Инфоурок Иностранные языки ТестыЗачет "Модуль 8". Spotlight 7

Зачет "Модуль 8". Spotlight 7

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1 variant


·        Underline/choose the correct item.

1.     Governments have tried/have been trying to reduce air pollution for years.

2.     I could join the club too, .............?

A could I B couldn’t I

·        Complete the sentences using the verbs in the present perfect continuous tense.

3.     I ____________________________ (look) for my keys since 11 a.m.

4.     The government ...................................to reduce pollution for years. (try)

5.     We ......................................... hard to build nesting boxes. (work)

·        Read the sentences and transform them into the present perfect continuous tense.

6.     Jane is teaching the cycle of life.

·        Fill in the question tag.

7.     Camels live in the desert, ......................?

8.     You can speak three languages, _______________?

9.     He has passed the exam, _______________?

10. Sarah didn’t collect the cans and newspapers,......................?



·        Complete the paragraph using the words/phrases provided.

one hand



natural habitats



to sum up


other hand



Should we keep animals 11) .............................. zoos, or is it wrong to take them 12) .............................. of their 13) ..............................? On the 14) .............................., zoos 15) .............................. an important 16) .............................. in animal 17) .............................. . But on the 18) .............................., is it right to take animals 19) .............................. from their natural environment? 20) .............................., there is neither a right nor a wrong answer.


·        Underline the correct item.

21. Toxic fumes pollute/wipe out the air we breathe.

22. Governments have been trying to reduce/emit pollution in the air.

23. I can’t make up/out what it says here.

·        Fill in the correct word.

 fumes  rain  pollution  recycle clean out

24. toxic ...............................................

25. air, water and soil ..............

26. ............................................ a pond

·        Match the above phrases to the pictures below.






·        Choose the correct response.

31. Can you help us with our next project in the Amazon rainforest?

A Sure! It’s so heavy.

32. Are you making a one-off donation?

B Hello, I would like to make a donation.

33. Can I help to protect natural habitats?

C Yes, I would love to help!

34. Hello, Greenpeace. How can I help you?

D Yes. You can volunteer to work on conservation projects.

35. Can I give you a hand with that box?

E No, I would like to donate Ј10 per month.


·        You will hear a representative from an environmental organisation talking to somebody who wants to donate money to support their cause. For each question, fill in the missing information.

·        Greenpeace donation

(please tick )


Regular e.g   ˅

Amount: 36) £ ....... per 37) .......

Name: 38) .......................................

Address: 39) ..........................., London.

Method of Payment (please tick )40)


Credit card



Cheque Cash


Bank account




















2 variant


·        Underline the correct item.

1.     Paula is working/has been working for hours!

2.     We’re late, .............?

A are we B aren’t we

·        Complete the sentences using the verbs in the present perfect continuous tense.

3.     We ______________________________ (wait) for the bus for 20 minutes.

4.     He ............................................... the environment for over ten years. (study)

5.     It ........................................... for two days. (rain)

·        Read the sentences and transform them into the present perfect continuous tense.

6.     Rose is cleaning out a pond.

·        Fill in the question tag.

7.     They study at a secondary school, _____________?

8.     Sarah has called her mum, .....................?

9.     It can’t be true, ......................?

10. Sarah didn’t collect the cans and newspapers,......................?


·        Complete the paragraph using the words/phrases provided.

one hand



natural habitats



to sum up


other hand



Should we keep animals 11) .............................. zoos, or is it wrong to take them 12) .............................. of their 13) ..............................? On the 14) .............................., zoos 15) .............................. an important 16) .............................. in animal 17) .............................. . But on the 18) .............................., is it right to take animals 19) .............................. from their natural environment? 20) .............................., there is neither a right nor a wrong answer.


·        Underline the correct item.

21. We should use rain/solar power to heat our homes.

22. Toxic fumes play a huge role/cycle in the formation of acid rain.

23. Your handwriting is not clear. I can’t make up/out what you’ve written.

·        Fill in the correct word.

rain  pollution  recycle    trees

24. acid ...............................

25. ........................... newspapers and cans

26. plant ..............................

·        Match the above phrases to the pictures below.






·        Choose the correct response.

31. Can you help us with our next project in the Amazon rainforest?

A Sure! It’s so heavy.

32. Are you making a one-off donation?

B Hello, I would like to make a donation.

33. Can I help to protect natural habitats?

C Yes, I would love to help!

34. Hello, Greenpeace. How can I help you?

D Yes. You can volunteer to work on conservation projects.

35. Can I give you a hand with that box?

E No, I would like to donate Ј10 per month.


·        You will hear a representative from an environmental organisation talking to somebody who wants to donate money to support their cause. For each question, fill in the missing information.

·        Greenpeace donation

(please tick )


Regular e.g   ˅

Amount: 36) £ ....... per 37) .......

Name: 38) .......................................

Address: 39) ..........................., London.

Method of Payment (please tick )40)


Credit card



Cheque Cash


Bank account



















3 variant


·        Underline the correct item.

1.     John has been sleeping/slept for two hours now!

2.     John is ............. rubbish.

A collector B collecting

·        Complete the sentences using the verbs in the present perfect continuous tense.

3.     She ____________________________ (play) computer games for 50 minutes.


4.     They ____________________________ (live) in Moscow since January.

5.     I .............................. to clean out ponds for a year now! (volunteer)

·        Read the sentences and transform them into the present perfect continuous tense.

6.     Dave is planting flowers.

·        Fill in the question tag.

7.     Sally is collecting rubbish, ______________?

8.     Gorillas are amazing animals, .................?

9.     Sarah didn’t collect the cans and newspapers,......................?

10. It can’t be true, ......................?


·        Complete the paragraph using the words/phrases provided.

one hand



natural habitats



to sum up


other hand



Should we keep animals 11) .............................. zoos, or is it wrong to take them 12) .............................. of their 13) ..............................? On the 14) .............................., zoos 15) .............................. an important 16) .............................. in animal 17) .............................. . But on the 18) .............................., is it right to take animals 19) .............................. from their natural environment? 20) .............................., there is neither a right nor a wrong answer.


·        Underline the correct item.

21. Acid rain poisons/wastes trees and plants.

22. Can I volunteer/join an environmental organisation?

23.   They had a fight but they soon made to/up.

·        Fill in the correct word.

  pollution  rubbish  recycle  clean out

24. air, water and soil ..............

25. collect ............................

26. ........................... newspapers and cans

Match the above phrases to the pictures below.






·        Choose the correct response.

31. Can you help us with our next project in the Amazon rainforest?

A Sure! It’s so heavy.

32. Are you making a one-off donation?

B Hello, I would like to make a donation.

33. Can I help to protect natural habitats?

C Yes, I would love to help!

34. Hello, Greenpeace. How can I help you?

D Yes. You can volunteer to work on conservation projects.

35. Can I give you a hand with that box?

E No, I would like to donate Ј10 per month.


·        You will hear a representative from an environmental organisation talking to somebody who wants to donate money to support their cause. For each question, fill in the missing information.

·        Greenpeace donation

(please tick )


Regular e.g   ˅

Amount: 36) £ ....... per 37) .......

Name: 38) .......................................

Address: 39) ..........................., London.

Method of Payment (please tick )40)


Credit card



Cheque Cash


Bank account



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Данная разработка учитывает пройденный материал. Контрольный зачет представляет собой 5 разделов( грамматика, чтение, лексика, говорение, аудирование). Разработано три варианта для работы в классах, имеют одинаковую степень сложности. Не рекомендуется использовать учебник и словари на тестированию. 

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Раздел письмо не включен в контрольную работу, так как допуском являлось эссе по теме "is it fair to keep animals in zoos?"

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