Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыУрок английского языка в 11 классе по теме "Family ties"

Урок английского языка в 11 классе по теме "Family ties"

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Технологическая карта урока № 13                             Дата: 20 октября 2017 года

Учитель: Воликова Ольга Анатольевна

Предмет: Английский язык

Класс: 11

Цель урока:

Формирование коммуникативной, лингвистической компетенции учащихся, создание условий для саморегуляции личности через семантизацию учебного материала по теме «Семейные узы».

Задачи урока:

Образовательный аспект – формировать и совершенствовать фонетические, лексические, грамматические навыки, навыки чтения, аудирования, устной речи.

Развивающий аспект – развивать мыслительные процессы, связанные с речевой деятельностью, учить логически излагать, сравнивать, анализировать.

Воспитательный аспект – воспитывать чувство гордости за свою семью, положительного, уважительного и толерантного отношения к окружающим, чувство любви и уважения к семье, к родителям, повышать интерес к этническим ценностям.

Планируемые результаты:

Учебные задачи, направленные на достижение личностных результатов обучения:

– формирование позитивной моральной  самооценки и моральных чувств; 
– уважение ценностей семьи.

Учебные задачи, направленные на достижение метапредметных результатов обучения:

– развивать коммуникативную компетенцию во взаимодействии с окружающими;
–  осуществлять самоконтроль и самооценку в процессе коммуникативной деятельности на английском языке.

Учебные задачи, направленные на достижение предметных результатов обучения:

– совершенствовать развитие навыков устной речи  на английском языке в рамках заданной учебной ситуации;
– овладеть речевой, социокультурной компетенциями.

Универсальные учебные действия:

Познавательные действия, направленные на овладение способностью определять, принимать и сохранять цели и задачи учебной деятельности, поиска средств её осуществления; осуществлять осознанное построение речевого высказывания на основе анализа, сравнения, установления аналогий.

Регулятивные действия, направленные на принятие решения и осуществление самостоятельного выбора в учебной и познавательной деятельности.

Коммуникативные действия, направленные на развитие навыков сотрудничества со сверстниками; определение общей цели и путей её достижения; осуществление взаимного контроля в совместной деятельности.

Личностные действия, направленные на формирование внутренней позиции и нравственно – этической оценки.

Оборудование урока: ПК учителя, мультимедийное оборудование, учебники, рабочие тетради, презентация по теме « Family ties», раздаточный материал (тексты для чтения, лексические упражнения), картинки – настроения, цветы для составления букета настроения, карточки со словами по теме «Семейные узы».

Межпредметные связи: связь с предметом «обществознание».

Технология изучения указанной темы осуществляется при помощи создания учебной ситуации.

Формы работы: фронтальная, индивидуальная, групповая, парная

УМК:  О.А.Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева. «Английский в фокусе» для 11 класса общеобразовательных учреждений. Express Publishing «Просвещение», М., 2013 год


Lesson stage

Teacher’s activity

Pupil’s activity


Beginning of the lesson (Организационный момент. Цель: создание учебного настроя на учебную деятельность).

T: Good morning, boys and girls! I am glad to see you and our guests.

1)      С дежурным: Who is on duty today? Who is absent? Today is the  …  . Let’s begin our work!

2)      Выбор картинкинастроении: Look at the pictures. There are faces of  mood. What mood do you have? Take the picture to your mood. Who has … mood?

Students greet a teacher.






Students choose a picture of mood/


Presentation of the topic (Этап целеполагания и мотивации, постановки проблемного вопроса. Цель: подведение учащихся к формулированию темы и постановке задач урока).

T: Look at the screen and read the thought by Joyce Brothers “When you look at your life, the greatest happinesses are family happinesses”.

T; Very good! Of course, you are right! We are going to speak about family relations. (слайды 1-3)

Students read the thought by Joyce Brothers and formulate the topic of the lesson and give their opinions.


Phonetic exercises (Фонетическая зарядка. Цель: совершенствование произносительных навыков, предотвращение возможных фонетических сложностей).

T:  To have a start we must do some phonetic exercises. Pay attention on the sounds, please.

Father, mother,

Sister, brother

Hand in hand

With one another …      


Students practice in your phonetic skills.


Students pronounce aloud the poem on the blackboard.


Warming up (Речевая разминка. Цель: речевое погружение – использование лексических и грамматических единиц в устной речи в соответствии с целями общения).

T: Children, this is Helen Brown a psychology. She wants to ask you some questions about your family relations.

1)      Is your family important to you?

2)      Do you live in full family or single parent one?

3)      Are you the only child in the family?

4)      Do you have siblings?

5)      Do you get on well or badly with your relatives?

6)      Do your parents support you when you have problems?

7)      Do you regard your parents?

8)      Are your parents strict?

9)      What do you and your parents like to do together?

10)  Do think you have a happy family? (приложение 1, слайд 4)


T: Read the poem, please. (приложение 2)


What is a family?

Who is a family?

One and another makes two is a family.

Baby and father and mother: a family.

Parents and sister and brother: a family.

All kinds of people can make up a family.

All kinds of mixtures can make up a family.

What is a family?

Who is a family?

The children that lived in a shoe is a family!

A pair like Kanga and Roo is a family!

A calf and a cow that go moo is a family!

All kinds of creatures can make up a family.

All kinds of numbers can make up a family.

All of your family plus you is a family! (слайд 5)

One pupil asks and other students answer the questions.
























Students read the poem.


Listening (Аудирование текста. Цель: совершенствование навыков восприятия речи на слух и проверка понимания прослушанного).

T: Do you know these people? Are they saints of family, love and fidelity? (приложение3, слайды 6 - 7)

Students listen the story and  find out which sentences below are true  and which are false.



Reading (Работа с учебником. Чтение текста. Цель: совершенствование навыков чтения по теме, выполнение задания на словообразование в формате ЕГЭ).

T: And now we will read the text about Victorian Families: page 22 of your student’s books. Use the words in brackets in the correct form to complete the gaps. Explain the words. (слайды 8 – 11)

Students read the text in the student’s book and use the words in brackets in the correct form to complete the gaps.


Rests minute (Физкульминутка. Цель: снятие усталости и умственного напряжения).

T: I see, you tired a little. That’s why let’s rest a little.

Stand up!

Hands up, hands down,

Hands on hips,

Sit down!

Stand up!

Hands to the sides,

Bend left, bend right!

Hands on hips.

One, two, three hop!

One, two, three stop!

Thank you, everybody. (слайд 12)

Students do exercises (видеоролик).


Writing and speaking (Письмо и говорение. Представление мини – проектов для создания постера (проверка домашнего задания). Цель: построение высказывания в соответствии с ситуацией. Использование структуры письма неформального характера).

T: Imagine yourself: this is John Simpson. He is a correspondent from the “Teens” magazine (the teacher shows a picture). He would like to know about your family members; who you admire most in your family and why; your family values; what you usually do with your family and make a poster. Tell him in your letters, please.Ask him 3 questions about the relations with his parents.  You had to write 100 – 140 words in your letters and to remember the structure of informal letter.

Students present their answers.


Culture corner (Работа со страноведческой информацией. Цель: закрепление знаний о стране изучаемого языка).

T: Look on the screen, please. You can see the British Royal Family. How well do you know the British Royal Family? Let’s do Royal Family Quiz. See the answers on the blackboard. (слайды 12 – 15)

Students do the quiz and check the answers of each other (Speak out №56/ 2006 «Royal Family Quiz», page 8-9).


Vocabulary (Работа с лексикой (работа у доски). Цель: закрепление изученной лексики.

1)Работа у доски.







2) Работа с пословицами.




3)Закрепление лексики (работа в парах) и проверка работы у доски.






T: The first task is: match the words and their meanings. (приложение 5, 6).

T: The second task is: match phrases with the families. (приложение 7).


T: Мatch the parts of English proverbs about the family and then give the equivalents of Russian proverbs. (приложение 4, слайд 16))



T: Do you like cartoons? And now you will do a little funny task. Each group have to play puzzles, say the name of the cartoon and describe the family in it (e.g. nuclear family, single parent family).

(приложение 8).






Two pupils are working across the board doing the task and using the cards. The other pupils will check the tasks after the work with proverbs.



match the parts of English proverbs, translate them and give the equivalents of Russian proverbs.




Students  in five groups play puzzels, say the name of the cartoon and describe the family in the cartoon.


Home task (Домашнее задание. Цель: ориентировать на дальнейшее изучение иностранного языка).

T: Your home task is exercise 1, page 11 WB. You will read the text “The changing face of the British Family” and fill the gaps (1-6) with the phrases (A-G). This exercise is in the format of RNE.

Students write down their home task in your diaries.


The end of the lesson (Заключительная часть урока. Подведение итогов. Выставление оценок. Рефлексия. Цель: соотнесение поставленных задач с достигнутыми результатами).

 Teacher: We come to the end of the lesson. Today we have spoken much about families; the family plays an important role in our life. Our psychology Helen Brown wants you to express your opinion what family value is. You worked very well at the lesson and you were very activity. The lesson was interesting.I am going to give you good marks. Thank you for your work. (слайды 17 – 19)

(Составление букета настроения. Учащимся раздаются бумажные цветы: красные и синие. На доске изображена ваза, на которую прикрепляются цветы).

 Teacher: Now tell me, please. Did you like our lesson?


Students complete the statement “Family value is … “on the blackboard, using the cards with the words: responsibility, security, understanding, care, closeness, love, loyalty, respect, support

In my opinion

It seems to me

From my point of view

There is no doubt




(Учащиеся составляют «Букет настроения» и сравнивают своё настроение с началом урока).






Warming – up (Answer my questions, please)

1)      Is your family important to you?

2)      Do you live in full family or single parent one?

3)      Are you the only child in the family?

4)      Do you have siblings?

5)      Do you get on well or badly with your relatives?

6)      Do your parents support you when you have problems?

7)      Do you regard your parents?

8)      Are your parents strict?

9)      What do you and your parents like to do together?

10)  Do think you have a happy family?


Read the poem, please.


What is a family?

Who is a family?

One and another makes two is a family.

Baby and father and mother: a family.

Parents and sister and brother: a family.

All kinds of people can make up a family.

All kinds of mixtures can make up a family.

What is a family?

Who is a family?

The children that lived in a shoe is a family!

A pair like Kanga and Roo is a family!

A calf and a cow that go moo is a family!

All kinds of creatures can make up a family.

All kinds of numbers can make up a family.

All of your family plus you is a family!


Listen  the text to find out which sentences below are true  and which are false.


     There is a beautiful legend about Peter and Phevronia and their great love. These saints help people in love and families. The history of this holiday began on the 13th century when Peter, Grand Duke of Murom, was very ill and nobody could help him. Only a young country girl, whose name was Phevronia, cured him.

     Peter promised to marry Phevronia but did not keep the promise and he became ill again. So Peter had nothing to do but to marry Phevronia, but soon he realized that she was his only love.

     Peter and Phevronia died the same time on July 8. In spite of their will the lovers were buried in different temples but the next morning people found them in the same grave. Since then young people pray to  Peter and Phevronia for great love and older people ask them for harmony in families. They are Murom saints and their relics are kept in Saint – Trinity monastery in the old town of Murom that is situated on the river Oka. Many people go there to ask Peter and Phevronia for help in love and marriage matters.

      In 2008 it became a state holiday in Russia. On the 8th of July people in Russia celebrate The All Russia Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. The symbol of this holiday is a daisy because it is a very clean, nice and tender flower. It is a symbol of love and fidelity. In Murom there is Peter and Phevronia’s sculpture imaged by Nikolai Scherbakov. Many young couples would like to marry exactly on the 8th of July. There is a tradition to present daisies and flowers.





1.      The day of Family, Love and Fidelity is a Russian national holiday.



2.      This holiday is very old.



3.      Peter and Phevronia are Russian Saints.



4.      The symbol of this holiday is a daisy.



5.      Their relic is kept in Spaso – Preobrazhensky monastery.




Мatch the parts of English proverbs about the family and then give the equivalents of Russian  proverbs.

1.      Choose your wife                                              A. women makes homes.

2.      Every family has                                                 B. his family.

3.      Many a good father                                           C. on Saturday, not on Sunday.

4.      Men makes houses,                                           D. a skeleton in the cupboard.

5.      His hat covers                                                     E. has but a bad son.


1.      Выбирай жену не в хороводе, а в огороде.

2.      У всякой избушки свои погремушки.

3.      В семье не без урода.

4.      Хозяйкою дом стоит.

5.      Без жены как без шапки.

Приложение 5

The nuclear family

 The extended family

In a one-parent or single-parent family

A relative

or forefathers




Приложение 6

 - consists of only the parents and their children.

- is formed by parents, children, uncles and aunts, grandparents, etc.

- there is only one parent living with the children, either because they are divorced or because they have decided to raise their children single-handedly.

- is someone who belongs to your family. Relatives can either be close or distant.

- is someone who belongs to your family. Relatives can either be close or distant.

- are the people from whom you are descended.

- is another way to say "relative", especially in spoken English. A blood relation is someone who is related to you by birth, not by marriage.

- are the relatives of a person or group of people who are born many years after them

- are individuals having one or both parents in common.

Приложение 7


a) You learn to be tolerant and understanding;
b) You have a lot of personal time and space;
c) You’re the only one to get love of your parents;
d) You always have someone to keep your company;
e) You enjoy great family parties and family traditions;
f) You don’t have to adjust to anyone that much;
g) You have to discuss your problems with only one of the parents;
h) You learn to be flexible and communicative;
i) You don’t have to share room and things;
j) You learn to be responsible for someone;
k) You get a lot of attention and support;
l) You have no problems with privacy;
m) You learn to be independent and self –sufficient;
n)  You live with parent who abandoned you;


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