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УРОК для 7 класса на материале УМК New Opportunities Pre-Intermediate (M.Harris, D. Mower)

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УРОК для 7 класса

на материале УМК New Opportunities Pre-Intermediate (M.Harris, D. Mower)


Тема: People

Подтема: Personality


Практические: к концу урока учащиеся научатся:

  • Использовать НЛЕ в монологической речи;
  • Извлекать информацию из текста для чтения и аудирования;

Общеобразовательные: к концу  урока учащиеся научатся:

  • выявлять общие и различные черты в родной и чужой культуре;
  • понимать явления и факты, свойственные одной культуре и отсутствующие в другой;
  • обмениваться мнениями;
  • расширят свой кругозор;


  • воспитание трудолюбия и активности;
  • воспитание уважения к культуре страны изучаемого языка;


  • развитие языковой догадки;
  • развитие памяти, мышления, воображения;
  • развитие знаний о культуре страны изучаемого языка.


Языковой и речевой материал:


  • ЛЕ прошлого урока (Stop trying, depress, have a good relationship with, continue doing smth, criticize, tolerate, meet, start doing);
  • Новые ЛЕ (bad-tempered, cheerful, creative, critical, dynamic, disorganized, hard-working, helpful, honest, materialistic, patient, positive, shy, sociable);
  • Цитата для фонетической зарядки;
  • Тексты для аудирования.


Оснащение урока:


  1. Выписанная на доске цитата для фон зарядки;
  2. Выписанные на доске НЛЕ;
  3. Student’s Book;
  4. Activity Book.
  5. Раздаточный материал с дополнительной информацией по теме
  6. Карточки на повторение прошлого материала
  7. Магнитофон и кассета с записью текстов на аудирование











 Ход урока

                                I.           Подготовка учащихся к иноязычной речевой деятельности (5 минут).

1.      Приветствие и сообщение задач урока:

ОЗУ:  Good morning, everybody! Today we are going to speak about one of the most interesting topics – personality of people. But first of all I’d like to know how are you today? (Ответы на вопрос в режиме T-P1, T-P2, …)

2.      Фонетическая зарядка

ОЗУ: That’s ok! Now look at the blackboard please. Here we have a quotation of Alan Coren, a British writer. First of all I will read and then we’ll read altogether.

 “Being a personality is not the same as having a personality”.

Now, please read after me. (режим T-Class)

Ok, please read this quotation yourself (режим T-P1, P2, P3 … )

3.      Речевая зарядка

ОЗУ: We’ve just read the quotation about personality. What do you think makes a personality? Do you think it is necessary for people to have good relationships with everyone?

Do you like to meet new people? (Ответы на вопрос в режиме T-P1, P2, … P1 –P2, …)


                            II.           Введение и отработка нового лексического материала    (30 минут)

1.      Семантизация НЛЕ:

ОЗУ: As I have already mentioned, today we’re going to speak about the people’s personality. You have already learnt how to describe the appearance of a man. Today we will find out how to describe people’s character. Open please you Student books at page 74, here we have some key words which will help you.

Some of them you should know: bad-tempered, cheerful, creative, critical, dynamic, disorganized, hard-working, helpful, honest, insensitive, materialistic, patient, positive, shy, sociable

Раскрытие значений  НЛЕ. Путь: рассказ

Способы: беспереводный, переводный

Приемы: наглядность, языковая догадка.

2.      Фонетическая отработка новых лексических и грамматических единиц в хоровом и индивидуальном режиме T-Class, T-P1, P2, …

3.      Первичная автоматизация новых лексических единиц в условно-речевых упражнениях.

1.         Выполнение условноречевого упражнения ОЗУ: Now I’d like you to look at exercise 3 at page 74. You should describe yourself using the words which we’ve just read together. Try to be honest!

Беседа в режиме T- P1, T - P2, P1 – P2, …

2.      Выполнение упражнения на аудирование

-ОЗУ: Ok, thank you all for being honest. I know it’s very difficult to judge about yourself. So now I’d like to help you to find out some your real traits of character. Look at the top of the page 74, here we have different kinds of sweets, they’re of different shapes. Choose one you like most of all! Now we are going to listen to the text, listen carefully, you will hear the description of your personality, judging by the sweet which you’ve chosen.


- Ответы на вопросы в режиме T- P1, P2, … We’ve listened to it twice. So, answer my questions about the text. Обсуждение текста в микрогруппах.

3.      Контроль НЛЕ в упражнении на аудирование.

-ОЗУ: Now look at ex. 5 – here we have some listening strategies before listening to the text. N, read them please!

-Чтение инструкции. Now listen to the text, try to remember some facts about the girl, because after our first listening we will do true-false exercise.

-Первое прослушивание текста.

-Выполнение упражнения на проверку понимания (TrueFalse).

-Второе прослушивание текста. Выполнение подстановочного упражнения. Ok, very good! Then, we will listen to it again and you are to do exercise 6 – here we have this dialogue in written. You should insert the expressions which are missed here.

-Проверка упражнения и проверка понимания прослушанного в режиме T-P1, P2, … Ответы на вопросы по тексту

What does the girl look like?

What does she like?

What is she like?

-Объяснение дополнительного материала по теме: разница вопросов What does the girl look like?

What does she like?

What is she like?

Related Phrases

What does she look like?

She is young and good-looking, with dark eyes and long red hair.

He is tall and thin, with brown hair.

How do I look?

You look good. You look great. You look nice. You look terrible. You look awful.

What is he like?

He is friendly and dependable. He is interesting and amusing.

He is smart and honest. He is also pretty humorous. I like him.

His character is terrible. He is hostile and bad-tempered. He doesn't have many friends.

What does he like?

He likes ice cream and chocolate. She likes modern music.

Who does he take after, his mother or his father?

He takes after his father in appearance, but he is like his mother in character.

He looks like his mother, but he takes after his father in character.

What are you interested in? What are you into?

I am interested in medicine. I'm into computers. I'm a movie fan.

-закрепление материала в режиме обсуждения в микрогруппах P1 – P2, …

4.      Тренировка НЛЕ в подстановочном упражнении


Complete the sentences with the appropriate words

1. Tim never helps with the housework. He is so (excited, lazy, jealous)!

2. Zoe was (afraid, moody, jealous) of Linda. She was much prettier than Zoe and more intelligent, too.

3. Karen rarely gets angry with people. She is usually (generous, selfish, friendly) and understanding.

4. Pam is very (outgoing, self-confident, hard-working). I am sure you’ll like her when you meet her.

5. The teacher felt very (messy, proud, cheerful) when all her students passed the exam.

6. My friend Ann is very (dishonest, clever, rude). She is good at learning things.

7. People who push in front of you in queues are very (impolite, serious, kind)!

8. My sister Marisa is (easy-going, cheerful, shy). I'm the opposite. I'm very outgoing.

9. My brother Jorge is very (untidy, tidy, messy). His bedroom is always tidy.

10. My neighbour is a good person. She has been very (honest, kind, unkind) to me.

                         III.           Заключительный этап урока (5 минут)


1.      Подведение итогов урока Thank you for the lesson, I liked your work today.

2.      Сообщение и объяснение домашнего задания. I’d like you to do some creative home task. You’re to find out your traits of character with the help of  horoscope.

овен.gifStar signs- what personality adjectives relate to which star sign? Do you agree?

Aries: Mar 21- Apr 20

You won't stand in the corner at the party. (outgoing, easy-going, critical)

You can do the can-can on the table. (introvert, extrovert, selfish)

You tell no lies. (open, truthful, introvert)

телец.gifYou will tell if you don't like somebody's after shave. (cowardly, silly, frank)


Taurus: Apr 21-May 20

You never give up without a fight.  (open, determined, self-confident)

You know that you are good. (extrovert, strong-willed, self-confident)

You work 18 hours a day and still have the strength for parties. (shy, energetic, cowardly)


Gemini: May 21-Jun 20

You think you are good. (self-conscious, ridiculous, proud)

You think you are better than everybody else. (arrogant, brave, carefree)

You spend half of the day in front of the mirror. (vain, proud, moody)


Cancer: Jun 21- Jul 20

You are like a donkey. (selfish, stubborn, silly)

You love money. (messy, moody, materialistic)

You won't share your presents with anyone.  (arrogant, selfish, proud)


Leo: Jul 21- Aug 21

You behave like the weather in April.  (brave, two-faced, changeable)

You can only see one side of things. (narrow-minded, self-centered, self-assured)

You hate to lose. (easy-going, funny, competitive)


дева1.gifVirgo: Aug 22- Sep 22

You aren't brave. (cowardly, silly, moody)

You don't do much. (lazy, messy, easy-going)

You won't give money to charity. (generous, narrow-minded, mean)


Libra: Sep 23- Oct 22

You use your common sense.  (sad, sensible, sorry)

You won't hurt a fly. (kind, honest, dishonest)

You give money to poor people. (kind, gentle, generous)


Scorpio: Oct 23- Nov 22

You are always in the corner. (shy, extrovert, easy-going)

You don't mind green hair. (tolerant, intolerant, truthful)

You understand people's problems. (critical, open-hearted, understanding)



стрелец.gifSagitarius: Nov 23- Dec 20

You are not afraid of climbing mountains.  (passionate, brave, cowardly)

You want to go to wild places. (brave, funny, adventurous)

You are very energetic. (lively, pessimistic, narrow-minded)


Capricorn: Dec 21- Jan 19

You don't like standing in a queue. (impassionate, impolite, impatient)

Everybody can count on you. (easy-going, reliable, shy)

Your room is always clean. (messy, tidy, silly)


Aquarius: Jan 20- Feb 18

You have memory like a sieve.  (funny, forgetful, frank)

You can change a simple thing into a piece of art.  (irresponsible, messy, creative)

You don't like cleaning your room. (messy, tidy, dishonest)


рыбы.gifPisces: Feb 19- Mar 20

You are afraid that the whole world is looking at you. (self-conscious, self-assured, self-confident)

You don't have secrets. (forgetful, shy, open)

People can easily upset you. (worried, sensitive, shy)


3.      Cообщение и комментирование оценок: Your marks for today are

4.      Организованный конец урока: It’s time for the bell, you may go.


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Краткое описание документа:

В ходе обсуждения с учащимися 7 класса темы "Personality" (Личность) было установлено, что под этим понятием они подразумевают человека как общественное и природное существо, наделенное сознанием, речью, творческими возможностями и способностями.

На уроке в рамках темы мы подробнее обсудили типы личности, характер человека, его поведение в обществе и взаимодействие с другими людьми. Учащиеся попробовали работать в группах, обмениваться мнениями, понимать явления и факты, свойственные одной культуре и отсутствующие в другой и выявлять общие и различные черты в родной и чужой культуре.

Языковой и речевой материал:


  • ЛЕ прошлого урока (Stop trying, depress, have a good relationship with, continue doing smth, criticize, tolerate, meet, start doing);
  • Новые ЛЕ (bad-tempered, cheerful, creative, critical, dynamic, disorganized, hard-working, helpful, honest, materialistic, patient, positive, shy, sociable);
  • Цитата для фонетической зарядки;
  • Тексты для аудирования.


Оснащение урока:



  1. Выписанная на доске цитата для фон зарядки;
  2. Выписанные на доске НЛЕ;
  3. Student’s Book;
  4. Activity Book.
  5. Раздаточный материал с дополнительной информацией по теме
  6. Карточки на повторение прошлого материала
  7. Магнитофон и кассета с записью текстов на аудирование


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