Инфоурок Английский язык Другие методич. материалыВнеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку по теме "Хеллоуин"

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку по теме "Хеллоуин"

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Halloween is an originally religious celebration that has become a popular holiday in many countries, especially in the USA and Canada. It is celebrated on the 31st of October, the eve of All Hallows’ Day. The word ‘Halloween’ is a contraction of ‘All Hallows’ Evening’.

Nowadays most people do not see Halloween as a religious celebration. It is just a fun holiday that includes many traditional activities such as trick-or-treating and costume parties. It is popular among both children and grown-ups.

A Halloween costume party is an event where everyone should be dressed up as ghosts, witches, skeletons etc, although in many cases people choose less ghost-related costumes and dress up as pirates, robots, popular shows and videogames characters. Visiting haunted attractions is a different kind of activity. That kind of event is a live show that simulates visiting a haunted house, people might feel like they are in a horror movie. Haunted attractions usually feature scary characters such as horror movie villains or ghosts and zombies.

The activity that little children are fond of is trick-or-treating. Kids wear costumes, knock on their neighbors’ doors and say ‘Trick or treat!” The phrase suggests ‘You either give me a treat or we play a trick on you’. According to the rules of the game, grown-ups are supposed to give a treat to the children, usually a bunch of candies. Children love this activity because it is fun and they end up collecting a lot of candies from grown-ups.

Another traditional Halloween activity is making jack-o’-lanterns. A jack-o’-lantern is a hollow pumpkin carved in a particular way. It looks like a head with a creepy smile and a candle inside. This is probably the most recognizable symbol of Halloween.

Halloween is originally a Christian celebration but it has become popular in many countries, although the traditions of Halloween vary among them. For example, in Russia, where I live, trick-or-treating and making jack-o’-lanterns have not become common. Halloween is a relatively popular holiday but it is celebrated mostly in the form of costume parties.


Halloween is an originally religious celebration that has become a popular holiday in many countries, especially in the USA and Canada. It is celebrated on the 31st of October, the eve of All Hallows’ Day. The word ‘Halloween’ is a contraction of ‘All Hallows’ Evening’.

Nowadays most people do not see Halloween as a religious celebration. It is just a fun holiday that includes many traditional activities such as trick-or-treating and costume parties. It is popular among both children and grown-ups.

A Halloween costume party is an event where everyone should be dressed up as ghosts, witches, skeletons etc, although in many cases people choose less ghost-related costumes and dress up as pirates, robots, popular shows and videogames characters. Visiting haunted attractions is a different kind of activity. That kind of event is a live show that simulates visiting a haunted house, people might feel like they are in a horror movie. Haunted attractions usually feature scary characters such as horror movie villains or ghosts and zombies.

The activity that little children are fond of is trick-or-treating. Kids wear costumes, knock on their neighbors’ doors and say ‘Trick or treat!” The phrase suggests ‘You either give me a treat or we play a trick on you’. According to the rules of the game, grown-ups are supposed to give a treat to the children, usually a bunch of candies. Children love this activity because it is fun and they end up collecting a lot of candies from grown-ups.

Another traditional Halloween activity is making jack-o’-lanterns. A jack-o’-lantern is a hollow pumpkin carved in a particular way. It looks like a head with a creepy smile and a candle inside. This is probably the most recognizable symbol of Halloween.

Halloween is originally a Christian celebration but it has become popular in many countries, although the traditions of Halloween vary among them. For example, in Russia, where I live, trick-or-treating and making jack-o’-lanterns have not become common. Halloween is a relatively popular holiday but it is celebrated mostly in the form of costume parties.


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