Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыВопросы к игре "Кто хочет стать миллионером" (7 кл)

Вопросы к игре "Кто хочет стать миллионером" (7 кл)

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Раунд 1

1 What is the official language in Great Britain?

a) English        b) French       с) Russian        d) Chinese


2 The capital of France is:

a) Cardiff         b) Paris        c) Moscow         d) London


3 The USA is in:

a) Africa         b) Europe        c) America          d) Asia


4 What is Picсadilly Circus?

a) a cinema          b) a square       c) a theatre         d) a house


5 What is the biggest ocean in the world?

a) the Atlantic        b) the Arctic        с) the Pacific         d) the Indian


6 What number is unlucky in Japan?

a) 13          b) 7           c) 1             d) 4


7 The most popular sport in England is:

a) hockey        b) baseball         c) football         d) volleyball


8 The USSR entered World WarII:

a) 1980           b) 1812           c) 1941            d) 1703


9 Easter (Paskha)

a) February\March         b) March\April         c) September           d) December


10 What is the capital of Australia?

a) Sydney          b) Canberra         c) Melbourne         d) Brisbane


11 Sir Cristopher Wren built:

a) the Tower of London      b) St.Paul’s Cathedral        c) Westminster Abbey       d) the Houses of Parliament


12 The Princess Diana was the wife of:

a) Prince John      b) Prince Robert       c) Prince Edward         d) Prince Charles


13 In what country do men wear skirts?

a) France         b) England       c) Scotland       d) Norway


14 The British Parliament is in:

a) the Buckingham Palace       b) the Houses of Parliament          c) Baker Street    d) Westminster Abbey


15 When can you see the flag over the Queen’s Palace?

a) when she is out      b) when she is abroad        c) when she has a party       d) when she is at home





Раунд 2


1 What is the official language in France?

a) Russian      b) Chinese         c) French          d) English


2 The capital of Great Britain:

a) Paris          b) Moscow          c) London         d) Cardiff


3 German is in:

a) Asia        b) America         c) Europe         d) Africa


4 What is the Tower of London?

a) a prison        b) a museum        c) a house          d) a fortress


5 What is the deepest lake in the world?

a) Lake Huron       b) Lake Victoria        c) Lake Ontario          d) Lake Baikal


6 What shouldn’t you give as a gift in China?

a) a clock         b) a vase       c) a box of sweets        d) a flower


7 Britain’s national drink is:

a) tea        b) coca-cola        c) coffee         d) juice


8 Peter the Great founded St. Petersburg on the 16th of May.

 a) 1237         b) 1812        c) 1991        d) 1703


9 Russian Independence Day

a) the 12th of June        b ) the 9th of May        c) the 23d of February       d)the 1st of January


10 Australia is :

a) a  peninsula        b) an island continent      c) a city      d) a village


11 Where is London’s Zoo?

a) Regent’s park     b) Hyde park    c) St. James’s park     d) Central park


12 You can get from Russia to England by:

a) bicycle     b) airplane     c) car     d) foot


13 Westminster Abbey is:

a) the chapel     b) the monastery   c) the inn    d) the famous Royal church


14 The legend says that without them the Tower will fall. They are:

a) the pigeons    b) the cats    c) the sparrows     d) the ravens


15 Covent Garden is now:

a) a cinema    b) a fruit and apple garden    c) a theatre     d) a tourist shopping centre








Раунд 3



1 What is the official language in Russia?

a) French       b) Chinese      c) Russian       d) England


2 The capital of Scotland

a) Washington      b) Edinburg      c) Moscow      d) Berlin


3 England is in:

a) Europe     b) Africa      c) America      d) Asia


4 What can you see in Trafalgar Square?

a) Nelson Statue     b) King memorial     c) Queen memorial      d) Michail  Gorbachev memorial


5 What is the longest river on the globe?

a) the Nile     b) the Volga      c) the Mississippi    d) the Danube


6 In which country it is impolite to open a gift when it’s presented?

a )the USA       b) France       c) Turkey       d) Spain        


7 The national currency of the UK is:

a) the euro     b) the rouble    с) the dollar    d) the pound


8 Yuri Dolgoruky founded Moscow in:

a) 1917     b) 1147     c) 1861      d) 1991


9 Day of Spring and Labour:

a) 12 June      b) 9 May       c) 4 November     d) 1 May


10 What is the largest city in Australia?

a) Sydney      b) Canberra     c) Melbourne      d) Brisbane


11 The Raven Master is the person who:

a) buys the ravens    b) kills the ravens    c) feeds the ravens     d) chases the ravens


12 Who is the head of England?

a) the Queen     b) the Tsar    с) the Princess     d) the Prince


13 Where can you see pelicans?

a) Hyde park    b) St, James park    c) Central park     d) Regent’s park


14 What is the national symbol of Canada?

a) the bald eagle     b) the maple leaf     c) the rose     d) the magnolia tree


15 Where are the tombs of many British Kings and Queens and other famous people?

a) in the Tower of London    b) on the Cemetery    c) on the river bank    в) in Westminster Abbey






Раунд 4



1 What is the official language in Germany?

a) Russian    b) German       c) English       d) Spanish


2 The capital of the USA:

a) London      b) Washington        c) Moscow       d) Berlin


3 France is in:

a) Europe      b) America       c) Australia     d) Asia


4What is the name of the river in London?

a) the Volga      b) the Nile        c) the Thames       d) the Amazonka


5 What is the highest mountain in the world?

a) the Urals        b) the Caucasus        c) the Himalaya(s)       d) the Altai


6 In which country is it common to eat dogs?

a) Germany       b) Spain      c) Korea       d) India


7 What is the symbol of England?

a) a daffodil       b) a thistle      c) a tulip       d) a rose


8 Napoleon tried to conquer Russia in:

a) 1812     b) 1861       c) 1703        d) 1917


9 Constitution Day:

a) 7 January       b) 4 November        c) 12 December          d) 8 March


10 What is one of Australia’s most famous and best-loved animals?

a) penguins         b)  eagles       c)  koalas         d) hares


11 The changing of the Guards happens every day:

a) 9.30a.m.       b) 8.30 a.m.       c) 11.30 a.m.         d) 10 a.m.


12 Which is the hottest month of Australia?

a) August     b) January        c) September        d) April


13 Who was the 42-d President of the USA?

a) Clinton         b) Kennedy        c) Johnson        d) Washington


14 Which ocean doesn’t surround Canada?

a) the Pacific        b) the Atlantic       c) the Arctic        d) the Indian


15 Ben Nevis is:

a) a famous sportsman       b) a sort of whiskey      c) a mountain         d) a lake


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