Task 9. Use to be in the correct form. Write the negative and interrogative.

1. The boy … at stadium. 2. Ann …  from Volgograd. 3. I … from  Moscow. 4. Alice and Diana … student. 5. What … your  name? 6. My father …  not a teacher, he … a doctor. 7. Where … you? I … in the kitchen. 8. They … at  college. 9. My grandmother  … really wonderful.  10. Art … long,  life …  short.


Task 10. Use Present Simple.

1. My sister (to get) up at eight o’clock. 2. She (to be) a school-girl. She (to go) to school in the afternoon. 3. Jane (to be) fond of sports. She (to do) her morning exercises every day. 4. For breakfast she (to have) two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea. 5. After breakfast she (to go) to school. 6. It (to take) him two hours to do his homework. 7. She (to speak) French well. 8. My working day (to begin) at seven o’clock. I (to get) up, (to switch) on the radio and (to do) my morning exercises. It (to take) me fifteen minutes, At half past seven we (to have) breakfast. My fa­ther and I (to leave) home at eight o’clock. He (to take) a bus to his factory. My mother (to be) a doctor, she (to leave) home at nine o’clock. In the evening we (to gather) in the living-room. We (to watch) TV and (to talk).


Task 11. Open the brackets.  Write the negative and interrogative. Write the tense.

1.  He (to know) several foreign languages.2. I (to learn) English at school. 3. Usually the lessons (to begin) at 9 o’clock. 4. You (to see) him tomorrow. 5. I (to go) to the college yesterday. 6. They (to work) every day.7.  She ( to visit)  you soon.8. His sister (to go)   to the seaside next July. 9. He (to visit) them last year. 10.  Our grandparents (to live) in Moscow now.


Task 12. Rewrite the text in the Past Simple Tense.

On weekend I get up at half past nine. I go to the bathroom and wash my hands and face and clean my teeth. Then I dress, go to the kitchen and have breakfast. For breakfast I have a sandwich and a cup of tea. I don’t drink coffee. After breakfast I come back to my room and do my homework. In the evening I am free. I watch­ TV or read newspapers and books. At about eleven o’clock I go to bed.


Task 13. Translate into Russian.

Flat, favorite, modern, sometimes, spend, appearance, become, find, kind, honest, popular, team, among, compulsory, different, outside, too, against, belong, independence, memory, view, attitude, destruction, security, bell, brush, library, usually, air, free, goods, think, event, basically, own, society, attract, impression, offensive, suspiciously, land, reflect, survive, consider, education, main, produce, occupy, accept, compare, determine, expand, operation, opposite, plane, rectilinear, square, rectangle, attraction, justify, proof, thing, change, consideration .


Task 14. Translate into English.

Домохозяйка,  удобства, большой, прилежный, особенно, бывший, одинаковый, внимание, здоровье, делать, предмет, столица, открывать, пустой, древний, возрастать, загрязнять, страдать, раздевалка,  одеваться, умываться, покупать, обсуждать, подготовиться,  текущий, реклама, важный, смотреть, увеличиваить, избегать, доброта, манеры, праздновать, независимость, широко, состоять, промышленный, находиться, угол, рисунок, противоположный, плоскость, перпендикулярный, фигура, возможность, вклад, заботиться, черта, следовать, выделять, особенный.




1.     _____ you  come tomorrow morning?

a.  do

b. may

c. can

d. must

2.     The students _____ be ready for the lessons.

a. must

b. can

c. may    

d. do

3.     Sorry for being late. _____I  come in?

a.  may

b. must

c. can

d. do

4.     My brother ____ speak German well.

a.  may

b.  must

c. can

d. do

5.     We _____ listen to the teacher at the lesson.

a. may

b. must

c. can

d. can not

6.     They ____ meet you tomorrow morning.

a. cannot

b. must not

c. may not

d. may

7.     He ___ run very fast.

a. can

b. may

c. must not

d. may not

8.     We ______ many different subjects at school.

a. studys

b. studies

c. student

d. study

9.     You must work ____ at your English.

a.  hard

b. harder

c. more harder

d. most harder

10.  Pupils must think about their ______ profession.

a. present

b. future

c. past

d. simple

11.  Everybody must_____ about the future.

a. know

b. learn

c. speak

d. think

12.  I want to be a____.

a. teacher

b. teach

c. teaches

d. taught

13.  My brother is an _____.

a. doctor

b. student

c. architect

d. teacher

14.  Their father is a ______.

a. engineer

b. architect

c. teachers

d. doctor

15.  My best friend is a ________.

a. sportsmen

b. sportsman

c. sportsmans

d. sportsmens







Text: How to operate your Washamatic

Text: Making a recording

It’s interesting to know

Открывающий заседание английского парламента спикер, как известно, до сих пор по традиции восседает на мешке с шерстью. Этот обычай родом из средних веков, когда Англия была главным экспортером шерсти и шерстяных изделий в Европу и считалась ведущим производителем как по качеству, так и по количеству материала. Символизируя национальное достояние страны, Лорд-канцлер сидел и по-прежнему сидит на мешке, набитом шерстью. Единственное изменение традиции - мешок набивают шерстью не только производства Великобритании, но и других стран Содружества, что символизирует единство этих стран.


Read the tongue twister: A big black bug bit a big black bear and made the big black bear bleed blood.


Task 1. Read and translate the text.

How to operate your Washamatic.

1. Move the Washamatic into a convenient position near your sink. See that all controls are in the OFF position. Remove the lid by sliding it towards the right and gently disengaging from the retaining catch. Attach the adjustable end of the filling hose provided to your tap. This end can be made to fit any size of tap by tightening or loosening the adjuster screw. Fill the tub to the level required, taking care that the water does not rise above the point indicated by the red line running around the inside of the tub. The tub is designed to take a family wash of up to 7 lb. weight of dry clothes. Smaller loads may be washed using less water, but see that the agitator blades are covered to a depth of at least 4". The Washamatic is now ready to be plugged into the electric socket and switched on. 

2. Switch the water heater to on and move the heater control lever upwards until it is opposite the recommended temperature. The temperature is automatically controlled and the heater may be left on for the duration of the wash. The heater control lever may be reset if a higher or lower temperature is required. The red indicator light will go out when the water reaches the temperature indicated by the control lever. The heater will bring cold water to the boil if required, but using hot water to fill the tub will enable the correct washing temperature to be reached more quickly. 

3. Before washing, see that at tears in the clothes have been mended. Tie loosely any strings, pyjama cords, etc. Sort the washing into groups as recommended in the table below. Put in the washing, pushing each item into the water separately and distributing evenly around the agitator. 

4. Move the wash control lever to the required time. This will start the washing action. The washer will now be working automatically and may be left until it switches itself off at the right time. 

5. Take the clothes from the wash tub and place them in the spin dryer ensuring that they are distributed evenly around the drum. Secure the special retaining lid on top of the drum. 

6. Switch the spinner control lever to on. The spinner will start and suds will be returned to the wash tub.


Task 2. Match the words and the definitions



















Task 3. Fill in the gaps with words (secure, temperature,sort, convenient, action, electric socket)

1.   Move the Washamatic into a……position near your sink.

2.   The Washamatic is now ready to be plugged into the…..and switched on. 

3.   …. the special retaining lid on top of the drum. 

4.   The ….is automatically controlled

5.   This will start the washing….

6.   …the washing into groups as recommended in the table below.


Task 4. Say true or false.

1.   The spinner will start and suds will be returned to the wash tub.

2.   The heater will not bring cold water to the boil if required

3.   Switch the water heater to on and move the heater control lever upwards until it is opposite the recommended temperature.

4.   Move the WASH control lever to the required time.

5.    Don’t take the clothes from the wash tub.


Task 5. Find the words in the table (6)
































Task 6. Write down from the text the degrees of comparison.


Task 7. Write down the sentences in Present Simple.




Text: Making a recording. 

Grammar Point: Revising grammar material


It’s interesting to know

В Лондоне есть одна, напрямую не связанная с королевой, но очень привлекательная для туристов традиция - Церемония Ключей (Ceremony of the Keys ). Вот уже 700 лет подряд, каждую ночь главный тюремщик лондонского Тауэра, более известный как бифитер (одетый точно также как персонаж на бутылке известного джина) проделывает обряд запирания ворот Тауэра. Все ворота должны быть заперты ровно в 21 час 53 минуты. После этого штатный трубач Тауэра трубит отбой и церемония завершается.


Read the tongue twister:  A noise annoys an oyster, but a noisy noise annoys an oyster more.

Task 1. Read and translate the text.

Making a recording.

1. Before removing the lid, unscrew the panel which is located on the right hand side of the recorder and check the mains voltage; the number showing through the small slot inside the panel must correspond to the voltage of your mains supply. The mains lead may now be connected to the electric wall socket. 

2. Connect the microphone to the socket at the rear marked "M". Take off the lid. 

3. Thread by placing full spool on left-hand spindle. Take tape from full spool via the slot in the head-cover and wind the red leader-tape and metallized switching leader on to the empty spool, turning this in an anti-clockwise direction for a few turns. 

4. Switch mains switch on the top panel to the on position. Turn speed- selector  control to the required tape-speed position. The green warning light will now be illuminated. 

5. Move control lever to record position. Before this can be done it is necessary to depress the redrecord safety button. 

6. Adjust the recording level by speaking in a normal voice into the microphone from a distance of eighteen inches. Turn recording level control in a clockwise direction, noting amount by which the pointer is deflected on the recording-level meter. The level is correctly set when the indicator travels almost to the end of the green segment during the loudest passages. The pointer must not be allowed to move into the red segment or distortion of the recording will result. 

7. Move start lever to the on position. You are now recording. To stop recording, move start lever back to off. 

8. Move control lever from record to rewind, and start the recorder. When the tape has rewound on to the left-hand spool, stop the recorder. 

9. Move control lever to the plat position and start the recorder. The recording will now be played back.


Task 2 . Choose the right form of the pronoun.

1.   Is this (your, yoyrs) car? – Yes, it’s (my, mine).

2.   These are (my, mine) friends. And those are (your, yours).

3.   This si (our, ours) English teacher. That’s (their, theirs).

4.   (My, mine) name is Terry, (her, hers) name is Mary.

5.   This is (my, mine) telephone number. What’s (your, yours)?


Task 3. Form the plural.

Mouse, policeman, house, son, teacher,fly, toy, key, wife, goose, sheep,


Task 4. Form the degrees of comparison.

Short, long, good, interesting, easy, hot, happy, useful, bad, little


Task 5. Fill in the gaps with to be .

Kate! Hello.

Hello, Jane. How ____you?

I ___- very well, thank you. How ___ you?

Fine, thanks.

And how ___ your mother?

Oh, she ___ well.

And how ___ your brothers?

They ___ fine, too.

Good. Nice to see  you.

Nice to see yoy too.


Task 6. Form the cardinal and ordinal  numerals.

56, 89,23, 11, 17, 35, 62, 178, 120, 60, 456


Task 7. Open the brackets in PresentSimple. Form the interrogative and the negative.

1. My working day (to begin) at six o’clock. 2. I (to get) up, (to switch) on the TV and (to brush) my teeth. 3. It (to take) me about twenty minutes. 4. I (to have) breakfast at seven o’clock. 5. I (to leave) home at half past seven. 6. I (to take) a bus to the institute. 7. It usually (to take) me about fifteen minutes to get there. 8. Classes (to begin) at eight. 9. We usually (to have) four classes a day. 10. I (to have) lunch at about 2 o’clock.


Task 8. Open the brackets inPast Simple. Form theinterrogative  and the negative .

1. I (to do) morning exercises. 2. He (to work) at a factory. 3. She (to sleep) after dinner. 4. We (to work) part-time. 5. They (to drink) tea every day. 6. Mike (to be) a student. 7. Helen (to have) a car. 8. You (to be) a good friend. 9. You (to be) good friends.10. It (to be) difficult to remember everything.


Task 9. Fill in the gaps (my, your, his, her, our, their).

1. I left … car in the garage.  2. Mary hung … coat on the peg.  3. Jack had … hair cut.  4. Neil and David ate … supper.  5. I hope you enjoy … holiday.  6. We’ll invite you round to … house sometime and complete these by adding a possessive with own.  7. You must make up … own mind. 8. The children had to cook … own supper.  9. Bill borrowed Jenny’s car … own can was being repaired. 10. I’ll bring … own sheets and towels.  11. Every dog had … own special basket to sleep in. 12. You should do … own washing up. 

Task 10. Open the brackets in Present Perfect.

1. John (write) his name. 2. I (draw) a picture. 3. Tom (blow out) the light. 4. The cat (drink) its milk. 5. The tree (fall) across the road. 6. John (give) his bicycle to his brother. 7. You (make) a mistake. 8. We (eat) our dinner. 9. The train just (go). 10. I just (tell) the answer. 11. George never (be) in Australia. 12. John and Richard just (go away). 13. The baker (sell) all his cakes. 14. I (read) this book.


Task 11. Form the negative.

1. Jack has washed the dog. 2. Father has already cleaned his car. 3. Mr. Showdown has made a speech at the conference. 4. Granny has bought me some cakes. 5. They have painted their old house. 6. Liz has bought some flowers. 7. My sister has just cooked breakfast for the family. 8. The cat has already eaten fish. 9. Mrs. Gray has gone to London. 10. I have never been to India. 11. She has just broken a vase. 12. We have cleaned the room. 13. Ben has phoned his friend. 14. The train has just arrived. 15. It has just started to rain. 16. Kelly has gone to America. 17. We have left our books to school. 18. The street has changed a lot. 19. You have worked here for a long time. 20. Mandy has been to Greece.


Task 12. Insert may or can.

1. … I come on? 2. Let me look at your exercises. I ... help you. 3. I … not swim, because until this year the doctor did not allow me to be more than two minutes in the water. 4. Libraries are quite free, and anyone who likes … get books there. 5. I … come and see you tomorrow if I have time. 6. Take your raincoat with you: it … rain today. 7. Do you think you … do that? 8. I … finish the work tomorrow if no one bothers me.  9. … we come and see you next Sunday at 3 o’clock in the afternoon? 10. Only a person who knows the language very well … answer such a question.




Its interesting to know

А знаете, что официальный праздник «День рождения британского монарха» не совпадает с фактической датой рождения королевы Великобритании? Елизавета II родилась 21 апреля, но день рождения официально празднуется в третью субботу июня.


Read the tongue twister: Plain bun, plum bun, bun without plum.


Task 1. Match the words and the activity.

2)              Calculate, algebra, equation,                        a) mathematics

3)              Government, election, minister                    b) electronics

4)              Finance, trade industry                                 c) physics

5)              Running, jumping, throwing                        d) politics

6)              Light, heat, gravity                                       e) gymnastics

7)              Exercises, somersault, parallel bars             f) economics

8)              Computer, silicon chip, video games           g) athletics


Task 2. Insert the letters to make words. 





































Task 3.Write about the location of the things:

a cat                             in the garden

a book                          in the sitting room

two chairs                     at the table

many parks                   on the table

a piano                          in our town

many flowers               in my pocket

a pen                             under the table


Task 4. The following text is mixed up. Arrange all parts of it in the correct order.

A great many people are afraid of snakes…

1.     There are now few deaths from snakebite in the United States, Canada and European countries.

2.     A great many people are afraid of snakes and think any snake should be killed on sight.

3.     About 10,000 people die each year in India alone from the bites of poisonous snakes, and thousands more die in other tropical regions.

4.      Actually most snakes are harmless, and some do a great deal of good by eating such animals as field mice and rats.

5.     A rattlesnakes often its rattle when it is about to strike and thus gives a warning.


Task 5. Complete the passages using the words.

a) poisonous                 b) mysterious          c) safety

d) glorious-looking       e) dangerous          f) thoughtful

g) worse


Sometimes beautiful  flowers might be __1__ . You should be careful not to pick __2__ flowers when you go to a  __3__ field or garden. Be __4___ and always think of your ___5__ .A __6__ flower could be ninety times __7__ than you think.



Task 6. Insert the letters to make words






























































1.     I ____happy.

a. are

b. am

c. is

2.     She _____tall.

a. am

b. is

c. are

3.     Lessons _____ at eight o’clock

a. begin

b. begins

c. begun





4.     You ____go shopping.

a)     can

b)    may

c)      must

5.     Yesterday we _____ to the cinema.

a)     go

b) went

c) gone

6.     I ____ this book tomorrow.

a)     will buy

b)    will buy not

c)  won’t bought

7.     ____ you ever been in London?

a)     has

b)    be


8.     English is a ____ subject.

a)     favorite


c) different

9.      Computer is a _____ for processing information.

a)     hardware

b)    device

c)     software

10.  Sport unites people of _____ nationalities.

a)     different

b)    comfortable

c)     interesting

11. Reading is my _______

a)     job

b)    work

c)     hobby

12. We like to______ TV.

a)     see

b)    watch

c)     clean

13. ______ do you live?

a)     when

b)    what

c)     where

14.  ____are you doing?

a)     who

b)    what

c)     why









Useful  conversational  phrases

1.   Thank you very much. – Большое спасибо.

2.   Excuse me for being late. – Извините за опоздание.

3.   Look here. – Послушайте.

4.   I congratulate you. – Поздравляю Вас.

5.   By the way... – Кстати...

6.   Happy birthday to you. – Поздравляю с днем рождения.

7.   Allow me to introduce (to present). – Разрешите представить.

8.   May I present... – Позвольте представить...

9.   Goodbye. – До свидания.

10.   See you later. – Пока.

11.   I must be going. – Мне нужно идти.

12.   I have been thinking. – Я думаю.

13.   Forgive me, please, I meant well. – Извините, пожалуйста, я хотел как лучше.

14.   It was very kind of you to do it. – Очень мило с Вашей стороны (что сделали это).

15.   I must apologize to you. – Я должен извиниться перед Вами.

16.   Have a good time. – Желаю хорошо провести время.

17.   Let me introduce... – Разрешите представить...

18.   You are getting away from the subject. – Вы отклоняетесь от темы.

19.   Keep to the point. – Придерживайтесь темы.

20.   In short... – Короче говоря...

21.   Skip the details. – Опустите детали.

22.   That’s all there is to it. – Вот и все, что можно об этом сказать.

23.   But enough of it. – Ну, хватит об этом.

24.   I see. – Понял.

25.   Say it again, please. – Повторите, пожалуйста.

26.   It stands to reason. – Логично.

27.   All right, I give in, you win. – Хорошо, я сдаюсь, ты прав.

28.   It does not make sense. – Это не имеет смысла.

29.   What has it got to do with the problem? – Какое это имеет отношение к данной проблеме?

30.   You are carrying it too far. – Вы слишком далеко зашли.

31.   Is that the point? – В этом смысл?

32.   It does not prove a thing. – Это ничего не доказывает.

33.   That is not exactly what I mean. – Это не совсем то, что я имею в виду.

34.   Let us clear it up. – Давай выясним.

35.   In other words. – Другими словами.

36.   I mean it. – Именно это я имею в виду.

37.   I am coming to that. – Я подхожу к этому.

38.   Let us stick to facts. – Будем придерживаться фактов.

39.   It is not true to facts. – Это не соответствует фактам.

40.   That makes all the difference. – В этом-то и вся разница.

41.   That is quite a different thing. – Это совершенно разные вещи.

42.   On the one hand. – С одной стороны.

43.   On the other hand. – С другой стороны.

44.   As to... / As for... (As far as...is concerned) – Что касается...

45.   Is he? – Да?

46.   Really? – Неужели?

47.   Nevertheless. – Тем не менее.

48.   Of course. Certainly. – Конечно.

49.   Exactly. – Совершенно верно.

50.   I agree with you. – Я согласен с Вами.

51.   That’s right. – Правильно.

52.   I don’t agree with you at all. – Я совершенно с Вами не согласен.

53.   I don’t think so. – Думаю, что нет.

54.   Far from it. – Далеко от этого.

55.   I am afraid you are wrong. – Боюсь, что вы ошибаетесь.

56.   I think so. – Думаю, что да.

57.   I am afraid so. – Боюсь, что да.

58.   I am sure of it. – Я в этом уверен.

59.   I am not sure of it. – Я неуверен в этом.

60.   I can’t say. – Не могу знать.

61.   I doubt it. – Я сомневаюсь в этом.

62.   I don’t know. – Я не знаю.

63.   Well, it is a surprise. – Да, это сюрприз.

64.   You look wonderful today. – Вы прекрасно выглядите сегодня.

65.   It does you credit. – Это делает Вам честь.

66.   Who would have expected that? – Кто бы мог это ожидать?

67.   Read and translate the text. – Прочитайте и переведите текст.

68.   Fill in the gaps. – Заполните пропуски.

69.   Formtheplural. – Образуйте множественное число.

70.   Say true or false. – Скажите верно/неверно.

71.   The weather is good today. – Сегодня хорошая погода.







Test 1. Find the right list of pronouns.                                           

1.  a cat, a boy, girls, books.
a)  she, he, they, they.          b) it, he, she, it.             c) it, he, they, they.

2. an elephant, a girl, books, a car

a) he, she,  they, it                b) it, he, they, it            c) it, she, it, it

3. a lamp, my mother, a bicycle, friend

a) it, she, it, he                      b)it, she, he, he             c) she, she, he, it


Test 2. Chose the right answer.

1._________ is a builder.
a) We                b) I                c) He

2. Bring ________ a pen.
a) us                b) she                c) your

3. Buy _________ a computer.
a) I                b) they                c)her

4. My sister is a manager, isn’t___?

a) it                b) he                c) she

5. _____  are at home.

a) he             b) they             c) I

6.                 _________are builders.
a) They                b) She                c) I

7.   Read ______ book
a) he                b) him                c) I

8.   Look  at ______.
a) they                b) their                c) them

9.   My brother is an electrician, isn’t___?

a) it                b) he                c) she

10. ____ are friends.

a) he               b) we              c) she


Test 3. Choose  the right answer.

1.We have a sister.  ______ sister is young.
a) We                b) Us                c) Our

2.I have a computer. _____ computer is new.

a) Me                b) My                c) I

3.Give me ______ books.
a) this                b)that                c) these

4.They have a car. _____ is red.

a) our                b) their            c) this

5. This girls likes to read.  ____has a library.

a) he                b) she     c) they



Test 4. Chose the right variant.

1. He … a sportsman.

a) am    b) are     c) is

2. Fred … not angry.

a) am    b) are     c) is

3. My friend … kind.

a) is      b) am     c) are

4. Her name … Mary.

a) are    b) is      c) are

5. She … a nice girl.

a) are     b) am   c) is

6.We … pupils.

a) are     b) is      c) am

7. His name … Tom.

a) is        b) am    c) are

8. I … seven.

a) is        b) am     c) are

9. Rex … brave and kind.

 a) am     b) is       c) are

10. They … friends.

a) am      b) are      c) is

11. Tom’s birthday … on the 8-th of July.

a) is        b) am        c) are

12. You …. from Moscow.

a) am     b) are        c) is


Test 5. Chose the right variant.

1. You … happy.

a) am        b) is        c) are

2. Her name … Bess.

a) am        b) is        c) are

3. She … nice and merry.

a) am        b) is        c) are

4. Kate … not lazy.

a) am        b)is        c) are

5. Her name … Jill.

a) am        b) is       c) are

6. She … seven.

a) am        b) is      c) are

7. They …  nice boys.

a) am         b) is     c) are

8. His shirt … nice.

a) am       b) is       c) are

9. Tim … slim and sad.

a) am       b) is       c) are

10. He … sad. 

a) am       b) is       c) are

11. The girl’s flowers … nice.

a) am        b) is       c) are

12. My pets … funny

a) am         b) is      c) are


Test 6. Chose the right variant.

1. I and Tom … friends.

a) am        b) is       c) are

2. Nick … strong.

a) am          b) is      c) are

3. Tom’s friends … students.

a) am          b) is      c) are

4.  Mr Greenwood … nice.  

a) am         b) is       c) are

5. His pets … funny.

a) am         b) is       c) are

6. Bob … strong.

a) am           b) is    c) are

7. It … black pen.

a) am         b) is      c) are

8. I … a pupil.

a) am        b) is         c) are

9. My friends … brave.

a) am         b) is       c) are

10. You … sad.

a) am         b) is      c)are

11. You … a pupil.

a) am        b) is       c) are

12. Tom … from Great Britain.

a) am       b) is        c) are


Test 7. Chose the right variant.

1. They … strong.

a) am       b) is     c) are

 2. Pete … nine.

3. Our cat … black.

a) am       b) is     c) are

4. She … seven.

a) am       b) is     c) are

5. They … ten.

a) am       b) is     c) are

 6. My name … Kate.

 a) am       b) is     c) are

 7. I … six.

a) am       b) is     c) are

8. I … not a pupil.

a) am       b) is     c) are

9. My dog … grey.

a) am       b) is     c) are

10. His cat … black and white.

a) am       b) is     c) are

11. Tiny … kind and funny.

a) am       b) is     c) are

12. I … eleven.

a) am       b) is     c) are


Test 8. Chose the right variant.

1. My name … Tom. – What ….?

a) is/are your name    b) are/ is your name     c)is/ is your name

2. I … nine. – How old ….?

a) is/ are you              b) am/ are you             c) am/ is you

3. I … from Russia. – Where …?

 a) am/ are you from     b) am/ is you from       c) am/ am you from

4. Nikita … from America. – Where ….?

a) is/ are from you          b) is/ are you from      c) are/ is you from

5. My favourite season … summer. – What …?

a) are/ are yours           b) is/ am yours       c) is/ are yours

6. Summer … bright and nice. – Why…?

a) is/ it is              b) is/ is it       c) is/ are it

7. His birthday … in January. – When …?

a) is/ are yours       b) is/ is yours    c) is/ is your

8. It … August. – What month…?  

a) are/ is it           b) is/ are it     c) is/ is it

9. The children … in the street. – Where ….?

a) are/ are they          b) is/ are they    c) is/ they are


Test 9. Form the plural.

 A pen, a class, a story, a road, a day, a cat, a bush, a desk, a table, a plate, a fox, a room, a lady, a knife, a chair, a bus, a hero, a match, a way, a house, a family, a flag, a town, a wolf, a country, а lion, a park, a play.


Test 10. Form the plural.

 A baby, a plant, a lemon, a peach, a banana, a brush, a star, a mountain, a tree, a shilling, a king, the waiter, the queen, a man, the man, a woman, the woman, an eye, a shelf, a box, the city, a boy, a goose, the watch, a mouse, a dress, a toy, the sheep, a tooth, a child, the ox, a deer, the life, a tomato.


Test 11. Form the plural.

 This magazine, that sticker, this stamp, that sandwich, this poster, this teacup, this egg, that wall, that picture, this foot, that mountain, this lady, that window, this man, that match, this knife.


Test 12. Find the sentence with ordinal numerals.

1) There are 300 pages in the book.

2) He was born on the 5th of December.

3) School year begins on the 1st of September.

4) Room 5 is empty.


Test 13. Choose the right answer.

1.Today is _________  of February.
a) the first                 b)  two                c) three

2.He has _______ sisters.
a) the first                b) the second                c) three

3.Friday is the ________ day of the week.
a) five                b) fifth                c) first

4.Today is ________ of  January.
a) one                b) the second                c) three

5.I have ______ brothers.
a) the second        b) four                c) the tenth

6.Wednesday is _________ day of  the  week.
a) three                b) the third                c) four


Test14. Choose the variant with ordinal numerals.

a) ten, nineteen, eleven, third

b) fifth, sixth, ninth, first

c) second, third, seventh, one



Test 15. Write forms of degree of comparison.

Fat, far, small, dangerous, good, important, incredible, much, pretty


Test 16. Write forms of degree of comparison.

Nice, handsome, hat, silly, comfortable, bad, many, strong, popular


Test 17. Choose the correct spelling


A)pretier, the prettiest B) prettyer, the prettiest C) prettier, the prettiest D) pretter, the prettest


A)colder, the coldest B)coldier, the coldest C) coldder, the coldest D) colderer, the colderest

3. young

A) youngier, the youngiest B) younger, the youngerest C) younger, the youngest D) youngerer, the youngerest        

4. rude

A) ruderer, the ruderest B) ruderer, the rudest C) ruder, the ruderest  D) ruder, the rudest

5. hot

A) hoter, the hotest B)hotterer, the hottest C) hoter, the hoterest D) hotter, the hottest

6. thin

A) thiner, the thinest  B)thiner, the thinerest C) thinner, the thinnerest  D) thinner, the thinnest

7. red

A) redder, the reddest  B) reder, the redest C) reedier, the reediest D) reddier,  reddiest

8. easy

A) easyer, the easiest B) easier,  the easiest C) easer, the easerest D) easerer, the easerest

9. late

A) later,  the latest B) latter, the latterest C) latier, the latiest D) laterer, the laterest


A) gooder, the best B) gooder, the goodest C) better, the best D) goodier, the goodiest

11. bad

A) worse, the worst B) worser, the worsest C) badder, the baddest D) bader,  the badest

12. far

A) farer, the farest B) farther, the farthest C) farier the fairest D) fartherer, the fartherest


Test 18. Choose the right variant

1. Выберите прилагательное в сравнительной  степени

a) happier                b) busiest                    c) the most interesting

2. Выберите прилагательное в превосходной степени

a) bad                b) best                c) more


a) good                b) best                c) better

4.самый маленький

a) little                b) the least                c) less

5.выберите строку, в которой прилагательные стоят в сравнительной степени

a) more interesting, easier, braver, more wonderful        

b) the most useful, nicest, happier, fatter

c) saddest, interesting, most possible, worse


Test 19. Choose the right variant

1.Выберите прилагательное в превосходной степени

a) the clever                b) cleverer                c) the cleverest

2.Выберите прилагательное в сравнительной  степени

a) hotter                b)  the funniest                  c) more interesting

3.самый высокий

a) tall               b) the tallest               c) taller


a) little                b) the least                c) less

5.Выберите строку, в которой прилагательные стоят в превосходной степени

1.    more popular, the easiest, shorter, more beautiful        

2.    the most famous, strongest, happy, f at

3.    saddest, most  interesting, most possible, worst


Test 20. Chose the right variant

1. The Volga is longer ... the Thames. 

a) as, b) than, c) more.

2.She is the ... beautiful girl in our class. 

a) more, b) most, c) much.

3.This book is as ... as that one.

a) newer, b) new, c) the newest.

4.It's the ... way to get to this address.

a) better, b) best.      

5. Your car is comfortable. His car is ... than yours.

a) more comfortable; b) the most comfortable; c) comfortable.

6. This music group is popular. But the ... group is the "Beatles"

a) popular; b) most popular; c) more popular.

7. I work hard, but you work ... than  I.

a) hard; b) harder; c) the hardest.

8. My book is interesting. But your book is … .

a) interesting; b) more interesting; c) the most interesting.

9.The weather is hot in summer in our country. But in Africa the weather isthe … .

a) hottest; b) hot; c) hotter.

10. You are tall. I am ... than you. 

a) tall; b) the tallest; c) taller.

11.My friend is a smart girl. She is the ... in our class. 

a) smart; b) the smartest; c) smarter.

12.You are a lazy boy. Peter is ... than you. 

a) lazy ; b) the laziest; c) lazier


Test 21. Choose the right variant.

1. I (to run) run very fast.

 a) run                 b) runs

2. He (to run) ............ very fast too. .

a) run                 b) runs

3. We often (to sleep) ............ in the garden.

 a) sleep                b) sleeps

4. Her sister (to leave) …….. .. home early.

a) leave                 b) leaves 

5. Sally (to open) ............... the window in her room when she is hot.

a) open                   b) opens

6 Mr. Bay often (to go) ............. to the cinema with his son.

 a) go                      b) goes

7. My Mammy (to swim) ............... very well.

 a) swim                 b) swims

8. We (to swim) .............. well too.

 a) swim                 b) swims


Test 22.Choose the right variant.

1.     Ann  (to watch) TV every day

a)watch       b)watches 

2.     My parents   (to go)  to work in the morning.

a) go           b) goes 

3.     I  (to help) my mother.

a) help        b) helps 

4.     My sisters  (to do) sports after classes.

a) do             b) does 

5.     My brother and I   ( to have) lunch at home.

a) have              b) has 

6.     She  ( to like) to read books.

a)like                   b) likes

7.     Every week-end he (to go) to the country.

a)go                    b) goes

8.     They (to clean) the rooms every week.

a)clean                b) cleans

9.     Mr. Green (to read) the magazine every day.

a)read                 b) reads

10. Our family (to get) together on Sundays.

a)get                    b) gets


Test 23. Choose the right variant

1.     The Dillons …live at 45 Green Street.

a)don’t                      b) doesn’t

2.     …she come home late?

a)do                          b) does

3.     We …  do homework every evening

a)don’t                      b) doesn’t

4.     …. they get up early?

a)do                          b) does

5.     …my brother visit our grandmother every Sunday?

a)do                          b) does

6.     He … know these rules.

a)don’t                      b) doesn’t

7.     My parents …  work at this plant.

a)don’t                      b) doesn’t

8.     The girl …play the piano.

a)don’t                      b) doesn’t

9.     Our friends …  like reading.

a)don’t                      b) doesn’t

10. These boys … play football

a)don’t                      b) doesn’t


Test 24. Fill in the gaps with is / am / are / do / don't / does / doesn't.

1. Our grandma ….. live with us. She has her own little house.

 2. What time ..... you usually wake up?

 3. Why ... they looking at us?

 4. I can’t talk to you now. I ..... working.

 5. ........... your brother shave every morning?

 6. We ..... want to move at all.

 7. Sam .... a good football player, but he ..... play very often.

 8. ..........the sun shining? No, it ... not.


Test 25. Write  the common questions.

1.Не reads   books almost every day.

2.She  does her homework properly.

3.My mother knits very well.                          

4. I  often write  letters to my friends.

5.They  play football very well.

6.It  snows all winters here.

7.We  have dinner at 2 o’clock almost every day.

8.It  rains all days in Summer.

9.You usually  tell an interesting stories.

10. The girl draws  the nice pictures at her  lessons on Art.


Test 26. Choose the right variant.  

1. My sister (to get) up at eight o’clock.

a) get              b) gets

2. She (to be) a school-girl. She (to go) to school in the afternoon.

a) is/ go            b) are/ goes                c) is/goes

3. Jane (to be) fond of sports. She (to do) her morning exercises every day.

a)   is/ does      b) is/ do                   c) are/ does

4. For breakfast she (to have) two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea.

a) have             b) has

5. After breakfast she (to go) to school.

a) go                 b) goes

6. It (to take) him two hours to do his homework.

a) take                b) takes

7. She (to speak) French well.

a) speak            b) speaks

8. My working day (to begin) at seven o'clock.

a) begin             b) begins

9. In the evening we (to watch) TV and (to talk).

a) watch           b) watches

10. My mother (to be) a doctor. She (to work) in the hospital.

a) is/work         b) are/works           c) is/ works


Test 27. Choose the right variant

1.   I (to go) to the gym at seven o’clock every day. 

a)go        b) goes         c) went

2. I (to go) to the gym at seven o’clock yesterday.
a)go        b) goes         c) went

3. John (to clean) his teeth every morning at 7.30 o’clock

a)clean     b) cleans      c) cleaned

4. Yesterday John (to clean) his teeth at a half past seven in the morning. 

a)clean     b) cleans      c) cleaned

5. Jane (not to do) English exercises every day.

a) don’t do         b) doesn’t do          c) didn’t do
6. Jane (not to do) English exercises yesterday. 
a) don’t do         b) doesn’t do          c) didn’t do
7. His brother (to drink) coffee with milk every day. 

a)drink             b) drinks        c) drank
8. His brother (to drink) coffee with milk yesterday.
a)drink             b) drinks        c) drank
9. Her husband (to like) his job. He (to go) to his office by bus. He (to go) to the office at 9 am every day. 

a)like/go/go    b) likes/go/goes            c) likes/goes/goes
10. Her husband usually (to go) to his office by bus. He (to come) to the office at 9.30 am yesterday.

a)go/comes      b) goes/came       c) goes/comes


Test 28. Rewrite the text in the Past Simple Tense.

On Monday we have five lessons. The first les­son is Russian. At this lesson we write a dictation and do some exercises. Nick goes to the blackboard.

He answers well and gets a “five”. Pete does not get a “five” because he does not know his lesson. After the second lesson I go to the canteen. I eat a sandwich and drink a cup of tea. I do not drink milk. After school I do not go home at once. I go to the library and take a book. Then I go home.


Test 29. Rewrite the text in the Past Simple Tense.

On Tuesday I get up at half past six. I go to the bathroom and wash my hands and face and clean my teeth. Then I dress, go to the kitchen and cook breakfast for my family. At half past seven my son gets up and has breakfast. I have breakfast with my son. My son eats a sandwich and drinks a cup of tea. I don't drink tea. I drink coffee. After Breakfast my son leaves home for school. I don't leave home with my son. On Tuesday I don’t work in the morning. I work in the afternoon. In the evening I am at home. My husband and my son are at home, too. We rest in the evening. My son watch­es TV, my husband reads newspapers and I do some work about the house. At about eleven o'clock we I go to bed.


Test 30. Open the brackets. Use the Present or Past Simple.

1. I (to go) to bed at ten o’clock every day. 2. I (to go) to bed at ten o’clock yesterday. 3. My brother (to wash) his face every morning. 4. Yesterday he (to wash) his face at a quarter past seven. 5. I (not to have) history lessons every day. 6. We (not to rest) yesterday. 7. My brother (not to drink) cof­fee yesterday. 8. My mother always (to take) a bus to get to work, but yesterday she (not to take) a bus. Yesterday she (to walk) to her office. 9. You (to talk) to the members of your family every day? - Yes, I .... But yesterday I (not to talk) to them: I (to be) very busy yesterday. 10. You (to come) home at six o’clock yesterday? -No, I .... Yes­terday I (to come) home from school at half past eight. I (to be) very tired. I (to have) dinner with my family. After dinner I (to be) very thirsty. I (to drink) two cups of tea. Then I (to rest). 11. Your sister (to go) to school every day? - - Yes, she ....


Test 31. Open the brackets. Use the Present or Past Simple.

1. My friend (to know) Spanish very well. 2. Who (to ring) you up an hour ago? 3. He (to live) on the third floor. 4. It (to take) you long to find his house yesterday? 5. When your lessons (to be) over on Monday? 6. I (to have) dinner with my fam­ily yesterday. 7. Her friends (to be) ready at five o’clock. 8. One of her brothers (to make) a tour of Europe last summer. 9. Queen Elizabeth II (to be) born in 1926. She (to become) Queen of England in 1952. 10. You always (to get) up at seven o’clock? — No, sometimes I (to get) up at half past seven.


Test 32.  Open  the brackets, using Present Continuous.

1.     Не (to read) ............. a book now.

a)am reading     b)is reading            c) are reading

 2. She (to do) ............. her homework.

a)am doing        b) is doing              c) are doing

 3. My mother (to sit) ...........at the table now.

a)am sitting        b) is sitting               c) are sitting

 4. I ….still (to write) .............. a letter.

a)am writing      b) is writing         c) are writing

 5. They (to play) .............. football.

a)am playing         b) is playing          c) are playing

 6. It (to snow) ............... now.

a)am snowing     b) is snowing       c) are snowing

 7. We (to have) ................ dinner now.

a)am having         b) is having         c) are having

 8. It …..still (to rain)............... .

a)am raining     b) is raining                c) are raining

 9. Why .............. you (to talk)?

a)am talking               b) is talking         c) are talking

 10. The girl (to draw).............. a picture at the moment.

a)am drawing                     b) is drawing             c) are drawing


Test 33. Open the brackets. Use the Present Continuous

1. The boys (to run) about in the garden. 2 I (to do) my homework. 3. John and his

friends (to go) to the library. 4. Ann (to sit) at  her desk. She (to study) geography. 5. A young man (to stand) at the window. He (to smoke) a cigarette. 6. The old man (to walk) about the room.7. The dog (to lie) on the floor. 8. You (to have) a break? 9. What language you (to study)? 10. Who(to lie) on the sofa? 11. What they (to talk) about? 12. It still (to rain).


Test 34. Open the brackets. Use the Present Continuous or Present Simple.

  1. I (to read) now.   2. We (to drink) tea now.  3. They (to go) to school now.

 4. She (not to drink) coffee now. 5. I (to read) every day. 6. He (to sleep) every night. 7. We (to drink) tea every morning. 8. They (to go) to school eve­ry morning. 9. I (not to sleep) in the day­time.  10. She (not to drink) cof­fee after lunch. 11. We (not to watch) TV now.12.They (not to eat) now. 


Test 35. Open the brackets. Use the Present Continuous or Present Simple.

1. I (not to drink) coffee now. I (to write) an English exercise. 2. I (not to drink) coffee in the evening. I (to drink) coffee in the morning. 3. Your friend (to do) his homework now? 4. Your friend (to go) to school in the morning? 5. Look! The baby (to sleep). 6. The baby always (to sleep) after dinner. 7. My grandmother (not to work). She is on pension. 8. My father (not to sleep) now. He (to work) in the garden. 9. I usually (to get) up at seven o'clock in the morning. 10. What your sis­ter (to do) now? - She (to wash) her face and hands. 11. When you usually (to come) home from school? I (to come) at three o’clock. 12. Where your cousin (to work)? -He (to work) at a hospital. .


Test 36. Open the brackets. Use the Present Continuous or Present Simple.

1. I (to read) books in the evening. 2. I (not to read) books in the morning. 3. I (to write) an exer­cise now. 4. I (not to write) a letter now. 5. They (to play) in the yard now. 6. They (not to play) in the street now. 7. They (to play) in the room now? 8. He (to help) his mother every day. 9. He (to help) his mother every day? 10. He (not to help) his mother every day. 11. You (to go) to school on Sunday? 12. My friend (not to like) to play foot­ball.


Test 37. Open the brackets. Use the Present Continuous or Present Simple.

1. They (to read) many books. 2. They (to read) many books? 3. They (not to read) many books. 4. The children (to eat) soup now. 5. The children (to eat) soup now? 6. The children (not to eat) soup now. 7. You (to play) volley-ball well? 8. When you (to play) volley-ball? 9. What Nick (to do) in the evening? 10. He (to go) to the cinema in the evening? 11. We (not to dance) every day. 12. Look! Kate (to dance).


Test 38. Open the brackets. Use the Present Continuous or Present Simple.

1. I (to write) a composition now. 2. I (not to drink) milk now. 3. I (to go) for a walk after din­ner. 4. I (not to go) to the theatre every Sunday. 5. He (not to read) now. 6. He (to play) now. 7 He (to play) now? 8. My mother (to work) at a factory. 9. My aunt {not to work) at a shop. 10. You (to work) at an office? 11. My friend (to live) in St. Petersburg. 12. My cousin (not to live) in Moscow.


Test39.Open the brackets. Use the Present Continuous or Present Simple.

  1.The children (not to sleep) now. 2. The chil­dren (to play) in the yard every day. 3. They (not to go) to the stadium on Monday. 4. She (to read) in the evening. 5. She (not to read) in the morn­ing. 6. She (not to read) now. 7. Your father (to work) at this factory? 8. You (to play) chess now? 9. Look at the sky: the clouds (to move) slowly, the sun (to appear) from behind the clouds, it (to get) warmer. 10. How is your brother?  - He  is not well yet, but his health


Test 40. Open the brackets. Use the Present Continuous, Present Simple or Future Simple.

1. I (to play) chess tomorrow. 2. I (not to play) chess tomorrow. 3. You (to play) chess tomorrow? 4. He (to play) chess every day. 5. He (not to play) chess every day. 6. He (to play) chess every day? 7. They (to play) chess now. 8. They (not to play) chess now. 9. They (to play) chess now? 10. Nick (to go) to the park now. 11. Nick (to go) to school every day. 12. Nick (to go) to school tomorrow. 13. You (to come) to my place next Sunday? 14. You (to read) this book next week? 15. You (to read) books every day? 16. You (to read) a book now? 17.1 (not to see) him tomorrow. 18. What you (to do) tomor­row? 19. What your friend (to do) tomorrow? 20. Where you (to go) next summer? 21. Where you (to go) every morning? 22. Where you (to go) now? 23. Look! Mary (to dance). 24. She (to dance) every day. 25. She (to dance) tomorrow?


Test 41. Open the brackets. Use the Present Continuous, Present Simple or Future Simple.

1. He (to go) to the theatre tomorrow. 2. We (to go) to school in the morning. 3. Look! Kate (to go) to school. 4. You (to help) your mother tomorrow? 5.I (not to play) the guitar now. 6. My brother (to play) the guitar every evening. 7. They (not to take) care of the garden next summer. 8. You (to like) apples? 9. You (to eat) apples tomorrow? 10. Nick (to read) many books. 11. Mother (to work) every day. 12. He (not to sleep) now. 13. Your brother (to go) to the exhibition next Sunday? 14. We (not to go) to the zoo tomorrow. 15. I (not to learn) the

poem now. 16. She (to live) in San Francisco. 17. My father (to shoot) very well. 18. He is very strong. Look! He (to carry) a very heavy box. 19. My sister (not to like) coffee. 20 When you (to go) to bed every day? 21. What he (to read) now? 22. What he (to read) every day? 23. What he (to read) tomorrow? 24. Where she (to go) tomorrow? 25. You (to give) me this book tomorrow?


Test 42. Open the brackets. Use the Present Continuous, Present Simple or Future Simple.

1. When you (to get) up every day? - I (to get) up at seven o’clock. 2. My brother usually (not to get) up at seven o’clock. As a rule, he (to get) up at six o’clock, but tomorrow he (to get) up at sev­en o’clock. 3. Why she (to come) home so late to­morrow? 4. We (to go) to the country the day after tomorrow. 5. Our friends always (to go) to the coun­try for the weekend. 6. Look! The kitten (to play) with its tail. 7. Your parents (to watch) TV now? 8. My sister (not to rest) now. She (to help) mother in the kitchen. She (to help) mother in the kitchen every day. 9. Where she (to go) tomorrow? 10. She (to go) to the country with us tomorrow? 11. They (to stay) at home tomorrow. 12 What you (to do) now? I (to see) that you (not to read). 13. When you (to finish) your homework? It (to be) very late, it (to be) time to go to bed. 14. How you usually (to spend) evenings? 15. What you (to do) in the country next summer? 16. They (not to drink) tea now. I (to think) they (to watch) TV. 17. What your father (to drink) in the evening?


Test 43. Choose the right variant Present Perfect

1.       She _____ (live) here for many years.

          a)have lived           b)has live            c) has lived

2.       Miss Hill ____ (teach) in this school since1998.

     a)has teach             b)has taught        c)have taught       

3.       He ____ (work) in the factory since he left  school.

a)has worked         b) have work        c) has work

4.       I _____  (play) tennis since morning.

a)has played          b) have play            c) have played

5.       We_____(study) English  for five years.

a)has studied           b) have studied       c)has study

6.       I ____ (not see) you for ages.

a)hasn’t seen           b) haven’t saw         c) haven’t seen

7.       We ____ (not hear) about him  since January.

a)haven’t heard        b) hasn’t heard      c) hasn’t hear

8.       I ____ (know) him  since childhood.

a)have know      b) have known      c) have knew

9.       Tom ____ (be ) in America  since2001.

a)has been         b) have been         c) has be

10.   Our teacher ___ (work) at  school ___ since1987.

a)have worked    b) have work     c) has worked


Test  44. Choose the right variant. 

1. Please don’t put ... pepper on the meat.

a) much               b) many

2. There were ... plates on the table.

a) much               b) many

3. I never eat... bread with soup.

a) much               b) many

 4. Why did you eat so ... ice-cream?

a) much               b) many

5. She wrote us ... letters from the country.

a) much               b) many

6. ... of these students don't like to look up words in the dictionary.

a) much               b) many

7. ... in this work was too difficult for me.

a) much               b) many

8. ... of their answers were excellent.

a) much               b) many

9. ... of their conversation was about the institute.

a) much               b) many

10. There are ... new pictures in this room.

a) much               b) many

11. There are ... teachers at our school, and ... of them are women.

a) much               b) many

12. ... of these plays are quite ... new.

a) much               b) many


Test 45. Choose the right variant.  

1. There are ... pictures in the book.

 a) some         b) any             c) no     

 2.Are there ... new students in your group?

  a) some         b) any             c) no

3. There are ... old houses in our street.

  a) some         b) any             c) no          

4. Are there ... English textbooks on the desks? - - Yes, there are ... .

 a) some, any     b)any, some     c) no, some

 5 . Are there ... maps on the walls? —No, there aren't ... .

  a) some         b) any             c) no

6 . Are there ... pens on the desk? - - Yes, there are....

  a)some, any   b)  any, some   c)  no, some

 7 . Are there ... sweets in your bag? - - Yes, there are ... .

  a)some, any           b)  any, some            c)  no, some

 8 . Have you got ... English books at home? -- Yes, I have ... .

  a)some, any          b)  any, some        c)  no, some

 9 .There are ... beautiful pictures in the magazine.  Look at them.

  a) some         b) any             c) no          

 10 .There is ... ink in my pen: I cannot write.

  a) some         b) any             c) no








































Text 1.

Read the text and do the tasks.

Sir Walter Raleigh, an English statesman and navigator, who lived in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, sailed across the sea to America in search of new lands and introduced the potato from America into England. Shortly after getting first crop, he sent some to a friend.

Next spring, the friend planted the potatoes, which soon gave an excellent crop. When the potatoes were ripe, he took some of them to his cook, who fried them in butter, and put sugar and cinnamon over them. In this condition they were set on the dinner-table as a great rarity.

The balls, however, tasted unpleasant, and it was decided that the fruit could not ripen in the cold English climate. The gardener was therefore ordered to pull up the plants and burn them, and he did so.

It so happened that the gentlemen stepped on one of the baked potatoes as it lay in the ashes. When it broke open he noticed that it was white and had an agreeable smell. He tasted it and found it very tasty.

The proper method of cooking the new vegetable was soon learnt, and in a short time it became a universal favorite.


1.   The text is about….

a)   the history of potatoes in England

b)  how Sir W. Raleigh discovered potato in America

c)   how an Englishman grew potatoes

d)  how English people cooked potatoes


2.   Содержанию текста соответствует предложение

a)   Sir W. Raleigh went to America in search of new plants

b)  Queen Elizabeth got potatoes as a present from W. Raleigh

c)   W. Raleigh’s friend grew potatoes and sent some to him.

d)  W. Raleigh sailed to America and brought some potatoes to his country


3.   Содержанию текста не соответствует предложение

a)   Potatoes could not ripen in the cold English climate

b)  The cook fried potatoes in butter with sugar and cinnamon

c)   Everybody found the taste of potatoes unpleasant

d)  The gardener was ordered to burn the plants.


4. Правильным ответом на вопрос  “How did the gentleman find the real taste of potatoes?” является

a) He put it into the hot ashes and baked

b) He fried them in butter and salt.                  

c) He stepped on one of the baked potatoes and it broke open

d) The potato smell very tasty and he tasted it


5.  В тексте слово  ripen означает

1) зреть                 3) делать зрелым

          2) созревать          4) зрелый


6. Содержанию текста в предложении SirW. Raleighwasa …. соответствует слово

1) scientist                3) cook

          2) statesman              4) sailor


7. Содержанию текста соответствует завершение предложения …introduced the new vegetable from America to England словами

1) Queen Elizabeth                  3) Sir W. Raleigh

          2) Sir W. Raleigh’s friend       4) Raleigh’s gardener


8. Наиболее удачный заголовок к тексту

1) Raleighsplant

2) The Adventure of Potato in England

          3) The Ways of Cooking Potato

          4) The History of Growing Potatoes in England


Text  2.

Read the text and do the tasks.

Newton is one of the greatest scientists of all time. He was born in 1642 at a little village in Lincolnshire. His father was a farmer and had died before Newton was born. His mother was a clever woman for whom Newton had a great love all his life.

Newton’s schooldays were not remarkable. He studied mathematics at Cambridge and took his degree there in 1665. Then the University was closed because of the danger of plague. Newton went home for a period of eighteen months. During that time Newton made his three great discoveries. These discoveries have changed the course of thought in science from that day until our days.

It is interesting how the idea which led to the discovery of the laws governing the forces of gravitation first came to him. Once, as he sat in his garden the fall of the apple made him think: why must that apple always fall perpendicularly to the ground? Why must it not go sidewards or upwards? Certainly, the reason is that the Earth draws it. By degrees he began to apply this property of gravitation to the motion of the earth and the heavenly bodies round the sun.

Newton died when he was 84, and was buried in Westminster Abbey.


1.   The text is about….

a)   Newton and his discoveries

b)  Newton’s schooldays

c)   Cambridge University

d)  Newton’s family.


 2. Содержанию текста соответствует предложение

a) Newton’s discoveries were not important for science

b) He made his discoveries at Cambridge University.

c) Newton made his discoveries after 1665

d) During that time Newton made his five great discoveries.


3. Выберите предложение, не соответствующее содержанию текста

a) Newton was a farmer’s son.

         b) Newton’s mother was a clever woman.

         c) Newton loved his mother dearly all his life.

         d) Newton’s father was a great scientists.


4. Укажите правильный ответ на вопрос

Why did Newton leave Cambridge University in 1665?

a)   The University was closed because of the danger of plague.

b)  He wanted to return to his native village.

c)   He wanted to study mathematics at Oxford.

d)  He wanted to visit his mother.


5. В тексте слово  discovery  означает

a) изобретение                         b) открытие

c) открывать                             d) находка


6. Закончите предложение, словом соответствующим содержанию текста

Newton was one of the greatest … of all time.

a) explorers             b) authors

         c) scientists             d) inventors


7. Закончите предложение в соответствие с содержанием текста.

Newton discovered….

                a) a new heavenly body         b) the forces of nature

                c) a new planet                      d) the law of gravitation


8. Выберите наиболее удачный заголовок

a) Cambridge University

b) Newton’s Schooldays

                   c) Newton

                   d) Knowledge is Power 


Text  3.

Read the text and do the tasks:

The Romans came to Cambridge in the first century A.D. They built the first bridge over the river Cam and gave the town its mane. Cambridge is best known for its historic University. It was in 1284 that Peterhouse College, the oldest college in Cambridge, was founded. In those early days the students’ life was hard. Students were not allowed to play games, sing and dance or even hunt and fish.

Both the town and the university grew very quickly. In 1475 there were already twelve colleges in Cambridge. Today the university has thirty-five colleges. Each college has more or less its own character and individuality, there are students of all kinds in each college. Every college had its arts students and science students, its medical students and its engineers. Every student, of course, follows his or her own course of study. They learn many useful things from each other living under the same roof.

Many great men have studied at Cambridge, among them Milton, Cromwell, Newton, Byron.


1.   Определите  тему текста и закончите предложение

The text is about…

a)        the Romans in Cambridge

b)       science students in Cambridge

c)        the history of Cambridge university

d)       the oldest college in Cambridge


2.    Выберите предложение, соответствующее содержанию текста

a)        The students’ life was hard in old times

b)       The students built the first bridge in Cambridge

c)        The students used to sing and dance a lot

d)       No great men studied at Cambridge.


3.   Выберите предложение, не соответствующее содержанию текста

a)        The Romans came to Cambridge in the first century A.D.

b)       The oldest college was founded in the thirteenth century.

c)        The students gave the town its name Cambridge.

d)       Cambridge is best known for its university.


4.   Укажите правильный ответ на вопрос

   How many colleges are there in Cambridge nowadays?

a)        There are very many colleges.

b)       There are twelve colleges.

c)        There are thirty-five colleges.

d)       There are students of all kinds.


5.   В тексте слово learn  означает

a)   учить              b)  изучать

c)   узнавать         d) проучить


6. Закончите предложение словом, соответствующим содержанию текста

Cambridge is best known for its … university.

                 a) famous             b) new

                 c) big                    d) individual


7. Закончите предложение в соответствие с содержанием текста.

Students learn many useful things….

a)        singing, dancing and playing games.

b)       following their own course of study

c)        reading under the same roof.

d)       Reading Byron, Milton and Bacon.


8. Выберите наиболее удачный заголовок

a) Cambridge in Old Times.

b) Students’ Life in Cambridge.

                   c) Historic University

                   d) Cambridge Great Men.



Text  4.

Read the text and do the tasks.

The Trojan Horse legend recently inspired a gang of Italian thieves. One day a lorry arrived at the gates of villa in Northern Italy, when the owner was away. It contained a large sofa which he had asked for. The servants let the men with the sofa into the house. Half an hour later the lorry returned, and the workers excused themselves, explaining that they had made a mistake with the address and took the sofa back.

As the police found out later, a thief had hidden himself inside the sofa, he had half an hour at his disposal and managed to steal a lot of money and jewelry and to disappear.


1.   Определите  тему текста и закончите предложение

The text is about…

a)        a wealthy Italian

b)       clever thieves

c)        the Trojan Horse

d)       expensive furniture


2. Выберите слово, соответствующее содержанию текста.

Once… arrived at the gates of  a villa.

                    a) a van              b) a jeep

                    c) a lorry            d) a trailer

3. Закончите предложение в соответствии с содержанием.

The thieves chose the villa, because….

                    a) it was big                           b) the owner was away

                   c) they knew the servants      d) they had been there before


4. Выберите предложение, соответствующее содержанию текста

                    a) The owner of the villa got his inspiration from the legend.

                    b) The servants didn’t allow the workers to enter the villa.

                    c) The thief spent half an hour inside the sofa.

                    d) The thieves made a mistake with the address.


5.  Выберите предложение, соответствующее содержанию текста

                     a) A lot of furniture was taken from the villa.

                     b) Police arrived half an hour later.

                     c) Police found the thief in the sofa sleeping.

                     d) The thief managed to steal a lot of money.


6.   Выберите предложение, не соответствующее содержанию текста

a)   The thieves knew legends.

b)  The owner of the villa returned when the thieves were talking the sofa back.

c)   The servants didn’t check the sofa.

d)  The lorry came to the villa two times


7.   Укажите правильный ответ на вопрос

            How did the thief manage to disappear?

a)   One of the servants let him out.

b)  He left the same way he came – in the sofa.

c)   Other thieves waited for him at the back door.

d)  He disgusted himself as one of the servants.


8. Выберите наиболее удачный заголовок

                 a) A Thief in the Sofa                b) Careless Servants

                 c) A wooden horse of Italy        d) In the Owner’s Absence.



Text  5.

Read the text and do the tasks.

One of the traditional Scottish legends is that there is a monster in Loch Ness. Hundreds of people have reported seeing a creature in the lake. Though it turns out that people see trees or waves in the water, there are several cases that cannot be explained. The lake is 23 miles, long and very deep, so it is very difficult to explore, and the mystery of the Loch Ness Monster still continues today.

Nessie became a national joke and is on many local postcards and T—shirts. Something it is running off with a sheep in her mouth, sometimes she is blowing the bagpipes.

In the last few years, however, there have been several serious expeditions to Loch Ness and a lot of very interesting facts have been collected. It is very hard to say now that the monster does not exist.


1.   Определите  тему текста и закончите предложение

The text is about…

a)   Nessie’s musical instruments.

b)  The mystery of the Loch Ness Monster.

c)   Scotland.

d)  Scottish traditional legends.


2.  Закончите предложение в соответствии с содержанием

The mystery of Loch Ness still continues today because…

a)   Nessie has run off with a sheep in her mouth.

b)  The monster blows the bagpipes.

c)   The lake is very difficult to explore.

d)  People see a mysterious creature in the lake.


3. Закончите предложение в соответствии с содержанием

In the last few years…

a)   the Loch Ness Monster has not been seen

b)  new interesting facts have been collected by scientists.

c)   A lot of photographs of Nessie have been taken.

d)  There have been no serious expeditions to Loch ness.


4.   Выберите предложение, соответствующее содержанию текста

a)   Nessie  is a threat for sheep in Scotland

b)  Bagpipers are very popular in Scotland

c)   A lot of people claim they saw a monster in the lake.

d)  Scientists are sure that the monster lives in the lake


5.   Выберите предложение, не соответствующее содержанию текста

a)   People often take waves or tree in the water for the monster.

b)  Nessie has become a local attraction.

c)   The lake is not very deep.

d)  The Mystery of the Loch Ness has not been solved yet.



6.   Укажите правильный ответ на вопрос

Why it is so difficult to reveal the mystery of the Loch Ness Monster?

a)   It goes out of the lake only at night.

b)  It hunts sheep.

c)   The lake is very deep.

d)  A lot of people have seen the monster.


7. Закончите предложение в соответствии с содержанием

Nessie became ….

                     a) everybody’s pet                        b) a national joke

                     c) very popular with children       d) a national symbol


8. Выберите наиболее удачный заголовок

a) Expeditions to LochNess.

b) Loch Ness in Scotland

                      c) A National Joke

                      d) The Mystery Still Continues.


Text  6.

Read the text and do the tasks.

In 776 B.C. the first Olympic Games were held at the foot of Mount Olympus to honour the Greeks’ god Zeus. The Greeks paid much attention to physical education of young people. Therefore, contests in running, jumping, discus throwing, boxing and horse racing were held in individual cities, and then the winners competed every four years at Mount Olympus. Great honours were given to winners: olive wreaths were put on their heads and poems were sung about their deeds. Originally the Olympic Games were held as games of friendship, and any wars were stopped to allow the games to take place. The Greeks thought these games so important that they calculated time in four-years cycles called “Olympiads” dating from 776. B.C.


1.                                                                    Определите  тему текста и закончите предложение

The text is about…

a)        Mount Olympus in Greece.

b)       how the Olympic Games started

c)        how athletes competed in discus throwing

d)       physical education in Greece.


        2. Выберите предложение, соответствующее содержанию текста

                   a) The first Olympic Games were held for four years.

                   b) Competitions in individual cities were held very year.

                   c) All athletes in Greece came to Mount Olympus.

                   d) The Greeks thought physical fitness and strength very important.


3. Выберите предложение, не соответствующее содержанию текста

a) Winners placed olive wreaths on their own heads.

                     b) The Games were held in Greece every four years.

                     c) Battles were stopped to participate in the games.

                     d) Poems were sung to winners.


          4. Закончите предложение

                The Olympic Games were held to …

                      a) stop wars                 b) crown the best athletes

                      c) honour  Zeus            d) sing songs about the athletes.


5. Ответьте на вопрос в соответствии с содержанием текста

How many years ago did these games start?

                     a) 776 years            b) 2277 years

                     c) 1205 years          d) 2773 years


6.  Какое из соревнований не упоминалось в тексте?

a) discus throwing             b) skating

                        c) running                          d) boxing


7.                       Выберите предложение, соответствующее содержанию текста

a)        Ancient Greeks liked to fight.

b)       Ancient Greeks were very athletic.

c)        They liked a lot of ceremonies.

d)       They couldn’t count, so they used “Olympiads” for dates.


          8. Выберите наиболее удачный заголовок

                       a) Sports Competitions in Ancient Greece.

                       b) The beginning of the Olympic Games.

                       c) Three Centuries of the Olympic games.

                       d) Ways of Calculating time in Ancient Greece.


Text  7.      

Read the text and do the tasks.

       London has many parks and gardens. The best known are Hyde Park, Regent’s Park and St. James’s Park. They are all within easy reach of the centre of London.

Hyde Park is royal park since 1536. It was once part of the forest where Henry VIII hunted wild animals. Hyde Park now has 146hectares of parkland, and people are allowed to walk, sit  and lie on the grass. The Serpentine is a lake in the middle of the park. In summer you can swim in the lake or go out in a boat. It is a custom for some people to swim in the Serpentine on Christmas Day. Hyde Park is famous for its Speaker’s Corner, where people go when they want to tell other people about their political opinions.

Regent’s Park is in the north-west of London. It is the home of the London Zoo. There are more than six thousand animals and birds in the Zoo. One can reach the Zoo by boat that goes along the Regent’s canal. In summer one can visit an open-air theatre and enjoy a play by Shakespeare. There are also children’s playgrounds and tennis courts.

St. James’s Park is the oldest and the smallest of the Royal parks. It is near Buckingham Palace. There is a lake in St. James’s Park which is famous for its water-birds. The pelicans were originally given to Charles II by a Russian ambassador. Hundreds of people who work in the offices nearby come to this park to rest and eat their lunch.


1.                               Определите  тему текста и закончите предложение

The text is about…

a)                                the history of London.

b)                               the best known London parks.

c)                                The famous people of London

d)                               London lakes and rivers.


            2. Выберите предложение, соответствующее содержанию текста

                        a) There are no parks in the centre of London.

                        b) Speaker’s Corner is a place where people talk about politics.

                        c) There is a famous Zoo in Hyde Park.

                        d) Speaker’s Corner is a place where people have a rest.


3.  Выберите предложение, не соответствующее содержанию текста

a) Hyde Park is a royal park since 1536.

            b) Charles II hunted wild animals in Hyde Park.

            c) Londoners can sit and lie on the grass.

            d) Hyde Park is famous for its Speaker’s Corner.


4.                               Укажите правильный ответ на вопрос

          Where is the Serpentine?

a)                                It is in the middle of St. James’s Park.

b)                               It is in the centre of London.

c)                                It is near Buckingham Palace.

d)                               It is in the middle of Hyde Park.


5. В тексте слово near   означает

a) близкий        b) приближаться

c)  близко         d) ближний


            6.Закончите предложение словом, соответствующим содержанию текста

There is an open-air … in Regent’s Park.

                          a) museum          b) market

                          c) theatre             d) swimming pool


             7. Закончите предложение

                      Office workers come to St. James’s Park …

a)                                    to hunt wild animals

b)                                   to swim in the Serpentine

c)                                    to see plays by Shakespeare

d)                                   to have a rest during lunch time


             8. Выберите наиболее удачный заголовок

                            a) London’s Parks          b) The Big Theatre.

                            c) Places of Interest        d) Parks and Gardens



Text  8.

Read the text and do the tasks.

        Everyone has heard of Sherlock Holmes. The author of all the Sherlock Holmes stories was Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Once Sir Arthur was in Paris. He was going from the railroad station to the hotel where he decided to spend the night. He arrived at the hotel. He got out of the taxi and paid the taxi-driver.

“Thank you very much, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.” said the taxi-driver smiling.

“Oh, do you know who I am?” said Sir Arthur. He was very surprised. “Well, sir, I read in the newspaper yesterday that you were coming to Paris from the south of France. The train on which you arrived came from the south of France. I also noticed that your hair was last cut by a barber in the south of France. Your clothes, and especially your hat, told me that you were English. I put all this together and I realized at once that you were Sir Arthur Conan Doyle”

“That is wonderful,” said Sir Arthur. “With so few facts you were really able to know me?”

“Of course,” said the taxi-driver. “Your mane is on both your traveling bags. That also helped.”


1.                               Определите  тему текста и закончите предложение

The text is about…

e)                                Sherlock Holmes in Paris.

f)                                 the famous detective Sherlock Holmes

g)                               the author of the Sherlock Holmes

h)                               the railroad station hotel


2.                               Выберите предложение, соответствующее содержанию текста

a)                                Sherlock Holmes spent the night at the hotel.

b)                               Conan Doyle decided to spend the night in Paris.

c)                                The taxi-driver did not recognize Conan Doyle

d)                               Conan Doyle came to Paris from the north of France


3.                               Выберите предложение, не соответствующее содержанию текста

a)                                Conan Doyle was angry with the taxi-driver.

b)                               Conan Doyle came to the hotel in a taxi.

c)                                The taxi-driver thanked Conan Doyle smiling

d)                               The newspapers wrote about Conan Doyle’s visit to Paris.


4.                               Укажите правильный ответ на вопрос

Why was Conan Doyle surprised?

a)                                The taxi-driver was rude to him.

b)                               The taxi-driver did not like his clothes.

c)                                The taxi-driver could not speak English.

d)                               The taxi-driver knew his mane.


5.                               В тексте слово wonderful  означает

a)                                                       красиво    b) ужасно

c)  удобно     d) замечательно


              7. Закончите предложение

                   The taxi-driver read in the newspaper that Conan Doyle…

a)                                  was coming to Paris from the south of France

b)                                 was coming to the south of France from Paris.

c)                                  arrived at the hotel in a taxi

d)                                 had many traveling bags with him.


8. Выберите наиболее удачный заголовок

a) Conan Doyle and Sherlock Holmes

b) Sherlock Holmes in Paris

                         c) The Clever Taxi-Driver

                         d) Sherlock Holmes and the Tax-Driver.


Text  9.

Read the text and do the tasks.

        Christopher Columbus was born in the seaport town of Genoa in Italy, about the tear 1446. When he was only ten years old, Columbus went to a famous school near Genoa and studied arithmetic and geography.

        He was only fourteen years old when he first sailed to the east. After that time he made many voyages before he was able to buy three small ships and sail across the Atlantic Ocean. His life on the sea, talks with experienced sailors and the results of science made him convinced that the earth is round. He wanted to reach India by a westward voyage and at the same time to prove that the earth is round. He also wanted to discover a new and shorter way to the East.

         Columbus set sail with his crew on the third of August 1492. He was on the Ocean for ten weeks. After many hardships he and his sailors saw land. The land was America.

Columbus continued his explorations but he always thought that the islands he had discovered were the East Indies and he died never knowing that he had discovered a new continent.


1.                               Определите  тему текста и закончите предложение

The text is about…

a)                                the discovery of treasure island

b)                               Christopher Columbus and his discovery.

c)                                The discovery of the Atlantic Ocean

d)                               Columbus’s voyage to Spain


2.        Выберите предложение, соответствующее содержанию текста

a)                                Columbus studied arithmetic and geography at a famous school.

b)                               Columbus studied arithmetic and geometry at a famous school

c)                                Columbus studied arithmetic and geometry at a village school

d)                               Columbus studied arithmetic and history at a Genoa school.


3.                               Выберите предложение, не соответствующее содержанию текста

a)                                Columbus ought three small ships at the age of fourteen.

b)                               Columbus went to a famous school at the age of ten.

c)                                Columbus sailed to the east at the age of fourteen.

d)                               Columbus made many voyagers before he was able to buy his own ships.


4.                               Укажите правильный ответ на вопрос

What did Columbus want to reach?

a)                                He wanted to reach Australia. 

b)                               He wanted to reach Spain.

c)                                He wanted to reach India by westward voyage.

d)                               He wanted to reach India by eastward voyage.


5.                               В тексте слово experienced означает

a)                                                       проверенный       b) испытанный

c)   опытный              d)экспериментальный


6.                               Закончите предложение словом, соответствующим содержанию текста

After many… Columbus and his sailors saw land.

          a) hardships          b) battles

          c) victories           d) discoveries


7.                               Закончите предложение словом, соответствующим содержанию текста

He believed that he had found…

                  a) a longer way to the East       b) a new continent

                  c) a shorter way to the East      d) a new way to America


8.                               Выберите наиболее удачный заголовок

a)                                Christopher Columbus

b)                               The Atlantic Ocean

c)                                East or West , Home Is Best

d)                               The New World


Text  10.

Read the text and do the tasks.

      The English are a sporting nation. Everybody knows that they invented several games which are played all over the world. Football and cricket are certainly the most popular sports in Britain. Football is played for a longer period of the year – from late August until early May. The cricket season lasts only from May until September. There are eleven players on each side and they play in pairs. Cricket is a typically English game. They say it teaches people “to play fair” which means to be just, honest and unselfish. Cricket is a very slow game. The big international matches go on for five days.

        Tennis is another popular game in Britain. Most school play tennis on their own courts. Many families have a tennis court in their gardens. The great event of the year is the Wimbledon Tournament in June.

        Every year in April there is a boat race on the river Thames in London. The best team from Cambridge University races against the best team from Oxford University. A lot of people watch the race on television. Students from the two universities go to London and shout for their team. 


1.                               Определите  тему текста и закончите предложение

The text is about…

a)                                the game which the English invented

b)                               the great events of the year

c)                                most popular sportsmen in Britain

d)                               sports and games in Britain


2.                               Выберите предложение, соответствующее содержанию текста

a)                                Nobody knows who invented football.

b)                               Football is played for the greater part of the year.

c)                                Cricket is a very fast game

d)                               Cricket and tennis are played all over the world.


3.                               Выберите предложение, не соответствующее содержанию текста

a)                                There are eleven players in a cricket team.

b)                               The cricket season lasts from May until September.

c)                                Cricket teaches people to “play fair”

d)                               Baseball is another popular game in Britain


4.                               Укажите правильный ответ на вопрос

               What is special about cricket?

a)                                It is a game with eleven players on each side.

b)                               It teaches people to be just, honest and unselfish

c)                                It is a very slow game.

d)                               Cricket matches go on for several days.


5.                               В тексте слово just означает

a)                                                       обоснованный            b) как раз

c)  справедливый             d) всего лишь


6.                               Закончите предложение словом, соответствующим содержанию текста

The English are a sporting nation and they … football and cricket most of all.

             a) care         b) like

             c) go in        d) interest


7.                               Закончите предложение в соответствии с  содержанием текста

Students from Oxford and Cambridge go to London…

a)                                to support and shout for their team.

b)                               to watch the boat race on television

c)                                to take part in a boat race on the Thames

d)                               to watch the Wimbledon Tournament


8.                               Выберите наиболее удачный заголовок

a)                                Great Event of the Year.

b)                               Wimbledon Tournament

c)                                Sports and Games in Britain.

d)                               Boat Race on the Thames.



Text  11.

Read the text and do the tasks.

 A poor young artist was asked to paint the portrait of a lady and he did his best to make a good picture. When the portrait was finished, it was shown to the lady’s friends. Some of them thought that it was not good. But the painter felt that he had been successful and suggested the following: “We shall leave it to the lady’s dog to decide whether the picture is good or not.”

Next day the picture was sent to the lady’s house where her friends had met to see the result of the test. As soon as the god was brought before the portrait, it began to lick it all over. Everybody congratulated the painter. But he did not tell anybody that he had spread some bacon fat all over picture beforehand.


1.                               Определите  тему текста и закончите предложение

The text is about…

a)                                a poor young artist who was asked to paint a portrait

b)                               an old artist and a lady

c)                                the dog who didn’t lick the portrait

d)                               the dog and the picture


2.                               Закончите предложение в соответствии с  содержанием текста

The young man was …

               a) worker             b) painter

               c)  student            d) doctor


3.                               Закончите предложение в соответствии с  содержанием текста

The portrait was shown to … after it had been done

              a) the lady                       b) the lady’s dog

              c) the lady’s friends        d) the lady’s father


4.                               Выберите предложение, соответствующее содержанию текста

a)                                The lady’s friends thought that the portrait was bad.

b)                               The lady’s friends thought that it was excellent

c)                                The lady’s father liked it very much

d)                               Her mother said that the portrait was splendid


5.                               Выберите предложение, не соответствующее содержанию текста

a)                                The picture was sent to the lady’s house

b)                               The old artist was asked to sell this picture

c)                                Everybody congratulated the artist.

d)                               The painter thought that he had been successful.


6.                               Укажите правильный ответ на вопрос

                How did the lady’s friends decide whether the portrait was good or bad?

a)                                They asked her father’s opinion.

b)                               The lady’s friends didn’t know what to do.

c)                                They decided to leave it to the lady’s dog.

d)                               The lady’s friends were not interested in the problem.


7.                               Закончите предложение в соответствии с  содержанием текста

When the god was brought before the portrait it began to lick it because…

a)                                the lady’s father had put a piece of meat near the picture

b)                               the painters friend had spread some butter all over the picture

c)                                the lady’s mother stood near portrait

d)                               the painter had spread some fat all over the portrait.


8.                               Выберите наиболее удачный заголовок

a)                                The Artist and a Portrait

b)                               The Portrait of  Lady

c)                                The dog and a Picture

d)                               A Painter and  Lady



Text  12.    

Read the text and do the tasks.

       The tradition of using   a fir-tree for winter celebration is very old. We know that before there were trees decorated with toys in Roman times. Later it became part of the celebration of the Christian Christmas. The German Prince Albert, Queen Victoria’s husband, brought this tradition to England. He and the queen had a Christmas tree at Windsor Castle in 1841. A few years after nearly every house in the country had a Christmas tree.

        At Christmas a giant fir-tree stands in Trafalgar Square in front of the National Gallery. It is a present from the people of Norway. Every winter they cut down a tree and send it to London. Whole families come to look at it. Here is a Christmas tree bigger than any they have ever seen in their lives.

      Traditionally people decorate their tree on Christmas eve- that is December 24th. They hang lights and coloured balls on the Christmas branches and put a star at the top. They lay presents under the Christmas tree. Young children are told that Santa Claus will bring them presents if they are good. Children hang a Christmas stocking at the foot of their beds or near the fireplace. They often borrow one of their father’s socks because they are the biggest. Santa Claus is supposed to come in the night from Lapland. He climbs down the chimney and fills the stockings with presents.


9.                               Определите  тему текста и закончите предложение

The text is about…

a)                                celebrating Christmas in Roman times

b)                               the giant Christmas tree in Trafalgar Square

c)                                celebrating Christmas in England

d)                               Santa Claus bringing presents for children.


10.                           Выберите предложение, соответствующее содержанию текста

a)                                The Romans decorated trees with toys.

b)                               Prince Albert brought a fir-tree from Rome.

c)                                Queen Victoria refused to celebrate Christmas in 1841.

d)                               The royal family had a Christmas tree at Buckingham Palace.


11.                           Выберите предложение, не соответствующее содержанию текста

a)                                The national Gallery is in Trafalgar Square.

b)                               Nobody comes to Trafalgar Square at Christmas.

c)                                Many families have a Christmas tree in England.

d)                               People decorate their tree on 24th of December.


12.                           Укажите правильный ответ на вопрос

         Why do people come to Trafalgar Square?

a)                                They come to look at the national Gallery.

b)                               They want to put presents under the Christmas tree.

c)                                They want to look at the Christmas tree.

d)                               They come to meet the people of Norway.


13.                           В тексте слово present означает

a)                                                       настоящий     b)подарок

c) дарить              d)присутствующий


14.                           Закончите предложение словом, соответствующим содержанию текста

Santa Claus brings presents only … to children.

            a) kind                  b) poor

            c) good                 d) clever


15.                           Закончите предложение в соответствии с  содержанием текста

Young children believe that Santa Claus…

a)                                lays presents under the Christmas tree

b)                               comes in the night from Lapland.

c)                                hangs decorations on the Christmas tree.

d)                               Brings presents for the whole family.


16.                           Выберите наиболее удачный заголовок

a)   Celebrating Christmas in England

b)  Christmas at Windsor Castle.

c)   A Giant Christmas Tree.

d)  The Presents of Santa Clause



Text  13.

Read the text and do the tasks.

        Joseph Turner is one of the greatest English landscape painters. He was born in London in 1775. When he was only thirteen ha had already decided to become a painter. He started to go to a neighboring art school. His father was hairdresser. The young painter showed his first drawings in the window of his father’s shop. Some of them he sold for two or three shillings. At the age of fourteen he became a student at the Royal Academy of Arts. When he was eighteen he was already an independent artist with his own studio.

Turner was a born traveler. He could walk twenty-five miles a day. He was capable of sleeping anywhere and eating anything. He used to work very hard. He loved the land, but he loved the sea even more. He sailed along the British coast in all weathers, watching the waves and the clouds.

       Turner painted foggy mornings and cool evenings, rain and sunshine. He used light and colour to express the effects of the forces of nature. “My business,” he once said, “ is to draw what I see, not what I know is there”

Turner died at the end of 1851



1.                               Определите  тему текста и закончите предложение

The text is about…

a)                                the sailor who loved the sea

b)                               the hairdresser and his son

c)                                the tourist who was fond of traveling

d)                               the life and work of a painter.


2.                               Выберите предложение, соответствующее содержанию текста

a)                           His father did not allow Turner to show his drawings to anyone.

b)                          Turner was able to earn a little money as a boy.

c)                           Turner did not care much for traveling.

d)                          Turner died at the beginning of 1854.


3.                               Выберите предложение, не соответствующее содержанию текста

a)                                Turner was a student at the Royal Academy of Arts.

b)                               He could sleep anywhere and eat anything.

c)                                He was a born storyteller.

d)                               He used light and colour to express his attitude to nature.


4.                               Укажите правильный ответ на вопрос

         When did Turner  become a student at the Royal Academy?

              a) At the age of 14               b) When he was 18

              c) When he was 13              d) At the age of 51


5.                               В тексте слово business означает

a)                                                       бизнес                        b) дело, долг

c)    специальность         d) торговля


6.                                Закончите предложение словом, соответствующим содержанию текста

Turner sailed along the British coast in all…

             a) mornings              b) weathers

             c) evenings               d) days


7.                               Закончите предложение в соответствии с  содержанием текста

Turner painted…

a)   his father, a hairdresser.

b)  his father’s shop window

c)   the British coast

d)  rain and sunshine


8.   Выберите наиболее удачный заголовок

a)   The Famous English Painter

b)  The Land and the Sea

c)   The born Traveler

d)  At the Royal Academy.


























§1.   Местоимения (Pronouns)

Местоимение – это часть речи, обозначающая, но не называющая прямо предметы, лица, их свойства и отношения или дающая их временную и пространственную характеристику. По своему значению местоимения в английском языке делятся на несколько групп. Ниже приведен список этих групп и соответствующих им английских местоимений.

1.   Личные

I, you, he/she/it, we, they, me, him, her, it, us, them

2.   Притяжательные

my, your, his, her, its, our, their, mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs,

3.   Указательные

this, that, these, those

4.   Возвратные

myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves

5.   Взаимные

each other, one another

6.   Вопросительные

who, what, which, whose

7.   Неопределенные

some, something, somebody, any, anything, anybody, anyone

8.   Отрицательные

no, nothing, nobody, no one, neither


Употребление английских местоимений.

Местоимение можно употребить вместо только что упомянутого существительного, что поможет избежать излишнего повторения. Также они употребляются, когда лица или предметы, о которых идет речь, уже известны и говорящему, и слушающему.

Структура английских местоимений.

По своему строению местоимения делятся на простые (simple), составные (compound) и сложные (composite).

Простые состоят только из одной морфемы:

I, we, this.

Составные – из нескольких:

Himself, herself, yourself

Сложные представляют собой сочетание нескольких слов:

each other, one another


§2. Глагол to be в английском  языке.

Значение глагола to be – “быть, находиться”. В отличие от других английских глаголов, глагол to be спрягается (т.е. изменяется по лицам и числам).


Формы глагола to be:                                                                                                  

I – am   

He/she/it – is

You/we/they – are
e.g.  I am in the room.
(Я нахожусь в комнате)

e.g. The book is on the table (Книга лежит на столе)

В данных примерах глагол to be является самостоятельным глаголом. Так же, как и в русском языке, глагол to be может быть глаголом-связкой в именном сказуемом (в значении “есть”). В отличие от русского языка, в английском языке глагол-связка никогда не опускается, поскольку английское предложение имеет строго фиксированный порядок слов: подлежащее (subject) +сказуемое (verb) + дополнение (object)

e.g. I am a doctor. (Я врач)

e.g. The weather is bad. (Погода плохая.)

e.g. They are from Paris. (Они из Парижа.)

Итак, глагол-связка to be в английском предложении никогда не опускается, т.к. он входит в именное сказуемое, и его место после подлежащего. На русский же язык глагол to be в данных случаях не переводится:e.g. I am happy. ( Я счастлив), e.g. The book is interesting. ( Книга интересная)

Глагол to be не требует вспомогательного глагола для образования вопросительной или отрицательной формы. Чтобы задать вопрос нужно поставить глагол to be перед подлежащим: e.g. Are you happy?Is the book  interesting?

Для образования отрицательной формы достаточно поставить отрицательную частицу not после глагола to be: e.g. I am not happy. The book is not interesting.

В разговорной речи отрицательная частица not  часто сливается с глаголом to be, образуя сокращения:

is not – isn’t

are not – aren’t

Также глагол to be может сокращаться, сливаясь с личным местоимением:

I am – I’m     

We are – we’re



§3. Единственное и множественное число существительных (Singular and Plural).

Существительные в английском языке, как и в русском, могут стоять в форме единственного или множественного числа. Единственное число (singular) обозначает один предмет:cup, gun, sun,

Множественное число (plural) обозначает два и более предмета: three cups, two guns.


Образование множественного числа английских существительных.

Английское существительное можно поставить во множественное число, прибавив к нему окончание -s.

Если существительное оканчивается на свистящий или шипящий звук, то есть на буквы s, ss, x, sh, ch, то для него форма множественного числа образуется при помощи окончания -es [ iz ]:

bass – basses       
     box – boxes

Если существительное оканчивается на букву -y, перед которой стоит согласная, то во множественном числе –y меняется на i и к слову прибавляется окончание -es:

       lobby –lobbies
sky – skies

Исключения: имена собственные (the two Germanys, the Gatsbys) и составные существительные (stand-bys).

Если перед буквой -y стоит гласная, то множественное число образуется по общему правилу при помощи окончания -s, а буква y остается без изменений:

     way – ways

К существительным заканчивающимся на -o прибавляется окончание -es:

potato –potatoes
     tomato –tomatoes
     hero – heroes

Исключения: bamboos, embryos, folios, kangaroos, radios, studios, zoos, Eskimos, Filipines, kilos, photos, pros, pianos, concertos, dynamos, solos, tangos, tobaccos.

Если же существительное оканчивается на буквы -f или -fe, то во множественном числе они меняются на -v- и прибавляется окончание -es:

thief –thieves
     wolf –wolves
     half –halves
     wife – wives

Исключения: proofs, chiefs, safes, cliffs, gulfs, reefs

Некоторые существительные по историческим причинам имеют свои собственные способы построения множественного числа:

     brother – brethren (
собратья, братия)

Для некоторых слов форма единственного числа совпадает с формой множественного:

corps – corps

Также это характерно для названий некоторых национальностей – Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese, Swiss:

Довольно большая часть заимствованных слов сохранила за собой окончания множественного числа, образованные по правилам «своего» языка (как правило, греческого и латинского):

bureau – bureaux

Для некоторых из таких заимствований допустимо образование множественного числа по правилам английской грамматики: formulaformulas/formulae
Множественное число в составных существительных

В составных существительных форму множественного числа обычно принимает только второй элемент: housewives, school children

В составных существительных с первым элементом man / woman во множественном числе изменяются обе части:women-writers, gentlemen-farmers ( писательницы, фермеры-джентльмены)

В словах  с составляющей -man она изменяется на -men: policeman – policemen

Если части составного слова пишутся через дефис, то в форму множественного числа ставится ключевой по смыслу компонент:

man-of-war– men-of-war
mother-in-law– mothers-in-law
hotel-keeper –hotel-keepers
gas-mask – gas-masks


§4. Притяжательный падеж существительных. (Possessive Case of Nouns)

В притяжательном падеже употребляются, как правило, только существительные, обозначающие лица.  Существительное в притяжательном падеже является определением к другому существительному и выражает принадлежность.  Существительное в притяжательном падеже отвечает на вопрос «чей». Существительное принимает окончание s, которое добавляется через апостроф и стоит перед определяемым существительным.

Anns book            книга Анны

Притяжательный падеж имен существительных во множественном числе образуется только путем добавления апострофа к слову

These engineers’ desks столы этих инженеров.

Притяжательный падеж имен существительных  во множественном числе men, women, children  и д.р. образуется, как и для существительных в единственно числе, путем прибавления окончания sпосле апострофа.

these mens names                  имена этих мужчин

these womens friends               подруги этих женщин

Наряду с существительными в притяжательном падеже для выражения принадлежности употребляется существительное с предлогом of

my friend’s father отец моего друга

the father of my friend отец моего друга


§5. Конструкция  there is/are в настоящем времени (There is/are in Present Simple)   

Конструкция thereis/areупотребляется для указания на наличие или отсутствие лица или предмета в определенном месте. В единственном числе употребляется конструкция there is, во множественномthere/are.

Конструкция thereis/areсожжет переводится на русский язык словами «есть», «имеется», «находится».         

There is a pen on the table                      На столе есть ручка.

                             There are pens on the table                     На столе есть ручки.

В вопросительных предложениях глагол to be  ставится перед there

Is there a vase on the table?             На столе есть ваза?  

                              Are there vases on the table?           На столе есть вазы?

В отрицательных предложениях после оборота thereis/areупотребляется:

  а) отрицательное местоимение:

                            There is no book on the table.       На столе нет книги.

                           б) отрицание  not, которое ставится после глагола tobe, если перед существительным стоит количественное числительное или слова many, much, few, little

There are not five pencils on the table.                 На столе нет 5 карандашей.


§6. Имя числительное. (Numerals)

Имена числительные делятся на количественные и порядковые.

Количественные числительные обозначают количество предметов и отвечают на вопрос сколько?e.g:one, two, twenty, one hundred

Числительные от13до19 образуются от соответствующих числительных первого десятка прибавлением суффикса –teen : e.g:three- thirteen, fourfourteen, fivefifteen, sixsixteen, sevenseventeen(исключения: eleven, twelve)

Числительные, обозначающие десятки, образуются от соответствующих числительных первого десятка прибавлением суффикса – ty:e.g:two- twenty, threethirty, fourforty, fivefifty, six- sixty.

Между десятками и следующими за ними единицами ставится дефис: e.g:twenty-three, fifty-seven

Порядковые числительные обозначают порядок предметов при счете и отвечают на вопрос какой? Порядковые числительные образуются путем прибавления определённого артикля the и суффикса  -th:e.g:thesixth, theseventh, theninth (исключения:thefirst, thesecond, thethird, thefifth)


§7. Степени сравнения прилагательных в английском языке. (Degrees of Comparison)

Изменяться по степени сравнения могут только качественные прилагательные, которые обозначают какие-либо качества предмета и чье значение может быть выражено в большей или меньшей степени.

Существует три степени сравнения прилагательных в английском языке – положительная, сравнительная и превосходная: e.g.soft - softer –the softest

Прилагательные в превосходной степени обычно используются в комбинации с определенным артиклем the. Исключениями могут стать предложения, где имеется в виду очень высокая степень качества, а не сравнение с другим предметом:e.g.Sun sets are most beautiful here.(Здесь необычайно красивые закаты.)

Способы образования степеней сравнения прилагательных в английском языке.

Степени сравнения прилагательных могут быть образованы синтетически (при помощи суффиксов -er и -est),аналитически (при помощи слов more-most, less-least) и супплетивно (такие исключения, как good-better-best).

Синтетический способ возможен только для прилагательных из одного слога и двухсложных прилагательных с ударением на последний слог:

new – newer – the newest         
 polite – politer – the politest

Также сюда входят двусложные слова оканчивающиеся на -ble, -er, -y, -some, -ow:

noble – nobler – the noblest    
  tender – tenderer – the tenderest
  happy – happier – the happiest
narrow – narrower – the narrowest

При прибавлении суффиксов -er и -est нужно помнить о следующих правилах орфографии:

1.     Немое -e в конце слов опускается:

large – larger – largest
 brave – braver – bravest

2.     Если прилагательное оканчивается на краткую гласную и согласную, то в сравнительной и превосходной степени конечная согласная удваивается:

hot – hotter – hottest
big – bigger – biggest

3.     Если прилагательное оканчивается на согласную и букву -y, то в сравнительной и превосходной степени конечная -y заменяется на -i:

easy – easier – easiest
dirty – dirtier – dirtiest

Аналитический способ используется для многосложных слов. Добавляются слова  more/most (более/наиболее), less/least (менее/наименее):

effective – more effective – most effective
        dangerous – more dangerous – most dangerous

Супплетивный способ предполагает, что некоторые прилагательные в английском языке образуют степени сравнения не по общим правилам (при помощи своих супплетивных форм):

good – better – the best
bad – worse – the worst
little – less – the least
many – more – the most
far – farther/further – the farthest /furthest
old – older/elder – the oldest/eldest

Обратите внимание на различие в значении слов farther/further и older/elder: farther – farthest используется только в отношении физического расстояния (e.g. I live farther from school than Pete.Я живу дальше от школы, чем Петя.)

further – furthest имеет более широкое значение: (e.g. You can find further information on our web-site.На нашем сайте вы сможете найти дальнейшую информацию.)

elder – eldest обозначает старшинство в семьe: (e.g .My elder sister lives in Sochi. Моя старшая сестра живет в Сочи.)

older – oldest обозначает возраст: (e.g. This is the oldest cathedral in Europe. Это старейший собор в Европе.)


  §8.Артикливанглийскомязыке. (Article)

Артикль в английском языке – это служебная часть речи, которая служит для выражения категории определенности / неопределенности.

Определенность означает, что предмет индивидуализирован, выделен из всех остальных предметов этого вида, а неопределенность представляет собой более общую ссылку на этот тип предметов в целом. E.g: The boy has a ball.(У мальчика есть мячик.).В указанном примере имеется в виду некий определенный, конкретный мальчик, известный читателю из контекста, а слово «мячик» имеет более общее значение и обозначает, какой тип предмета у него есть.

В английском языке есть два артикля: определенный the и неопределенный a (an). Оба они произошли от знаменательных частей речи и частично сохранили в себе свое старое значение.

Неопределенный артикль в английском языке имеет два варианта – a и an. Если существительное начинается с согласного звука, то используется форма a, если с гласного – форма an:atree, aworker, ahero, anapple, anengineer, anhour.

Определенный артикль в английском языке.

Определенный артикль (the) сопровождает те существительные, которые уже должны быть известны слушателю из контекста, ситуации или из его общих знаний. Также он часто указывает на уникальные, единственные в своем роде предметы. Определенный артикль в английском языке обладает двумя значениями: конкретизирующим и обобщающим. Артикль в конкретизирующем значении выделяет конкретный, отдельный предмет из объектов одного типа. Это выделение может осуществляться при помощи определения, контекста, ситуации или значения самого существительного: e. g.William wanted to continue  hisstory, but suddenly his wife called him upstairs. Relieved, we were enjoying the silence.(Вильям хотел продолжить свою историю, но вдруг жена позвала его наверх. Мы с облегчением наслаждались (этой) тишиной.)

Такие определения, как next, following, last, very и only, а также порядковые числительные конкретизируют существительное, поэтому оно должно использоваться с определенным артиклем: e.g.The only question I have is how much I will be paid. (У меня есть только один вопрос – сколько мне заплатят.)
Кроме этого, определенный артикль используется с прилагательными в превосходной степени:
the tallest tower in the world (самая высокая башня в мире)

Определенный артикль с именами собственными.

Определенный артикль употребляется со следующими именами собственными:

·       Астрономические названия: the Sun, the North Star

·       Географические названия: the South Pole, the Hague, the Crimea

·       Горные цепи: the Alps, the Urals

·       Реки: the Thames, the Oka

·       Моря и океаны: the Baltic Sea, the Atlantic Ocean

·       Части света: in the North, to the West

·       Каналы: the Panama Canal, the English Channel

·       Названия некоторых стран: the USA,  the United Kingdom

·       Национальности: the Russians, the Americans

·       Пустыни: the Sahara, the Gobi

·       Районы городов: the Bronx, the City

·       Названия заведений, уникальных строений: the Kremlin,

·       Названия судов: the Queen Elizabeth

·       Названия газет: the Times, the Guardian

·       Семьи: the Ivanovs, the Forsytes, the Simpsons

Также определенный артикль можно использовать для дополнительного уточнения:e.g.You are not the light-minded John I knew. (Ты уже не тот легкомысленный Джон, которого я когда-то знал.).

Определенный артикль в устойчивых выражениях:

all the same, by the way, in the morning/evening/afternoon/night, on the one hand/on,  the other hand, on the right/on the left, on the whole, the day after tomorrow, the day before yesterday, the other, to play the piano/violin, to tell the truth и другие.

Неопределенный артикль в английском языке

Неопределенный артикль произошел от числительного one и используется, как правило, с существительными в единственном числе, обозначающими исчисляемые предметы. Неопределенный артикль в английском языке может иметь три значения: классифицирующее, обобщающее и численное.

Артикль в классифицирующем (причисляющем) значении относит предмет к определенному классу или группе предметов: e.g.Thereis aball onthegrass. (На траве лежит мяч.) То есть существительное с классифицирующим артиклем причисляет предмет к определенном классу, но не ссылается на него прямо.К этому значению также относится использование неопределенного артикля в восклицательных предложениях со словом what: e.g. What a tall man! (Какой высокий человек!) и перед исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе со словами rather, quite, such и most (очень): e.g.Itsquite a difficult question.(Это довольно трудный вопрос.)

Артикль в обобщающем значении означает, что существительное является представителем некоего класса, и всё, что о нем сказано в предложении, можно отнести и к другим предметам этого класса: e.g. Alimerick is a short comic verseconsisting of five lines. (Лимерик – это короткий юмористический стишок из пяти строк.)

В отличие от классифицирующих артиклей, которые вводят новое понятие или информацию, то есть самую важную часть предложения, обобщающие артикли лишь открывают собой высказывание.

В численном значении неопределенные артикли выражают свое исходное значение числа «один»: e.g.We could stay in Prague for only a day. (Мы могли оставаться в Праге только один день.)
Также артикли в численном значении могут приобретать значение «рюмка», «порция», «разновидность» и т. п.:
e.g.I’d like a whiskey. (Я бы хотел (одну) рюмку виски.).

Неопределенный артикль употребляется со следующими именами собственными:

1.Отдельные члены семьи: e.g. She is a Willis, and this means a lot. (Она – Уиллис (одна из семьи Уиллис), а это многое значит.)

2. Неизвестные люди: e.g. There is a Mrs. Limms waiting for you. (Вас ждет некая миссис Лиммс.)

3. Имена собственные, употребляющиеся как нарицательные: e.g. Im not a Rambo, am I? (Что я, по-твоему, какой-то Рембо?)

4.Когда имеется в виду состояние или черта существа или места: e.g. When we arrived, we saw adisturbed London: the war had  started. (Когда мы прибыли, то увидели растревоженный Лондон: началась война.)

Неопределенный артикль в устойчивых выражениях:

a few, a little, a lot of, a number of, as a result, at a distance of, at a loss, at a speed of, at a time, for a long/short time, in a hurry, in a whisper, on a large/small scale, to go for a walk, to have a good/bad time,


§9. Местоимения some, any, no ,every и их производные.

Неопределенные местоимения  some, anyвыражают наличие, либо отсутствие неопределенного качества или количества.  Some чаще всего употребляется в утвердительных предложениях. 

Some people get up very early.                    Некоторые люди встают очень рано.

Give me some milk, please.                         Дай мне молока, пожалуйста.


Any чаще всего употребляется в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях.

Have you any English books?            У тебя есть какие-нибудь английские книги?

We haven’t any English books.          У нас нет никаких английских книг.


Неопределенные местоимения образуют производные сочетания  словами   thing, body, one, where







































on one








Производные местоимения употребляются по аналогии с местоимениямиsome, any, no ,every.


§10.Типывопросов. (Types of questions)

В вопросительном предложении глагол должен предшествовать подлежащему, т.е. стоять перед ним. Вопросы бывают нескольких типов:

1) Общие вопросы.  В них глагол  to be (am, is, are) и глагол to have (have, has) выносится перед подлежащее.   

He is an engineer.              Is he an engineer? Ye, he is.

He has a TV set.                Has he a TV set?

2) Альтернативные вопросы строятся как общие с предложение выбора и содержат союз or  (или).

Is he an engineer or a driver?

 Has he a TV set or a computer?

3) Специальные вопросы начинаются вопросительным словом who (кто),  what (что, какой),  which (который),  when (когда), where (где),  why (почему),  how (как) и д.р.

Who is an engineer?                   

Who has a computer?

4) Разделительные вопросы представляют собой утвердительное или отрицательное повествовательное предложение, к которому присоединен краткий общий вопрос.

He is a driver, isn’t he? He is not an engineer, is he?

He has a TV set, hasn’t he? He has no computer, has he?


§11. Специальные вопросы с глаголом  to be.

Вопросы, относящиеся к какому-либо члену предложения и начинающиеся с вопросительного слова, называются специальными вопросами.

         Специальные вопросы с глаголом to be  начинаются с вопросительного слова, за ним следует глагол to be в соответствующей форме и далее подлежащие.

         Вопрос, относящийся к именной части сказуемого, начинается с вопросительного слова what «что».

What is this?                 Что это?

                      It is a book.                   Это книга?

Если именная часть составного сказуемого выражена существительным, обозначающим профессию, должность и т.д., то вопрос к именной части сказуемого тоже строится при помощи вопросительного слова what. В данном случае what переводится словом «кто»,  а не «что». 

What is he?                            Кто он (по профессии)?

He is a student.                       Он студент.

Если именная часть сказуемого выражена существительным, обозначающим имя, фамилию, степень родства, то вопрос к именной части сказуемого строится при помощи вопросительного слова who  «кто».

Who is that woman?           Кто эта женщина?

                   She is Ann.                          Она Анна.              

Вопросительное слово what, если оно стоит перед существительным, переводится как «какой» (какая, какое, какие).

What flat is it?                          Какая это квартира?

                      This is two-room flat.              Это двухкомнатная квартира.

          В вопросах, относящихся к обстоятельству места, употребляется вопросительное слово where«где», «куда».

Where is the tea-pot?              Где чайник?

                        It is in the kitchen.                  Он в кухне.


§12.  Present Simple - простое настоящее время

Время Present Simple обозначает действие в настоящем в широком смысле слова. Оно употребляется для обозначения обычных, регулярно повторяющихся или постоянных действий, например, когда мы говорим о чьих либо привычках, режиме дня, расписании и т. д., т. е. Present Simple обозначает действия, которые происходят в настоящее время, но не привязаны именно к моменту речи.

Образование Present Simple.

Английский глагол во временной форме Present Simple почти всегда совпадает со своей начальной, то есть указанной в словаре, формой без частицы to. Лишь в 3-ем лице единственного числа к ней нужно прибавить окончание -s: I work – he works

Если глагол оканчивается на -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -o, то к нему прибавляется окончание -es: I wish – he wishes.

К глаголам на -y тоже прибавляется окончание -es, а -y заменяется на -i-: I try – he tries.

Для того, чтобы построить вопросительное предложение, перед подлежащим нужно поставить вспомогательный глагол. Время Present Simple используется без него, поэтому в этом случае добавляется вспомогательный глагол do (или does в 3 л. ед. ч.):

Do you like rock?           Does he speak English?
Тебе нравится рок?         Он говорит по-английски?
В отрицательных предложениях тоже используется вспомогательный глагол do/does, но не перед подлежащим, а перед глаголом. После него прибавляется отрицательная частица not.  Do/does и not часто сокращаются до don’t и doesn’t соответственно:

I do not like black coffee.                   She doesnt smoke
Я не люблю черный кофе.               Она не курит. 
Случаи употребления Present Simple

·       Регулярные, повторяющиеся действия:

I often go to the park. (Я часто хожу в парк)

·       Действие в настоящем в широком смысле слова (не обязательно в момент речи):

Jim studies French. (Джим изучает французский.)

·       Общеизвестные факты:The  Earth is round. (Земля – круглая.)

·       Перечисление последовательности действий:We analyse what our clients may need, develop a new product, produce a sample, improve it and sell it.(Мы анализируем, что может понадобиться нашим клиентам, разрабатываем новый продукт, изготавливаем образец, дорабатываем его и продаем.)

·       Некоторые случаи указания на будущее время (если имеется в виду некое расписание или план действий, а также в придаточных предложениях времени и условия):The airplane takes off at 2.30 p.m. (Самолет взлетает в 14:30.)

·       Некоторые случаи указания на прошедшее время (в заголовках газет, при пересказе историй):I met Lenny last week. He comes to me and says, “Hello, mister!”(На прошлой неделе я встретил Ленни. Подходит ко мне и говорит: «Здорово, мистер!»)


§13.  Past Simple - простое прошедшее время.

Время Past Simple используется для обозначения действия, которое произошло в определенное время в прошлом и время совершения которого уже истекло. Для уточнения момента совершения действия в прошлом при использовании времени Past Simple обычно используются такие слова, как five days ago (пять дней назад), last year(в прошлом году), yesterday (вчера), in 1980 (в 1980 году) и т.п.

Образование Past Simple.

Для того, чтобы поставить английский глагол во время Past Simple, нужно использовать его «вторую форму». Для большинства глаголов она образуется прибавлением окончания -ed: examine – examined, enjoy – enjoyed, close – closed.

Однако есть также достаточно большая группа неправильных английских глаголов, которые образуют форму прошедшего времени не по общим правилам, для них форму прошедшего времени нужно просто запомнить.We saw yourdogtwoblocksfromhere. (Мы видели вашу собаку в двух кварталах отсюда.)

В вопросительном предложении перед подлежащим нужно использовать вспомогательный глагол do в прошедшем времени – did, а после подлежащего поставить основной, значимый глагол в начальной форме:Did you wash yourhands?  (Ты помыл руки?)

В отрицательных предложениях перед глаголом нужно поставить вспомогательный глагол did и отрицательную частицу not:We didnot find our car. (Мы не нашли свою машину)
Случаи употребления Past Simple:

·       Указание на простое действие в прошлом:I saw Jeremy in the bank.(Я видел Джереми в банке.)

·       Регулярные, повторяющиеся действия в прошлом:The old man often visited me.(Старик часто меня навещал)

·       Перечисление последовательности действий в прошлом:I heard a strange sound, looked back, and saw a huge cat sitting on the table.(Я услышал странный звук, обернулся и увидел здоровенного кота, сидящего на столе.)


§14.  Future Simple - простое будущее время.

Время Future Simple ссылается на действие, которое совершится в неопределенном или отдаленном будущем. Простое будущее время обычно используется с обстоятельствами: tomorrow (завтра), next year (в следующем году),in five years (через пять лет), in 2035 (в 2035 году) и т.п.

Образование Future Simple.

Для того, чтобы поставить глагол во временную форму Future Simple, нужно использовать его начальную форму и вспомогательный глагол shall (для первого лица) или will (второе и третье лицо). В устной речи shall и will чаще всего сокращаются до формы ‘ll, которая может использоваться во всех лицах.

Примечание: В современном английском, особенно в устной речи, will стал использоваться и в первом лице:I will go to Shanghai next summer.(Следующим летом я поеду в Шанхай.)

В вопросительном предложении вспомогательные глаголы shallили will ставятся перед подлежащим. Значимый глагол остается после подлежащего в своей начальной форме.

В отрицательных предложениях за вспомогательным глаголом следует отрицательная частица not. Вместе они могут быть сокращены до формы shan’t (чаще в брит. английском) или won’t:

I shall not (shan’t) let you down.           Fred will not (won’t) agree to help us.
Я вас не подведу.                                  Фред не согласится нам помочь.

Случаи употребления Future Simple:

·  Указание на простое действие в будущем:

We’ll return in 4 hours.                 It will not be easy to convince him.
Мы вернемся через 4 часа.          Его будет нелегко убедить.

·  Регулярные, повторяющиеся действия в будущем:

I promise I’ll visit you every day.
Обещаю, что буду навещать тебя каждый день.

·  При перечислении последовательности действий в будущем:

I cannot wait for my vacation. I shall go to the river, swim and fish every day.
Не могу дождаться своего отпуска. Буду каждый день ходить к речке, купаться и ловить рыбу.


§15.  Present Perfect - настоящее совершенное время

Время Present Perfect обозначает действие, которое завершилось к настоящему моменту или завершено в период настоящего времени. Хотя английские глаголы в Present Perfect обычно переводятся на русский язык в прошедшем времени, следует помнить, что в английском языке эти действия воспринимаются в настоящем времени, так как привязаны к настоящему результатом этого действия.

I have done my homework already.           We have no classes today, our teacher has fallen ill.
Я уже сделал домашнее задание.              У нас сегодня не будет уроков, наш учитель заболел.
Образование Present Perfect. 

Время Present Perfect образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to have в настоящем времени и причастия прошедшего времени значимого глагола, то есть его «третьей формы».

To have в настоящем времени имеет две формы:

·  has – 3 лицо, ед. ч. (He has played)

·  have – 1 и 2 лицо ед.ч. и все формы мн. ч. (I have played)

Примечание:Личные местоимения и вспомогательный глагол часто сокращаются до he’s, they’ve и т. п.
В зависимости от использованного в предложении времени сокращения типа he’s могут расшифровываться и как he is, и как he has.

Причастие второе, или причастие прошедшего времени (Participle II), можно получить, прибавив к начальной форме значимого глагола окончание -ed:examineexamined, enjoyenjoyed, closeclosed   .

Однако есть также достаточно большая группа неправильных английских глаголов, которые образуют форму прошедшего времени не по общим правилам. Для них форму причастия прошедшего времени нужно запомнить.

В вопросительном предложении вспомогательный глагол выносится на место перед подлежащим, а значимый глагол остается после него:

Have you seen this film?Has she come yet?
Ты смотрел этот фильм?            Она еще не пришла?

В отрицательных предложениях за вспомогательным глаголом следует отрицательная частица not. Формы have и has при этом могут быть сокращены до haven’t и hasn’t соответственно:I haventseen himsincethen. (С тех пор я его так и не видел).

Случаи употребления Present Perfect:

·  Если говорящему важен сам факт произошедшего действия, а не его время или обстоятельства:I havevisited theLouvre 3 times. (Я посетил Лувр три раза) .

Если время события имеет значение, то нужно использовать время Past Simple:

I visited the Louvre last year. (Я посетил Лувр в прошлом году.)

·  Если период, в который произошло действие, еще не закончился:I havefinished readingDraculathisweek. (На этой неделе я закончил читать «Дракулу».)В противном случае используется время Past Simple:

I finished reading “Dracula” 2 weeks ago. ( Я закончил читать «Дракулу» две недели назад.)

·  Для обозначения действий, которые начались в прошлом и продолжаются в момент разговора:Ivestudied Spanishsincechildhood. (Я учил испанский с детства.)


§ 15.  Модальные глаголы can, may, must.

Модальными глаголами называются глаголы, которые выражают не действие или состояние, а отношение к ним действующего лица, т.е. возможность, вероятность, необходимость совершения действия и т.д. Употребляются они только в сочетании с другими глаголами. Модальные глаголы имеют ряд особенностей:

         1) Они не имеют формы инфинитива.

         2) Инфинитив смыслового глагола употребляется за модальным глаголом без частицы to

         3) Эти глаголы не изменяются по лицам и числам.

         4) Вопросительная и отрицательная форма образуется без вспомогательного глагола.

Модальные глаголы в английском языке:

·  Can / Could

·  May / Might

·  Must

·  Have to / Have got to

·  Be to

·  Need

·  Ought to

·  Should

·  Would

·  Shall

·  Will

·  Dare

·  Used to

Чаще всего используются первые три: Can, May и Must. Эти глаголы имеют самое общее значение и иногда могут заменять собой остальные модальные глаголы.

Вопросительные предложения с модальными глаголами образуются без вспомогательного глагола to do, при этом модальный глагол выносится в начало предложения:

Shall I help you?                 Could you give me his address?
Мне помочь?                       Не дадите мне его адрес?
Отрицательная форма модального глагола образуется постановкой после него частицы not. Зачастую, особенно в устной речи, они сливаются в сокращенную форму:
cannot  – cant,mustnotmustnt,maynotmaynt.








Таблица неправильных глаголов английского языка

I форма глагола

II форма глагола

III форма глагола





будить, просыпаться


was; were


быть, находиться




























































видеть сны, мечтать




пить, выпить




везти, ехать




кушать, есть












































идти, ехать




расти, выращивать












хранить, держать












оставлять, уезжать
































говорить, сказать








































взять, брать




обучать, учить






























flat, n

housewife, n

aunt ,n

uncle, n

convenience, n

discuss, v

duties, n

faithful, adj

favorite, adj

fresh, adj

go in for sports        

large, adj

live, v

modern, adj

parents , n

prefer, v

running water                  


work , v

tidy, adj

try , v


spend, v












заниматься спортом






горячая вода









appearance, n

because, conj

become, v

both, adv

diligent , adj

especially, adv

faithful, adj

find, v

former, adj

friend , n

honest, adj

important, adj

in common, adv

in general,adv

intelligent  , adj

kind, adj

many, adv

nice, adj

often, adv

popular, adj

want, v

study hard, v

strong, adj

tall, adj

team, n

to be grateful                    

same, adj


внешность,внешний вид

потому что












в общем








усердно учиться




быть благодарным




among, adv

attention, n

city, n

classmates , n

compulsory, adj

country, n

different, adj

field, n

health, n

keep fit, v

kind, adj

like, v

live, v

make, v

neсessary, adj

outside, adv

winter, n

provide , v

subject, n

summer , n

too, adv

unite, v

pay, v











поддерживать форму

вид, тип

любить, нравиться














against, adv

author, n

belong, v

bring , v

build, v

capital, n

cherry, n

discover, v

district, n

empty , adj

enjoy, v

far, adv

honour, n

independence , n

large, adj

law, n

location, n

marble, adj

meet, v

memory, n

old, adj

piece, n

place, n

quite, adv

say, v

to be situated, v

view , n

was founded, v

state, n





























 был основан






ancient, adj

attitude, n

create, v

destruction, n

development, n

encrease, v

environment, n

harmful interference

industrial enterprises

layer, n

pollute, v

rare, adj

security, n

source, n

suffer, v

universal concern

disappear, v








окружающая среда

вредное воздействие

промышленные предприятия







общая забота





activity, n

available, adj

broadcast, n

channels, n

communicate, v

compete, v

connect, v

digital, adj

exchange, v

foreign, adj

fun, n

include , v

mean, n

recreation, n

retrieve , v

search, v

share, v

store, v

through, prep

topic, n

transaction, n

use, v

variety, n

wide, adj








связывать (-ся)










делить (-ся)










always, adv

as a  rule , adv

bell, n

brush, v

canteen, n

clean, v

cloakroom, n

dress oneself, v

drink, v

wash, v

it takes me

leave, v

library, n

never, adv

put on, v

sometimes, adv

usually, adv

hometask, n



как правило









мне требуется

уходить, покидать






домашнее задание



air, v

also, adv

as soon as, adv

buy, v

day off, n

department, n

discuss, v

do shopping, v

favorite, adj

free, adj

funny , adj

get ready, v

goods, n

last, adj

meet, v

rolls, n

think, v

till, prep

together, adv

wake up, v

spend, v




как только





делать покупки



смешной, забавный




встечать, встречаться










advertising, n

attract, v

audience, n

basically, adv

change, v

culture, n

current, adj

drive, v

educate, v

entertain, v

event, n

give, v

hear, v

important, adj

influence, v

inform, v

look, v

newspaper, n

own, v

play, n


review, n

society, n

spare time, adj

to be interested in, v

try, v

various, adj

raise, v





в основном

менять, меняться



водить машину
















вободное время

интересоваться ч-л


различный, разный




attract, v

avoid, v

behave, v

disgusting, adj

impression, n

kindness, n

liquid, n

manners, n

mess, n

neighbour, n



public, adj

require, v

rule, v

slice, n


suspiciously, adv

stretch, v



вести себя








оскорбительный, обидный

немедленно, своевременно





чрезмерный, излишний


тянуть  (ся)



birthday, n

celebrate, v

firework, n

holiday, n

independence, n

land, n

present, n

reflect, v

remind, v

still, prep

survive, v

traditions, n

widely, adv

watch, v

turkey, n


день рождения









все еще









chamber, n

chemicals, n

consider, v

consist, v

custom, n

develop, v

education, n

expensive, adj

free, adj

government, n

head, n

industrial, adj

influence, n

lake, n

main, adj

mild, adj

mountain, n

occupy, v

plain, n

population, n

produce, v

rule, v

state, n

surface, n

to be situated, v

vary, v

warm, adj

vast, adj



продукты хим.промышленности

считать, полагать



развивать (-ся)


























 add,  v


divide, v

division, n

equal, adj

fraction, n

mean, v

multiplication , n

multiply, v

sign, n

signify, v

subtract, v

subtraction, n







означать, значить



знак, признак

означать, обозначать






acute angle

angle, n

at right angle to

cone, n

correct, adj

cube, n

curve, n

cylinder, n

enough,  adv

equal, adj

figure, n

number, n

obtuse angle

opposite, adj

parallel lines


plane, n

point, n

pyramid, n

rectangle, n

true, adv

right angle

shape, n

side, n

solid shapes

square, n

straight line

triangle, n

rectilinear, n


острый угол                 


под прямым углом к


правильный, верный







номер, число   

тупой угол                

противоположный                                                    параллельные линии







прямой угол



пространственные фигуры


прямая линия





UNIT  16


area, n

certain, adj

clear, adj

coal, n

consider, v

decline, v

dedicate, v

develop, v

flour, n

heavy , v

industry, n

light, adj

major, adj

mention , v

prosperity, n

recent, adj

source, n

variety, n

wool, n

























adjustable, adj

attach, v

blade, n

boil, v

fill, v

drum, n

hose, n

lid, n

plug, n

right, adj

screw, n

until, prep

separately, adv

sink, n

slide, n

spin, v

switch, v

tie, v

tub, n

secure, adj




лопасть, диск, лист

















безопасный, надежный




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