Инфоурок Иностранные языки Рабочие программыEnjoy your flight. 9 grade

Enjoy your flight. 9 grade

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Theme: “Enjoy your flight!”(9 grade)

Objectives: 1. To study new words connected with travelling by airplane, to read  the text, to answer the questions, to repeat the definite article “the”;

          2.To develop communicative skills, to improve pronunciation and translation habits;

          3.To bring up to be educated and responsible.

Type: new theme through competition, group work.

Visual aids: grammar placard, posters, crossword, cards.

The procedure of the lesson:

I.                   Org. moment: Good morning, pupils! How are you? Who is on duty today? Who is not present? What date is it? What day is it? What is the weather like today?

II.                Control of the h/w: The use of the definite article “the”. Before mountain groups: the Rockies; oceans, seas, rivers: the Caspian Sea, the Nile, the Atlantis Ocean; hotels: the Kazakhstan; museum and galleries: the British museum.

“The” is not used before countries: Canada; cities: Astana; states: Colorado; streets: Shkolnaya street; lakes: Esik.

Ex.7 p.72      Correct sentences where necessary.

1.     We visited Canada and United States. Wrong. The United States.

2.      Africa is much larger than Europe. Correct.

3.     South of England is warmer than north. Wrong. The south and the north.

4.      In Spain we swam in Mediterranean. Wrong. The Mediterranean.

5.     Tom has visited most countries in western Europe. Correct.

6.     My friend used to work as a reporter in Middle East. Correct.

7.     Next year we are going skiing in Swiss Alps. Wrong. The Swiss Alps.

8.     Malta has been a republic since 1974. Correct.

9.     Nile is the longest river in Africa. Wrong. The Nile.

10. The UK consists of GB and Northern Ireland. Correct.

III.             New theme: Enjoy your flight!

Speaking. Get into 2 groups and discuss the following questions.

·        Are planes really safer than cars? (A British study shows that flying is 176 times safer than walking, 15 times safer than driving and 300 times safer than a motorbike).

·        What are the advantages of travelling by airplane? What are the disadvantages?

·        Have you ever seen a female pilot? Why do you think that most pilots are men?

·        Would you like to be a flight attendant? What are the good and bad sides?

·        Do you know someone who is afraid of flying in an airplane?

·        How old were you when you went on your first flight? Where did you go?

·        Do you like to travel by airplane?

·        What was the longest flight you have ever taken?

Vocabulary. Ex.1 p.73-74    Read the questions and match the definitions for the boldfaced words:

Questions about flying                                             Definitions

1.     Is there a flight to London,                             a. Reporting your presence at            please?                                                             an airport.

2.     Is it a direct flight, or do I                                 b. An instance of travelling

have to change planes?                                         by air.

3.     Do they serve food? What                                 c. Station where transport

terminal does it leave from?                                 vehicles load or unload

4.     Is there an airport bus?                                         passengers or goods.


5.     Can I have a window / aisle seat?                      d. Depart from the ground.


6.     What time do I have to check in?                       e. Passageway between                                 

                                                                               seating areas as in a

                                                                               passenger vehicle.


7.     What time does it take off?                                 f. The act of coming down

                                                                                to the earth.


8.     What time does it land?                                       g. A flight with one or more

                                                                                                                                          intermediate stops but no

                                                                                        change of aircraft.

                                                                                        h. Help with food or drink.

Anagrams. These anagrams connected with the text. Find them.

1.     EBUTORL – trouble

2.     GEINEN – engine

3.     UORNVES – nervous

4.     TILPO – pilot

5.     ABNCISINALM – cannibalism

6.     BFOLOTAL – football

7.     YTARGED – tragedy

Read. Groups A and B reads texts A and B. Make up 5 questions each group. Answer them.

Crossword. Pupils did it at home.

Ex.4 p.75      Decide in groups which of the following activities are allowed or not allowed on the plane: drinking, smoking, opening doors and windows, eating, standing up, undoing your seat belt, reading, running, sleeping, walking around.

How do you say these in your language?

The visibility is poor,Non-stop,Fasten your belt, please



Left-luggage officeUnfasten your seat beltAn air-pocketLost and foundEnjoy your flight!






Opposites: lost – found, fasten – unfasten, poor – good


Visibility – видимость

Unfasten – отстегнуть

VII. H/t: ex.5 p.76      Your friend is going on holiday. Remind him / her of the things he / she must do. New words by heart.

VIII. Conclusion, marks.


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