Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыУрок "Our Earth" ("Earth Song" by Michael Jackson)

Урок "Our Earth" ("Earth Song" by Michael Jackson)

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Учитель: Ковальчук Оксана Григорьевна МБОУ СОШ № 32 г. Сургута.

Класс: 7

Тема: “Our Earth

Тип урока: комбинированный.

Цели урока:

1.      Формирование коммуникативных компетенций по теме “Nature”;

2.      Проверка навыков и умения монологической речи и аудирования;

3.      Формирование творческого мышления учащихся.

Задачи урока:

1.      Обучающая:

- развитие навыков употребления артикля с уникальными предметами и понятиями.

- формирование навыков использования лексических единиц, связанных с темой “Nature

2. Развивающая:

- формулирование выводов из прочитанного и услышанного;

- развитие интереса к предмету;

- развитие у детей внимания, логического мышления, умения вести беседу;

- развитие желания к получению большей информации по изучаемой теме.

3. Воспитательная:

- формирование стремления к совершенствованию своей речевой практической деятельности;

- совершенствование коммуникативной культуры ученика;

- воспитание уважительного отношения к экологии;

- воспитание внимания, умения слушать друг друга.

Ход урока.

I.                   Организационный этап.

Приветствие учителя и учеников.

II.                Постановка задач урока.

Teacher: Look at the pictures (Презентация).

Name the pictures (an elephant, the Earth, the sunrise, the sea, a flower). What is common among these words? (Nature).

III.             Ознакомление с грамматическим материалом.

Teacher: Try to find the definitions of the words. (Презентация). We can divide the words into two groups. What are the groups?

Pupils: One group has the indefinite article “a/an”, the other group has the definite article “the”.

Teacher: Can you explain the difference between two groups?

Ученики выдвигают свои версии правил употребления артикля в данных группах.

Teacher: Let’s see whose explanation was correct. (Презентация).

IV.             Развитие навыков употребления грамматического правила.

Teacher: Pupils, now you can understand where we should or should not put the article.

Проверочная работа выдается индивидуально, после выполнения проверка осуществляется самими учащимися.

Fill in the appropriate article

1.      This is ___ tree.

2.      Could you turn on ___ light?

3.      We live on ___ earth.

4.      What was___ weather like in ___South Pole?

5.      Look at ___birds in ___sky!

6.      Most people like ___chocolate.

7.      Where did you put ___flowers I gave you?

8.      ____ earth goes round ____ sun ____ moon goes round ____ earth.

9.      I love ____ nature.

10.  There are millions of stars in _____ sky.

V.                Развитие навыков аудирования.

Teacher: Today we are going to listen to one of the songs that is about nature. (Приложение 1) (Song by Michael Jackson “The Earth Song”).

We have listened to the song and watched the video. Can you describe the point of the song?

Pupils: we should protect our planet.

Teacher: You are right. Let’s see what needs our protection. Find ten words, which are connected with the topic “nature” and “the weather”. (Приложение 2) Write them down in the third column. (Pair work). Then you need to exchange your lists with your classmates and other pair will put the right articles for the words.

Teacher: How many words have your classmates repeated in their lists? As you see, we have many reasons to care about nature. We will try to find the ways to protect our planet on the next lesson.

VI.             Информирование о домашнем задании.

Build up the sentences using the words (the Earth, the sky, the moon, the sun, the weather, the sea).




























1.     This is ___ tree.

2.     Could you turn on ___ light?

3.     We live on ___ earth.

4.     What was___ weather like in ___South Pole?

5.     Look at ___birds in ___sky!

6.     Most people like ___chocolate.

7.     Where did you put ___flowers I gave you?

8.     ____ earth goes round ____ sun ____ moon goes round ____ earth.

9.     I love ____ nature.

10. There are millions of stars in _____ sky.


1.     This is ___ tree.

2.     Could you turn on ___ light?

3.     We live on ___ earth.

4.     What was___ weather like in ___South Pole?

5.     Look at ___birds in ___sky!

6.     Most people like ___chocolate.

7.     Where did you put ___flowers I gave you?

8.     ____ earth goes round ____ sun ____ moon goes round ____ earth.

9.     I love ____ nature.

10. There are millions of stars in _____ sky.


11. This is ___ tree.

12. Could you turn on ___ light?

13. We live on ___ earth.

14. What was___ weather like in ___South Pole?

15. Look at ___birds in ___sky!

16. Most people like ___chocolate.

17. Where did you put ___flowers I gave you?

18. ____ earth goes round ____ sun ____ moon goes round ____ earth.

19. I love ____ nature.

20. There are millions of stars in _____ sky.


11. This is ___ tree.

12. Could you turn on ___ light?

13. We live on ___ earth.

14. What was___ weather like in ___South Pole?

15. Look at ___birds in ___sky!

16. Most people like ___chocolate.

17. Where did you put ___flowers I gave you?

18. ____ earth goes round ____ sun ____ moon goes round ____ earth.

19. I love ____ nature.

20. There are millions of stars in _____ sky.


21. This is ___ tree.

22. Could you turn on ___ light?

23. We live on ___ earth.

24. What was___ weather like in ___South Pole?

25. Look at ___birds in ___sky!

26. Most people like ___chocolate.

27. Where did you put ___flowers I gave you?

28. ____ earth goes round ____ sun ____ moon goes round ____ earth.

29. I love ____ nature.

30. There are millions of stars in _____ sky.


21. This is ___ tree.

22. Could you turn on ___ light?

23. We live on ___ earth.

24. What was___ weather like in ___South Pole?

25. Look at ___birds in ___sky!

26. Most people like ___chocolate.

27. Where did you put ___flowers I gave you?

28. ____ earth goes round ____ sun ____ moon goes round ____ earth.

29. I love ____ nature.

30. There are millions of stars in _____ sky.






























Приложение 1.

"Earth Song"


What about sunrise?

What about rain?

What about all the things

That you said we were to gain?


What about killing fields?

Is there a time?

What about all the things

That you said was yours and mine?


Did you ever stop to notice

All the blood we've shed before?

Did you ever stop to notice

This crying Earth, this weeping shore?


What have we done to the world?

Look what we've done.

What about all the peace

That you pledge your only son?


What about flowering fields?

Is there a time?

What about all the dreams

That you said was yours and mine?


Did you ever stop to notice

All the children dead from war?

Did you ever stop to notice

This crying Earth, this weeping shore?


I used to dream.

I used to glance beyond the stars.

Now I don't know where we are

Although I know we've drifted far.


Hey, what about yesterday?

(What about us?)

What about the seas?

(What about us?)

Heavens are falling down

(What about us?)

I can't even breathe

(What about us?)


What about apathy?

(What about us?)

I need you

(What about us?)

What about nature's worth?

(Ooh, ooh)

It's our planet's womb

(What about us?)


What about animals?

(What about it?)

Turned kingdoms to dust?

(What about us?)

What about elephants?

(What about us?)

Have we lost their trust?

(What about us?)


What about crying whales

(What about us?)

Ravaging the seas?

(What about us?)

What about forest trails

(Ooh, ooh)

Burnt despite our pleas?

(What about us?)


What about the holy land

(What about it?)

Torn apart by creed?

(What about us?)

What about the common man?

(What about us?)

Can't we set him free?

(What about us?)


What about children dying?

(What about us?)

Can't you hear them cry?

(What about us?)

Where did we go wrong?

(Ooh, ooh)

Someone tell me why

(What about us?)


What about baby boy?

(What about it?)

What about the days?

(What about us?)

What about all their joy?

(What about us?)

What about the man?

(What about us?)


What about the crying man?

(What about us?)

What about Abraham?

(What about us?)

What about death again?

(Ooh, ooh)

You don't give a damn!



























Приложение 2.






























































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