Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыУрок развития чтения с различными целями

Урок развития чтения с различными целями

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Тема: Being a sportsman is great but hard.

Цель: Овладение умением читать, понимать и осмысливать содержание текстов с        различной глубиной и точностью проникновения в содержание в зависимости от задач чтения (ознакомительное, изучающее, поисково-просмотровое чтение).



Воспитать уважительное отношение учащихся к спорту.

Воспитать здоровое чувство соперничества учащихся в спорте.


Ознакомить учащихся с проведением соревнований и тренировок в Великобритании.

Ознакомить учащихся с понятием краткий пересказ на английском языке.


Развить способности учащихся к определению темы содержания, выделению основных мыслей, выбору главных фактов из текста, опуская второстепенные.

Развить умение разбить текст на смысловые части.

Развить языковую догадку (по словообразовательным элементам)

Обходить незнакомые слова, не мешающие пониманию основного содержания текста.


Практиковать учащихся в чтении с различной глубиной понимания текста.

Учить пользоваться словарём.


Ход урока.

1.Организационный момент.

Good afternoon, students! Stand still, please! Sit down. Who is absent today? What day is it today? Today we will speak about sport competitions in Sydney Olympic Games. We should learn reading for the main idea, for details and to look for information in the text.


2. Речевая зарядка.

Open your student s book. Answer my questions:

  1. What sports were invented in the UK? (football, high jump, tennis, gymnastics, swimming, hurdles, relay race, hockey, javelin, basketball, discus, archery, cycling, cricket)
  2. What are the most popular sports in the UK?
  3. What are the most popular teenagers sports in the UK?
  4. What sport do you like best? Why?


3. A  Развитие навыков ознакомительного чтения.

1. The story "The Confidence Game" by Pat Carr  is about two young athletes, Tobi and Angela, and their relationship.

1) Skim the story in 40 sec and say what sport the story is about, (reading for the main idea)

My confidence started draining out my toes the day Angela Brady showed up at the pool for workout. In a way, I guess I knew it was a race between Angela and me for the backstroke position on our team relay for National Championship.

"Okay, swim freaks, hit the water for an 800 meter free­style warm-up!" barked Coach. Then he added in a more human voice, "Angela, why don't you try lane four today?"

Lane four was the fast lane, my lane. I'd had to earn my place in that lane by swimming 400 meters in less than five minutes. Now all Angela had to do was jump in. It wasn't fair.

At every workout Angela was the star of the show: I was an invisible stagehand. Even worse, during time trials she beat me in all four strokes and took my place as lane leader.

I was miserable. And I was scared, too; scared that Angela was taking away my chance at the Nationals, a chance I had earned by a lot of hard work.

I started to show up late to workouts so that I wouldn't have to talk to anyone. I'll admit I wasn't very happy with my actions. But my jealous feelings were like a current I couldn't swim against.


(answer: The text is about swimming)


Read  the   story carefully and guess the meanings of the highlighted words. Write them down.


If you have made any wrong guesses, read the definitions and try to make a new guess.

confidence — a      calm      unworried       freak — a fan

feeling, self-assurance                             hit — reach

draining      out — removing, flowing off warm-up — a practice            before a competition

showed up — arrived

 workout — a period of physical exercise

stagehand  —  a  person  who works on a theatre stage moving scenery

trial — an act of testing

lane — a  path   marked  for  each competitor in a swimming race

beat — defeated, was better than

strokes — methods of swimming

miserable — very unhappy


B  Ознакомление с понятием краткий пересказ.

 Here are the summaries of the story written by five stu­dents.

1)  Which of these summaries do you agree with?


a) This story is about Tobi, who was a swimmer and was preparing for the National Championship. Her best stroke was backstroke and she did quite well. But one day a girl, named Angela Brady came for workout. She was a faster swimmer and beat Tobi in all four strokes. Tobi was scared that Angela was taking her chance to go to the Nationals and she was so jealous that she didn't talk to anyone.

b) The extract is about Tobi's feelings towards Angela.


c) The story describes how miserable Tobi was when An­gela appeared in the swimming pool, and even took Tobi's place as lane leader. The Coach liked her more than Tobi.

e) The   extract   shows   how miserable sports people are.

d) The extract describes how Tobi felt when An­gela, who was a more skilful swimmer, became her rival in getting a chance at the Nationals. She was so upset that it made her behave in a silly way.

2) Read the Learning to Learn note about summary writing and decide which summary is written according to the rules and which are incorrect. Give your arguments.



Summaries should               contain main ideas.

be written in one's own words.

Summaries shouldn't           be too short and too long.

have too many details,

contain false information.

a)      too long

b)      too short

c)      contains false information

d)      is right.


4.Развитие навыков поисково- просмотрового чтения.

The Olympic Games were very successful for Britain. Why were the Sydney Games very successful?  Express your suggestions.

Let us read the questions you will answer after reading.

1.Why were the Sydney Games very successful?(British sportsmen won a lot of different medals)

2. Who won a gold? (The team of James Cracknell, Steve Redgrove, Tim Foster, Mattew Pinset)

3. What medal won Jan Walker and Mark Covell? (Silver medals)

4. How many gold medals were won? (Four gold medals).


Read about the Games to check your suggestions.

Fill in the table. (reading for specific information)



Name of a sportsman/ sportswoman




Kelly Holmes

800- metres race

A bronze

The Sydney Olympic Games were very successful for Britain. British sportsmen won a lot of different medals. The most successful sports for the British team were sailing and rowing. The team of James Cracknell, Steve Redgrave, Tim Foster, Matthew Pinsent brought gold medals in rowing to their country. Ian Walker and Mark Covell got silver medals and Shirley Robertson won a gold in sailing. And Kelly Holmes from women athletics team won a bronze in 800-metres race. Jonathan Edwards got a gold medal in a triple jump. Two more medals brought Kate Howey and Audley Harrison. Howey won a silver in women judo competition and Harrison got a gold in boxing. Shooting also was successful for the British team. The British sportsmen won a gold and a bronze in it.


5.Развитие навыков изучающего чтения (чтение с детальной информацией)

3. Many   newspapers   and   magazines   devote   large   sections   to sports. The article from the "Observer" is also about sports.

1)  Read the article about swimming by Adrian Moorhouse. Who is Adrian Moorhouse — a sportsman or a journalist? (reading for the main idea)

2)  Complete the article with the missing words derived from
the same root (e.g. sport— sporty — sportsman), (predicting)

Staying afloat in the deep end

For me, one of the other encouraging aspects of Palma* was the age of our gold medalists. Gillingham is 26, Foster 23 and Pickering 21. That may seem a strange thing to say, but I want  to get rid of its image as a young person's sport. I proved that it is possible to be successful in your twenties, because I broke a world record when I was 26.

Young ------------ have to be allowed to concentrate on their education and still be given the opportunity to make it to the top when they finish. I know it will be hard, but what we have to do is get the message across to kids that their best   ---------- years are not behind them once they reach the age of 16. It is only because of tradition that ----------end to be so young. We are not in a position where we can afford to work our most promising young --------- so hard that they are burnt out by the time they are 20.

Like all sports, one of our biggest problems is attracting youngsters. The number of kids wanting to take up the sport is not as great as it used to be because there is so much else to do. It is difficult to attract kids, but to be honest, we are lucky to get any at all. Getting up at five o'clock in the morn­ing to train is not a very attractive proposition, isn't it? But those who do, like myself, Nick Gillingham, Mark Foster and Karen Pickering, do not regret one minute of it.

3)      Read each paragraph carefully. What is the topic of each
paragraph? (naming topics in paragraphs)

·         Your age of gold medalists

·         Burnt out by the age of 20

·         Attracting youngsters

      4Retell each paragraph.

6. Подведение итогов.

Today we have learned three types of reading: reading for the main idea, reading for detail, reading for specific information.






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Краткое описание документа:

Данный урок может являться одним в серии уроков раздела «Be a good sport». Основная часть урока включает чтение трёх текстовс целью различной глубины понимания. Первый текст нацелен на развитие навыков ознакомительного чтения. В нём содержится незнакомая лексика, выделеннымшрифтом, о значении которой учащиеся должны догадаться по контексту. Организован самостоятельный вид чтения на одну минуту, не вслух. В рамках данного текста учащиеся знакомятся с понятием краткий пересказна английском языке. Им предлагаются пять отрывков, один из которых является правильным.

Следующий текст нацелен на развитие навыков поисково-просмотрового чтения. Учащимся предлагается вопрос на предположение содержания текста.

Третий текст не содержит в себе незнакомой лексики и имеет своей целью развитие навыков изучающего чтения. К нему предлагается два задания: на понимание общего содержания и вставить однокоренные слова по теме. Учащиеся читают этот текст вслух, по ходу вставляя нужные слова.

В заключительном этапе были названы все три вида чтения. При этом использованы упражнения адекватные целям и задачам урока.

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Английский язык: теория и методика преподавания в профессиональном образовании

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