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Ашық сабақ ағылшын тілінен 8 сынып

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The theme: Typical Kazakhstan animals and plants

Grammar: Modal verbs

The aim of the lesson:

  1. Educational: Мәтінмен жұмыс істеу арқылы Қазақстанның флорасы мен фаунасы жайлы мағлұмат беру; Modal Perfect грамматикалық тақырыбын бекіту; жаңа сөздермен таныстыру.
  2. Developing: Оқушылардың сыни тұрғыдан ойлау, шығармашылықпен жұмыс жасау дағдысын дамыту, ағылшын тіліне деген қызығушылығын арттыру.
  3. Bringing up: Өз елін, жерін сүйетін патриоттарды тәрбиелеу; әдепті, білімді, өз ойын ағылшын тілінде жеткізе білетін, бәсегеге қабілетті, шығармашыл жеке тұлға тәрбиелеу.

Stages of the lesson:

  1. Organizational moment

Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls! I’m very glad to see you. Sit down, please. Is anybody absent today? I’m going to divide you into two groups, please. First group is Snow Leopard, and the second group is Blue Spruce…


Warm up

Teacher: Let’s exchange our moods .Please, look at the blackboard and choose one of the adjectives you like, use it in your sentences.

(Individual) For example: My mood is wonderful, because I have so brilliant students today and quests also and we are going to speak about our country and the weather is so nice.

1) calm

2) excellent

3) cheerful

4) friendly

5) wonderful

Teacher: I ask them to express their opinions and moods using by adjectives. I ask several pupils.

Phonetic drill

Teacher : Now pupils, let’s do phonetic drill. Look at the board, let’s read all together :

The land of my fathers, the land of my choice.

The land which poets and minstrels rejoice.

I wish to flourish, be happy and bright.

I want to live and never to die!

Құя берсін күн нұрын кең далаға,

Күн мен дәнді силаған елге жаңа.

Асқақтаған Алатау шыңдарындай

Қазақстан көрінсін айналаға!

  1. Asking the home task ( In group)

Ex. 4c p.111 Good reading of the text «The British attitudes to animals and their treatment»

Ex. 5b p.111 Write about the clinics\hospitals\ for animals in Almaty.

  • Presentation of new theme: Kazakhstan animals and plants

Firstly,  I give them to read different text about animals and plants. After students will tell to each other about new information that they get from the text. It will improve their knowledge about nature and wildlife of Kazakhstan:

  1. Getting new information
  2. Finding new words and writing on the board (others into vocabulary)
  3. Speaking using by pictures of animals and plants


  1. Debate: Should we save animals and plants? (agree or disagree)  (In group)
  2. Relaxation: Music

Sound of nature and animals/birds

Questions: (Individual)

  1. Where are you?
  2. What have you dreamed about?
  3. What are your feelings?
  4. Did you think about something?


  1. Code of Ecological Rules. (In group) They write their opinions on posters and present.

– Don’t break trees

– Don’t leave litter

– Keep the country tidy…

  • Grammar: Modal perfect (In pairs)
  1. A) Revising the rules
  2. B) 1 Read the situations and write questions beginning Can … or Could …
  3. You’re carrying a lot of things. You can’t open the door yourself. There’s a man standing near the door. You say to him: Could you open the door, please?
  4. You phone Ann but somebody else answers. Ann isn’t there. You want to leave a message for her. You say: —
  5. You are a tourist. You want to go to the station but you don’t know where it is. You ask at your hotel. You say: —
  6. You are in a clothes shop. You see some trousers you like and you want to try them on. You say to the shop assistant: —
  7. You have a car. You have to go to the same place as John, who hasn’t got a car. You want to give him a lift. You say to John: —


Ex.2 What would you say in these situations?

  1. John has come to see you in your flat. You offer him something to eat.

YOU: Would you like something to eat? or Can I offer you something to eat?

JOHN: No, thank you. I’m not hungry.

  1. You need help to change the film in your camera. You ask Ann.

You: Ann, I don’t know how to change the film. —

ANN: Sure. It’s easy. All you have to do is this.

  1. You’re on a train. The woman next to you has finished reading her newspaper. Now you want to have a look at it. You ask her.

YOU: Excuse me —

WOMAN: Yes, of course. I’ve finished with it.

  1. You’re on a bus. You have a seat but an elderly man is standing. You offer him your seat.

YOU: —

MAN: Oh, that’s very kind of you. Thank you very much.

  1. You’re the passenger in a car. Your friend is driving very fast. You ask her to slow down.

YOU: You’re making me very nervous. —

DRIVER: Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize I was going so fast.




2 Can/Could I leave a message? or Can/Could you give her a message?

3 Can/Could you tell me how to get to the station? or .. the way to the station? or … where the station is?

4 Can/Could I try on these trousers? or Can/Could I try these (trousers) on?

5 Can I give you a lift?


2 Can/Could/Would you show me? or Do you think you could show me? or … do it for me?

3 Can/Could/May I have a look at your newspaper? or Do you think I could …?

4 Would you like to sit down? or Can I offer you a seat?

5 Can/Could/Would you slow down? or Do you think you could …?


  • Conclusion
  1. Home task: Ex.14-15 p.114
  2. Song: My bonnie lies over the ocean
  3. Marking


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