Инфоурок Иностранные языки Другие методич. материалыТренировочные упражнения на закрепление прошедших времен (Past Simple, Past Perfect, Past Continuous)

Тренировочные упражнения на закрепление прошедших времен (Past Simple, Past Perfect, Past Continuous)

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I.             Open the brackets and put the verbs in the correct form (Past  Simple).

1.       Nelly (draw) a strange picture and (send) it to her aunt. When the old lady (get) it she (be) much surprised as she (prefer) stamps to all pictures in the world.

2.       Tom (throw) a ball to Alex who (catch) it.

3.       James (fall) downstairs and (break) his leg. The pain he (feel) was awful.

4.       How much it (cost) you?

5.       Jack (hide) his knife in the pocket and (lie) on the bench.

6.       Jennet (lay) the table and (leave) the room.

II.            Correct mistakes in the following sentences.

1.       She tought me English and Spanish.

2.       The audience bursted into applause.

3.       At last he was founded the guitar under the bed.

4.       He laid on the sofa quite motionless.

5.       They dremt about sunbathing somewhere on the beach.

III.            Complete each sentence so that it means the same as the preceding one.

1.       I ran two miles. Afterwards I felt tired. After I _________________________________________

2.       The moment I saw her I knew she had been crying. As soon as ___________________________

3.       I was watching television downstairs. Meanwhile, a burglar broke upstairs. While ___________

4.       I dropped my wallet somewhere. I only realized it when I got home. When _________________

5.       We entered the room. The telephone rang. Hardly _____________________________________ 

IV.            Correct mistakes in the following text.

Mrs Smith is the oldest person in Elm Street. She lived in it all her life and saw a lot of changes here. She says: ‘The Street changed so much and people became richer. They have car and television now. You never had seen a car in the street when I was a girl. People are less friendly now. I often feels lonely as my husband and most of my friends had died’.

V.            Choose 1 correct answer.

1.       What are your plans for the future?

a)       We go to America.

a)       We’ll go to America.

b)      We’re going to America.

2.       Look at those clouds!

a)       It’ll rain in a minute.

c)       It rains in a minute.

d)      It’s raining in a minute.

3.       When you come back I ……all the housework.

a)       will finish

b)      will have finished

c)       will be finishing

4.       He’ll become an architect after he….from the university.

a)       will graduate

b)      will have graduates

c)       graduates


5.       What time …. on Monday?

a)       you leave

b)      will you leave

c)         are you leaving


Complete the following interview between a policeman and a suspect (simple past, past continuous, past perfect or past perfect continuous).


Policeman: Now Mr. Starr, what (1)______________________ (you/do) at 10 o'clock last night?

Starr: I (2)______________________(watch) the ten o'clock news on TV.

P: The news? I see. And then you (3)______________________(go) back to the manor house at 10:45. Why?

S: Because I (4)____________________(realize) that I (5)___________________(leave) my bag of tools there.

P: Bag of tools?

S: Yes, I (6)______________________(work) there earlier in the day before driving over to another job, nearer my home.

P: I see. Then what happened when you (7)______________________(get) to the manor house?

S: As no one (8)_________________(answer) the doorbell, I (9)________________(look) through the window. Sir Harold (10)______________________ (lie) on the floor. It looked as if he (11)___________ (lie) there for some time.

P: And you thought that someone (12)______________________ (hit) him on the head.

S: That's right, officer. I could see some blood dripping from his head onto the carpet.

P: Mm. Right. Mr. Starr, I want you to come down to the station for further questioning. You see, it so happens that there was no ten o'clock news last night because of the World Cup Match.


Complete the following interview between a policeman and a suspect (simple past, past continuous, past perfect or past perfect continuous).


Policeman: Now Mr. Starr, what (1)______________________ (you/do) at 10 o'clock last night?

Starr: I (2)______________________(watch) the ten o'clock news on TV.

P: The news? I see. And then you (3)______________________(go) back to the manor house at 10:45. Why?

S: Because I (4)____________________(realize) that I (5)___________________(leave) my bag of tools there.

P: Bag of tools?

S: Yes, I (6)______________________(work) there earlier in the day before driving over to another job, nearer my home.

P: I see. Then what happened when you (7)______________________(get) to the manor house?

S: As no one (8)_________________(answer) the doorbell, I (9)________________(look) through the window. Sir Harold (10)______________________ (lie) on the floor. It looked as if he (11)___________ (lie) there for some time.

P: And you thought that someone (12)______________________ (hit) him on the head.

S: That's right, officer. I could see some blood dripping from his head onto the carpet.

P: Mm. Right. Mr. Starr, I want you to come down to the station for further questioning. You see, it so happens that there was no ten o'clock news last night because of the World Cup Match.



were you doing


was watching




(had) realized


had left


had been working / had worked




(had) answered




was lying


had been lying


had hit









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