Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыУрок английского языка "Comparing American and Kazakh educational system"

Урок английского языка "Comparing American and Kazakh educational system"

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Theme: Сomparing educational systems of the USA and Kazakhstan

Type of the lesson: Lesson of developing communicative skills.
The aims of today’s lesson are the following:
Students should be able: to use the words from the active vocabulary, find synonyms, antonyms, guess the meaning of the words using the definition
to develop their skills in retelling, correcting the sentences about the education
to develop interest and respect for the education 
to prove the importance of education
to practice reading for information in order to compare and contrast the American Education System and the Kazakh Education System;
                                                                                                                                Methods: group work, pair work, question-answer

Connection with other language: Kazakh, English, geography


The procedure of the lesson: 

I. Organization moment :

I. – Good morning, dear friends! I am very glad to see you. How are you today? Tell me please, what do you think about schools? Is it important to have a good education?
II. I think it’s very important to have a good education. So today the aim of our lesson is to read, find out and discuss the system of school education in the USA and in our country. What do you know about the system of education in the USA? 
Today we will watch a short presentation about the system of school education in the USA.  
II. Checking the homework.

1. Why is it necessary to have education?
2. When does compulsory education start in the USA?
3. How long does primary education last?
4. How old were you when you started school?
5. What languages are presented the educational system in Kazakhstan?
6. Which subjects do you study at school?
7. At what age does compulsary education begin in Kazakhstan?
8. What do you think is the most important subjects? Why?
9. Do you have to wear a uniform?
10. Are there school rules at your school?
11. What is good in your school? What is bad?
Today our lesson is devoted to education in the USA and Kazakhstan. We are going to compare these two systems of education and talk about them.
First I would like you to look at the slide with phonetic drill:
“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.”
                                                                                            William Butler Yeats.
III. T. Very good. Now let’ s talk about what is education. Give your opinions about what the education is.
Bogdan: Education is our knowledge.
Svetlana: Education is the subjects we learn at school colleges and universities.
Nikita: Education is humanity’ s best hope.
Serik: Education is a qualification that we get after graduating schools and colleges.
6 thinking hats -  1. White hat. 2. Red hat. 3. Black hat. 4. Yellow hat. 5. Green hat. 6. Blue hat

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T. That’s fine. I quite agree with you. So, lets compare the system of education in the USA and Kazakhstan.  Filling Venn’s diagram.

Relaxation: Exercises for eyes. 
IV. Work in pairs. Use the given questions for your interview. And now let` s write the poem “Education”. Sinquane
1. word “Education”
2. two adjectives
3. three verbs
4. one sentence
5. one synonym
Grammar: word formation.

Suffixes of verb –en, -ify. Suffixes of nouns: -ence, -ance.
V. Giving the home task.
                                                                                                                                                                                 VI. Marking. I give an excellent mark for your works. And for others….
VII. Lesson outcome. Teacher: Our education is not the worst in the world. To make Kazakh education one of the best of the world is in your hands. Your good behavior and the best marks will be the first steps in this way. It will make your teachers and parents happier.
The lesson is over. You may be free and have a rest.



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