Инфоурок Английский язык Научные работыАнглийский слэнг в современном мире. Его значение и использование.

Английский слэнг в современном мире. Его значение и использование.

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Introduction.......................................................................................................p. 3

Chapter 1 Theoretical aspects of the concept of "slang"..................................p.  4

1.1. Language—its essence..............................................................................p.  4

1.2. Various concepts of slang.........................................................................p.  5

1.3. The most popular types of slang...............................................................p.  6

Chapter 2 The practical part............................................................................p.  7  

2.1. The analysis of the study of the use of slang among young people.........p.  7

2.2. Positive and negative characteristics of the use of slang …………........ p.  9

Conclusion...................................................................................................... p. 11

References...................................................................................................... p. 12

Supplements .................................................................................................. p. 13



















Linguistics refuses to divide all languages into perfect and imperfect, developed and underdeveloped, complex and simple. There is no "most correct" structure of the language. Similarly, there is no "detrimental" language. Language can not be perfectly uniform. Youth slang is a special form of language. From a certain age, many of us plunge into its element, but over time, as it "emerges" on the surface of the literary  spoken language. Youth slang is based on the game with a word on the special attitude to life that rejects everything right, boring, stable. It uses an invention, a joke, a tease. A striking feature of youth slang is that it quickly renovates.

The purpose of my work is to explore and analyse the meaning and use of the English slang among young people.

The relevance of the topic and the necessity of its choice are due to the widespread use of slang among young people both in oral speech and in writing in Internet.

The theoretical significance of the research consists in the attempt of studying the influence of the English language to the slang of young people and establish the need for its use in speech.

The practical significance is that the results can be used at lessons. Therefore, we have set the following tasks:

1.To study the existing definition of "slang";

2.To explore the variety of slang;

3.To identify positive and negative aspects of the use of slang;

4.On the analysis of surveys of students to determine the importance of slang in the lives of young people.

My work consists of introduction, two chapters, conclusion and supplements. In the first chapter we describe the various concepts of slang, the most popular types of its use among young people. In the second chapter we conduct a study of the use of slang among the students of our Lyceum, identify positive and negative aspects of the use of slang. In conclusion, we summarize the work done, presenting the main results in the survey.

Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of the concept of "slang"

1.1. Language—its essence

Linguistics offers powerful methods, which allow you to lift the veil over how people communicated who lived several thousand years ago and did not leave any written monuments. Impartially examining the immense sea of facts, linguistics refused to divide all languages into perfect and imperfect, developed and undeveloped, complex and simple. There is no "most correct" structure of the language. Because each language in its own improves its function, especially the ability to serve as a means of communication and expression of thought. Similarly, there is no "detrimental languages".

In every school Russian children study Russian literary language. A distinctive feature of the literary or standard language, normalization, i.e., the presence of rules. These rules are fixed in dictionaries of modern Russian language and grammar reference books. Literary language contrasted with vernacular, dialect and lingo. But for a larger part of Russian citizens not literary language is a language of everyday communication. Such a language is a vernacular or a dialect.

Language can not be perfectly uniform. People of different generations also speak differently. The older generation, listening to the young, wonder how spoiled is their language. Young people, on the contrary, consider the speech of old generation old-fashioned. Nevetheless, the differences are usually small and can be ignored. I mean such kind of speech as jargon. It is some kind of a language in a language. The youth jargon is often called a slang. In the youth society a jargon was common for a long time (the jargon of seminarians, high school students). The main thing in this linguistic phenomenon is a departure from the ordinary, boring world of adults, parents, and teachers. It is like its mother’s tongue-- sharp, loud, brash. Jargon— is the result of a peculiar desire to alter the world in a different way. Youth slang easily absorbs words from different languages. Young generations are replaced in 5-7 years, and with them is changing their language.


1.2. Various concepts of slang

Today it is impossible to imagine our life without mobile phones, computers, and many other forms of modern technology. In connection with the change in the world is changing a language and methods of transmission of messages, more and more  new words are appearing. An English language is also rapidly developing, enriching its vocabulary with new words. And new words are created on the basis of existing models of the language, expanding its vocabulary.

So, what is slang? It is unknown when the word "slang" first appeared in England in oral speech. In writing it appeared in the 18th century and meant—an insult.

In the dictionary by I. R. Galperin we read the words--"slang, jargon, swearing, swear." By definition of I. R. Galperin "slang" is a living, fluid language which keeps pace with the times."

In the "Dictionary of current English" edited by A. S. Hornby is given the explanation—"slang" - words, phrases, meanings of words. sometimes used in conversation, but not suitable for writing or formal occasions.

In the dictionary "Macmillan School dictionary" we read such explanation- "slang" --words and expressions that are very informal, not suitable for formal situations.

Slang—that is-- text abbreviations in English language with translation and examples, it is an integral part of the language, develops with it, absorbs new trends, ideas, interests.

So, slang is a speech of socially or professionally isolated groups to the contrary of  the literary language, it is  the version of spoken language, which does not coincide with the rules and standarts  of the literary language.







1.3. The most popular types of slang

What kinds of slang you can find — computer, criminal, professional, journalistic, slang of fans and others. Slang can be found in such textbooks as—Physics, Computer science, Algebra, Geometry, English. Thus, whether we like it or not, slang is becoming a part of our life. Daily reading books, studying textbooks, working in the Internet, corresponding via SMS we are facing with slang. What influences on the development of slang –computer technologies, culture, criminal vocabulary, computer games, films, hobbies, foreign languages, etc.

As I am studying youth slang and its use, I would like to focus on some of the varieties of slang that are more often used among young people:

1 - acronyms (sound) — when the words are composed from the initial letters of each word— b f n—bye for now, h a n d—have a nice day, t t u-talk to you;

2 - letter abbreviations — such words take off a piece of letters, the sound remains, and the meaning of a word is clear—u—you, t h x—thanks;

3 - alphanumeric- when letters and sounds can be replaced with numbers — l 8 r—later , 4 b—before ,2 morrow—tomorrow , 4 u—for you , c u—see you.














Chapter 2. The practical part

2.1. The analysis of the study of the use of slang among young people

I conducted a questionnaire survey among students of upper grades in my Lyceum in order to study the use of slang among young people. They were asked the following questions and I got the results.



1.How do you feel about English slang?

80 % answered- «positively»

20% answered- «negatively»



2.How often do you use slang in oral speech?

66% answered- «often»     

30% answered- «rarely»

4% answered- «never»



3. Do we need to  develop slang, to enrich the  stock of vocabulary?

26% answered-« yes»

60% answered-« no»

14% answered-« don't know»



4.Does slang help in communication?

66% answered-« yes»

34% answered-« no»


5.What do you like in using the  slang and what -not?


The originality of the language

Briefness of speech

Fast getting of information

It is easy, handy

Feel ourselves at ease, more relaxed

It is cool



Don't like:

Words are distorted

Russian language is getting clogged

English language is getting clogged

The misunderstanding of the interlocutor

It develops illiteracy

It is difficult to remember abbreviations

Lack of knowledge of slang











2.2. Positive and negative characteristics of the use of slang

What is the significance of slang in the lives of young people? Is it so important and necessary to use it in oral speech and writing? And do we need it at all? The question is debatable and we can not answer it definetily.

What positive aspects do we find in using the slang?

One of the founders of sociolinguistics, the famous scientist, linguist E. D. Polivanov noted that in some cases an intervention in the development of language is possible and necessary. After all, "a change is inevitable companion of the language of history." A striking feature of slang is its fast updatability. It helps to replace long phrases and words short. It has its special – familiar color, is used for the unusual sounding of speech, time-saving typing, saving money. Young people can not imagine their life without slang. They want to be modern. It helps to maintain relationships with coevals, and makes  their speech more alive and  emotional. Young people have become accustomed to the language. They consider it trendy, fun, popular.

What does slang attracts the youth with? These are the facts:

- strengthens group solidarity

- expresses freedom

- means a protest against the older generation

- does not require a stock of literary vocabulary

- entertainment

- does not contain rules of grammar, phonetics

So, it is their form of communication, as  young people understand each other - so it is comfortable and they  need it.

What negative sides can we name?

First of all, the lack of possession of right speech – a rich and literate. Literary vocabulary is getting poorer, a language is becoming limited. If people wont be able to understand each other they may become desolated. A person who knows how to possess stylistics and intonation attracts the attention of the interlocutor. But in different situations you can use different linguistic means. The interlocutors can communicate either equal or one of them feels superior (or dependency). The role affects of the nature of the speech: the young generation communicates with parents differently  as they do it  with coevals, and with a seller of the store – not the same way as with teachers. Thus, if young people understand each other, why can't they communicate in their own language – youth slang.



























According to the results of my work using such methods as observation, comparison, contrasting, questionnaire survey and analysis of the results, we have identified many positive aspects in the use of slang. In spite of the fact that slang is not a literary vocabulary even mass media, writes, actors and politicians consider it possible to use slang. We also mentioned  negative aspects and after all we revealed the capacity of slang, the necessity of its use in speech and writing.
























1. “Oxford Student's Dictionary of current English” edited by A. S. Hornby

2. “Macmillan School Dictionary”  

3. “New English-Russian Dictionary” edited by I. R. Galperin

4. “Encyclopedia for children”. Moscow. "AVANTA". 1998. Volume 10

5. Internet Resources























Supplement №1

1.How do you feel about English slang?

80 % answered – «Positively»

20% answered – «Negatively»

2.How often do you use slang in oral speech?


66% answered – «Often»

30% answered – «Rarely»

4% answered – «Never»

Supplement №2


3. Do we  need to develop slang, to enrich the stock the vocabulary ?

26% answered – «Yes»

60% answered – «No»

14% answered – «Don't know»

4.Does slang help in communication?

66% answered - «Yes»

34% answered «No»

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