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Задания для видео-урока по УМК Eyes Open 3, 7.2

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Eyes Open 3 Unit 7 Video 7.2

 Playing with Maths

A lot of students think Maths is difficult. It’s often a “love” or a “hate” subject. But we use Maths all the time! To measure distance, design art work, go shopping, and use a computer. But if we didn't study Maths at school, we wouldn't be able to do any of those things. “Today we’re going to play a game that’s going to give you a chance to practise adding fractions. And you’ve used this model of the clock before. And this game is going to use the model of the clock as well.” So, the students get into groups to play and to learn fractions. “Yeah, one third! I finally get a one!” “Four tenths.” These students are using art to learn Maths. In this way, they can see Maths in the world around them – even on a quilt. The teacher gives the students two questions to think about during the class. “The first is: how do artists use geometry? And the second is: why do artists use geometry?” So, the students describe the geometric shapes they see in the quilt. Then they find geometric shapes in different pieces of art. Now it’s the students’ turn to be the teacher. They write about what they’ve learned. And then they stand up and teach their classmates. It’s a great way to make Maths interesting and fun


1.       Many students find Maths hard.

2.       We use Maths very seldom in our lives.

3.       With Maths we go shopping and use a computer.

4.       Today the students are going to play a game.

5.       They are going to practise drawing.

6.       They are going to use the model of the clock.

7.       The students have to get into pairs.

8.       The students are using art to learn history.

9.       Now they can see Maths everywhere around them.

10.    The first teacher’s question is about geometry.

11.   The students have to describe the flowers on the quilt.

12.   After that they have to find geometric shapes in different books.

13.   Then the students have to be the teachers.

14.   They have to make new Maths tasks for other students.


1.       What do the students think of Maths?

2.       What do we use Maths for?

3.       What is this game going to give them today?

4.       What model have they used before?

5.       How do they learn fractions?

6.       What else do they use to learn Maths?

7.       How many questions does the teacher give to the students?

8.       What do the students describe?

9.       Where do they find geometric shapes then?

10.   What do they have to write?









be able








a great way


Can and may


a small proportion of something



be able



throughout the period of time


A good method of doing something;


To create a detailed drawing before making it for real


The length from one point to another


Colourful blanket


To find out the size

a great way

Say how something looks like


Playing with Maths

A lot of students …1………………… Maths is …2…………………. It’s often a “love” or a “hate” …3…………………. But we use Maths all the …4…………………! To measure …5…………………, design art work, go shopping, and …6………………… a computer. But if we didn't …7………………… Maths at school, we wouldn't be …8………………… to do any of those things. “Today we’re …9………………… to play a game that’s going to …10………………… you a chance to …11………………… adding fractions. And you’ve …12………………… this model of the clock before. And this game …13………………… going to use the model of the clock as …14………………….” So, the students get into …15………………… to play and to …16………………… fractions. “Yeah, one third! I …17………………… get a one!” “Four tenths.” These students are using …18………………… to learn Maths. In this …19…………………, they can see Maths in the …20………………… around them – …21………………… on a quilt. The teacher gives the students two questions to …22………………… about during the class. “The first is: …23………………… do artists use geometry? And the second is: …24………………… do artists use geometry?” So, the students …25………………… the geometric shapes they see in the …26…………………. Then they find geometric shapes in different …27………………… of art. Now it’s the students’ …28………………… to be the teacher. They …29………………… about what they’ve learned. And then they stand up and …30………………… their classmates. It’s a great …31………………… to make Maths interesting …32………………… fun


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