Инфоурок Английский язык Другие методич. материалыУрок на тему: "Computer machines".

Урок на тему: "Computer machines".

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Taldykorgan polytechnic college

Lesson plan17

Subject: Professional Foreign (English) language  

Theme: Computer machine.

Type of the lesson: Combine lesson
Using Methods:
explanation, individual, group work, interactive, communicative.

Connecting with other subjects: Russian, Kazakh.


Educational: to teach students to speak about Computer machine; to enrich students’ knowledge; to widen their vocabulary through doing different tasks.

Developmental: To develop students’ skills in oral speech; to develop students’ writing, reading, listening and speaking abilities through giving several tasks; to improve their mental and critical thinking.

Cultural: To bring up students to respect each other.

Equipment of the subject

А. Visual aids: grammar tables, cards, pictures, interactive board.

Б. Main literature: U.Golytsinsky, Y.B.Bzhitskaya


The Plan of the Lesson

I. Organization moment:

1. Greeting

2. Marking absents

3. Introducing with the theme and aims of the lesson.

Good afternoon, students! Sit down, please. How are you? Today we’ll speak about a computer machine.


II. Warming-up


Nowadays we can’t imagine our life without computers. They are everywhere: in offices, banks, in our homes. What do we use computers for? Complete the sentence written on the board. (Students give their ideas)

To get information;

Овал: People use computers:To send message;


To study and work;

To buy things;

To listen to music;

To watch films;

To play games etc.




III. Speaking

Group work

T.: Many teenagers nowadays spend hours playing computer games. How many hours do you play computer games? Do computer games have more advantages or disadvantages?

Work in groups. One group tell about advantages. And the second group about disadvantages. Then each group tries to prove that they are right.





Playing computer games is fun

You can learn many things playing computer games.

You play computer with your friends. It is a kind of competition.

It helps to relax.

Computer games help to solve problems

Playing computer games takes a lot of time.

It’s bad for your eyesight.

You lose contacts with friends.

You don’t have enough time for studies and sport.

Some computer games are violent, the can make you aggressive.



IV. Vocabulary.

1. Read the words and match them with the pictures.

1. battery

2. cable

3. desktop computer

4. digital camera

5. socket

6. fax machine

7. laptop computer (or notebook)

8. mobile phone

9. mouse

10. plug

11. printer

12. projector

13. scanner


2. Name the parts of the computer.

CD drive / DVD drive

CRT monitor

flat panel monitor

floppy disk drive




power button




wire / cable


3. Match the verbs with the nouns.

1. recharge

2. click on

3. dial

4. give

5. move

6. print out

7. send and receive

8. take some


a. digital photos

b. faxes

c. a number on your mobile phone

d. a presentation

e. something with the mouse

f. the battery

g. the mouse

h. twenty pages



V. Listening.

Now listen to the speech about the computer and do the task: Put in the gaps missing words. Then check yourself by the original text.


It’s hard to believe ____  ___ ____ had computers a few years ago. I wonder how people lived. There must have been ______ paperwork. I can’t imagine ______ everything by hand. I ____  ____ ______ everything worked without computers. We need computers today for everything. Hospitals, airports, the police … nothing can work without computers. I’m I’d be _____ _____busier than now if I didn’t have a computer. Imagine _____ find ______ paper and an envelope and then walking down the street _____ letter! I love my computer. It makes everything ______ convenient. Sure, it freezes and crashes sometimes. Sure ____ data. But that’s not often. Most ______ my computer is like my best friend. 


VI. Reading.


Task 1. Read and translate the text:

All of us think about a computer. That's why we ask: "What is a computer?" A computer is one of the modern technologies using everywhere. It is a complex instrument made up of hundreds of electronic devices, miles of electronic wire. Its complex electronic brains produce information. This information is stored on magnetic tapes or punched cards. Who feeds the computer information? An operator can feed figures and symbols into the machine. When an operator wants to receive answers, he asks the machine in a special language to process the information taken from storage. The electronic machine can give any answer or a combination of possible answers. At a panel desk connected to the instrument, the machine can flash its answers on a screen, can print them on paper, and store them away on magnet tapes or cards.

Of cause, more than 100.000 pieces of information can be stored in one machine. The computer can do a lot of operations. For example, the computer can multiply large numbers. How long does it take the computer to multiply large numbers? In one third of a second a computer can multiply two 127-digit numbers. In one whole second, it can add 4.000 five-digit numbers. In two seconds it can complete 320 long-division problems. The same machine does the work of thousands of trained mathematicians in any given time period and without the mistakes. But ... human beings do thinking, feed information to the machines. The computer only helps us to find answers and produce facts faster and more accurately. Machines work for us, but they do not think for us.


Task 2. Answer the following questions:

What is a computer?

What functions has a computer?

Why do people extremely need a computer nowadays?

What is the connection between computer brains and man's mind?

Is the electronic system of a computer very complex or simple?

Do electronic brains of a computer produce information?

How many pieces of information can be stored in one machine?

What does the computer machine flash?


Task 3. Say whether the statements given below are true or false:

The electronic system of a computer is very simple.

More than 50 pieces of information can be stored in one machine.

In second a computer can multiply two 970 - digit numbers.

Machines think for us, but they do not work for us.

The computer cannot do a lot of operations.


Task 4. Match the words given below with the definitions:

Computer …………………. ………………………………

Fax (machine) …………….. ………………………………

E-mail ….….………………. ………………………………

Telephone …………………. ………………………………

The Internet .………………. ………………………………

A) The machine which is used for sending or receiving copies of primed material, letters, pictures, etc. along a telephone line.

B) An international network of computers. It has electronic mail and

provides a large amount of information.

C) An electronic machine that can store and recall information, do many processes on it.

D) An electronic system which joins a group of computers. People can send messages to each other on their computers.

E) A system for sending or receiving speech over long distances.


VII. Summarizing.  Theme: А Personal Computer

                     1 variant

Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. Computer is а ... for processing information.

а) device          b) car                              с) board


2. Without …..... instructions hardware doesn't know what to do.

а) hardware         b) software              с) printer


3. The basic job of the computer is the ... of information.

а) drawing                  b) processing           с) translating


4. With ... уоu can type instructions and commands for the computer.

а) mouse           b) screen                   с) keyboard

5. Yоu can move the ... оп the screen with the help of the mouse.

а) button            b) cursor                     с) key


           6. ...is а hand-held device connected to the computer bу а small саble.

           а) drive                                   b) mouse          с) character


          7. You can type letters and other … using this keyboard.

              a) buttons                                 b) angles               c) characters     


          8. Тhе ... can rеad and write on diskettes.

 а) system board          b) drives          с) contents


9. … is the term used to describe the instructions that tell the hardware how to perform a task.

а)software          b) application                    с) procedures


          10. How many letter ... are there оn this computer keyboard?

а) keys                   b) manuals                   с) dot


          11. Computer hardware can be divided into four categories: input hardware,

              processing hardware,…      output   hardware.

              a) storage hardware                   b) memory hardware          c) software


   12. There are two types of computer memory: …

         a) RAM and RIM            b) RAM and ROM    c) RUM and ROM


13.  Scanner is used to …. texts and graphics.

                a) output            b) read              c) input


       14.  Printer is a ….

     a) processing hardware        b) input hardware               c) output hardware


15. …. collects data and converts them into a form suitable for computer


 a) processing hardware   b) input hardware                   c) output hardware


16. Information in the form of instruction is called a ….

      a) program                           b) command                       c) memory

Test              2 variant

Theme: А Personal Computer

Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

 1. Computer has по intelligence until ... is loaded.

     а) software             b) hardware                      с) scanner


  2. Software are the programs that tell … how to perform а task

а) modem              b) software         с) hardware


3. There are four elements of computer system: hardware, software, …

and data.

а) diskettes                            b) procedures                         с) purposes


4. The ... displays text characters and graphics.

         а) mouse      b) keyboard          с)  monitor


 5. The large metal bох that is the main part of the computer is called the...

 а) case                               b) screen                               с) arrow

6. The kind of input hardware designed for typing letters and numbers is …

                    а)  keyboard           b)monitor    с) mouse


7. Thanks to computer we can ... information millions of times more quickly.

а) process              b) plug in              с) slide


8. Of course the device is not working, уоu have not ... it.

а) reduced                         b) plugged in              с) processed


9. The purpose of …. is to store computer instructions.

     a) input hardware                     b) storage hardware          c)processing


 10. Nobody expected that the ... of this device would bе so wide.

      а) application                b) pointer                                        с) screen saver.


    11…. Is a display screen for viewing computer data, TV programs, etc.

a) monitor                              b) mouse                                   c) case


    12. CPU is a kind of …

a) output hardware         b) processing hardware                      c) storage hardware        


13.    Modem is an electronic device that ….

a) prints the texts and graphics       b) transmit the data from        c) input graphics                                              

                                           one computer to another                                                                                            

 14. CPU is the … of the computer.

a) brain                               b) head                           c) memory


15.  The examples of output hardware are …

a) keyboard                           b) CPU                         c) monitor         

    mouse                                    RAM                            printer

    scanner                                  ROM                           modem


16. Processing hardware directs the execution of …. Instructions in the computer.

a) software                                       b) hardware                         c) data



VIII. Reflection of the lesson: complete the sentences


Today at the lesson I….

(Бүгін сабақта)


Reviewed the material about (Қайталадық)


(не істедік)


(есте сақтадық)



Dislike (ұнамады)









IX. Giving the home task: ex 330 page 272


VІ. Evaluation

(Giving marks with comments)

Teacher: Turisbekova G.T.


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Разработка урока по английскому языку по теме "Computer machines". В разработке даются задания для словарной работы, чтения, аудирования и говорения. Задания даются студентам средней сложности. Имеется иллюстративный материал. При проведении урока используются интерактивные методы обучения. Даются следующие задания: warming-up; work in groups One group tell about advantages, and the second group about disadvantages, then each group tries to prove that they are right; read the words and match them with the pictures; name the parts of the computer; mMatch the verbs with the nouns.; listen to the speech about the computer and do the task: put in the gaps missing words; then check yourself by the original text; read and translate the text: answer the following questions: sSay whether the statements given below are true or false; match the words given below with the definitions:; summarizing is given by doing the test on the theme: “А Personal Computer” two variants; Reflection of the lesson: is done by writing the tablecomplete : Today at the lesson I…. (Бүгін сабақта); Reviewed the material about (Қайталадық); Done (не істедік); Remembered (есте сақтадық); Like (ұнады); Dislike (ұнамады)

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