Инфоурок Английский язык Другие методич. материалыВнеклассное мероприятие Виртуальная экскурсия по Лондону "A tour about London"

Внеклассное мероприятие Виртуальная экскурсия по Лондону "A tour abot London"

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Внеклассное мероприятие

Виртуальная экскурсия по Лондону


Objectives: To improve students’ skills in speaking and listening, to develop pupils’ communicative, social and cultural competence.

Equipment: PC, flat screen, presentation  “A tour about London”

T: Good evening, dear boys and girls! The meeting in our club is dedicated to the International Day of  European Languages. Today you’ll get on a virtual tour  about London the capital of the United Kingdom and  Northern  Ireland.

P1: London, the capital of Great Britain, is one of the oldest and largest cities in the world. It is said that London is two thousand years old. Hundreds of years before our era it was a small settlement on the banks of  the Thames. To this place, in the year 55 B.C. Caesar came from Rome.

P2: Llyn-din (which means “a lonely place”) – that wasthe name of the settlement – became Londinium. The Romans made Londinium a large and rich city with good streets, beautiful palaces, shops and villas. It was surrounded by walls and its gates were locked at night.

P3: In the fifth century the Romans left Britain and Saxons and Danes invaded the British shores. They conquered the land and ruined the city. During nearly 400 years Londinium lay in ruins.

P4: In 1066 William the Duke of Normandy, or William the Conqueror came. He settled in Londinium, or now became London. For 500 years the normans were masters of  Britain.  They brought with them  Latin and French civilization, the learning, the lows and the organization of land.  Norman masters  went everywhere about the country, building new places,  churches and cathedrals. Westminster Abbey was finished and William the Conqueror was  the first king to be crowned  there.

P5: Westminster Abbey is a fine Gothic building, the work of many different hands and different ages. It was founded in 1049.

Westminster Abbey is the crowning place of  British  monarchs. Kings and Queens of  England have been crowned  here since 1050.

P6:  Westminster Abbey contains  the tombs and memorials of  many famous  English scientists such as  Charles Darwin,  Isaac Newton, and others. It has its Poet’s Corner, where many writers are buried:  Geoffrey Chaucer, Ben Jonson,  Charles Dickens, Alfred Tennyson, Thomas Hardy and Rudyard Kipling.

Here are memoriakls to William Shakespeare, John Milton, Robert Burns, George Byron, Walter Scott and other well-known English writers and poets.

P7: Now you can see the Westminster  Palace. The Housesof Parliament is the seat of the British Government. It is a very large Gothic building. It stands on the left bank of the river Thames.

 There is only one building but it is called the Hoses because it is divided into two Chambers: the House of Commons and the House of Lords.

P8: Big Ben is the name of a huge clock on the Clock Tower of the Houses of Parliament. One can get a good view of the Tower from  Westminster Bridge. The present clock was made by Mr Dent.

P9: Now you can see St. Paul’s Cathedral. It’s the masterpiece of Sir Christopher Wren, England’s great architect. The Cathedral was  built between  1675- 1710 to replace the old Cathedral that was  largely destroyed in the Great Fire of 1666.

P10: The history of  London is closely connected with the Tower. They say that London  is the key to England  and the Tower is the key to  London.

 The Tower is one of the most ancient buildings of London. It was founded by William the Conqueror. For many centuries the Tower has served as fortress, palace, state prison and royal treasury, now it is a museum.

P11: Buckingham Palace is the London home of the Queen. When the Queen is  here the royal standard flutters over the palace, and  the changing  of the Guard is a military ceremony which takes place daily in the forecourt of the palace.

Many tourists come to see the ceremony and the royal guardsmen in their parade uniform – the red coat, white trousers and a bear-skin Tudor hat.

T: Dear guests, if you want to know more about England and English you are welcome to attend the elective course “English-speaking countries”.

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