Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыВеб-квест на тему «What places of interest in Tula are worth visiting for guests and foreigners?» ( 8 класс)

Веб-квест на тему «What places of interest in Tula are worth visiting for guests and foreigners?» ( 8 класс)

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WEB QUEST                                                                                                                          for the students of the 8th form                                                                                         «What places of interest in Tula are worth visiting for guests and foreigners?»


1.     Introduction

Imagine you are the tourist from London visiting  Russia not only to spend your spare time in unusual place but also to know some interesting facts about one of  the ancient cultural centers rich in traditions, fests and historical places. It is our native   city Tula. You are invited to go on an amazing trip around Tula and its region and have a quick overview of  the tourist attractions of the Hero city. You will know about history, well-known brands and symbols, traditions, famous monuments and buildings, festivals and people in Tula.

Let’s get started and explore those places of interest which are worth visiting. For you work you need special words, phrases, tasks, movies and so on. They will help you in your research.

Finally, you will be divided in two groups. The first group have to make a poster  and tell the class about the most popular places in Tula to visit for our foreigner. The second group have to make a multimedia presentation and then to present the class interesting facts about Tula, its history and outstanding events and people.

To fulfill what we have planned for, you have to answer all the questions.

Surf the Net and gather as much information as possible concerning your tasks about Tula.

You are supposed to be active, creative and curious in doing this project.

Good luck!


2.     Tasks

Tula is a cultural center and can offer our Londoner many places to visit. What are they? What places of interest in Tula can you advice? What interesting facts can you tell  our guest? Why is it necessary to know some facts about place you live in?  What is you favourite place in Tula?

Imagine you are fresh from Tula and sharing information you have about history of Tula with a friend of yours. Work in teams or individually and find out some interesting facts.

Don’t forget some photos , drawings and notes for your research. They must help you to reflect the peculiarity of the events you are talking about.


3.     Process

     For the lesson on Tula the class are divided in 2 groups. Each group will get a special task for discussion. Your tasks will include the following:

I.                  Pre-lesson work.

a)     Study web-resources  using  Internet links.

b)    Choose necessary info

c)     Answer the questions

d)    Illustrate the results of your work (the 1st group – a poster);


1. What places of interest in Tula are popular among  adults , children, students, guests, citizens?

2. What are you favorite places? Name 3 places you like in Tula, describe and present to the class.

3. What do you know about the Tula gingerbread and the Gingerbread museum?

4. Who brought the first accordion to Tula?

5. Did you visit the Samovar museum? Why our guest should visit this place?



the 2nd group – the presentation).


1.  When was Tula founded? When it become the southern borderline of the Moscow state?

2. Why Nikita Demidov fall into Peter the 1st favor?

3. What was prospering in ancient times in Tula?

4. When did the Tula Kremlin was constructed and why?

5. What events and famous people played an important role in Tula?



e)     Express your own attitude to the problem under discussion

II.               While-lesson work.

Report to the class the results of your activity in teams and be ready to discuss the questions and  the topic in a group.

4.     Roles

Each student has a small role:

Ø Londoner or Londoners

Ø Historians

Ø Citizens of ancient Tula

Ø A guide in the museum

Ø A passer-by

Ø An ethnographer


5.     Resources

1.     http://en.visittula.com/about-tula-region/

2.     https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tula,_Russia

3.     https://findout-russia.com/2017/12/07/the-tula-state-museum-of-arms/

4.     https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tula_Kremlin

5.     https://www.slavorum.org/tula-gingerbread-printed-gingerbread-from-russia/

6.     https://www.museum-tula.ru/muzei/muzej-samovar/



6.     Teacher page

Students will enlarge vocabulary on the topic, improve their listening and reading skills, exercise creative writing skills and knowledge of  places of interest in Tula. This web-quest can be adjusted for students of the 7th-8th  grades. Such lesson can be included in that part of school curriculum which is dedicated to the module Spotlight on Russia. This web-quest will help you to awake students’ interest in… improve internet competence.


7.     Conclusion

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