Инфоурок Английский язык Другие методич. материалыВнеурочное мероприятие по английскому языку "Разговор о маме"

Внеурочное мероприятие по английскому языку "Разговор о маме"

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Разговор о маме

Внеклассное мероприятие для обучающихся

(беседа на английском и русском языках)


Цель:развитие познавательного интереса к изучению английского языка.


·         познавательные: история празднования «Дня матери» в Великобритании, России и других странах;

·         воспитательные: прививать милосердие и любовь к матери;

·         учебные: развивать навыки устной речи и аудирования.


·         выставка рисунков ко дню матери

·         презентация в Power Point

Оборудование: мультимедийная техника




Хранительница семейного очага, огонь тепла, любви и доброты, бескорыстности и жертвенности, вечный ангел-хранитель своих детей. Иногда она бывает строгой, иногда усталой. Это самый дорогой для нас человек на свете. Но она любит нас и всегда готова придти на помощь и принимает нас такими, какие мы есть.



От чистого сердца, простыми словами
Давайте, друзья, потолкуем о маме.
Мы любим ее, как хорошего друга
За то, что у нас с нею всё сообща,
За то, что когда нам приходится туго,
Мы можем всплакнуть у родного плеча.
Мы любим её и за то, что порою
Становятся строже в морщинках глаза

Но стоит с повинной прийти головою,
Исчезнут морщинки, умчится гроза.
За то, что всегда без утайки и прямо
Мы можем доверить ей сердце свое.
И просто за то, что она - наша мама,
Мы крепко и нежно любим её.


Инсценировка стихотворения



The day before his birthday 
the baby said to God:
– I don’t know wherefore I’m going to this world…
How will I live there? 
I am so small and helpless…
God answered: “I’ll give you
an angel…
who will be waiting for you 
and take care of you.
– But what shall I do on Earth?
Here I am smiling and laughing,
It’s all I need for my happiness.
Your angel will smile for you.
You will feel his love.
and you will be happy .
– But how will I understand him?
I don’t know the language 
he’s speaking
– Your angel will teach you 
his language
– He will jealously watch over you 
and sain you
– When should I come back to you, God?
– Your angel will tell you everything.
– What’s the name of my angel?
– His name is not an important thing.
– He will have a lot of different names
– But you will call him


Благослови меня, Всевышний!
Я отправляюсь в путь земной, -
Просил ребёнок, не родившись,
Кристально чистою душой.
- Здесь, в небесах, я был беспечным -
Здесь были ангелы со мной.
Кем буду я в том мире встречен?
Кто даст мне тело в жизни той?
Кто мне поможет стать на ноги?
Кто будет душу согревать?
Кто боль развеет и тревоги?
Кого всегда я буду звать?

В устах улыбка засияла,
Бог душу детскую обнял:
- Не бойся! С самого начала
Тебя в том мире ангел ждал!
Одним-единственным на свете,
Тот ангел будет для тебя,
Он самым первым тебя встретит
И плоть твою взрастит, любя.
Он жизнь твою теплом согреет,
Он будет тучи разгонять,
Он всё простить тебе сумеет,
А, если надо - жизнь отдать.
Твой ангел будет верным самым,
Ты с ним весь путь земной пройдёшь
И самым первым словом "МАМА"
Ты его имя назовёшь.




Teacher: Mother! It’s a magic word for every child in the world. People all over the world celebrate the holiday «Mother’s day» in honor of their mothers just to be thankful. Let’s speak about the history of this holiday. You will watch video. While watching it try to complete the table. Match information, please.

Let’s check.  The following slide will help you.

The second Sunday of  May                   

Mother's Day is celebrated

Anna Jarvis                                             

the famous name associated with Mother's Day


the first country to recognize Mother's Day


holidays for  mothers The 8th 0f March and Mother’s Day

Mothering Sunday                   

The day the household servants returned to be with their mothers

Mother's Day became an official holiday                          


the favorite flower of Mrs. Jarvis

White Carnation

the official flower for Mother's Day

Red Carnation



What else do you know about this holiday in England and in Russia?


1.      Mother’s Day in Russia is quite a new holiday. It has been celebrated since November 1998.

2.       Mother’s Day in Great Britain is quite an old holiday. Long ago children in GB began working when they were very young. They worked hard far away from their families and sent money they earned home. They could visit their parents only once a year. They used to bring their mothers and grandmothers little present – flowers and eggs.

3.       Nowadays British kids give their mothers and grandmother flowers and do the housework on Mothering Sunday.

4.      So, English Mother’s Day is similar with International Women’s Day, which is widely celebrated in Russia.


Thank you for information. And I want to add that the symbol of holiday is red carnation if your mother is alive, and white- if she is dead.


Мама... Простое, казалось бы, слово,
А сколько в нем нежности, ласки, тепла,
Ребенок лопочет его бестолково,
Ручонки раскинув, припухший от сна.
В печали и в радости мы произносим,
То робкое "Мама", то резкое "Мать".
Порой на чужбине вдруг сердце запросит
Совсем незнакомую -мамой назвать.

А дома так часто ей делаем больно
Поступками, взглядами, жестами мы,
Потом вдалеке вспоминаем невольно
О том, что прибавило ей седины.
И пишем на школьных листках торопливо
Признанья своей запоздалой вины.
Она их читает, краснеет стыдливо,
И в горьких морщинах слезинки видны.
Давно без письма все обиды простила,
А тут ей до боли приятно прочесть:
"Спасибо, родная, за то, что растила,
За то, что ты любишь, За то что ты есть!!!


Thank you for this beautiful poem. We should be thankful for such a gift as our mothers. But do we always understand them?  Do we help them when they ask us? Now, please, Put the story in the correct order and try to understand it and answer the questions.


1. One day the mother asked her daughter to help her around the house. But the daughter didn't obey and went with her friends to walk. In the evening, the daughter came home and saw that the house shines with purity. The Daughter asked her mom: "You're not angry with me?" Mom looked at her daughter and said, "I'm not offended, because I really love".


2. For the other time, mom asked the daughter to go to the store for bread, but the daughter staring the computer, said sharply to her mother: "Leave me alone! I'm busy. I don't have time". Mom sighed a little and she went to the store for bread. It's time for lunch. The Daughter was eating with good appetite nourishing soup with fragrant warm bread. After finishing a delicious lunch, she looked up at her mother. She became uncomfortable. "Mom, you're not mad at me?" -  said daughter looking away. Mom said quietly: "I'm not mad because I love you very much".


3. A week has passed. The daughter was going to the movies with her friends. Mom asked her to stay at home because she felt bad.. The daughter, wearing a coat, said, "Mom, this is a very interesting film. I can't miss it". When she returned home, the daughter saw that mom wasn’t in. The house was cold and uncomfortable. Suddenly the phone rang. The daughter picked up the phone and heard unfamiliar voice: "Girl, your mother is in the hospital..."


4. The Daughter ran out of the stairwell and hurried to the hospital. Having flown into the room she saw a pale, tired face of her mother. The daughter became sad and very ashamed. She came to her mother, hugged her affectionately and said, "Mother, darling! Forgive me for didn’t paying attention to you. I am very ashamed of my actions. I never, hear, never will do that!"

Mom smiled through her tears, which had been on the cheeks, whispered: "Darling, I'm not mad, because I really love you!" The daughter clung to their mother's breast, and thought: "What a big heart has my mom ".


Students answer the following questions:

Is this story true or fantastic?

 Have you ever had the same situation?

What did the mother ask her daughter to do?

 Did the girl obey her mother?

 What did she understand when she came to the hospital? (Her mom has done very much for her daughter, but she understood it only in the hospital. She always forgave her daughter.

What is the conclusion of this story? (We should take care of our mothers)

Teacher: Let’s listen to one more poem.. What do you feel?

Student’s possible answers: (Regret, pity, sorrow-огорчение, жалость, горе, раскаяние)

  • искренние сожаления — honest regret
  • огромное сожаление — great pity
  • искреннее сожаление — genuine sorrow
  • глубокое сожаление — deep remorse



Unfortunately, we don’t have time to speak to our mothers, to come to them and be with them. We understand that we love our moms very late sometimes. Do you understand your mother? Do you always do what she asks?

And now watch a heart -touching video about relations between the son and his mother. This story has much in common with the text. Watch it and think about you and your mothers. Are you always kind and careful to them?

It’s a very heart-touching video. Every time I see it I have tears in my eyes.

What does this word mean for you? (The most beautiful, the cleverest, has gold hands, Jack of all trades, my friend, pretty, fashionable, smart, generous, hardworking, special, tender, industrious, kind – hearted, generous, faithful, reliable, sociable, serious, pretty, attractive, charming. Take care of, after, cook meals, to be in a good mood, sing a lullaby).


M is for the million things she gives me, "M" is for the mercy she possesses. 

O she's growing old, I owe her all I own. 

T tears she shed to save me, tender sweet caresses. 

H heart of purest gold, hands that made a home

E eyes, with love lights shining,everything she's done to help me

R right she'll always be real and regular, you see

Nobody can replace moms.  In addition, how many warm and kind words we would not say our mothers, still this is not enough.


Student’s compositions.

The first word a child says is Mother. Mom is the closest person in our life. In my opinion it is very important to have good relations with your mom. Everything can happen in your life and the only person who will love and understand you is your mother. Sometimes we are rude to them and don’t have time to talk to our mothers.

My mom always gives advice and supports you in any situations. My mom is my best friend. I trust her. She means a lot to me. She takes care of me since my birth. She never betrays. I’m sure I can always rely on her help. I love her very much.


 I personaly think mom  saves you from dangerous and cruel world. She feeds you and looks after you. And even if you quarrel with your mom she always forgives you, and  it’s nice when you make up.

This person supports you in all situations. Mom always  loves you even if you do something bad. She really understands you, and knows what you need to be happy.

1. My dear man

2. The word "mother" is associated with something warm and bright. Mama is the most precious person we have in life. Only she loves us so much that she is able to forgive us and understand us.

But we do not even think how much she does for us, helps and supports us. I love my mother, even though we sometimes quarrel, because our characters are very different, but we always make up. Mother kisses goodnight and wishes pleasant dreams. I guess I am no longer able to sleep without those kisses at night. My mother scolds me for being naughty, but she is always happy my any victory. At least one night a week, usually before the weekend, we spend time chatting about various things, and sometimes laughing together on the films. We walk or go shopping. We are still together. We both cherish these evenings. To be honest, as for my feelings to my mother, I love her and that’s it. My mom is an understanding, kind, affectionate and gentle person. And I'm glad that my mom is such person.

Take care, love and respect their moms, do everything for being proud of by them, share joy and troubles with them, call them on not only weekends but also every day.

Congratulate gently and sincerely them on the last Sunday of November present those poems, gifts, flowers and sweets. Be with them on this day and take home all of their daily chores.

If you are far away, just call your mom in the morning on a holiday and say, "Be happy, my dear, beloved and the only mother. I know you are so hard with me. But, believe me; I appreciate every day that I can spend with you and every moment when I can look into your kind, smart and loving eyes".

Маму не заменит никто и никогда. Наверное, сколько бы теплых и добрых слов мы не говорили нашим матерям, все равно этого будет мало. Берегите, любите и уважайте своих мамочек, делайте все, чтобы они могли вами гордиться, делите с ними все их радости и беды, звоните им не только по выходным, а каждый божий день. Обязательно искренне и нежно поздравьте их в последнее воскресенье ноября, преподнесите стихи, подарки, цветы и сладости. Будьте с ними в этот день и возьмите на себя все их домашние повседневные хлопоты. Если же вы далеко, просто позвоните своей маме утром в праздничный день и скажите: «Счастья тебе, моя родная, любимая и единственная мамочка! Я знаю, что тебе со мной порой очень непросто. Но, поверь, я ценю каждый день, который могу провести рядом с тобой и каждый миг, когда я могу заглянуть в твои добрые, умные и любящие глаза».

Mommy and Me

Words and lyrics by Patty Shukla

Mommy and me
Mommy and me
Mommy makes me happy
On Mother's day, let's celebrate!
Things that make my Mommy great!

She helps me learn my ABCs
She reads my favorite books to me
The way she tucks me in just right
The way she kisses me goodnight

Mommy and me
Mommy and me
Mommy makes me happy
On Mother's day, let's celebrate!
Things that make my Mommy great!

She gives me hugs and makes me smile
She'll even carries me awhile
And if I need some loving care
My Mommy’s always there!!!

Mommy and me
Mommy and me
Mommy makes me happy
On Mother's day, let's celebrate!
Things that make my Mommy great!

I may not say it all the time
But Mommy, I'm so glad you're mine.
It is the little things that you do
I just want to say, "I Love you!"

Mommy and me
Mommy and me
Mommy makes me happy
On Mother's day, let's celebrate!
Things that make my Mommy great!


Every Baby Needs A Mama, Needs A
Close At Hand
Every Baby Needs A Mama, Needs A
To Hold Their Hand

I Look In The Eyes
Of A Beautiful Child
They Tell Me More Than Words
He Reaches His Hand
And Cries For Something
Oh I'll Give Him All I Have

Every Baby Needs...

Birdies On The Window
See The Birdies On My Window
If I Could Fly Ooh Babe
Then I Would Fly Ooh Ooh
Believe In Me Yeah

I'm Holding His Hand
And Giving My Love
Through Happiness And Sorrow
And In No Time
He'll Be A Big Boy
Oh What A Wonder Of Love

Every Baby Needs A Mama...
Close At Hand

 Little Baby You're Not Alone

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Краткое описание документа:

Мероприятие "Разговор о маме" является проектной деятельность учащихся 7-9 классов.Так как в УМК по английскому языку практически отсутствует информация об этом празднике,то появилась цель: Создать подбор материала на тему "Mother's Day"для уроков английского языка.

Ученики, разделившись на группы, занимались поиском информации.Ребят интересовал вопрос появления данного праздника в России. Соответственно они искали материал и об истории возникновения данного праздника в Америке и Британии.

Затем им стали интересны видеоролики об отношении детей к мамам, которые пригодились бы для просмотра на уроках английского языка. А также ребята захотели проанализировать и посмотреть как относятся дети к своим мамам во всем мире.

Третья группа искала стихи и песни, которые можно разучивать на уроках английского языка.

Итогом стал сценарий внеурочного мероприятия.

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