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Урок по английскому языку "Keeping fit"

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Конспект урока по иностранному языку

по теме: Здоровый образ жизни

проведенного в 8 классе

МКОУ «Мишкинская средняя общеобразовательная школа»







Учитель английского языка

Максимова Людмила







Р.п. Мишкино, 2017


Тема: Keeping feet

Цель урока Активизация речевых навыков в диалогической и монологической речи:


1. Развивающие:

а) развитие и совершенствование речевых навыков и умений;

б) тренировка учащихся в чтении текста;

в) активизация лексики по теме Keeping Fit.

2. Образовательная: Использование языка для повышения общей культуры.

3. Воспитательная: Воспитание умения общаться с одноклассниками.

Оборудование: аудио оборудование, мультимедийная аппаратура, дидактический материал

Ход урока:

1. Организационный этап. (слайд №1)

Good morning, pupils! I’m very glad to see you.

Who is on duty today? What date is it today? What day of the week is it today? What season is it now? Who is absent today? Thank you. Sit down, please.

2. Постановка цели и задач урока.

The topic of our lesson is «Keeping fit» Today we’ll discuss how can be fit, healthy and strong.                     (3 мин)

3. Фонетическая зарядка

What emotions do you feel: sad, happy or nervous? Now, go to the blackboard and attach the smiley. (1 мин.)(слайд № 2)

May be we sing a song. Its name is “It’s gonna be Ok” by Mitay Fomin

Поем песню. (слайд № 3)

Very good. (4 мин)

4. Речевая разминка.

It’s gonna be Ok, if we will be healthy.

But some people are healthy, some people are unhealthy. The English people say: “Health is the best wealth”. Translate please. (слайд № 4)

They are right! We can’t buy health, but we can do a lot to keep it. Look at the blackboard and say: “What should or shouldn’t people do to be healthy?” Use structure We should/shouldn’t…(слайды № 5-8)

 (3 мин.)

5. Основная часть

5.1. Работа с текстом (слайд № 9)

Now you know what to do to be healthy and fit. So, you can give advice. Now let’s read the situation and help the person.


B. George Smith smokes 40 cigarettes a day. He gets up late every morning, and drives to a café in the next street. He has a big breakfast and takes three spoons of sugar in his tea. Then he drives to the pub, and has 3 or 4 pints of beer before a big lunch. He never has any fruit after his lunch, because he prefers to have cake or sweets. The only exercise he gets is when he walks upstairs for his afternoon sleep. Later, he has a few more pints of beer and a big dinner, and then he watches television till midnight. At 2.00 he goes to bed, has a few last cigarettes, and goes to sleep with all his windows closed. (4 мин)

5.2. Аудирование. (слайд № 10)

Many people go in for sport because they keep fit. There are many kinds of sport in the world. What do you know kinds of sport? Very good.

Listen to me and say what sports these people are talking of.

1.            It was born in England. But now it has become a national sport of many countries. About 20 million people fill the stadiums every year to support their favourite players.

2.            It’s usually associated with Australia or California, with sunny climates and ocean, joy and rest. But to do this sport you have to be strong, brave and patient.

3.            There are moments when it’s impossible to see what’s happening on ice. Because quick changes are taking place. Players should be able to change direction while moving at very high speeds. (3 мин)

Let’s have a rest (слайд № 11)

Stand up, please. Dance and sing a song “Hockey pockey”.(3 мин)


5.3. Работа в парах (слайд № 12)

Work in pairs. You have interview with your classmate and find out everything about his or her favorite sport games, fill in the table and make a report. (a table)

Ребята опрашивают одноклассников, заполняют таблицу и делают доклад о самом популярном  виде спорта своих одноклассников.



Question 1

Question № 2

Question № 3

Question №4















1.     What is your favourite sport game?

2.     Why do you like it?

3.     What team do you support?  

4.     Who is the most popular player of this team or sport game?

Answer :

1.     Sasha’s favourite sport is football.

2.     He likes it, because it’s very interesting.

3.     He supports “Sportak”.

4.     Ivanov is most popular player of this team.

Children give their reports on their surveys.  (8 мин.)

5.4.          There are many opportunities for keeping fit: to keep yourself safe from smoking , to keep yourself safe from alcohol , to eat healthy food , to be active . Are you healthy? (слайд № 13)

 Answer the questions.                                                                                                                                                                                               

                                                                                                              Yes    No

1. Do you eat fruit and vegetables every day?.....................................[    ]     [    ]

2. Do you go in for sports?.................................................................. [    ]    [    ]

3. Do you watch TV for more then an hour a day? …….....................[    ]    [    ]

4. Do you eat sweets every day? ………………………………….....[    ]    [    ]

5. Do you sleep 8-10 hours at night? …………………………….…..[   ]    [    ]

6. Do you think about your health?......................................................[   ]     [    ]


Put “one” for each “yes”-answer!

My total score _______________


What does your score tell about?


0-2: Oh, dear! Forget about chips and sweet! You need fruit and vegetables!

3-4: Do more exercises and eat more carefully!

5-6: You keep fit! Well done!( 5мин)


What emotions do you feel: sad, happy or nervous? Now, go to the blackboard and attach the smiley. (1 мин) (слайд № 14)

6. Домашнее задание. (1 мин) (слайд № 15)

Right down your homework. At home you’ll write the essay on the topic “How to keep fit”.

7. Подведение итогов. Выставление оценок. (1 мин)

I liked your work at the lesson. I’ll give an excellent (good, satisfactory) mark to …

The lesson is over. Goodbye.  (слайд № 16)




































Дидактический материал 1


Question 1

Question № 2

Question № 3

Question №4















5.     What is your favourite sport game?

6.     Why do you like it?

7.     What team do you support?  

8.     Who is the most popular player of this team or sport game?



Дидактический материал 2

Answer the questions.                                                                                                                                                                                               

                                                                                                              Yes    No

1. Do you eat fruit and vegetables every day?.....................................[    ]     [    ]

2. Do you go in for sports?.................................................................. [    ]    [    ]

3. Do you watch TV for more then an hour a day? …….....................[    ]    [    ]

4. Do you eat sweets every day? ………………………………….....[    ]    [    ]

5. Do you sleep 8-10 hours at night? …………………………….…..[   ]    [    ]

6. Do you think about your health?......................................................[   ]     [    ]


Put “one” for each “yes”-answer!

My total score _______________


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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • Keeping fitСоставитель:
Максимова Людмила Александровна, 
учитель иностранног...

    1 слайд

    Keeping fit
    Максимова Людмила Александровна,
    учитель иностранного языка
    МКОУ «Мишкинская СОШ»
    Для учащихся 8 класса по учебнику Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В.
    Английский язык (4-ый год обучения)

  • Sad Happy Nervous

    2 слайд


  • I guess there is no chance to dieI can see it trough your eyesI can feel it...

    3 слайд

    I guess there is no chance to die
    I can see it trough your eyes
    I can feel it in my heart
    I solve the problems all the time
    Forget to sleep scary nights
    Avoid to make a compromize

    It's gonna be alright
    No matter where you start
    You cross the Stix for love
    I might to give it up
    But sorry-it's my life
    God,help me to survive!

    It's gonna be alright
    No matter where you start
    You cross the Stix for love
    I might to give it up
    No matter what they say
    It,s gonna be OK!

    You lived,you tried for best results
    Your forgiveness's everywhere
    It is not a surprise
    You struggle'gainst the pain inside
    I realise what you can
    So,please,come on understand
    It’s gonna be Ok” by Mitay Fomin

  • “Health is the best wealth”

    4 слайд

    “Health is the best wealth”

  • 5 слайд

  • 6 слайд

  • 7 слайд

  • 8 слайд

  • You can give advice. Read the situation and help the person.
B. George Smith...

    9 слайд

    You can give advice. Read the situation and help the person.
    B. George Smith smokes 40 cigarettes a day. He gets up late every morning, and drives to a café in the next street. He has a big breakfast and takes three spoons of sugar in his tea. Then he drives to the pub, and has 3 or 4 pints of beer before a big lunch. He never has any fruit after his lunch, because he prefers to have cake or sweets. The only exercise he gets is when he walks upstairs for his afternoon sleep. Later, he has a few more pints of beer and a big dinner, and then he watches television till midnight. At 2.00 he goes to bed, has a few last cigarettes, and goes to sleep with all his windows closed.

  • Football Surfing Hockey

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  • 11 слайд

  • Work in pairs. You have interview with your classmate and find out everything...

    12 слайд

    Work in pairs. You have interview with your classmate and find out everything about his or her favorite sport games, fill in the table and make a report. (a table)

    What is your favourite sport game?
    Why do you like it?
    What team do you support?
    Who is the most popular player of this team or sport game?

  • Are you healthy?
 Answer the questions....

    13 слайд

    Are you healthy?
    Answer the questions.

    Yes No
    1. Do you eat fruit and vegetables every day?..........[ ] [ ]
    2. Do you go in for sports?.......................................[ ] [ ]
    3. Do you watch TV for more then an hour a day? ..[ ] [ ]
    4. Do you eat sweets every day? …………………[ ] [ ]
    5. Do you sleep 8-10 hours at night? ………….…..[ ] [ ]
    6. Do you think about your health?..........................[ ] [ ]
    Put “one” for each “yes”-answer!
    My total score _______________

  • Happy Sad Nervous

    14 слайд


  • Home task: 
“How to keep fit”.

    15 слайд

    Home task:
    “How to keep fit”.

  • The lesson is over.

    16 слайд

    The lesson is over.

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