Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыАғылшын тілі пәнінен "Мектеп құралдары" тақырыбы бойынша ашық сабақ жоспары (1 сынып)

Ағылшын тілі пәнінен "Мектеп құралдары" тақырыбы бойынша ашық сабақ жоспары (1 сынып)

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Form: 1


Theme: Мектеп құралдары- School Objects

Aims: to practice counting from 1 to 10.

Language focus: How many pens? Six pens.

Target vocabulary: Numbers: six, ten, seven, eight, nine,

Cross-curricular links: Maths /ending the lesson activity/

Differentiated instruction: ex.7 /Extension activity/

Extra materials: the My Numbers! poster; Story cutouts from the Activity Book for Ex.7 Extension activity (Optional).



(An activity to revise the language from the previous module)

Name the school items, e.g. a book and a pen. Ask a pupil to bring them to you. Say Thank you as you receive them. Repeat with as many pupils as you thing is necessary.



(Activities to present and activate the new language)


Listen, point and repeat. (Track 24 CD1)

Pupils’ books closed. Put up the My Numbers! poster on the board. Point to numbers 1-5, one at a time, and elicit them. Then point to numbers 6-10, one a time, and present them. The pupils repeat, chorally and/or individually. Point to each number in random order. Ask individual pupils to say the words. Ask the rest of the class for verification.

Pupils’ books open. Play the CD. The pupils listen, point to the numbers and repeat them. Play the CD again pausing after each number. The pupils listen and repeat chorally and/or individually.



Six, seven, eight, nine, ten.



(Activities to present and activate the new language).

Flashcards (7-11)

Listen, point and repeat. (Track 21 CD1)

Pupils’ books closed. Put up the flashcards, one at a time, and say the corresponding words. The pupils repeat, chorally and/or individually. Point to each number in random order. Ask individual pupils to say the word. Ask the rest of the class for verification. Name a school item, e.g. book. Ask a pupil to show you a book. Repeat with the rest of the items.

Pupils’ books open. Play the CD. The pupils listen, point to the pictures and repeat the words. Play the CD again pausing after each number. The pupils listen and repeat chorally and/or individually.



schoolbag, book, pen, pencil, rubber

7        Let’s listen! (Track 25 CD1)

Set the scene by asking the pupils questions about what they can see in the pictures.

e.g. Teacher (pointing to the pencils in picture 1)  How many pencils?

      Class: Ten!

      Teacher: Yes! (pointing to the pens in picture 2). How many pens?

      Class: Six! etc.


Play the CD. The pupils listen and follow the dialogue in their books



Liam: How many pencils, Walter?

Walter: Ten pencils! Thanks.


Andy: How many pens?

Walter: Six pens!


Liam: How many books?

Walter: Just one book.


Walter: Oh, no! Lots of books!


Extension activity (Optional)

·        For stronger classes: Select a short exchange from the dialogue for the pupils to act out in pairs. Allow them some time to rephrase their exchanges. Have some pairs come to the front of the class and perform their exchanges.

·        For weaker classes: ask some pupils to take out their story cutouts. Ask them to shuffle them. Play the dialogue with pauses. The pupils listen and hold up the corresponding cutouts.


8        Listen and circle. Talk with your friend. (Track 26 CD1)

Point to the school items and elicit the names. Explain the activity. Play the CD twice if necessary. The pupils listen and complete the activity.

Answer key

1 six pens                                                 3 eight rubbers

2 nine pencils                                           4 seven books


The pupils work in pairs. They ask and answer questions about the numbers of the items they have circled. Demonstrate this yourself first. Check round the classroom, providing any necessary help. Ask some pairs to report back to the class.

Suggested answer key

A: How many pens?

B: Six pens.

A: How many pencils?

B: Nine pencils.

A: How many rubbers?

B: Eight rubbers.

A: How many books?

B: Seven books.


1 six pens                                        3 eight rubbers

2 nine pencils                                  4 seven books


9        Sing the Pencils in my schoolbag song! (track 27 CD 1)

Point to a schoolbag, count on your fingers and say: Pencils in my schoolbag, one, two, three! The pupils repeat after you. Follow the same procedure to present the rest of the song.

Play the CD. The pupils listen to the song. Play the song again and encourage the pupils to sing along.



Pencils in my schoolbag.

One, two, three!

Pencils in my schoolbag,

Four, five, six.

Pencils in my schoolbag,

Seven, eight, nine.

Ten pencils in my schoolbag!


Extension activity (Optional)

A class or in groups, the pupils can replace the pencils with other items they can find in their schoolbags and make up a new song. When they are ready, they can sing it to the class.

Suggested answer key

Rubbers in my schoolbag,

One, two, three!

Rubbers in m y school,

Four, five, six.

Rubbers in my schoolbag,

Seven, eight, nine.

Ten rubbers in my schoolbag!




(An activity to consolidate the language of the lesson.)

My lucky Number

Ask the pupils what their lucky number is from 1 to 10. Tell them to write it on a piece of paper and decorate it. Then they present their lucky number as they leave the classroom. Display the pupils’ drawing around the classroom. Then help them file their drawing their Language Portfolios.



If you wish, you can do page 30 from the Activity Book during this lesson or the next one.


тексерілді ____________

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