Инфоурок Иностранные языки Другие методич. материалыDo you want some Pepsi (5 сынып)

Do you want some Pepsi (5 сынып)

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Form: 5

The theme of the lesson: Do you want some pepsi?

The aims of the lesson

Educational: Recycling the Present Simple and new theme do you want some Pepsi?

Developing: To develop pupils’ speech habits, through reading, speaking, listening and writing.

Upbringing: To develop pupil’s talking about times of event and say what they like and don’t like.

Type of the lesson: Presentation

Method of the lesson: explanation, demonstration, exercises

Visual aids: interactive-board, pictures, books.

The procedure of the lesson

І Introduction 1 Greeting

-Good afternoon, children.

 -Good afternoon, teacher.

Thank you. Sit down, please.

-Who is on duty today?

-Who is absent today?

What date is it today?

II  Checking  up the home task?

-Now pupils, what was your home task?

Ex 6 Learn by heart new words

Are you ready? Who wants to say?

Sunny-                                                                                  hot-

Raining-                                                                                warm-

Windy-                                                                                 cold-

Snowing-                                                                              dry-

cloudy-                                                                                 wet-


Good. Thank you!

III Explain the new theme

Now children open your copy–books and write down today’s date. Our new theme is Do you want some Pepsi? Today we are speaking about drinks and say what you like and don’t you like.

Ok. Look at the blackboard. We have new words. Listen to me and repeat after me.

New words:

Coke [kәuk] кока- кола

Pepsi [pepsi] пепси-кола

Juice [dзu:s] шырын

Lemonade [lemә’neid] лимонад

Chips [tsips] қуырылған қытырлақ картоп

Crisps [krisps] қытырлақ картоп

A hamburger [hәmbә:gә] гамбургер

Cheese [tsi:z] сыр

Biscuit [biskit] печенье

Repeat after me all together. Ok write down words in vocabulary. Have you finishing?

Mow look at the ex 1 we have dialogue. Let’s read and translate.

Colin, Omar, Ben, Carol, Ann, Asel at Colin’s party.

Colin: Do you want some Pepsi?

Omar: No, thanks.

Colin: Do you want some Coke?

Omar: Yes, please. I love Coke.

Colin:  There’s a football match tomorrow. Do you want to come?

Omar: Yes, all right.

Colin; What about you, Ben?

Ben: No, thanks. I’m busy.

Omar: What time does it start?

Colin: At 4 o’clock.

Thank you, very good.

Look at the ex 2 what can you see in these pictures? Who wants?

Very good . Look ex 3.  In this exercises you write what do you eat? What do you drink?

Food                                                                               Drink

I eat cake                                                                     I drink apple juice

---------------                                                                 ----------------------

---------------                                                                 ----------------------

Ex 4 Listen and repeat

Colin: Do you want some lemonade?

Omar: No, thanks.

Colin: Do you want some Coke?

Omar: Yes, please, I love Coke.

Look at the interactive –board. Ex 5 Talk to you friend . Use words in ex 2.

1)  ---------------  you  want  -------------- Pepsi?

  ---------------  thanks .

2) Do you ------------- some --------------?

 ----------,  please .  I  ---------  Pepsi .

3) Do ------------- want ------------ chips?

Yes -----------. ------ love  -----------.

Ex 6 Listen and repeat.

Colin: There’s a football match tomorrow. Do you want to come, Omar?

Omar: Yes, all right. I love football.

IV Confirmation work

Answer the question

1 Do you want some orange juice?

2 Do you want some apple juice?

3 There’s a football match tomorrow. Do you want to come?

4 What time does it start?

Translate these sentences

-Do you want some coke?

Do you want some biscuits?

Do you want some tomato juice?

Do you want some crisps?

What time does it start?

I love football.

3 Put in the missing letters.

Now pupils, are you understand?

1)      a  fo---tba-----   mat---h

2)      a disc---

3)      a part---

4)      a ha---bur---er

5)      a ca---e

6)      a co---e

7)      a oran---e    jui---e

Good. The next you must try the crossword.









1)      coke  2) hamburger  3) juice 4) Pepsi 5) biscuits


Ok, children very well. You are the best today.

V Home task

Open your diaries and write down your home task.

Ex 12

Learn by heart new words.

VI Marks

P 1 –You are the best one who works hard today. Your English is good and I put excellent.

P2 –I put mark good.

Our lesson is over. Thank you for your attention.







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Form: 5

The theme of the lesson: Do you want some pepsi?

The aims of the lesson

Educational: Recycling the Present Simple and new theme do you want some Pepsi?

Developing: To develop pupils’ speech habits, through reading, speaking, listening and writing.

Upbringing: To develop pupil’s talking about times of event and say what they like and don’t like.

Type of the lesson: Presentation

Method of the lesson: explanation, demonstration, exercises

Visual aids: interactive-board, pictures, books.

The procedure of the lesson

І Introduction 1 Greeting

-Good afternoon, children.

-Good afternoon, teacher.

Thank you. Sit down, please.

-Who is on duty today?

-Who is absent today?

What date is it today?

II Checking up the home task?

-Now pupils, what was your home task?

Ex 6 Learn by heart new words

Are you ready? Who wants to say?

Sunny- hot-

Raining- warm-

Windy- cold-

Snowing- dry-

cloudy- wet-


Good. Thank you!

III Explain the new theme

Now children open your copy–books and write down today’s date. Our new theme is Do you want some Pepsi? Today we are speaking about drinks and say what you like and don’t you like.

Ok. Look at the blackboard. We have new words. Listen to me and repeat after me.

New words:

Coke [kәuk] кока- кола

Pepsi [pepsi] пепси-кола

Juice [dзu:s] шырын

Lemonade [lemә’neid] лимонад

Chips [tsips] қуырылған қытырлақ картоп

Crisps [krisps] қытырлақ картоп

A hamburger [hәmbә:gә] гамбургер

Cheese [tsi:z] сыр

Biscuit [biskit] печенье

Repeat after me all together. Ok write down words in vocabulary. Have you finishing?

Mow look at the ex 1 we have dialogue. Let’s read and translate.

Colin, Omar, Ben, Carol, Ann, Asel at Colin’s party.

Colin: Do you want some Pepsi?

Omar: No, thanks.

Colin: Do you want some Coke?

Omar: Yes, please. I love Coke.

Colin: There’s a football match tomorrow. Do you want to come?

Omar: Yes, all right.

Colin; What about you, Ben?

Ben: No, thanks. I’m busy.

Omar: What time does it start?

Colin: At 4 o’clock.

Thank you, very good.

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