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Урок английского языка "Музыка в нашей жизни" 11 кл

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Тема: Музыка в нашей жизни

Класс: 11


Цель урока: к концу урока учащиеся должны уметь аргументировано высказать своё отношение к классической музыке, используя тематическую лексику.


- активизировать употребление в речи (монолог, полилог) лексику по теме «Музыка»;

- развивать умения в говорении, используя речевые клише вежливого общения;

- прививать чувство прекрасного, воспитывать толерантность к мнению других и культуру общения.

Формы работы: индивидуальная, фронтальная, парная, групповая.

Оборудование: музыкальный центр, портреты великих композиторов (музыка которых будет звучать на уроке), высказывания о музыке на доске.






Вид деятельности (этапы)  (Что?)

































































































































































































































































































































1.     Оргмомент.

Glad to see you, my dear students, in our musical parlour. And I’d like to start with the words of Victor Hugo, “Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent”.  So, we are going to speak about music today and to discuss the following statement, “Classical music belongs to the past.  Modern people require modern music”. And of course, admirable and marvelous sounds of music will accompany us.


(Mozart. The 40th  symphony)


T: What can you say about the appearance of music?

S: Music is one of the fine arts. Maybe it’s the oldest of them. When man first began to notice his surroundings, there was a kind of music already there.

S2: When the first man-made music appeared, people started to express all feelings from happiness to despair in it. It’s difficult to understand everybody but music is the unique language.


2.     Основная часть урока.

Поэзия о музыке.

T: You had to find poems about music. Have you succeeded? Now we are going to listen to the ones you have chosen. After the listening you should express the main ideas of the poems. Of course, music will sound simultaneously with poetry.


On Music (by Thomas Moore)

When through life unblest we rove,
Losing all that made life dear,
Should some notes we used to love,
In days of boyhood, meet our ear,

Oh! how welcome breathes the strain!
Wakening thoughts that long have slept,
Kindling former smiles again
In faded eyes that long have wept.

Like the gale, that sighs along
Beds of oriental flowers,
Is the grateful breath of song,
That once was heard in happier hours.
Fill'd with balm the gale sighs on,
Though the flowers have sunk in death;
So, when pleasure's dream is gone,
Its memory lives in Music's breath.

Music, oh, how faint, how weak,
Language fades before thy spell!
Why should Feeling ever speak,
When thou canst breathe her soul so well?
Friendship's balmy words may feign,
Love's are even more false than they;
Oh! 'tis only music's strain
Can sweetly soothe, and not betray.


(Mozart. The 41st symphony)


Sonnet 128: How oft, when thou, my music, music play'st (by William Shakespeare)

How oft, when thou, my music, music play'st,
Upon that blessèd wood whose motion sounds
With thy sweet fingers when thou gently sway'st
The wiry concord that mine ear confounds,
Do I envy those jacks that nimble leap
To kiss the tender inward of thy hand,
Whilst my poor lips, which should that harvest reap,
At the wood's boldness by thee blushing stand!
To be so tickled, they would change their state
And situation with those dancing chips
O'er whom thy fingers walk with gentle gait,
Making dead wood more blest than living lips.
Since saucy jacks so happy are in this,
Give them thy fingers, me thy lips to kiss.


MUSIC (by Charles Baudelaire)

MUSIC doth uplift me like a sea
Towards my planet pale,
Then through dark fogs or heaven's infinity
I lift my wandering sail.

With breast advanced, drinking the winds that flee,
And through the cordage wail,
I mount the hurrying waves night hides from me
Beneath her sombre veil.

I feel the tremblings of all passions known
To ships before the breeze;
Cradled by gentle winds, or tempest-blown

I pass the abysmal seas
That are, when calm, the mirror level and fair
Of my despair!



We are the music makers,

and we are the dreamers of the dream.

Wandering by lone sea breakers,

and sitting by desolate streams.

World losers and world forsakers,

for whom the pale moon gleams.

Yet we are movers and the shakers

of the world forever it seems

(by Arhtur O’Shanessey)

There's music in the sighing of a reed;
There's music in the gushing of a rill;
There's music in all things, if men had ears:
Their earth is but an echo of the spheres.
(by Lord Byron)


(Tchaikovsky. The Swan Lake)


3. Мысли великих о музыке.

T: You see, these poems are wonderful because they are about the wonder of music. Can you choose the best reciter?  (Students express their opinions)

Do you remember my question I had asked you before you started your reciting? Well, can you express the ideas of the poems?

S: It’s difficult to say in my own words. We have found some quotations of great people about music and would like everybody to get acquainted with them.


(Every student reads the quotation he/she has found and sticks the sheet with the words to the blackboard. The sheets are in different colours.)

Music is expression of harmony in sound. Love is the expression of harmony in life.
Author: Stephen F. Gaskin

Music is Love in search of a word.
Author: Sidney Lanier

Music is the key to the female heart.
Author: Johann G. Seume

Music is well said to be the speech of angels
Author: Thomas Carlyle

Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.
Author: Red Auerbach

When people hear good music, it makes them homesick for something they never had and never will have
Author: Edgar Watson Howe

Where words fail, music speaks
Author: Hans Christian Anderson

Without music life would be a mistake
Author: Friedrich Nietzsche

Without music, life is a journey through a desert.
Author: Pat Conroy


4. Игра «Кто Вы.

T: We have two guests today but nobody knows their names. You should only guess their names asking general questions. The composers may only answer “Yes” or “No”.

(Prepared students from another class play the parts of the composers)





1)       Did you live in the 20/ 19/ 18/ 17 century?

Yes (18)

Yes (19)

2)       Was Russia your Motherland?




3)       Did you compose/ perform music?


Yes (both)

Yes (composed)

4)       Were you rich?




5)       Did you have a wife and children?




6)       Did you have any other profession?




7)       Did you become famous in your youth?




8)       Did you compose instrumental music/ ballets/ operas?


Yes (everything)

Yes (everything)

9)       You died honorably surrounded by your relatives and colleagues, didn’t you?




10)   Were you a child prodigy?




11)   Your music has passed the test of time, hasn’t it?





(уч-ся задают дополнительные вопросы и делают выводы о именах композиторов)


5. Интервью.

T: Can you imagine the situation of taking an interview of any great composer? Switch on your imagination and try to believe that this is the first of the great romantics! Here is

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart! He kindly agreed to answer your questions about his life and creativity. Make notes of the most interesting facts!


(Mozart. Eine Kleine Nachtmusik)



Welcome to our class, Mr. Mozart. May we ask you some more questions?



Yes, of course.

What would you like to know?



Where were you born, Mr. Mozart?



I was born about 250 years ago. In Salzburg. Actually my birthday is January 27, 1756.



Do you have any brothers and sisters?



Yes, I have one sister named Maria Anna. We called her Nannerl and she was an excellent pianist. My other 5 brothers and sisters died very young.



Could you tell us your full name?



Yes, of course.

My name is Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart.



Why are you called Amadeus?



That is a very good question. I don’t know. I only know that Amadeus is the Latin word for Theophilus.



People often speak of you as a child prodigy or genius. Why?



Before I was 4 I could play the piano and the violin. My father, Nannerl and I

went on our first concert trip when I was only 6.



That must have been an interesting experience.



Yes, it was. I played for kings and princes.



But that doesn’t really explain why they called you a child prodigy.



True. I had to do all kinds of tricks.

Sometimes they wanted me to play with a blindfold over my eyes, sometimes they put a cloth over my hands while I was playing, or I was allowed to hear a melody once and then I had to play it myself.



Did you compose many pieces?



Yes, I did. During my lifetime, I composed 626 pieces. They are all listed in the Köchel Index.



What is the Köchel Index?




A knight called Köchel made a list of all my works in the year 1862.

This list is called the Köchel Index.



Were you always successful?



I was successful as a musician. But I was a poor man.



What is your favorite composition?



I like them all. But many people like “Die Zauberflöte” best.



Thank you very much for the interview, Mr. Mozart.



You’re welcome. It was my pleasure!


T: What facts were new for you?

What fact was the most interesting or even striking?

Students answer the questions.


6. Говорение.

 T: It’s not a secret that some people believe, “Classical music belongs to the past.  Modern people require modern music”. What do you think on the problem?

Let’s divide into three groups:

1)       Fan club of classical music

2)       Opponents

3)       Those who are not for or against it


Учащиеся в группах обсуждают проблему «Классическая музыка принадлежит прошлому. Современным людям нужна современная музыка».


a)       In your own group discuss the problem and come to a common opinion.

b)       Choose a person who will state it and present the arguments on behalf of the whole group.

c)       Discuss all opinions trying to convince all the rest to support your ideas.

Remember to

-          take an active part in the conversation and be polite;

-          come up with ideas;

-          give good reasons;

-          find out your friends’ attitudes and take them into account.


Use the glossary (each group gets it in sheets of paper) to express your


I enjoy/ like/ prefer/ hate

I’d rather … than …

I’m bored by …

I’m keen on…

I find … fascinating/ interesting



I agree entirely.

That’s exactly what I think/ what I wanted to say/

I couldn’t agree more.


I can’t agree with you there.

Perhaps, but you don’t think that …

That may be true, but …


to support the talk:

By the way

That reminds me …

Excuse me, I’d just like to say that …

May I come in here?

May I say something?

That’s right, but you don’t think that …


Представители групп высказываются по обсуждаемой проблеме, другие уч-ся присоединяются к полилогу, доказывая свою точку зрения и опровергая оппонентов.


(The conclusion: Tastes differ. But even if you don’t like classical music, give it a try!)


(Tchaikovsky. The Swan Lake)


7. Подведение итогов урока.

T: Thank you for your participation in our wonderful heart-to-heart talk about music. There is no one indifferent to music in this classroom. It doesn’t matter that our tastes differ. Being tolerant and able to respect other people’s opinion is what counts. I’d like to finish our meeting with the last quotation:

Music expresses feeling and thought, without language; it was below and before speech, and it is above and beyond all words.  ~Robert G. Ingersol


















Домашнее задание: подготовить сообщение о любимом композиторе или музыкальном исполнителе, используя тематическую лексику.


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