Инфоурок Иностранные языки Конспекты(Урок-круглый стол) КНИГИ В МОЕЙ ЖИЗНИ

(Урок-круглый стол) КНИГИ В МОЕЙ ЖИЗНИ

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"BOOKS IN MY LIFE" (Урок-круглый стол)


Оборудование: Творческие работы учащихся, стенные газеты о писателях, книги.

Вводная часть:

1. Развивать монологические и диалогические высказывания по теме, умение давать оценку прослушанному рассказу о писателях, поддержать беседу и выразить свое мнение.
2. Развивать активность, трудолюбие.

Ход урока

I. Оргмомент.
Teacher: Good morning to everybody.
Nice to see you and our guests. The topic of our lesson is "Books in our life". We are going to hold it in a form of a table-talk. Reading this or that book you may be seized or shocked. By it you may cry or laugh or you may give it up if the book is boring for you. So, today I want to know your likes or dislikes on books. For me there are two main things in books: the beauty of the language, the magic force which leads the text, and the idea of the word, expression, the whole story, novel or play. It is a well-known fact that a noble author in the English literature is William Shakespeare who created about 25 thousand expressions widely used in the world literature. I want you to repeat some of them and name the Shakespearian characters.

Речевая зарядка.
Teacher — group:
"Every inch a King" (King Lear)
"Sweets to the Sweet" (Ophelia)
"Green-eyed Monster" (Othello)
"To be or not to be, that is the question" (Hamlet)
"Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow" (Mackbeth)
"Star-crossed lovers" (Romeo and Juilet)
Teacher: So, I prefer to read Shakespeare in the original and you can see the sense of the screened vision of the Italian film "Romeo and Juliet" in the American textbook for high-school students. Now Irene will continue the talk. She tries to read it in the original and she will tell you about her favourite books.

Teacher: Good morning to everybody. Nice to see you and our guests. The topic of our lesson is "Books in our life". We are going to hold it in a form of a table-talk. Reading this or that book you may be seized or shocked. By it you may cry or laugh or you may give it up if the book is boring for you. So, today I want to know your likes or dislikes on books. For me there are two main things in books: the beauty of the language, the magic force which leads the text, and the idea of the word, expression, the whole story, novel or play. It is a well-known fact that a noble author in the English literature is William Shakespeare who created about 25 thousand expressions widely used in the world literature. I want you to repeat some of them and name the Shakespearian characters.

Речевая зарядка.
Teacher — group:
"Every inch a King" (King Lear)
"Sweets to the Sweet" (Ophelia)
"Green-eyed Monster" (Othello)
"To be or not to be, that is the question" (Hamlet)
"Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow" (Mackbeth)
"Star-crossed lovers" (Romeo and Juilet)
Teacher: So, I prefer to read Shakespeare in the original and you can see the sense of the screened vision of the Italian film "Romeo and Juliet" in the American textbook for high-school students. Now Irene will continue the talk. She tries to read it in the original and she will tell you about her favourite booksks

Основная часть:

III. Развитие монологической и диалогической речи.

P1: Studying perfect English I try to read in the original to see the richness and the beauty of the English language. It's rather hard to do because it takes a lot of time to look up the words in the dictionary. That's why I choose short stories of classical writers. O'Henry is a well-known American author of short stories and he is the exact kind of a writer I need. He earned the reputation of the master of surprise endings, expressive characters and city life's portraits. I have read only 3 stories "The last leaf, "The gift of the Magi" and "Wichers loaves" but I was greatly impressed by them. While reading I could see such expressiveness as: "Mr Pneumonia touches Jonsey with his cold fingers". Besides I was seized by the beautiful generosity of the main characters: The ordi¬nary artist Berhman from "The last leaf made his masterpiece thanks to his wonderful heart. He had to die for the sake of a young girl but be¬came a real hero and a talented artist at once. We can sec that a real art is created only by a selfless heart. The young couple Jim and Delia in "The gift of the Magi" loved each other so dearly that had to sell their last own things to buy Christmas presents for each other. They were real Christian people. A bit of the same with Miss Martha from the story "Wichers loaves" who tried to help the beloved painter but spoiled his project without knowing that. I'm delighted with all these stories and I'm eager to read more stories by O'Henry.
Teacher: So, you prefer psychological genre, don't you? Sherlock Holmes is a very popular figure in the world of literary char¬acters with great knowledge of medicine, biology, chemistry, policy. Why do stories about him belong to light reading?
P2: I don't think so. I prefer to read detective stories by Conan Doyle with Sherlock Holmes as a main character. I am interested in the British personality of Sherlock Holmes in a very much extent. With the words "Elementary, my dear Watson..." the most famous detective of all times starts to explain a crime to his friend. Dr. Watson. The inventor of Sherlock Holmes was Arthur Conan Doyle. He was a doctor. In 1882 he moved from Scotland to England to set up a practice. His medical knowledges were a great help to him in his detective stories.
Teacher: And what sort of a man is Sherlock Holmes?
P2: He has a thin face and intelligent eyes. He speaks only when he has something to say. He smokes a pipe. He plays the violin. He lives in 221 "B" Baker Street in London.
After more than 80 years Sherlock Holmes is still the most fa¬mous detective in the world. There are many screened versions of sto¬ries with Sherlock Holmes. One of them is a Russian film about adven-
tures of Sherlock Holmes with Vasily Livanov starring. 1 like to watch it on TV.
Teacher: Thank you. What about classical works?
P3: As for me, I prefer to read serious literature: novels by Rus¬sian writers. It is hard to read novels by Dostoevsky, my favourite author, because he makes the reader think his works over. He describes the Russian reality with great skill. We can see the dark sides of a per¬son's soul, his ugliness and beauty. 1 like the main character of the novel "Crime and Punishment" Raskolnikov. He realized his fault and fighted for saving his soul. For me the more complex the character the more interesting to read about him. I think that only in Russian literature can be such character like Raskolnikov who is a killer and owner of a gentle heart at the same time.
Teacher: Glad to hear such a serious opinion. Does anybody like poetry?
P4: I'm fond of poetry. I like to read poems by Marina Tsvetaeva, Nikolay Gumilev. Poems are fine in any language. There are many de¬lightful English poems and I'm going to recite one of them for you. It is a small poem by Robert Frost, an American poet. 1 like this poem for its melody, rhythm a deep thought inside it.

A Minor Bird
I have wished a bird would fly away
And not sing by my house all day
Have clapped my hands at him from the door
When it seemed as if I could bear no more.
The fault must partly have been in me
The bird was not to blame for his key
And of course there must be something wrong
In wanting to silence any song.

Teacher: Why do we call poetry a crown of literature? The po¬ems like brilliants decorate literature, they are short, beautiful and wise.
P5: I like to read about love and adventures. These books are usu¬ally full of passion and have interesting story lines and unusual endings
that make me forget the problems of everyday life. I like to dream of a pleasant and romantic character like Angelica, her risky and dangerous adventures. Her brave heart and beauty help her to overcome all hard¬ships in her life, to obtain the aim, to find her husband and keep her love for him. This series of books about adventures of Angelica by Ann and Serge Colon is great.
Teacher: So, I see that the girls are romantic by hearts. What about the boys?
P6: My friend and I are fond of reading science fiction but we like different authors. As for Artem he prefers books by Ray Bradbury. What can you tell us about him?
P7: Ray Bradbury is a famous American science fiction novelist. His novel "Fahrenheit 451" is known all over the world. It shows a fu¬ture totalitarian state in which super television makes people think. He wrote a lot of short stories. His every work warns people, and that's why many of them are not pleasant to read. What authors do you like to read and why?
Р6: I read novels and stories by an outstanding american writer Robert Hovard, a founder of a fantasy branch in literature. His main characters like Conan The Barbarian fight against the forces of hell and magic. Many stories by this author have screened versions where Schwarznegger stars as Conan.
P7: I think fantasy demands bright imagination and great knowl¬edge of ancient times.
P6: Yes. All this makes such stories interesting, exciting and I really enjoy reading them.
Ps: I also prefer reading detective stories and novels but only by Russian authors. My favourite series is "Black Cat". I have got ten books of this series in my home library. The author is Alexandra Marinina. These novels are about crime investigations of a small group of Russian militiamen. They are very clever, quick-witted, adventurous and risky in their actions. They come to rescue each other and their friendship helps them to catch murderers. I greatly enjoy reading these books.
Teacher: Clever of you! What about a historical branch?
P9: I like reading historical novels. It's interesting for me to learn more about the life of Russian tzars, foreign kings and queens. I enlarge my knowledge of history and understand the situation in Russia in our time better. My favourite books are "Henrich the Fourth" by Mann, "Peter I" by A. Tolstoy and novels by Duma. Reading historical novels I always learn many interesting things about the life of different people.

Развитие навыков аудирования.
Тeacher: Thank you. I think we need not only serious books but humorous ones too. It's time for fun. Listen to some funny stories and share your opinion.
A young man who wanted to show that he knew Edgar Allan Poo very well once, pushed his way through the crowd of people standing around the famous writer, took him by the hand, began to shake it and cried: "Dear Edgar, I haven't seen you for ages!". The writer looked at him in surprise and answered: "Since (he day you were bom, I suppose".
PI0: I think Edgar Allan
Рое had a great sense of humour.
Teacher: Right you are. One more very small story. It is a dialogue.
Publisher: Did you write this poem yourself?
Young Man: Yes, every line of it.
Publisher: Then, I'm glad to meet you. Lord Byron. I thought you were dead long ago.
P11 : This young man was too self-reliant and lies-bound. He is "Jack of all trades".
Teacher: That's very good.
You are absolutely right.

Завершающая часть:

V. Заключительная часть урока.
Teacher: To finish our table-talk I want to read you some words of our Russian writer Valentin Katayev: "A book is one of the greatest wonders in the world... Thanks to books we can talk to people who lived in different ages and countries. Through reading books we hear their voices, thoughts and feelings. The book is faithful and unde¬manding friend: it can be put aside and taken up again at any moment."
It was very pleasant for me to listen to all your opinions. I think you are good readers and I hope you will remain the same ones.
1 wish you success in reading. Your marks are 5-s. Good-bye. See you.

Домашнее задание:  Топик « Любимая книга»

























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