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МБОУ «Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 13» города Северодвинска Архангельской области







Урок английского языка на тему:

«Natural Disasters»

8 класс


                                                                                             Булатецкая Татьяна Павловна,

                                                                                  учитель английского языка

                                                                   высшей категории











г. Северодвинск

2017 год



  • активизировать ранее изученные ЛЕ по теме «Природные катастрофы» в устной и письменной речи;
  • совершенствовать навыки изучающего чтения, монологической и диалогической речи, навыков аудирования, грамматических навыков;


  • развивать умение использовать ЛЕ в собственных мини-высказываниях на уровне одного предложения;
  • извлекать из текста необходимую информацию;
  • высказывать предположение, прогнозировать;
  • опровергать утверждения или соглашаться с ними;
  • умение работать в группе;


  • развивать у учащихся самостоятельное мышление;
  • развивать у учащихся внимание;
  • развивать интерес к урокам иностранного языка.


  • УМК “Spotlight”
  • Презентация по теме Natural disasters”
  • Проектор, компьютер.











1.Организационный момент, речевая зарядка. Teacher: Good morning, comrades. Glad to see you again. How are you? I think everything is all right. What date is it today? What day is it today? Who is absent? Why is he absent? Ok, comrades. Let’s speak about the weather. What is the weather like today?

Pupils: I think the weather is bad today. It is cold. The sun is not shining.

            I don’t agree with you, I think the weather is fine. It is frosty. It is 10 degrees below zero.

            I agree with you, the weather is fine today. It is not windy. But it is slippery today.

            I don’t agree with you. I think…….

2.Определение темы урока. Teacher: Thank you, my dear comrades. But you know that we must “be thankful together whatever the weather”.

Now I want you to look at some pictures. What can you see in this picture?

(Слайд №2-9).

Pupil: I think it’s tornado.

Teacher: What about this picture?

Pupil: I think it’s earthquake………..

Teacher: What shall we speak today about? What is the theme of our lesson?

Pupil: We shall speak about disasters.

3.Определение целей урока. Teacher: You are right. We shall speak about natural disasters. Today we shall read the text, ask and answer the questions, do grammar task, listen to the texts and speak on some topics. I think that you can tell the aims of the lesson.

Pupil: The aim of the lesson is to develop reading skills, communication skills, grammar and comprehension skills.

4.Чтение текста «Цунами». Teacher: Yes, you are right. Look at the screen and repeat the words please. (слайд № 12)

Now, comrades, listen to the sounds, imagine the scene and say what is happening? Do you hear the sounds of water? What kind of disaster is it? (Listening).

Pupil: I am on the beach and I see huge waves coming towards me. People are screaming and running to safety. I feel really scared.

I think it’s tsunami.

Teacher: Yes. Now we shall work with the text about tsunami. Open the books at page 74.

(Reading of the text).

5.Выполнение заданий по тексту. Teacher: Now we’ll fulfil some tasks on the text. The first task is – exercise 2, page 74 and ex.3, page 75. Answer the questions please (слайд №13):

Задание по тексту №1(№2, 3 стр. 74, 75 ответить на вопросы к тексту):

Which person is a member of a rescue team? – I think a member of a rescue team is Jason.

Which person is a journalist? – I think a journalist is Alex.

Which person is a holiday maker? – I think a holiday maker is Bill.

Which person is a doctor? – I think a doctor is Sue.

Which person or people suffered injuries? – Bill did (we were rescued by some local men and taken to the hospital).

Which person or people helped other people? – Sue did (my colleagues and I were helping injured people, gave them emergency first aid, some of the injures we had to treat).

Jason (distributing food, searching for more survivers, we managed to find a 13-year-old girl).

………….felt calm at first? – Bill (people around me were screaming).

………….gives details about the time and place of the disaster? – Alex (07.59 local time).

…………was helped by someone else? – Bill (pulled me out of the water).

…………achieve something unexpected? – Jason  (managed to find a 13-year-old girl who was still alive).

Teacher: Ok, comrades. We have been working with Passive Voice for some weeks. Now I want you to find all passive verb forms in the text. And say these sentences in active voice  (смотри ответы ниже).

Задание по тексту №2. №4 стр.75 найти в тексте предложения с Пассивным залогом и переделать их в активном залоге (слайд №14):

Ex.4 p.75

Text A

She had been buried underneath a five-storey building for 52 hours. – A five-storey building had buried her.

Text B

After a few hours we were rescued by some local men and taken to the hospital. – After a few hours some local men rescued us and took us to the hospital.

Text C

We gave them emergency first aid before they were taken to the hospital. – We gave them emergency first aid before we took them to the hospital.

The streets outside were littered with fallen palm trees and huge pieces of wood and metal. – Outside fallen palm trees and huge pieces of wood and metal littered the streets.

6.Определение природных бедствий по описанию.Teacher: Thank you, comrades. Tell me please, what kind of disaster is tsunami?

Pupil: I think tsunami is a violent earthquake under the water.

Teacher: What other natural disasters do you know? Let’s do some sentences. You will read definitions of different disasters and you must guess them (просмотр слайдов с определением бедствий; задача: узнать бедствие по описанию).

Teacher: What kind of disaster is it? (слайд №15)

1………. is a large amount of water which covers dry land (flood).

2………. is a sudden shaking of the ground (earthquake).

3………. is a very violent wind or storm (hurricane).

4………. is a very violent wind in the form of a funnel of air that spins at great speed (tornado).

5………. is a mountain with a hole called a crater in the top. Sometimes lava and gases are thrown from it (volcano).

6………. is a long period of dry weather when there is not enough water (drought).

7………. is a large mass of snow falling down the side of a mountain (avalanche).

7.Прослушивание текстов и заполнение таблицы о природных бедствиях. Teacher: Thank you, comrades. The next item of our plan will be comprehension. You will listen to the text and complete the table.





Asia, North America, South America, Europe

Japan, China, India, Turkey, Peru, Chile, Mexico, the USA, Portugal, Armenia, Russia.


Asia, North America

Japan, China, the USA, Russia, the Philippines


North America



Asia, South America, Europe

Italy, Salvador, Hawaii, the Russian Federation


8.Групповая работа, описание картинок природных бедствий. Teacher: Check your tables please, comrades. The next item of our plan is Description of the Pictures.

The first group – drought

The second group  - flood

The third group – earthquake

Use the plan: Definition of the disaster

                        What does it do to nature and people?

                        Is it violent or horrible?

                        Where does it take place?


I have done all tasks and I have got  … mistakes. (and I haven’t got any mistakes).

I think, my mark is 4 (5).

Teacher: Let’s discuss such questions:

Ø What was the most difficult for you at our lesson?

Ø What did you find interesting?

Ø What did you like best of all?

10.Hometask: to prepare the topic “Natural disasters in my region”.
















Ex.7 p.75

Fear (страх), cover (покрывать), leave (уходить), drown (тонуть), snow (снег), crack (трескаться), collapse (упасть), lose (терять).


2.drowned, lost

3.cracked, collapsed, feared

4.snowed, covered

Which natural disaster is each sentence talking about?

1.tsunami, earthquake, flood






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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • Урок английского языка в 8 классе
МБОУ «СОШ№13» г. Северодвинска Архангельско...

    1 слайд

    Урок английского языка в 8 классе
    МБОУ «СОШ№13» г. Северодвинска Архангельской области
    Учитель: Булатецкая Татьяна Павловна
    Natural Disasters

  • What kind of disaster is it?DROUGHT

    2 слайд

    What kind of disaster is it?

  • What kind of disaster is it?EARTHQUAKE

    3 слайд

    What kind of disaster is it?

  • What kind of disaster is it?FLOOD

    4 слайд

    What kind of disaster is it?

  • What kind of disaster is it?VOLCANO

    5 слайд

    What kind of disaster is it?

  • What kind of disaster is it?TORNADO

    6 слайд

    What kind of disaster is it?

  • What kind of disaster is it?TSUNAMI

    7 слайд

    What kind of disaster is it?

  • What kind of disaster is it?FIRE

    8 слайд

    What kind of disaster is it?

  • What kind of disaster is it?AVALANCHE

    9 слайд

    What kind of disaster is it?

  • Repeat the WordsAvalanche – снеж. лавина
Earthquake - землетрясение
Drought -...

    10 слайд

    Repeat the Words
    Avalanche – снеж. лавина
    Earthquake - землетрясение
    Drought - засуха
    Flood - наводнение
    Forest fire – лесной пожар
    Hurricane - ураган
    Tsunami - цунами
    Tornado - торнадо
    Volcano - вулкан
    Thunderstorms - гроза

    Emergency workers - спасатели
    Crack - трескаться
    Collapse - разваливаться
    Buried - погребенный
    Rescue - спасать
    Horrific - ужасный
    Violent - жестокий
    Massive waves – массивные волны
    To break earth’s crust – разрывать земную кору

  • Guess the WordsOodfl

    11 слайд

    Guess the Words


  • Close your eyes, listen to the sounds, imagine the scene and say what is happ...

    12 слайд

    Close your eyes, listen to the sounds, imagine the scene and say what is happening. Do you hear the sounds of water? What kind of disaster is it?
    …on the beach
    …huge waves
    …screaming and running
    …feel scared
    …hear the sounds..
    I think it’s …..

  • Exercise 2, 3 page 74, 75Answer the questions:Which person was a member of a...

    13 слайд

    Exercise 2, 3 page 74, 75
    Answer the questions:
    Which person was a member of a rescue team?
    Which person was a journalist?
    Which person is a holiday maker?
    Which person is a doctor?
    Which person or people suffered injuries?
    Which person or people helped other people?
    Which person felt calm at first?
    Which person was helped by someone else?
    Which person achieve something unexpected?
    Which person gives details about the time and place of the disaster?

    Sue, Jason

  • Exercise 4 page 75Find all Passive verbs in the text. Make them active.She h...

    14 слайд

    Exercise 4 page 75
    Find all Passive verbs in the text. Make them active.
    She had been buried underneath a five-storeyed building for 52 hours.
    After a few hours we were rescued by some local men and taken to the hospital.
    We gave them emergency first aid before they were taken to the hospital.
    The streets outside were littered with fallen palm trees and huge pieces of wood and metal.
    A five-storeyed building had buried her.
    After a few hours some local men rescued us and took us to the hospital.
    We gave them emergency first aid before they took them to the hospital.

    Outside fallen palm trees and huge pieces of wood and metal littered the streets.

  • What kind of disaster is it?………. is a large amount of water which covers dry...

    15 слайд

    What kind of disaster is it?
    ………. is a large amount of water which covers dry land.
    ………. is a sudden shaking of the ground.
    ………. is a very violent wind or storm.
    ………. is a very violent wind in the form of a funnel of air that spins at great speed.
    ………. is a mountain with a hole called a crater in the top. Sometimes lava and gases are thrown from it.
    ………. is a long period of dry weather when there is not enough water.
    ………. is a large mass of snow falling down the side of a mountain.





  • Comprehension

    16 слайд


  • ReflexionLet’s discuss such questions:
What was the most difficult for you at...

    17 слайд

    Let’s discuss such questions:
    What was the most difficult for you at our lesson?
    What did you find interesting?
    What did you like best of all?

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