Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыУрок-презентация проектов на английском языке "Вперед, Россия!"

Урок-презентация проектов на английском языке "Вперед, Россия!"

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                                                                            Textbook for the VII form by O.V Afanasyeva,

                                                                                                              I.V. Mikheeva, Unit I.


                                              Forward, Russia!


Task 1: to practice speech;

Task 2: to learn more about Russia;

Task 3: to teach being patriotic.


1. As a theme of the lesson I’ve chosen a popular slogan: Forward, Russia! (slide 1)

Russia is our Motherland. We live here and we love it.

You know, that Russia has always been a country of mystery and attraction for foreigners. They don’t know much about our country. And what is the way they see us? You can see these pictures in tourist booklets (Textbook, p. 3).

    What do they tell about Russia?   ….

This text (slide 2) is also from a booklet, read it and say,

    What kind of country is Russia according to the text?  ….


   The country impresses with its diversity and size. Spanning 10 time zones, this Eurasian land mass covers over 17 mln sq klm. Its climate ranges from the Arctic north to the temperate south. Russia has a rich literary tradition stretching from Pushkin, Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky to Solzhenitsyn. Composers from Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninov to Prokofiev and Shostakovich have left a lasting musical legacy.


The largest country.

A beautiful country.

An industrial country.

A long inhabited country.

A very cultural country.

An agricultural country.

An oil-producing country.


2. Today we’ll learn to speak about our country, because we would like other nation  to know and love our homeland. We’ll try to prove it’s also a beautiful country with developed industry and agriculture and rich history.

(slide 3) What is the official name of the country?   …..

Today we’ll speak about its geography, people, political system and culture.


3. Geography.

1) Look at the map (slide 4).  You also have it in your Activity Books, p.4.

Who wants to tell about geography of Russia?    (a pupil tells about geographical position of Russia using the information from SE)  


2) Do you remember waters of Russia? (slide 5)

    What river is it? And this?  ….

    What is the name of the lake?    ….

    What ocean do you see?   …

    Is this the Black sea?

    What rivers (lake) can they be?  (slides 14-17)


3) Read these proper names after me (slide 6):

 Siberia, the river Ob, the Altai Mountains, the East European Plain, the Ural Mountains, West Siberian Lowland, European Russia, Georgian, Caucasus Mountains, Elbrus, the Baltic, Poland. 


Read the text and fill in the gaps with these words. You can use your AB, ex. 3 p.4. The map can help you.    


   Russia displays a variety of landforms and environments. Most of the land between the Baltic and (1)  the Ural Mountains is covered by the Russian plain or (2)  the East European Plain. The Russian plain occupies northwestern Russia or (3)  European Russia. To the east of the Urals is the vast (4)  West Siberian Lowland or the West Siberian Plain, the greater part of which is occupied by the basin of (5)  the River Ob.

Much of (6)  Siberia is mountainous. (7) the Altai Mountains lie south of Lake Baikal and along the border with Mongolia. Between the Black and the Caspian Seas are the high (8)  Caucasus Mountains which rise to (9)  Elbrus at 5642 v on the (10)  Georgian border. The Kaliningrad region between (11)  Poland and Lithuania on (12)  the Baltic

is a detached part of Russia.


4) As you see, Russia is a very big country and its climate differs greatly in its different parts. What can you say about climate of Russia?   …

Listen to the descriptions of some climatic zones of Russia and say what it is. (slide 7)


The Steppes

The Arctic North

The Taiga

The Subtropical Region


      1. It is a severe tundra region. The subsoil there is nearly always frozen. The usual temperature in winter is minus 50 degrees C though lower temperatures have been registered. Most of the land is nearly uninhabitable because of the length and severity of winters there.

     2. It is the most extensive of Russia’s natural zones and covers more than half of the country. It consists of open coniferous forests growing on swampy ground. In European Russia it gives way southward to a zone of mixed coniferous and deciduous forest that, however, dies out to the east with decreasing rainfall and severer winters.

    3. This part of Russia is grass-covered and almost treeless. Winters are cold there but summers are hot and dry.

    4. It stretches in a narrow coastal strip along the Black sea. From the north it is sheltered by the mountains. The water in the sea is warm enough to swim in seven months of the year. Vast tea, tobacco and citrus plantations have been developed in the region.



    What regions do you see? Can you guess? (slides 8- 13)  ….


5)  What do you know about animal and plant worlds of Russia? (slide 18)  ….


6)  Russia has a unique combination of natural recourses. What recourses are they?   (slides 19-24)  …

Uchaly district rich in natural recourses, isn’t it? Which of these can you find in Uchaly?   (slide 19) ….


7) Russia is a country with highly developed industry. (slide 20) Here you see branches of production: industry (metal industry, engineering, space exploration are especially developed in Russia (slides 21-24)); trade and public catering; agriculture and forestry (slides 30-31); building; transport and communication service.


8) This map shows administrative division of  Russia. How can you comment on the map? (slide 32)


9) We live in one of republics of Russia – in Bashkortostan. (slide 33) Here it is.

Bashkortostan, located in the mountains and plains of the southern Urals, has a territory of 143,600 sq. klm. And a population of over 4 mln people.

Bashkortostan is an independent state within the Russian Federation. And who is that man?   …


10) The main city in Russia is Moscow. (slide 34)

Which of you has been to Moscow?  …

What are your impressions of Moscow?   …  (slides 35-38)


4. Russia is a great and rich country, but the main thing is that Russia is rich in its people.(slides 39)

 Who can prove the idea?  …  (population, nationalities, famous people, crafts)

(slides 40-42,47)



5. Political system (slide 43, 44)

Who wants to tell about the political system of Russia?   ….  (The Russian National Government, the President)


6. Russia has great history. (slide 45) The first  records of Kievskaya Rus refer to the 9th century. It’s not surprising that our country has a lot of traditions and holidays. One of the most important of them is Victory Day (slide 46).


7. Today we have discussed a lot of things. What have we spoken about?   ….

We have proved that our Motherland is

The largest country.

A beautiful country.

An industrial country.

A long-inhabited country.

A very cultural country.

An agricultural country.  (slide 48)



Those who really love Russia will unite their efforts and work for the welfare of our Motherland! (slide 50)


I believe that you really love your country and will do everything to make it more powerful, more prosperous. You will be patriotic!

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