Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыУпражнения на страдательных залог "Present Simple Passive Voice " для 6 класса

Упражнения на страдательных залог "Present Simple Passive Voice " для 6 класса

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Exercises on Present Simple Passive


I.                   Fill in the verb is or are.


1.      Grammar rules ... always learnt by heart.

2.     Rare animals ... protected in many countries.

3.     This scarf ... made by my granny.

4.     Animals in the reserve ... fed two times a day.

5.     The same shirts ... worn by all the members of our team.

6.     New Belarussian books ... shown in our library

7.     Many Belarussian towns ... described in this book.

8.    Dinner ... always cooked by my mother.

9.     This place ... crowded on Sunday.

10.Our village ... surrounded with a forest.


 II. Write true sentences in Passive Voice. Use the words in table.


1) BMW cars

2) CDs

3) Tea

4) Modems

5) Cricket

6) TV pictures



grown in India.

sent via satellite.

played in England.

sold in music shops.

made in Germany.

used to access the Internet.

The house

The children


The letter

The newspapers


The picture

The classroom







invited to the concert

brought in the morning

cooked by my mother

painted by my friend

cleaned every day

given text-books at school

built of stone

written in English

not allowed to ride a motor-bike.

grown in many countries.


III  3 . Choose the correct form of the verb in brackets to complete the sentences.

1.      I ... (like / am liked) this place.

2.     What books by Charles Dickens ... (translated / are translated) into Belarussian?

3.     Who ... (protects / is protected) animals?

4.     This city ... (is visited / visited) by many people.

5.     Who ... (gives / is given) bad marks in your class?

6.     Our house ... (made /is made) of wood.

7.     Our holiday ... (is begun / begins) next week.

8.    Pupils ... (are given / give) textbooks by the teacher.

9.     The holiday ... (celebrated / is celebrated) every year.



Exercises on Present Simple Passive.

Level : Pre-Intermediate.

IV . Fill in the gaps using the Present Simple Passive Voice form of the verb in brackets.


Mushroom and Ham Salad

First, 5 mushrooms … (1 – cut) into small pieces and …(2 — mix) with two cut spring onions. Then, 100 g cooked ham …(3— cut) into fine cubes. Now, mushrooms, onions and ham … (4 — mix) in a bowl. Finally, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice … (5 — mix) with 1 tablespoon of soy sauce and the mixture… (6 — add) to the salad mixture. Enjoy your salad!


The news reporter and a camera operator _______ (1 – send) to investigate a news story. People_____ (2 – interview) by a reporter and the interviews ______ (3 – film) by a camera operator. The film ____ (4 – take) back to the TV studio, and the best parts of the film _______ (5 – choose) by the news editor. Finally, the news report ______ (6 – send) to televisions in people's homes and the news _____ (7 – watch) by people all over the country.


My motherland is the Republic of Belarus. My country (1 – situate) in the centre of Europe. It (2 – make up) of six regions: Brest, Vitebsk, Gomel, Grodno, Minsk and Mogilev. Belarus (3 – not wash) by any seas or oceans, so it (4 – not separate) from other countries by seas and oceans. Belarus (5 – border) by five countries.

Belarus is mostly flat (плоская). Some uplands can (6 – find) near Minsk and in some districts of Mogilev and Grodno regions. Most of Belarus (7 – cover) by forests. It is a beautiful country with a lot of lakes.

V  Put the passive sentences in order.

1.      in a lot of schools / are / used / Computers

2.     of plastic / made / are / CDs

3.     seen / The information / on a screen/can be

4.     are / very quickly / The answers / calculated

5.     played / The game / is / on a computer

6.     with a modem / are / sent / E-mails

7.     is / on a disk / Information / stored

8.    sent / Text messages / are / using mobile phones

9.     to get information / used / is / The Internet


VI  Respond to the situations with a negative sentence using the words and word combinations in brackets.


Cars are made at this factory, (bicycles)

— But bicycles are not made at this factory.

1.      Bread is sold in this shop, (milk)

2.     Our house is built of wood, (their house)

3.     My books are kept on the shelf. exercise-books )

4.     My younger sister is usually given fruit and milk for supper, (my elder brother)

5.     Apples are grown in Belarus, (oranges)

6.     Glass is made of sand, (paper)

7.     My dresses are made by my mother, (jackets)

8.    Films are watched by many people, (sports programmes)

9.     This apple-tree is planted by me. (that cherry-tree)

10.All the words are always learnt by the pupils. (rules)


VII. Answer the questions in Simple Present Passive.


 Is football played in the yard?

— Yes, it is. It’s sometimes played in the yard.

— No, it isn’t. It’s usually played in the field.

Is it played by boys or by girls?

— It’s played by boys as a rule.

1.      Are you always given good marks?

2.     Is your friend also given good marks?

3.     Is your homework always done in time?

4.     Are you often given money by your parents?

5.     Is chess played by two or three people?

6.     Are you often punished at home?

7.     Are trees planted in summer or in autumn?

8.    Are you shown pictures at your English lessons?

9.     Are your exercise-books collected at the beginning or at the end of the lesson?

VIII  Ask for more information about the sentences using the words in brackets.


 The children are left after the lessons.(why,how often)

— Why are the children left after the lessons?

—How often are the children left after the lessons?

1.      The game is won by our school team, (what game)

2.     The map is brought from England, (when)

3.     My books are not kept on the shelf, (why)

4.     School meetings are held every month, (where)

5.     The glass is filled with something, (what)

6.     Hockey is usually played by boys, (when)

7.     Oranges are not grown in Belarus, (why)

8.    The dinner is not yet served, (why)

9.     New rules are explained at the lesson, (by whom)


Exercises on Present Simple Passive. Level – Intermediate.

IX Answer the questions using the words in brackets. 

1.      Do many tourists come to Britain? (is visited )

2.     Where is the ‘garden of England? (is situated)

3.     Does it snow in the mountains of Wales? (are covered with)

4.     What language do people in Scotland speak? (is spoken)

5.     Are there many seas around the country? (is surrounded by / is washed by)

6.     Do they make world-famous crafts and clothes in Scotland? (are made)

7.     Do many people know about the beautiful mountains and lakes of Wales? (are known all over the world)

8.    Why is the green colour a symbol of Northern Ireland? (is covered)


X Make up questions in Simple Present Passive.





By whom


the windows

this box



your homework

rare animals

these houses



to check up?

to make of?

to protect?

to grow?

to wash?

to keep?

to sell?

to build?

to serve?


X I. Change the verbs from Active into Passive.


 The teacher helps the pupils.

— The pupils are helped by the teacher.

 They grow rice in India.

— Rice is grown in India.

1.      I take books at the library.

2.     Boys play football.

3.     We clean our classroom after the lessons.

4.     The postman brings newspapers every day.

5.     They show American films every Sunday on TV.

6.     We keep the dog in the yard. .

7.     We give milk to our cat every day.

8.    We usually pick apples in September.

9.     He shows me his stamps each time when I come to his place.

10.They use disks for storing information.

11.  They discover new planets every day.

12. People give presents at Christmas.

13. They speak Spanish in Peru.

14. They tidy the classroom every day.


XII. Change the sentences from Active into Passive. Then make questions about these sentences.


I keep my pet in the house.

— My pet is kept in the house.

— Where is your pet kept?

1.      We always write new words into our exercise books.

2.     Exercises follow every text.

3.     The pupils use the school library.

4.     Not all pupils wear the school uniform.

5.     The teacher gives us all the text-books.

6.     My mother washes my clothes.


XIII .Write questions to the sentences

1.      The park is situated in the centre of the city, (what, where)

2.     The statue is made by a famous sculptor, (disjunctive)

3.     Demonstrations are held in this square, (what, where)

4.     The square is planned round the monument. (general)

5.     The obelisk is decorated with figures, (how)

6.     The tent is put up on a rock, (alternative


XIV Change the sentences from Active into Passive.

1.      Do they sell shoes in this shop?

2.     Do they bring tea from India?

3.     Do they teach English at your school?

4.     Do they make bicycles at this factory?

5.     Do they pay him a lot of money?

6.     Where do they sell bananas?


XV  Translate into English.

1.      Слова написаны на доске.

2.     Эта книга продается во всех магазинах

3.     Ему часто отправляют письма?

4.     Когда приносят газеты?

5.     Этот парк всегда показывают туристам.

6.     Завтрак не дают в нашей школе.

7.     Эти тексты не учат наизусть.


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