Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыЗадания на времена группы Simple

Задания на времена группы Simple

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                              Variant 1


                        Variant 2


Present Simple

1. Ann _________ (not to watch) TV.

2. Girls _________ (not to study) French.

3. Sam _________ (watch) TV?

4. Alan _________ (play) computer games.

5. They ________ (bring) the books to me.


Past Simple

6. Mike _______ (not to give) me his bike.

7. My children ______ (not to like) bananas.

8. They ______ (see) a new film yesterday.

9. Sam________(do) everything himself?

10. My parents ______( buy) a new car.


Make up a question

11. There are ten books on the shelf. (How many books...?)

12. Kelly works at the court. (Where?)

13. They watched TV in the daytime. (Why?)

14. They bought apples. (What?)

15. Some students are lazy. (Who?)



Present Simple

1. I ________ (go) shopping with my brother.

2. We ________ (use) a dictionary in class.

3. My friends ______ (not to study) Italian.

4. Ducks _________ (like) water.

5. You ________ (live) near her?


Past Simple

6. Everyone _________ (make) mistakes.

7. We ______ (not to play) tennis in school.

8. The students _____( have) a nice party?

9. Uncle James _____(wear) glasses.

10. The lesson______ (not to begin) in time.


Make up a question

11. There are two pens on the desk. (How many pens...?)

12. We were on duty yesterday. (Who?)

13. His friends play tennis well. (Who?)

14. She came very late. (Why?)

15. The secretary typed very fast. (How?)



                             Variant 3


                          Variant 4


Present Simple

1. He _______ (not to like) rap music.

2. She ______ (do) her homework herself?

3. We ______ (play) tennis every Sunday.

4. I ______ (not to watch) TV in the daytime.

5. My mother _______ (teach) Art.


Past Simple

6. The boys _____   (not go) to school by bus.

7. Eagles _________(fly) high in the sky?

8. My sister _______ (cook) all our meals.

9. We _____ (wash) our hands before meals.

10. Willie _________ (not to collect) stamps.


Make up a question

11. Winter comes after autumn. (When?)

12. She went to school on Friday. (Where?)

13. His friends sing well. (Who?)

14. There are four lessons on Friday. (How many lessons...?)

15. Her parents are in Paris now. (Who?)



Present Simple

1. Sondra _________ (not to read) magazines.

2. My parents _____(read) newspapers.

3. His brother ______surf) the internet?

4. Tom often _______ (play) tennis.

5. They ________ (not to meet) their friends.


Past Simple

6. It often _______ (not to snow) in autumn.

7. We _________ (eat) three times a day.

8. The lessons____ (not to finish) at 3 o’clock.

9. He ________ (live) far from his aunt?

10. Frank ________ (enjoy) singing.


Make up a question

11. Everyone makes mistakes. (What?)

12. My sons sleep in their room. (Who?)

13. The lesson began in time. (When?)

14. There are two rooms in your flat. (How many rooms...?)

15. My children are busy now.  (Who?)




                              Variant 1


                        Variant 2

Present Simple

1. Ann watches TV.

2. Girls don’t study French.

3. Does Sam watch TV?

4. Alan plays computer games.

5. They bring the books to me.


Past Simple

6. Mike didn’t give me his bike.

7. My children didn’t like bananas.

8. They saw a new film yesterday.

9. Did Sam do everything himself?

10. My parents bought a new car.


Make up a question

11. How many books are there on the shelf?

12. Where does Kelly work?

13. Why did they watch TV in the daytime?

14. What did they buy?

15. Who is lazy?


Present Simple

1. I go shopping with my brother.

2. We use a dictionary in class.

3. My friends don’t study Italian.

4. Ducks like water.

5. Do you live near her?


Past Simple

6. Everyone made mistakes.

7. We didn’t play tennis in school.

8. Did the students have a nice party?

9. Uncle James wore glasses.

10. The lesson didn’t begin in time.


Make up a question

11. How many pens are there on the desk?

12. Who was on duty yesterday?

13. Who plays tennis well?

14. Why did she come very late?

15. How did the secretary type?



                             Variant 3


                          Variant 4

Present Simple

1. He doesn’t like rap music.

2. Does she do her homework herself?

3. We play tennis every Sunday.

4. I don’t watch TV in the daytime.

5. My mother teaches Art.


Past Simple

6. The boys didn’t go to school by bus.

7. Did eagles fly high in the sky?

8. My sister cooked all our meals.

9. We washed our hands before meals.

10. Willie didn’t collect stamps.


Make up a question

11. When does winter come?

12. Where did she go on Friday?

13. Who sings well?

14. How many lessons are there on Friday?

15. Who is in Paris now?


Present Simple

1. Sondra doesn’t read magazines.

2. My parents read newspapers.

3. Does his brother surf the internet?

4. Tom often plays tennis.

5. They don’t meet their friends.


Past Simple

6. It didn’t often snow in autumn.

7. We ate times three times a day.

8. The lessons didn’t finish at 3 o’clock.

9. Did he live far from his aunt?

10. Frank enjoyed singing.


Make up a question

11. What does everyone make?

12. Who sleeps in their room?

13. When did the lesson begin?

14. How many rooms are there in your flat?

15. Who is busy now?



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