Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыCценарий праздника для учащихся 6-7 классов "Новогодний вечер"

Cценарий праздника для учащихся 6-7 классов "Новогодний вечер"

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Муниципальное  автономное общеобразовательное учреждение «Лицей № 6»  

городского округа город Уфа Республика  Башкортостан





















                                      Разработка   сценария  новогоднего  вечера 

                                               для  учащихся  6-7  классов



                                     Разработала:Учитель английского языка Назарова Инна Михайловна         
























                                                           Уфа –2018




            Любое внеклассное мероприятие по иностранному языку – это некий промежуточный результат совместной деятельности учителя и учащихся. А необходимость время от времени подводить итоги очевидна. Прежде всего для того, чтобы убедиться, что кроме долгого процесса обучения есть видимый результат от затраченных усилий. Это важно для мотивации дальнейшей деятельности учеников больше, чем что-либо другое.

            Кроме того, подготовка и участие в таких праздниках позволяет ребятам проявить больше свободы, учат взаимодействовать в группе.

            Как показывает практика, в дальнейшем у учащихся появляется уверенность в своих возможностях, они становятся инициативнее, предлагают свои идеи, готовы к сотрудничеству.


            Этот новогодний праздник проводился в 6-х и 7-х классах силами самих детей. Причём сценарий строился таким образом, чтобы задействовать каждого, даже не очень сильного ученика. ( Зато он может выучить наизусть небольшое стихотворение, помочь записать фонограмму или хорошо танцует.)

            Подготовка началась за неделю до праздника. (Готовиться дольше нет времени, да и « кураж» пропадёт.) Готовили карнавальные костюмы, необходимый реквизит, учили роли, стихи, песни. Были приглашены родители и ученики другой группы. По мере возможности их тоже постарались вовлечь в процесс. ( Они  писали для себя новогодние обещания, получили «предсказания» гороскопа, пели известные песни, отвечали на вопросы ведущих.)

            Оформляла класс инициативная  группа, особо c классным руководителем  обговаривался “ New Year Honour List”, где были размещены имена и фамилии учеников с их достижениями в учёбе, спорте, общественной жизни. (Важно не упустить ни одного ребёнка, чтобы не испортить ему праздник, а найти похвалу можно для каждого.)

            Также заранее договорились о подарках – маленьких сувенирах (шоколадка, брелок, ёлочная игрушка), но всё празднично упакованное.


            Из технических средств потребовались только ноутбук для караоке и другого музыкального сопровождения.






















        Звучит « Вальс цветов» из балета П.И.Чайковского « Щелкунчик».


        Student 1:  Hello, dear guests! Hello, boys and girls! Today is the best holiday of the year! The New Year is coming!

        Do you like this holiday?

        Why do you like it?


        Students:             I like a beautiful fur-tree!

                        I like presents!

                        I like winter!

                        I like fairy costumes!


        Student 1:  Fine! Today we have all that! Here is a beautiful fur-tree with colourful bright toys. You have nice costumes on and we’ll have a lot of fun.


         (Продолжает звучать музыка.)


        Student 2: We are going to play, recite poems and guess the riddles. Now make up a riddle and ask the class. The winners will get small prizes. ( Ученики делятся на 3 группы, получают конверт с загадкой, разрезанной построчно, быстро составляют её и загадывают классу.)


        Riddle 1:   The snow is falling

                        The ground is white

                        The toys on the fur-tree

                        Are golden and . . . (bright).


        Riddle 2:   His nose is black

                        Not seen in the dark

                        And frost in the air

                        Is nice for white . . . (bear).


        Riddle 3:    They run quickly on the snow

                        They are twins, as you know

                        What are they, tell me please

                        Yes, of course, they are . . . (skis).


        Student 3: New Year is the time for songs and dances. We all know the song “Jingle Bells”. It’s very gay and exciting. It tells us how nice it is to go in a sleigh along the winter road and listen to the bells ringing. Let’s sing it together.

        ( Используется караоке .)



        Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells                                  

        Jingle all the way!

        Oh what fun it is to ride

        In a one - horse open sleigh!



        Dashing through the snow

        In a one – horse open sleigh,

        O`er the fields we go

        Laughing all the way!



        Bell, on bob – tail ring

        Making spirits bright,

        What fun it is to ride and sing

        A sleighing song tonight!



            Student 4: (reads the poem by G. Ivens “When the snow comes”)


            Ice is on the pond now

            The sky is cold and grey

            Look! Oh, look! It’s snowing.

            Let’s go out to play!


            Make a lot of snowballs,

            Roll one on the ground,

            See it getting bigger,

            Push it round and round.


            Now we’ll put a hand on

            Two eyes, a pipe, a hat.

            What a lovely snowman,

            So white, so tall, so fat!


        Student 5:


        Do you  know that people have a habit of making New Year’s resolutions? They promise to start or stop doing something in the coming New Year?

        Here you can see different promises and you may choose and write them down.

            ( На доске дан список возможных обещаний.)




        I WILL                                                                         I WON’T


        Help my parents                                                Be late for school

        Study well at school                                                      Get bad marks

        Do my homework every day                             Eat chips and chewing gum

        Always tell the truth                                                      Drink much cola

        Always keep my word                                      Tell a lie

        Take care of my pet                                                      Be rude to my relatives         

        Eat more healthy food                                      Offend my friends

        Go in for sports                                                  Miss my school classes

        Learn to swim                                                                Watch TV late

        Keep the traffic rules                                                    


        Take these papers home and follow these resolutions.


        Student 6:  Let’s sing a beautiful song now. It’s “Merry Christmas”. You may follow the words on the screen.


        We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

        We wish you a Merry Christmas

        We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


        Good things we bring to you and your kin

        Good things for Christmas and a Happy New Year!

        Oh, bring us a figgy pudding

        Oh, bring us a figgy pudding and bring it right here!


        We won’t go until we get some

        So bring some out here.


        We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

        We wish you a Merry Christmas

        We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


        Student 7: You know that people in Great Britain celebrate Christmas. There are some traditions that you remember.


        When do they celebrate Christmas? (on the 25th of December )

        What is the traditional Christmas food? (roasted turkey, pudding . . .)

        Where do children usually find their presents? (in the stockings )

        How does Santa Claus usually enter the house? (through the chimney)  etc.





        Students 8, 9: (read the poem “Santa Claus”)


Oh, Santa Claus, no music beats                               Oh, through the wind and snow and sleet,

When you are passing down the streets,                   Up at the pane above the street

And who has heard from far away                            I’d watch for you, but old folks say,

The bells that tinkle on your sleigh,                          When children wake, you stay away,                                Dear Santa Claus!                                                          Dear Santa Claus!     



Your hand has never knocked the door,                   So you must bow above my bed-

Your foot upon the nursery floor                              This Christmas Eve and touch my head

Has never left a trace of snow.                                  With kisses, soft as shadows creep

How do you come? How do you go?                        And I may see you in my sleep,

        Old Santa Claus!                                                           Dear Santa Claus!


                                     On Christmas Eve for girls and boys

                                    You fill your stockings full of toys

                                    With many sweets and sugar plums

                                    But none have ever seen you come,

                                                Dear Santa Claus!


        Student 10: On Christmas people celebrate the birth of Christ and they sing religious songs – corals. We know one of them.



Silent night, holy night
All is calm, all is bright
Round yon Virgin Mother and Child
Holy Infant so tender and mild
Sleep in heavenly peace
Sleep in heavenly peace

Silent night, holy night!
Shepherds quake at the sight
Glories stream from heaven afar
Heavenly hosts sing Alleluia!
Christ, the Saviour is born
Christ, the Saviour is born

Silent night, holy night
Son of God, love's pure light
Radiant beams from Thy holy face
With the dawn of redeeming grace
Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth
Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth


        Student 11: We can’t go without dancing today. Our classmates will dance the most beautiful and romantic dance – the waltz.


       Student 12: In old times, when people believed in Druids not in Christ there was a tradition of celebrating Hogmany.  Hogmany is a Scottish name for New Year’s Eve.

       People made a procession in the streets. They wore fancy dresses and had fire torches in their hands. Pipers led the procession. They sang and danced. Then they put fires in the middle and danced around until the fire died.


      Student 13: Let us blow pipes, burn candles and walk after me. You may dance and sing. (Students follow the leader then he puts the candle in the centre.)

       Stop. Keep silence. Look at the fire and daydream of your wishes for the New Year. (The song “Auld Lang Syne” sounds.)



      Student 14: A lot of people believe in horoscopes. Do you believe in horoscopes?

      Now you’ll get predictions for the next year. You may read them at home, think over and discuss with your parents. (Звучит песня группы ABBAHappy New Year ”, дети и гости вытаскивают карточки с « предсказаниями».)

       В карточках – по 2-3 совета, которые эффективнее долгих воспитательных бесед. Позже желательно обсудить их, чтобы закрепить в памяти.



     Examples of predictions:


1)      It is important to focus on projects that need to be finished.

2)      Take care of personal matters.

3)      Travelling and doing things that are creative should be on the agenda.

4)      You will have lots of opportunities.

5)      You’ll gain respect if you stand up for yourself and do your own things.

6)      It’s time to stop worrying so much. If you are patient your life will improve.

7)      Make your own decisions on the information you are given.

8)      Travel for pleasure and visit your friends.

9)      Your past experience will help you to make the right decision.

10)  Have discipline to follow through with your plans.

11)You will make an interesting acquaintance

with someone who can help you in future.

11)  The more busy you are the better.

12)  Be conscientious about diet, exercise and rest.

13)  If you take good care of yourself and your relatives

 you will be able to achieve your plans.

14)  Don’t let your heart rule your head.

15)  Don’t let anyone talk you into doing something you don’t feel right.

16)  A lot of opportunities are coming your way.

17)  Do what you say and you’ll avoid trouble.

18)  Don’t let anyone push you into doing something you are uncertain.

19)  The more you can do this year the better.

20)  Your good deeds will result in special treatment from your parents and friends.

21)  Don’t be afraid to tell people how you feel and what your intentions are.

22)  You should do things that will help you to feel good about yourself.

23)  Do something that will broaden your outlook.

24)  You will have a lot of opportunities to get ahead.

25)  Spend more time with your relatives and make some comfort changes for them.

26)  Join a gym, start a new diet or do something that will make you feel healthy and strong.

27)  The future looks bright if you are clear of purpose.

28)  If you have some strong intention work on it.

29)  Your patience with your relatives and friends will be paid off.


          Teacher:  New Year is the time when we look back and sum up our achievements. On the blackboard you can see the New Year Honour List. Let’s greet your classmates who succeeded in studying, sports, art.

       Dear guests and pupils!                                                                                                            

I congratulate you on this fairy holiday!

I wish you good health.

I hope you’ll meet new friends.

I’m sure you’ll have a success in your life and work.

Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!                                                                                                   


          Student 15: Now let’s give each other presents that you’ve prepared and then we are going to have dances.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

























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Краткое описание документа:

Сценарий содержит обширный набор стихов, песен, новогодних пожеланий и обещаний. Может быть использован как полностью, так и выборочно, в зависимости от уровня подготовки детей и времени, отведенного на мероприятие.

Важно участие каждого ребенка в группе: кто-то хорошо поет, рисует, танцует, кто-то организатор от природы.

Рекомендуемое время на подготовку – одна неделя.

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