Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыЗадания для олимпиады среди студентов колледжа

Задания для олимпиады среди студентов колледжа

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Listening Comprehension

Task I Listen to five people talking about the schools they went to. Answer the questions choosing the correct variant (A, B, or C). ONLY ONE VARIANT is possible here

1 David usually saw his family …

A at weekends.          B once a month.                      C during the holidays.

2 David says his teachers were …

A strict and unhelpful.     B strict but helpful.           C strict but fair.

3 Robert’s school had …

A no sporting facilities.  B hardly any sports facilities.       C good sports facilities.

4 They probably closed Robert’s school because …

A the teaching was bad.       B it was very old.              C it was in the town centre.

5 Mary was good at …

A computer studies.               B sport.              C science.

6 One thing Mary didn’t like was …

A the colour of the uniform.          B the size of the school.       C the after-school clubs

7 Barbara says she …

A had strict teachers.          B didn’t have a timetable.            C didn’t learn anything.

8 Barbara says the rules and punishment system was …

A very strict.                B surprisingly successful.               C completely unfair.

9 James didn’t have any friends at first because …

A he didn’t live near the school.      B he didn’t like sport.         C he was very shy.

10 James felt proud because …

A he went to secondary school on his own.                   B he made lots of friends.        

C he helped design the school’s first web page.




Lexico-grammatical test

Task II For questions 1 – 20 choose the correct answer A, B, or C

1 We have never been to … Italy before.

A a                                 B –                         C the

2 She gave me … very useful advice.

A a                                  B any                     C some

3 Jodie smiled … as she opened her presents.

A happy                          B happier               C happily

4 Sally bought a …. of milk at the supermarket.

A carton                          B glass                    C block

5 He … his teeth checked twice a year.

A has had                        B has                       C will have had

6 If I had locked up my bike, it … have been stolen.

A couldn’t                        B wouldn’t              C would

7 Мы собираемся петь …

A We are going to sing …  B We are going  singing…       C We go to sing…

8 James did very ….. in his exams.

A good                                B well                              C better

9 I would prefer …… at home rather than go to the theatre.

A stay                                  B to stay                           C staying

10 Mum told me to keep an eye …… my little sister.

A at                                      B on                                  C in

11 Cycling has one dis….. It makes you feel hot and sweaty.

A patient                               B advantage                     C agreement

12 Bill and Anne got married last month, ….?

A didn’t they                         B didn’t he                       C don’t they

13 “……did you go last night?” “To a restaurant.”

A What                                 B When                             C Where



14 Greg: Hello, Dick. How are things going?

       Dick: …….

A Yeah. I’ll be in touch. Cheers!

B Fine, thanks. Haven’t seen you for a while…

C Very well, thanks, Greg. And how are you?

15 Could I speak ….. Mark Andrews, please?

A back                            B to                       C for

16 Since you are an international company, it may interest you to know that I am ….. in English and Spanish, and I have a working knowledge of Portuguese.

A fond of                      B good at                   C fluent

17 We usually ….. brands that say something.

A develop               B are developing                   C have developed

18 ‘The Hunger Games' is a book by the American author Suzanne Collins. It was published in 2008 and has sold millions of ……….. .

A examples                          B copies                   C publications

19 They are going to have a test  … Monday.

A in                         B on                              C at        

20 Mr. Brooks … a letter to the firm two days ago.

A sent                        B sended                    C was sending


Reading Comprehension

TASK III Choose the one best answer (A, B, or C) to each question on the basis of what is stated or implied in the text

Smoking Is No Longer Cool in California

In fact, the battle against smoking has grown so hot, that many smokers are giving up smoking or taking their habit into hiding. Dozens of anti-smoking laws have been passed in the last two or three years. But it's not just the laws that make life difficult for smokers. It's the prevailing attitude. This is the state where theatre audiences cheer announcement requesting no smoking in the auditorium. Small children tug at their mothers' hands and point when they see a cigarette in someone's mouth.

Smokers complain of feeling like outcasts and sometimes even outlaws. They risk breaking a law or at least attracting a hostile stare every time they pull out a pack of cigarettes. Those who visit California are likely to feel pressure even before they arrive. After restricting smoking in almost all public areas on the ground, California's legislators extended their passion for clean air. This was the first state to ban smoking on air planes flying over its territory. The ban now applies to all flights of two hours or less, anywhere in the United States.

Arriving by bus or train won't help smokers hang on to their cigarettes. Once outside California, smoking is not allowed on any form of public transport. Cars seem to be one of the few areas left for smokers.

Every year thousands of people die from «passive smoking». These people don't smoke, they inhale smoke of people who are smoking nearby. Dangers of second-hand smoke made non- smokers more militant.

1. The authorities of California ….

A help smokers.         B kill smokers.         C forbid smoking.

2. Small children of California …

A have never seen smokers            B can't smoke without their mother's permission.

C are surprised when they meet a smoker.

3. Why are the smokers of California out of place?

A They are allowed to smoke only in theatres.    B Smoking is restricted in public areas.

C Smoking is supported by California's legislators.

4. Where is smoking allowed?

A In cars.                    B In trains.                C In buses.

5. Why do thousands of people die from passive smoking?

A Inhaling cigarette smoke is bad for their health.   B They are killed by active smokers.

C They are frightened to death.




1 C 2 B 3 A 4 B 5 B 6 A 7 B 8 B 9 B 10 C


1 B 2 C 3 C 4 A 5 B 6 B 7 A 8 B 9 B 10 B 11 B 12 A 13 C 14 C 15 B 16 C 17 A 18 B 19 B 20 A


1 C 2 C 3 B 4 A 5 A



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