Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыУрок развития навыков поискового чтения по басне "Лев и мышь"

Урок развития навыков поискового чтения по басне "Лев и мышь"

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Осуществлять смысловое чтение текстов различного вида, жанра, стиля: определять тему, главную мысль и находить информацию в явном виде.

Task 1.

Match the pictures with the words













































Read the text now.

“It’s a hot and sunny day,” say the animals in the forest. Now the Lion comes, the King of the Forest. It’s big and strong.





“Listen, animals!

I want to sleep.  Don’t play, don’t sing. I can be very angry!”, say the lion. King Lion is under the tree now. He closes his eyes and sleeps. All the animals are very quiet because they are scared of this big animal.

There Mrs Mouse comes, small and grey, and she starts to dance and sing.



“Be quiet, Mrs Mouse! Don’t sing! Go back to your house. The lion is tired”, say the animals. “Don’t worry! He is sleeping. He can’t hear me. I want to swim a little.

She swims and swims and swims. Oh! Now she is next to the lion!


“What’s that?!”, the Lion is really angry. “My eyes can see a small loud mouse! Rrrr… ”I’m sorry, O Lion! I’m very-very sorry, My King. Don’t eat me, please. I can help you one day. Please, can I go now?”

“Ha-ha-ha! You’re funny! You can help me!!! You are small and I’m big! How can you help me? .... Ok, go now. I’m a good lion”. And the Mouse runs away.



Time goes and goes…. On one hot day a mouse hears a loud noise. She runs to the tree and what does she see? A lion in the net!

The lion is sad. he cries a lot. This is so bad. “Don’t worry, my friend. I can help you. I can bite the net.” So, the Mouse starts to bite and the Lion falls on his head. Now he is free.



“Thank you! I’m happy now,” says the Lion. “You help me, little Mouse. Now we are friends.” “You are welcome, big Lion. You see, I’m small but important too. A small animal can help a big animal.”



Task 2. Answer the questions. Найди доказательство в тексте.


1.    What animals are there in the story?

2.    What is the weather like?

3.    Was it a rainy or sunny day?

4.    What does the lion want to do?

5.    Are the animals in the forest scared of the lion?

6.    What does the mouse want to do?

7.    Is the lion angry when he catches the mouse?

8.    Is the mouse scared?

9.    Is it funny for the lion to hear that the mouse can help him one day?

10.   Why is the lion sad?

11.   Does the mouse help the lion? How does the mouse help the lion?

12.   Are they friends now?


Task 3. Circle the odd word out.

Example: black, red, whale, white.

1. Strong, scared, animal, sad

2. Sing, play, sleep, strong.

3. A lion, an animal, a mouse, a dog.

4. Too, eat, tree, see.

5. Net, sad, big, we.


Task 4. Who says this?

Write L – for Lion, M - for Mouse, A – for Animals:

1.    Don't play, don't sing._______

2.    Don't worry. He is sleeping. _______

3.    Go back home. _______

4.    I can help you. _______

5.    You can help me?! _______

6.    You are funny. _______

7.    Don't worry. I can bite the net. _______

8.    I'm small but important. _______

9.    Now we are friends. _______


Task 5. Fill in the words

Eat, sad, hot, tired, small, swim, important, catches, lion.


1. The lion is ______. He cries a lot.


2. Here comes a mouse. It is _______ and grey.


3. A small animal is ________ too.


4. Don't ____ me, dear lion. Let me go.


5. The mouse wants to ________.


6. It is a _______ day in the forest.


7. The lion wants to sleep, he is ________.


8. The lion _______ the mouse.


9. Now the _______ is in a net.



Task 6. Расставь предложения из Task 5 в правильном порядке, запиши номера.


Task 7. Choose a word for

the Lion:


the Mouse:


















































Kind (добрый)


Kind (добрый)


Honest (честная)


Honest (честная)


Proud (горделивый)


Proud (горделивый)



Task 8. Write T (True), F (False), NM (Not mentioned).

Найди в тексте подтверждение.


1. The Mouse is tired. _______

2. The animals are scared of the Lion. _______

3. The Lion is big and can be angry. _______

4. The water is hot. _______

5. The weather is hot and sunny. _______

6. There are a lot of animals in the forest. _______

7. The Lion sleeps under the tree. _______

8. The mouse isn't scared of a lion when he sleeps. _______

9. The Lion catches the Mouse. _______

10. The small mouse can be important for the big Lion. _______

11. The Lion and the Mouse can be friends. _______


Task 9. Choose the best proverb to the text

Какая пословица выражает главную мысль басни:


v Do a little well and you do much.

Эквивалент: лучше меньше да лучше.


v Out of sight, out of mind.

Эквивалент: с глаз долой — из сердца вон.


v If you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours.

Эквивалент: делай добро, и оно к тебе вернется.


v Lend your money and lose your friend.

Эквивалент: в долг давать — дружбу терять.


v No man is an island.

Эквивалент: один в поле не воин.


Task 10. Retell the story. Перескажи историю.



Task 2. Answer the questions. Найди доказательство в тексте.

1.     What animals are there in the story?

2.     What is the weather like?

3.     Was it a rainy or sunny day? (Где вы это прочитали?)

4.     What does the lion want to do?

5.     Are the animals in the forest scared of the lion? (Why? - He can be very angry)

6.     What does the mouse want to do? Why? (Неявно)

7.     Is the lion angry when he catches the mouse? (Доказательство)

8.     Is the mouse scared? (Докажи)

9.     Is it funny for the lion to hear that the mouse can help him one day?

10. Why is the lion sad?

11. Does the mouse help the lion? How does the mouse help the lion?

12. Are they friends now?


Task 3. Circle the odd word out.

Example: black, red, whale, white.

1. Strong, scared, animal, sad

2. Sing, play, sleep, strong.

3. A lion, an animal, a mouse, a dog.

4. Too, eat, tree, see.

5. Net, sad, big, we.


Task 4. Who says this Write L – for Lion, M - for Mouse, A – for Animals:

1.     Don't play, don't sing. - Lion

2.     Don't worry. He is sleeping. - Mouse

3.     Go back home. - animals

4.     I can help you. - Mouse

5.     You can help me?! - Lion

6.     You are funny. - Lion

7.     Don't worry. I can bite the net. - Mouse

8.     I'm small but important. - Mouse

9.     Now we are friends. – Lion


Task 5. Fill in the words.

1. The lion is __sad____. He cries a lot. (8)

2. Here comes a mouse. It is __small_____ and grey. (3)

3. A small animal is __important___ too. (9)

4. Don't _eat___ me, dear lion. Let me go. (6)

5. The mouse wants to __swim___. (4)

6. It is a __hot__ day in the forest. (1)

7. The lion wants to sleep, he is _tired__. (2)

8. The lion __catches__ the mouse. (5)

9. Now the __lion_____ is in a net. (7)

Task 7. Write T (True), F (False), NM (Not mentioned).

Найди в тексте подтверждение.


1. The Mouse is tired. - f (the lion)

2. The animals are scared of the Lion. - t

3. The Lion is big and can be angry. - t

4. The water is hot. - nm

5. The weather is hot and sunny. - t

6. There are a lot of animals in the forest. - nm

7. The Lion sleeps under the tree. - nm

8. The mouse isn't scared of a lion when he sleeps. - t (неявная)

9. The Lion catches the Mouse. - t (Неявная)

10. The small mouse can be important for the big Lion. - t

11. The Lion and the Mouse can be friends. - t


Task 7. Choose a word for the Lion:

Angry v


Sad v



Tired v

Strong v

Good v


Happy v

Big v


Kind (добрый) v

Honest (честная)

Proud (горделивый) v неявная

Task 7. Choose a word for the Mouse:




Funny v





Loud v



Small v

Kind (добрый)

Honest (честная) v

Proud (горделивый)

Task 7. Choose a word for the Animals:


Scared v



Quiet v (неявная)








Kind (добрый)

Honest (честная)

Proud (горделивый)



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